Dricki OneShots/Mini-Series:...

By _Books4l

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Dricki OneShots || Dricki Short Stories More

Letting Go (Part 1)
Letting Go (Part 2)
Letting Go (Part 3)
Back & Better (1)
Back & Better (2)
Back & Better (3)
The Best Man (1)
The Best Man (2)
The Best Man (3)
The Best Man (4)
Make Ya' Money (1)
Which Short Story Should I Continue?
When I'm Broken... (1)
When I'm Broken... (2)
HoneyTRAP (1)
New Beginnings (1)
The Industry (1)
The Industry (2)
The Mistress
Teenage Fever
Before It All
After It All
College Girl (1)
On My Own (1)
On My Own (2)
On My Own (3)
On My Own (4)
For The Love
Beyond The Lights (1)
Beyond The Lights (1.5)
Fight For Me...For Us (1)
New Drake Story!
Not What You Want (1)
June 29th: Mentally Unstable
June 29th: Pornstar Pussy
June 29th: Story of Adonis
June 29th: Finale

Not What You Want (2)

986 32 6
By _Books4l

"Is salmon fine for dinner tonight honey?" I asked Travis as we walked through Publix, getting some groceries for the house.

After my mom and Kendra's big blow up last week, things between Travis have been even rockier. Like always, my mother went and ran her mouth to him about the situation. Now, he believes that I told my sister about our fighting to gain sympathy.

"I told you I don't care, just put the shit in the basket so I can hurry up and buy it."

I don't know where we went wrong. In the beginning, Travis was honestly a very loving person with so much hope and so many goals. He was nothing less than respectful, which honestly made me fall for him. He came from a wealthy family, but I saw so much more in him than that.

As soon as we finished school, I worked in the medical field for a little while until he was able to earn a spot at small law firm on the outskirts of Atlanta. Life was great for us, we had got our on little apartment in Buckhead and was honestly enjoying the simplicity of life.

Travis made me forget what I'd been through. I no longer had to worry about the life I had while living in the slums, or even admit to the fact that I had shitty ass parents. He was that breathe of fresh air that every girl dreamed of, but that surely changed once he earned a position at an even bigger law firm.

His name grew throughout the city of Atlanta and so did his pride. Though he came from money, he could finally say that he was making his own. Travis was earning some of the biggest cases in the city, which resulted in millions of dollars in revenue.

We moved from our small apartment to a luxurious Buckhead mansions. He insisted that I quit my job and become a 'stay at home wife in the making'. At first, I wasn't pleased that he wanted me to depend on him but my mother thought that the idea would be great. She thought that I could start preparing for the children we would have and the wife I would become. In the midst of it all, I became so naive and lost the person I was from the beginning.

Eventually, the abuse began from small arguments we would have. It started from a slap on the face that later ended in pinching, kicking, and punching. At first, he would apologize and spoil me with shopping sprees but that stopped once the abuse became a regular thing. Deep down, I was tired of fighting and arguing but I felt hat I was no one if I was to leave him. My entire life had revolved around Travis for a while now, so I'd lost myself in everything he'd become.

I sighed, throwing the packet of salmon into the basket. I didn't know if he wanted mashed potatoes or rice, and I didn't really want to answer in fear of his brutal response. I personally decided on potatoes, so I decided to go and get some.

"Where the fuck are you going, the rice is right here." I sighed, "I was going to make mashed potatoes, you didn't say what you wanted."

"Rice goes with salmon, use your fucking head Onika." I rolled my eyes, "They're both starches, it really wouldn't matter."

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to in that tone, you better get yourself together before I show you how. I do too much for you to get this type of disrespect."

I drowned out the annoying voice of Travis, stopping dead in my tracks once I made eye contact with a pleasure of my past. As soon as he saw me, he began walking towards me. I froze up, not knowing how Travis would react but there was honestly no stopping whatever was about to happen.

"Onika?" I smiled, "Who are you?" Travis asked before I could even respond. "Oh, sorry about that bro. I'm Aubrey, I'm just an old friend of Onika's."

"I'm not your bro, we're not related and I know exactly who you are. You're her ex, let's keep in that way."

Travis yanked me by my arm, pulling me towards the checkout area. I immediately felt bad for not saying a word to Aubrey, but I didn't want to cause any issues between Travis and I for the night. We brought the groceries and left the store, but as soon as we left the building... Travis got into one of his modes.

"So you think you're going to embarrass me like that? You think it's okay having your little exes come over and speak to you while I'm right there. You're fucking him, aren't you?"

"Travis what are you talking about? I didn't know that he would be there, I hadn't seen him in years."

I felt the left side of my face begin to sting as his fist connected with my flesh. My head immediately cocked to the side from the force of the punch, which resulted in pain.

"Keep playing with me and I'll break your fucking jaw." I glanced at him from the side of my eye, seeing that we were coming to a stop due to a red light. In the quickest motion possible, I tore off my seatbelt and hopped out of the car.

"Onika", Travis yelled while slamming on the steering wheel. I began to run as the lights turned green, hearing the horns blow. I didn't know where I was running to, but I was going as fast as my legs would allow me to.

I heard the sirens of a police vehicle, which made me stop. The car pulled onto the side of me as two officers got out of the car. "Ma'am are you okay?"
I shook my head no. I really couldn't speak through the tears, plus the pain from the blow I had just took to the face.

In that moment, I thought about everything that could go wrong. If I told the police everything that had just happen, I would have to explain everything that had ever happened between Travis and I. Of course, they would encourage me to press charges which would be the downfall of his career as an attorney.

"No-no. My fiancé and I got into an altercation and he hit me". The officer looked at me as he got out of the car, "Oh my, ma'am your entire cheek is bruised. I think we need to call the paramedics and we're going need some information to help you out."

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