K L A N C E D // Klance One-s...

By keyungso

221K 5.4K 8.8K

"Let's make our own shade of purple with red and blue." mature content. More

shower smut ;)
Ruin me
Promises are promises
keith has pimples and lance is a secretly a beauty guru
keith is a l0ser
lance is stUpid....ly in love
superhero au
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idk au
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idk i tried making angst but it turned out fluffy
keith would be a great neko
drunk keith is the best keith part two
drunk keith is the best keith part two of the part two
soulmate au-1
soulmate au-2
short fic i wrote while pooping
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galra au
text au pt.2
keith has amnesia au
keith would be a great neko- pt 2
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beware !!
beware!! pt-2
beware!! pt-3
beware!! pt-4
keith as a cat demon
poop story i wrote while pooping
keith with piercings sounds hot
Prince and bodyguard action
party au with a plot twist
prince and bodyguard smut
superhero au pt2
my life is a mess lol
youtuber au pt2
more prince and bodyguard au
keith being a clingy cat shit
kinda yacchan x tamura au
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keith as a loser and lance being daddy material like always
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just plain smut

7.4K 153 268
By keyungso

"Goodnight, man."


Keith watches as the figure disappears from his room, his eyes boring tiredly to the door as he breathes out shakily.

3 years, to be exact. 3 fucking years of not so obvious pinning but he just never notices it. It's driving Keith crazy to just run his fingers through the person's soft, brown hair. Look into his mesmerizing blue eyes, and slam his forehead against his and take his own first kiss right there and then.

It drives Keith fucking crazy and he can't do anything about it.

Because Lance McClain is as straight as a ruler. And his only best friend.

They met about 3 years ago when Keith joined Campton University. He was shy and quiet, cautious about everyone and everything, he still is. People never talked to him and tried avoiding him, probably thinking he feels better off alone. Keith wants himself to think that too; that he doesn't need anyone else. Then Lance approached him asking for Biology notes. Then he approached him again for Math notes. Then asked him to eat lunch with his table. Then visited him out with his friends.

After a while, he realized he actually likes Lance's constant teasing and his bubbly laugh and his stupid jokes.

The more they talk, the more Keith thi- no, the more he knows he doesn't view Lance as just his friend. Or best friend, for that matter.

Sighing loudly, he turns his head slightly when his phone beside him buzzes and lights up, a new message from Hunk on the notification screen.

He squints at the bright light as he opens his phone and reads the text.

You bailed on us. Lance just did the same thing just now. Said he has a date tonight. You two better make up for this with that new cheesy pizza flavour. Losers.

He finds himself frowning deeper when he reads the text over again. It's not anger. More like disappointment. Sadness. He knows that being surprised by this shouldn't even be allowed because he knows Lance is straight and he knows Lance is not his and he can date and like any girl girl he can.

But Keith can't help but feel a twinge of betrayal. As if he has something with Lance. As if he has a chance.

A tear falls onto his phone, gliding downwards slowly as it finally leaps off the screen.

As if he realizes he's doing something wrong, he quickly shuts his phone down and wipes his face with his arm. Fuck it, Keith thinks, standing up.

He rummages through his wardrobe, throwing out clothes messily as to give any sort of relief from his stressed out mind. He pulls out a black thong- a present from Pidge, and an oversized sweatshirt and changes.

The thong feels kind of itchy on his sensitive skin but it gives him some sort of pleasure to be able to wear something so dangerous. So confident.

The sweatshirt covers his body only until his mid-thigh. The dark purple, almost magenta color making his dark violet eyes pop prettily.

He runs his hand through his hair messily and looks at himself in the mirror, tongue swirling out to lick his dry lips as he enjoys the view.

If Lance isn't gonna fuck me, I'll find someone else to do it.

Grabbing his phone, he goes out and closes the door, his mind set onto the nearest, and only gay bar in the neighbourhood.

As soon as he arrives, his ears turn numb due to the loud beat coming from the huge speakers. Bodies grinding and bumping against his make him uncomfortable but he pushes the feeling aside, determined to shut his insecurities and worries once and for all.

He tries making his way through the jumping mass of bodies and towards the bar. Probably needs to get a little drunk to be able to take in all of this.

A familiar brown-haired boy pops up on his mind as he drinks his shot. It tastes bitter, yet has a sweet tang to it. Another shot gives a satisfying burn to his throat as he drinks another one.

By the time he's lost count of how much he drank, his head is spinning and smiling and he struggles to even form a sentence.

"One....More....." He mumbles out, lips forming into a pout, eyes drooping low.

"Dude, you had like, a lot. Why don't I order you an Uber?"

"No!" Keith screams, slipping down until his head rests against the cold, metal table. Ah...Cold..

When he finally accepts that the bartender won't give him anymore drinks tonight, he stumbles his way through the crowd again, his original plan of getting laid by someone hotter and better than Lance thrown out the window and replaced by getting into bed as soon as possible.

Jesus, Keith can't think straight. The screen on his phone looks foreign and deadly bright. He shuts it off and shoves it in his pocket, deciding fuck it let's just walk home.

He knows he's drunk. It's apparent from his blurry vision, numb tongue and constant giggling to himself. He knows he can't control his body right now but he doesn't do anything as he walks to a different side of the neighbourhood.

By the time he realizes he's not heading towards his house, he's standing in front of Lance's door, ringing the doorbell with a stupid smile on his face.


Keith's about to break for it but the door opens with a sleepy-looking Lance, wearing a bathrobe and nothing but boxers inside, if Keith can see from the smooth exposed chest under the unbuttoned top buttons.

The sleepy look vanishes as they both stare at each other, finally processing what the fuck is going on. Eyes linger downwards and Lance almost chokes when he realizes how little clothing Keith is wearing right now and quickly averts his eyes somewhere else.

"Keith?" Fuck, his voice sounds so raspy and deep that Keith fucking shivers.

Lance sees it due to the cold night weather and he quickly opens the door to let Keith in.

"What are you doing here? It's 1 am." Keith hears Lance saying behind him as the door clicks close. Collapsing onto the nearest sofa, Keith chooses not to answer Lance, not trusting his drunk self enough to open his mouth. His head feels awful and he flinches when laying his head just makes it worse.

Suddenly, Lance's face appears right in front of him, so close that Keith can feel his breath on him. A warm hand touches his forehead and Keith's heart stops as he stares at the beautiful, concerned blue eyes.

"Are you sick?" Mint. Keith realizes. His breath smells like mint. "Cause it's not that-" The rest of it falls deaf to Keith's ears as his faze shifts down to the pouty, full lips of the person in front of him.

Lance talks so smoothly, his mouth forming words perfectly and beautifully and Keith can't help but imagine how those pretty lips would look like around his dick.

He should have known better to have never accepted the offer of going in here the first place, because he finds himself leaning towards him and placing a soft kiss onto those lips.

Time stops as Keith can only think of these soft lips against his but to be quickly be pulled out of his trance when it leaves him, cold and lonely and he opens his eyes dazedly to see Lance staring at him with shocked, uncertain eyes that glazed over in the dimly lit room.

Keith should have seen it coming; Lance is straight for fucks sake, get that through your thick, stubborn skull. He wouldn't never like you, let alone kiss you. God, you're so fucking stupid. He wouldn't admit to his pride, but the fact that Lance pulled away when Keith made a move is a cruel, clear rejection.

When he swallows nervously, his eyes remain boring through the other's but less blurry, the drunkenness slowly leaving his body. It feels worse, to be honest. After making a very, very wrong move to his best friend, being wasted is the only thing he wants right now. At least, he'll have a lame but believable excuse for..for whatever shit he just pulled.

"Lance-" Keith tries, voice hoarse and crackling like he's about to cry, but he's cut off from whatever excuse he was going to say because Lance goes forward so suddenly and so quickly, grabbing Keith's surprised face in his hands and slamming their mouths back together.

Keith stays there unmoving for a second, his hazy mind still not yet processing that Lance fucking McClain is kissing him on the lips, hands holding Keith's face hard and unwilling to let go and when Lance licks his lower lips and bites, then Keith snaps out from whatever they fuck he was in and kisses the swarthy boy in front of him back.

Tongues battling each other for dominance as they narrow their universe down to only the feeling of each others' lips on theirs. Only when Keith feels warm hands sliding down from his face to his back and down to his plump ass to give it a satisfying, hard squeeze, he gasps loudly and moans, breaking the kiss in the process.

Big, blue eyes stares back at him as he breathes in and out. The previous uncertainty and confusion from just now is completely gone, replaced with lust, confidence and something else Keith knows he recognizes but can't put a finger on it.

"How long?" Lance's voice sounds thick with lust and so fucking deep that Keith squirms in heat.

He doesn't answer him. Instead he tries to kiss him again, only to be pulled back by the hair, not too rough but enough to make him gasp out.

"How long?" Lance repeats himself, this time louder and huskier, if that's even possible. Jesus, Keith is so fucking horny right now and all he wants in for this delicious man right in front of him to take him hard and fast until he can't walk tomorrow.

Keith whines, high and whiny and melodic to Lance's ears. "3 years," he gasps out when Lance pulls on his hair a little bit harder. It should have hurt but Keith just embarrassing gets harder. The idea of being dominated by Lance is a huge fucking turn on.

The tight hold on his hair loosens and Keith opens his eyes disappointingly only to close them again when Lance kisses him hard and needy, tongue protruding out as it wrestles with Keith's.

Keith doesn't resist when Lance guides them to a room, shoving him hard onto the bed as he locks his door shut. His silent question gets answered immediately as Lance mumbles a short "Roommate" when Keith shoots him a questioning look.

Lance hovers over Keith's smaller body, placing soft kisses on his sweaty neck and sucking hard on a small bruise he sees just below his collarbone. It stings obviously -even if there's a bit of pleasure swirled in it- and Keith gasps, unconsciously pushing his pelvis up to grind against Lance's crotch hard.

"3 years," Lance growls out, pushing the soft sweatshirt up and out of the way, "And you didn't say anything to me?" When his eyes land on the thong, he groans, looking up to the blushing Korean. "Jesus. A thong? Are you trying to kill me?"

Keith's throat is dry as he pants like a dog in heat, tongue out and drool dripping everywhere. "Just..." His breath hitches as Lance mouths over the wet, apparent bulge through his underwear. "Just wanted to forget about things..." Shit shit shit. Everything is so hot and Lance is so hot and he's so fucking wet it drives him over the edge in stimulation.

Cold air meets his rock hard dick and Keith curses, body reflexively sitting up only to be pushed down by Lance. To warm it up, Lance wraps his hot mouth around his dick, engulfing it all. Keith sees stars as Lance places his hand on his waist, preventing Keith buck up to go deeper, and moves his mouth up and down in prefect motion.

Fuck. Keith won't deny he has fantasized over Lance more times than he can count but he never thought it would this pleasurable and intense. Everything is so hot. Keith can only a allow himself burning hotter and hotter and when Lance fucking HUMS while sucking his poor dick, Keith lets out a silent scream as he cums hard into Lance's open and awaiting mouth.

When he comes down from his high, he pulls himself up on his elbows to look at the boy in front of him. He sees Lance swallowing and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, eyes still looking at Keith lustfully.

Gripping Lance's T-shirt by its neck and pulling, Keith mushes their lips together, open wide to explore each and every cavern. Shit he's never ever going to get bored of this.

He moans into the kiss when he feels something wet and cold sliding between his ass cheeks. The feeling of lube is always weird to Keith; he's tried it before, obviously. He's a hormonal gay teenager that likes to experiment on things. That's probably one of the sole reasons on why he's fucking gay but that's besides the point.

It's uncomfortable when Lance's long fingers stretches him open slowly but Keith says nothing and bites his lower lip.

"Come on." He breathes out impatiently.

Lance makes a sound that sounds close to a tsk yet his fingers just go in deeper and he begins moving his fingers inside, scissoring Keith open good.

"FUCK." Keith curses, chomping his babbling mouth onto Lance's shoulder to shut it up. Fuck fuck fuck it's always been painful whenever he fingers himself open but why the fuck does it feel better than fucking orgasming when Lance's fingers do it?

Keith feels a deel rumble from the chest of the boy on top of him, soft and pure and it melts his heart even though the only thought that's in his mind right now is being fucked senselessly.

"Good?" Lance teases.

"Mhhm." Keith nods against his shoulder. He wraps his arms around Lance's neck and place needy kisses along his jaw, noting and smiling when he feels Lance shiver.

"Okay." He hears Lance whispering.

Lance continues his work until he feels Keith is stretched enough for what's going to happen next to not hurt. When he slides his fingers out, it makes this obscene, squelching sound that Keith has forever stucked in his mind.

The absence of the fingers leaves him empty but Lance is quickly to replace it with his dick, slipping it quickly without any resistance. Fuuuuuuuuck. Keith moans aloud, arching his back and tilting his head back.

This is SO much better than the vibrator he has sitting under his pillow in his room right now. This feels fuller. Hotter. Realer. More mind-blowing. More Lance.

He feels Lance shift on top of him and then his eyes rolls to the back of his head when Lance thrusts into him, slow and deep and so good Keith can only narrow his entire universe to the feeling of Lance Lance Lance.

Keith busies himself by giving pecks and nips to Lance's broad shoulder, his fingers tangled in the brown boy's locks as he tries his best to meet Lance's accelerating thrusts.

His body is on fire and mind hazy and he let out a high-pitched whine -the much sober Keith wouldn't be proud of it, I can guarantee you- when Lance hit a particular, unfamiliar spot that Keith can never seem to reach when he plays alone with the vibrator.

"You like that?" Lance growls, pistoning his dick to hit that spot over and over again, faster and harder.

Tears well up in the corner of Keith's eyes as he hiccups and moans in pleasure, tongue hanging out with drool everywhere. Lance should take a picture, he really should. Because Keith looks so good- so fucked and spent and just so fucking adorable sprawled on his back on Lance bed with his hole puckering as if it's sucking on his dick, refusing to let go, like it's fucking starved for it.

"Lance!" Lance's eyes move back to Keith when he hears him say his name so prettily. Jesus this boy's going to be the end of him. He would do anything to hear him scream his name again.

Lance leans forward and kisses Keith everywhere; his chin then his mouth then his nose then his forehead and literally anywhere he can put his lips on. "Again baby," he mumbles between kisses, grinning when he feels Keith's hole twitching hearing the petname, "Say my name again."

Keith lets out a moan when Lance thrusts in again. "L-Lance.." He panted softly. "Lance, please. I'm so close. Please, daddy, make me cum."

Oh. Oh. Lance did not expect that. Everything with Keith must contain surprises, mustn't it? Jesus, he loves him so much. It this love? Lance wonders as he thrusts harder and deeper, relishing the hard pants and moans from the smaller boy.

Lance has been attracted to Keith, yes, he is not going to deny that. But is this that type of attraction? He has always been suspicious about his sexuality right after he saw Keith for the first time. He's never checked out boys before but he noticed how his eyes always linger on Keith a little too long than necessary.

Maybe he does like Keith, he's not sure yet. He's still new to this and if it means getting to see Keith like this; sweet, soft and vulnerable to him, then Lance is more than sure to experiment further.

He moves his eyes back to Keith when he feels Keith tightening up even more, eyes shut close as he curses over and over again and Lance would be lying if he says Keith doesn't sound hot as fuck.

Knowing that his kitten is close -his kitten? Is that Keith's new nickname?- Lance leans forward and plants his warm mouth around one of the perky, pink nipples, suckling it hardly and scraping it slightly against his teeth and relishing the sound of Keith's high-pitched whine as he came long and hard, white splashes hitting against Lance's torso.

He pulls out, wrapping his hand around his still leaking dick and jacks off. Keith watches from below, just coming down from his own high, mouth agape as he pants as if he's the one being wanked. As Lance comes, decorating Keith's chest, neck and face with white.

And Keith has the audicity- he fucking dares, that fucking little minx to put his little, pink tongue out and fucking licks some of the cum up like ice cream.

Shit, Lance can feel himself getting hard again.

"Don't do that," Lance says, looking away when Keith tries meeting his eyes.

"Do what?" Keith says, voice soft and raspy, "This?" He takes some of the leftover come with his finger and puts it in his mouth, sucking it hardly as he bores his hazy eyes to Lance's blown ones.

Lance chuckles deeply, "You sure know how to tease, huh?" If which Keith doesn't reply, only shurgging as he smiles teasingly. Running a finger down Keith's cheek to his neck, Lance places a kiss onto his lips, softly.

"This is not a one time thing."

And Lance is glad he's able to say that out loud seeing the surprised, yet giddy sparkle in Keith's eyes, the way it disappears as he grins happily. Lance lets himself fall beside Keith and he turns around to his side.

"That's good to hear," Keith mumbles, wrapping his arms around Lance as he snuggles deep into his chest.

And trust me, Lance means what he said; if he can wake up to Keith snuggled onto him like a koala every single day, then he wouldn't mind to experiment more.

finally, right? My fingers broke, I think, trying to type all of this. This is the longest one-shot I've ever written so far lmao. also, check out my shitty doodles in my Instagram @/mintgyureen I'm hardly online but ^^
Alright, hope you liked this bit. little asian girl is out. byeeeeeeeeee.

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