Family Matters

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Slivko looked at me with a lopsided and embarrassed grin.
"I'll be right back," he chuckled and then added seriously: "don't go anywhere."

Oh geez, where would I go? But I just nodded reassuringly as he sprinted back into the house.

Watching him go I finally noticed his dad standing there staring at me. Luckily he had a much softer expression than before and even a smile, which I returned.

"Sorry, I haven't given you a very good first impression," he grinned, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly just like Slivko. "I'd just heard a crash and saw the door wide open so... anyway, I'm Peter."

He stepped over and shook my hand with a warm smile as Grace got Billy out of the backseat.

"I promise I can make a better impression," he told me as he clapped his other hand over mine. "Please, come on inside, I'm sure Reg is decent by now and I have a feeling there's a lot to talk about."

He led us inside and I was surprised by two things. The first was, the house still had a lovely woman's touch, clean and well decorated, not what you'd expect for a house with two men in it. The carpet was a baby blue shag, the walls were papered in cream with a very fine gold pinstripe, and the matching couch and chairs were a soft mauve. The second thing that surprised me was Slivko nearly colliding with me as he came careening down the hallway to my right. He was buttoning his jeans and just stopped in time, his chest bumping into my shoulder.

"Hi," we said awkwardly to each other with barely contained grins.

"Hi!!" Billy screamed, containing nothing as he threw his arms in the air and launched himself at Slivko.

"Hey buddy!" Slivko cheered, easily catching him and getting his neck wrung again.

With one free hand he shook Grace's and told her it was nice to see her again, his friendly smile faltering just a little at her sly smirk. He gave me a curious look and I tried to convey via our telepathy that it was a long story. A little blonde spaniel came trotting out behind Slivko then, earning 100% of Billy's attention and he slid from Slivko's arms to greet his new best friend. The dog happily let him pet her while she sniffed my ankles, her little tail wiggling.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" Peter asked as he meandered toward the kitchen.

"Some ice water would be wonderful," Grace said as she slipped between Slivko and I, following Peter.

Slivko watched her go by but his hand found mine and finally he looked intently at me.
"I can't believe you're here!" He said in an excited whisper. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

Just as my mouth opened to say something, I'm not sure what, I was interrupted.

"Maybelle, can I get you something to drink?" Peter asked me.

"Oh, water is fine," I replied. "Thank you."

"Please, make yourself at home," he gestured at the couch. "Don't just keep her standing there by the door, Reg."

"Huh? Oh, yeah," Slivko led me over to the couch, the dog and Billy following along.

Peter came back in the room with Grace as I sat down, Slivko sitting as close to me as humanly possible. The dog put her front paws up on my knees and almost smiled at me as Billy stroked her ears. I let her smell my free hand and she instantly nudged her nose right under it.

"I haven't seen Peaches take to anyone so quickly since Lily passed," Peter said as he handed me a glass of water. "She barely tolerates us boys as it is."

"She likes me," Slivko told me quietly as he tousled her ear and she turned her lovey little face to him. Billy giggled.

"My goodness, so you ladies drove all the way up here from Tennessee, is that right?" Peter asked as he took the other chair.

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