Not Enough Reg to Go Around

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The park where they were having the car show was beautiful. There was a grassy meadow where people were lining up their cars and stalls were being set up under the natural awning of the old growth trees. I couldn't see the lake, but I knew it was nearby from the smell. I smirked to myself when that made me think of Conrad and if he'd be proud of my skill.

"What are you thinking about?" Slivko asked me as he set up chairs behind their table and I laid out the laminated lists of services and their costs along with business cards.

"Conrad," I answered nonchalantly and almost giggled at the look of betrayal he gave me for it.

The rumble of an engine approached as Matt pulled the show car up near their stall.

"I'm gonna get you back for that, May," Slivko said, raising a brow at me.

"Oh come on," I rolled my eyes but couldn't help grinning. "I was thinking how I could smell the lake and wondered if he'd be impressed with my tracking skills."

"Is it not enough," Slivko began to ask as he came around to my side of the table. "that I adore every single little thing you do?"

He pulled me closer by my belt loops and was about to cut my giggle short with a kiss when Matt slammed the car door shut.

"Oh can you just go an hour without slobbering on each other so we can get this set up?" He complained in a good natured way. Slivie still gave him a glare.

"Ew, slobbering?" I made a face at Matt. "We don't slobber."
I put my finger on Slivko's chin and turned his face back to me. "We swap all our spit efficiently and gracefully, don't we?"

He wrinkled his nose. "That doesn't sound any better, weirdo."

I yelped when he tickled my sides before getting back to work.

"Are you sure it's ok?" I heard Grace's voice walking up.

"It's fine, Peaches doesn't run off," Penny replied.

"Auntie May!" Billy cheered, accompanied by Peaches' excited barking as they ran up to me. "Look, I'm taking care of Peaches!"

Billy held up the end of her leash, dropped it, scrambled for it, and held it up proudly once more like nothing happened.

"Look at you!" It was hard not to laugh. "Very responsible. I'm sure you'll take very good care of her."

"She's my best friend," he stroked her back as she sniffed my shoes.

"What about me?" I was teasing him but I also recognized karma turning back on me for what I did to Slivie with Conrad a minute ago.

"You're my family, that's different," he explained. "Or is Peaches my family too now?"

"How's that?" I asked as I crouched down to pet her silky ears.

"Well, grandma and grandpa weren't daddy's family until him and mommy loved each other, and then they were."

This kid's mind.

After taking a look over my shoulder and seeing Matt looking at me like he'd heard the whole thing, I leaned in to whisper my answer to Billy, swearing him to secrecy. I turned to see Matt with narrowed eyes and a smirk that said 'well played'. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"May, I brought your swim suit, you forgot it," Grace informed me.

"What? I brought my suit."

She gave me a pointed look. "You didn't bring the cute one."

I stood up before I quietly asked her what the heck she was talking about because I only had the one swim suit.

"I got you that one you tried on but didn't buy, the cute one," she explained in a whisper and I broke into a blush.

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