Promises are Made to be Broken

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"Guys!" Mills yelled.

He and the others ran up and around the dead Skull crawler to see if we were alive.

"Not dead," Slivko called, one arm wrapped around me.

"Looking pretty cozy," Reles commented to him as he held out a hand to help him up.

"Is Hank ok?" I asked as Mills helped me up too.

My question was answered by Hank scurrying over to us right then and patting Slivko and I's cheeks as he grinned happily at us.
"You're alive!" He cried.
"Oh and you guys too," Hank added, looking down and offering Conrad a hand.

Cole came up and helped Mason.

Slivko wobbled on his hurt leg and grabbed onto my shoulder for balance.

"Oh, gosh your leg," I said remembering finally. "how bad is it?"

I supported him and led him over to a rock. He winced as he sat down on it.

"Not terrible," He answered.

Reles and I knelt in front of him and I took my back pack off, busting out the first aid kit again as Reles inspected for breaks.

"Doesn't seem broken," Reles informed us. "Might be a sprain or a pulled muscle."

I got out a bottle Ibuprofen and presented it proudly to Slivko.

"Lucky twerp," Reles chuckled. "You had the nurse with you the whole time."

"Do you need anything?" I asked him, offering up the first aid kit.

"What's the biggest bandage you got?" He asked me.

I rummaged through it and found one about the size of my palm and showed it to him. He nodded.

"Wanna slap it on this?" He asked, lifting up his shirt to show a huge cut on his ribs.

"Oh, my gosh!" I gasped.

"Geez man, what happened to you?" Slivko asked, grimacing at the gory wound.

"Got it in the crash," Reles explained.

I gently inspected it.
"I have some alcohol," I told him. "It might be infected already, but I can slow it down till we get back to the boat."

"I like that optimism," Reles chuckled as I got out the bottle of alcohol.

"Ok," I took a deep breath and let it out in a determined sigh. "this is gonna hurt."

I began pouring it over the wound. His muscles contracted slightly but he didn't make a peep otherwise.

"Wow," I said, impressed as I fanned his skin dry to apply the bandage. "You took that really well."

I threw a look over my shoulder at Slivko, remembering the fuss he made over me cleaning up his face. The tips of his ears were red.

"There you go," I said as I tried to gently smooth the bandage out, but I noticed my hands were shaking.

"Thanks," Reles said as he pulled his shirt back down.

"May?" Slivko called, noticing me watching my shaking hand.

I looked up at him.

"It's probably the adrenaline, you'll be ok," He said, nodding at my hand.
"You ok?"He asked, squeezing my shoulder.

"I don't know," I said honestly. "I really should be freaking out, I mean, I just saw people die and I almost died and you almost died- maybe I am freaking out," My voice started to sound croakey as I was on the verge of hysterical crying.

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