Under Normal Circumstances

By momololli

118K 4.7K 1.2K

Under normal circumstances I never would have found myself on that boat, that helicopter, or that island. And... More

Butterfly Effect
Babe In the Woods
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
All That Glitters is Not Gold
Apples and Oranges
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained
Family Affair
All Over the Map
Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire
All Work and No Play
Up In Arms
A Wing and a Prayer
Out of the Woods
Going Native
Hope Springs Eternal
The Elephant in the Room
Smoke 'em if You Got 'em
The Ends Justify the Means
Drink the Kool-Aid
Serve Up a Fat Pitch
Sink or Swim
Fan the Flames
Promises are Made to be Broken
On a Lark
Tooth and Nail
Shove Off
Sounds Like a Plan
Early to Bed, Early to Rise
Luck of the Draw
Land Ho
Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow
Say It Like It Is
Told You So
Small World
Raw End of the Deal
The Road Home
Family Values
Cat's Out of the Bag
Read the Fine Print
The Sister Act
Sorry I haven't updated in a while
Little Black Dress
Stone the Crows
Well Hello to You too
The End of the World
Sight for Sore Eyes
Heart to Heart
Spoonful of Sugar
We'll Meet Again part 1
We'll Meet Again part 2
We'll Meet Again part 3
Breaking Point
Viva le Revolution
The Road Less Traveled
Through the Looking Glass
Crash Course
Lucky Penny
Into the Deep
Kiss and Tell
Dining with the Locals
The author has a scare
Wattpad issues
Love and Fries
The Death of Me
Not Enough Reg to Go Around
His Big Idea
No More Goodbyes

Family Matters

1.2K 61 20
By momololli

Slivko looked at me with a lopsided and embarrassed grin.
"I'll be right back," he chuckled and then added seriously: "don't go anywhere."

Oh geez, where would I go? But I just nodded reassuringly as he sprinted back into the house.

Watching him go I finally noticed his dad standing there staring at me. Luckily he had a much softer expression than before and even a smile, which I returned.

"Sorry, I haven't given you a very good first impression," he grinned, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly just like Slivko. "I'd just heard a crash and saw the door wide open so... anyway, I'm Peter."

He stepped over and shook my hand with a warm smile as Grace got Billy out of the backseat.

"I promise I can make a better impression," he told me as he clapped his other hand over mine. "Please, come on inside, I'm sure Reg is decent by now and I have a feeling there's a lot to talk about."

He led us inside and I was surprised by two things. The first was, the house still had a lovely woman's touch, clean and well decorated, not what you'd expect for a house with two men in it. The carpet was a baby blue shag, the walls were papered in cream with a very fine gold pinstripe, and the matching couch and chairs were a soft mauve. The second thing that surprised me was Slivko nearly colliding with me as he came careening down the hallway to my right. He was buttoning his jeans and just stopped in time, his chest bumping into my shoulder.

"Hi," we said awkwardly to each other with barely contained grins.

"Hi!!" Billy screamed, containing nothing as he threw his arms in the air and launched himself at Slivko.

"Hey buddy!" Slivko cheered, easily catching him and getting his neck wrung again.

With one free hand he shook Grace's and told her it was nice to see her again, his friendly smile faltering just a little at her sly smirk. He gave me a curious look and I tried to convey via our telepathy that it was a long story. A little blonde spaniel came trotting out behind Slivko then, earning 100% of Billy's attention and he slid from Slivko's arms to greet his new best friend. The dog happily let him pet her while she sniffed my ankles, her little tail wiggling.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" Peter asked as he meandered toward the kitchen.

"Some ice water would be wonderful," Grace said as she slipped between Slivko and I, following Peter.

Slivko watched her go by but his hand found mine and finally he looked intently at me.
"I can't believe you're here!" He said in an excited whisper. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

Just as my mouth opened to say something, I'm not sure what, I was interrupted.

"Maybelle, can I get you something to drink?" Peter asked me.

"Oh, water is fine," I replied. "Thank you."

"Please, make yourself at home," he gestured at the couch. "Don't just keep her standing there by the door, Reg."

"Huh? Oh, yeah," Slivko led me over to the couch, the dog and Billy following along.

Peter came back in the room with Grace as I sat down, Slivko sitting as close to me as humanly possible. The dog put her front paws up on my knees and almost smiled at me as Billy stroked her ears. I let her smell my free hand and she instantly nudged her nose right under it.

"I haven't seen Peaches take to anyone so quickly since Lily passed," Peter said as he handed me a glass of water. "She barely tolerates us boys as it is."

"She likes me," Slivko told me quietly as he tousled her ear and she turned her lovey little face to him. Billy giggled.

"My goodness, so you ladies drove all the way up here from Tennessee, is that right?" Peter asked as he took the other chair.

He knew we were from Tennessee, Slivko had told him about us. That was incredibly sweet of him. It also made me feel even more guilty about all the times I had pushed him away and told him my parents and Grace couldn't know about us yet. I was an awful person, no wonder he wrote that letter.

"Yes sir, that's right," Grace nodded when she saw I was just gaping at Slivko.

"How was your trip?" Peter asked us.

Grace gave me a look that told me I was up to answer this one.

"Well," I snapped out of it, leaning forward to set my glass down on the coffee table and getting licked on the chin by Peaches in the process. "It was... fun. A lot like the trips we used to take with our parents when we were kids."

"Except we get along a lot better now," Grace added, making Slivko smile.

"I am sorry I didn't call before hand to- to say we were coming. I was going to call you," I turned to Slivko to say that last part. "But before I could uh, something happened and, well, I don't have anyone's phone number anymore."

Slivko's brows furrowed in confusion and his hand squeezed mine. I just mouthed the word 'later' to let him know I'd eventually explain that.

"Oh don't worry about it," Peter said reassuringly. "I'm glad you came, this boy has just been inconsolable," he pointed at Slivko who blushed. "I was about to sell the shop just to buy him a plane ticket to Tennessee."

"Oh, that reminds me," I piped up. "I don't know if he told you, but I've studied accounting and I'd be happy to help out with the shop."

"I'd be much obliged if you would, truthfully. I'd hate to put you to work while you're here but I really can't turn down an offer from a girl who can spot fraud in the books at a major business. I'm sure you'll have us right as rain in no time," Peter smiled, revealing just how much Slivko had told him about me.

"I'll do my best," I smiled.

Just then, I received two surprises again. The first being the front door unexpectedly opening, and the second being who walked in. My eyes met those of the guy who we'd flagged down and asked for directions and he froze mid step, just raising a finger and pointing at me just as I was pointing at him. Suddenly he noticed just how close Slivko was sitting to me and a wide animated grin spread on his face.

"May. Belle," he enunciated, snapping his fingers. "Am I right?"

I nodded before swiftly turning to look at Slivko for an explanation.

"Oh," he stated, half sheepish, half begrudging. "This ... is my older brother, Matt."

My jaw dropped.

"Oh you didn't tell her about me?" He complained as he shut the front door behind him and came over to tousle his hair. "You little jerk."
He came in front of me and offered his hand to shake.
"Nice to meet you Maybelle, really. Reg always tells dad nice things about you that I eaves drop on," he smirked. "And that must make you Grace, the older sister," he went over and shook Grace's hand as well who looked just as confused as me. "And that must make this guy here Billy, am I right?" He ruffled Billy's curls.

"You're Slivko's big brother?" He looked up at Matt with wide eyes.

Matt quirked his brows with a slow smirk. "Yeah, I'm Slivko's big brother."

"Do you fly helicopters too?" Was Billy's next very excited question.

"No, I don't," he admitted. "Only Reg is cool enough to fly helicopters. I just fix cars."

"Oh, well that's still cool," Billy said nicely, causing Matt and Peter to chuckle.

Slivko was still sheepishly avoiding my gaze. He'd neglected to inform me he had an older brother, or siblings of any kind.

"Any more surprises?" I leaned in to ask quietly.

He shook his head fervently.
"No, nope. That's the only one," he promised.

"So," Matt clapped his hands together. "What are we doing for lunch?"

That question led to an argument between the two brothers about where we should eat and between Peter and Grace as to who would pay for it. I just sat there scratching Peaches under her chin and smiling at all of them. I can't believe I had been nervous about this. Sure it had been awkward at first since we'd surprised them out of nowhere, but there was an odd comfortable feeling there too. I was so glad that Grace had found my letters and figured it out, glad she reacted the way she did and talked to mom and dad for me, and especially glad she got us all the way up here so I could see Slivko and finally explain everything.

"They've been on the road for days to get here, they probably want a home cooked meal!" Matt was saying when I finally tuned back into the conversation.  "We should hit the grocery store for some steak, corn on the cob and potato salad."

"Bro, we can't afford steak right now, you always want steak," Slivko reminded him.

"We can afford steak, let's do it," Grace backed him. "I'll buy the steaks."

"Yes! Come on, let's get out of here before they say no," Matt said, motioning for Grace to follow him.

She hurriedly got up and snagged Billy's hand, following Matt out the front door.

"I guess I'll go get the grill ready," Peter shrugged with an amused chuckle as he got up and went toward the kitchen.

It took Slivko and I a moment to realize we were alone now, aside from Peaches laying on my feet. The realization hit him faster than it did me and he let my hand go just to throw his arm around my shoulders.

"So what happened that you lost everyone's phone numbers? Did your parents find out? Were they upset?" He peppered me with questions.

"Oh no, no, nothing like that," I assured him. "I was going to call you from the pay phone outside the diner and I ran into Steve while I was looking for change in my car. I ended up asking him for a dime and he asked why and things got a little heated- he ripped up the paper and I punched him in the face-"

Slivko blurted out a shocked laugh.
"You punched him in the face?" He asked proudly. "Did he bleed?"

I nodded with a smile.

"Did you hurt your hand on his stupid face?"

"A little," I said, examining the slight bruise on the back of my right hand.

He grabbed it and placed a kiss on each knuckle.
"So what were you gonna tell me on the phone?" He finally asked, looking down at my hand as he stroked it with his thumb.

"Oh gosh," I sighed. "I don't know what to tell you first."

He let out a soft sigh.
"You were gonna call me because you got my letter, right?"

I nodded as I bit my bottom lip. There were so many things to say, I didn't know if I had the time to say it all right now without getting interrupted. I wanted to tell him that I do love him, that I'm sorry for making him doubt that, that I did it because I didn't want to hurt Grace but that was taken care of now, that I was sorry a few more times, and finally tell him again that I love him.

"Well, before you say anything," he began with a hint of nervousness in his voice. "Let me tell you again, out loud,  you know, face to face," he rambled a little before clearing his throat. "Maybelle. I love you."

He was looking at me with those puppy dog eyes, his heart completely bared, just waiting for me to either crush him or make his dreams come true. His eyebrows raised ever so slightly and I realized I was holding him in suspense a little too long.

"I..." I let out a shaky breath I didn't realize I was holding. "I love you too."

The relief washed over his face before he quickly buried it in the crook of my neck, hugging me tightly.

"Oh thank god," he groaned with a laugh at the end. "You scared me you jerk."

He poked me in the ribs and I jumped, laughing as well, just now feeling the tears fall from my eyes. I buried my face in his shoulder as well, taking a deep breath of him, my fingertips pressing harder on his back. I was just so grateful for him it was bringing me to my metaphorical knees.

"Hey," Slivko said, pulling away just enough to look at me.
"Don't cry, you're gonna make me cry," he chuckled as he brushed my tears away with his thumbs, his own looking glassy as well. With his hands still holding my face he leaned in and pressed his forehead to mine, our noses brushing.

"I'm so sorry," I began with a sniffle.

"Oh geez, for what?" He chuckled as he stroked my hair. "You said you love me too, what is there to apologize for?"

The back door opened and we heard Peter come back inside and Slivko's hands settled on mine in my lap.
"We can talk about it later, you're probably just over thinking things as usual, though," he smiled.

"Reg can you get the big pot from the garage and get some water boiling for the corn?" Peter called from the kitchen.

"Yep, be right there," he called over his shoulder before turning back to me.
He looked at me like he wanted to say something but he didn't know what. So he just leaned in and finally kissed me. Just like that every tense muscle relaxed and every worry melted away.

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