Something Different Something...

By Siyyamah

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The lives of two unsuspecting people are brought together by the strings of destiny. They are two different p... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eleven

2.4K 338 84
By Siyyamah

Yasmin's POV

We arrived at the hospital in 20 minutes. I felt both nervous and good that he was with me. Would Afrah like him?

We walked briskly until we arrived at her room. I walked inside and saw someone with her. She was giggling at something the person said. I smiled seeing her happy.

The smile was wiped off my face when the person turned.

I was about to speak when Afrah spoke. "Ya yashmeen,auncle Salman brought me chocwolates and a pwincess colowing book." She was smiling and looked so happy I didn't want to burst her bubble.

I nodded at her and smiled. "That's good. But we don't want your teeth getting all rotten now do we?"

She shook her head, a wide grin on her face. "I'll eat just one a day."

I couldn't help the grin on my face. "Alright. Promise?"

She held out her pinky and I held mine out too. "Promise." She said

I kissed her little fingers and turned to see both Salman and Yazid looking at me.

Salman smiled but I didn't smile back. I turned to Yazid motioning him closer.

"Afrah,meet my friend Yazid. He came to see how you were doing."

Yazid came closer and smiled at her. "How are you today?"

"I'm fine. I don't feel much pain anymore." She said.

He nodded. "That's good. Nice to meet you Afrah."

She grinned. "Nish to meet you too Yazwid." Then she frowned as if she registered something. She turned to me.

"Ya yashmeen,is he the yazwid I heard you calling his name in your sleep?"

I gasped and my cheeks turned red. When did I call his name in my sleep. God I felt so embarrassed with both Yazid and Salman in the room.

I heard Yazid chuckle but I refused to turn my head to look at any of them.

Afrah,oblivious to the damage she caused continued. "You said you mished his voice while you were slweeping. I heard you."

I had enough. "Oh, you must've heard wrong." I gave a nervous chuckle.

Never been so embarrassed. And the funny part is that I didn't even know I called his name while asleep. What is wrong with me?

"I'm coming,I'll be right back." I excused myself before Afrah further embarrasses me.

I was standing outside the room when I felt someone stand next to me. I didn't have to turn to know who it was.

I was about to leave when he stopped me. "Please let's talk."

"I have nothing to say to you Salman."

"Please just listen to me. I'm sorry okay? I didn't know what was happening. I didn't know you were going through so much. Please forgive me."

"I don't care about your apology. I don't see why you even care. Your main purpose in this world is just to annoy the hell out of me and right now that's you're doing. Please just leave me alone."

He sighed. "What can I do to make it better? I know I've been a douche bag..."

I rolled my eyes at the obvious.

"...But I want to make it up to you. We started off the wrong way and I want us to atleast be friends."

"You don't have to feel obliged to make it up to me. I honestly don't care about what you do. I stopped caring about anything related to you a long time ago."

He ran his hand over his head clearly frustrated. "When did you get this stubborn?"

"News flash: people change. I'm not that naive little girl anymore."

"Is this about him?" He asked.

"Who's him?" I knew who he was talking about but I acted oblivious.

"Him,the guy you came with."

"That's none of your business. I'm done having this conversation with you."

I walked out on him and went back to the room.

Yazid was seated near Afrah reading out a fairytale for her from one of the many storybooks I bought for her.

My heart warmed at the sight. She was listening with so much concentration and laughed when he made silly faces mimicking some characters.

"Having fun without me?" I pouted.

They both laughed. Yazid winked at me and continued reading. In like 5 minutes,Afrah was soundly asleep.

I drew up the covers and tucked her in.

"She's a very sweet girl." Yazid whispered.

I sighed sadly. "I know."

"Hey,look at me."

I looked at him. "She's going to be alright in sha Allah."

I nodded. I wanted that to be true so badly.

We left the room and I closed the door softly behind me. I didn't want to leave her all alone so I decided to call Amir or Amirah to come stay with her.

I called Amir and he said he was already on his way. We sat on one of the hospital chairs while we waited for Amir.

"You don't have to wait with me. Amir will he here in a few."

"It's fine. I want to."

"Thank you." I said.

"So you call my name in your sleep huh?" He teased.

"Oh God!" I covered my face with my hands.

I peeked and saw him laughing at me.

"It's not funny." I pouted.

"It is but you don't have to feel embarrassed. Who knows whether I call your name in my sleep too."

I laughed at that. "I doubt that."

"You never know."

Just then Amir arrived putting an end to our playful conversation. He looked more mature,like he was holding the burden of the world on his shoulder and I don't blame him. He looked tired and exhausted.

He shook hands with Yazid but not before giving him a suspicious look. He turned to me. "Go get some rest,I'll be with her until anty hafsa comes."

"Okay. How are you though?"I asked.

"I'll be fine."

"Wanna talk?" I felt like there was something else bothering him.

"We'll talk at home." He said glancing at Yazid.

"Okay. Bye,see you later."

We were in the parking lot when Yazid spoke." Your brother doesn't seem to like me."

I brushed it off. "Don't mind him,that's how he is to people he doesn't know. Anyway need a ride home?"

He didn't look convinced but didn't say anything either.

" nah,I'm good. Go ahead,you need rest. I'll see you tomorrow." He said looking distracted as he stared at something at my back.

I turned but I didn't see anything. He was already backing off. "Everything Okay?" I asked.

He nodded distractedly and waved me off before jogging away.

Hmm..that was strange. I thought.


Yazid's POV

I was about to accept a ride from her just so I could spend more time with her when I noticed them.

I quickly dismissed Yasmeen and jogged farther away from her. How did they find me? Were they following me? Maybe it was time I stopped hanging around her. It was dangerous. I didn't want them to find out I had another weakness.

But I was lying to myself. I couldn't stay away from her even if I wanted to. I really should use my brain to think instead of my heart. She didn't deserve to be a part of this mess. I wish there was a way out..

"Pretty girl you got there." A deep voice spoke.

I turned and Obi was standing there with two other young guys I couldn't recognize. New recruits maybe.

He was a big guy. A very big guy and to his bonus very tall.  His looks are very intimidating. His head was always shiny with no trace of a single hair. His eyes so red that I couldn't bring myself to look into them.

"What are you talking about?" I feigned ignorance.

He moved swiftly and grabbed me by the neck raising me above the ground. My eyes were wide with fear as he tried to choke me. I struggled to release his hold but he was far too strong. I made a mental note to start working out.

"Don't play games with me Hausa boy. You know what happens if you don't deliver the package. And you owe me boy. Need I remind you of that pretty lady. You don't want this one to leave you now do you? It would've been a shame. She looks like a keeper."

Breathing was becoming difficult but my fists clenched in anger as he said those words. God forbid I allow them hurt someone close to me again.

He finally released me and threw me on the ground. I placed my hand on my neck where it still hurt.

"Don't come close to her." I gritted.

He laughed. "That's up to you boy. Do as you're told and no one will get hurt."

I tried to stand up but one of his boys used his leg to pin me on the ground.

"Teach him a lesson boys. He needs to reminded that he doesn't fuck with obi and go scot free."

I felt the first blow. And then the next. My whole body was in pain. They continued hitting me and I had no more strength to fight anymore.

"Enough!" Obi commanded and they stopped. "Now boy,I'll see you tomorrow." And with that they disappeared.

I tried standing but couldn't. I think I might've cracked a rib or something. I laid there on the field as I drifted in and out of consciousness before I finally got the strength to stand up.

I didn't know whether to be angry or not. And I decided being angry was better because it distracted me from the pain. All the pent up anger I held against my so called father was back. This was all his fault.

I staggered to the main road till I found a Rickshaw to take me home. I was in so much pain.

I groaned and the driver just shook his head. I paid the man and got down. I winced as I tried knocking the door.

Sumie opened the door and gasped as she saw me. She helped me inside without asking any questions. 

"Where's Umma?" I asked her.

"She's sleeping."

I tried nodding but couldn't because of the pain. "Don't tell her about this please."

She was crying softly now as she tended to my wounds. "Ya Yazid,when will this stop? I can't bear to see you this way."

"Shh.." I wiped the tears on her face. "It's going to be fine. Trust me,I'll find away. You don't have to worry about a thing. Just concentrate on school okay?"

She sniffed and nodded.

I smiled but it came off as a grimace.

"Where's Khalid?" I asked about my little brother.

"He's at the neighbours."

"Good. Do you guys have any problem?"

She put her head down.

"Talk to me. Is there anything wrong?"

"It's just that the lens in my glasses broke today at school and I can hardly see without it. But it's fine,I'll manage." She smiled.

"Don't worry. I promise I'll get a new one for you soon. That one needed a change anyway." I smiled at her.

Things were starting to get really difficult. I was so lost. I didn't know what to do. I needed to start looking for another job. Yasmin pay was okay but it wasn't enough. But where would I look for one?

I sighed and excused myself from sumie. I went to my room and laid down waiting for sleep to take me.


A/N: Things are starting to heat up. We're getting more glimpses into Yazid's life. Do you think salman's apology is sincere? And there was once a pretty lady in yazid's life. What happened to her?🤔

And the story continues..

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