Kamen Rider AOE (Kamen Rider...

By Paranilla

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(Edited Chapter 16. Anything after that is not edited yet) Kara Amor is chasing down her lost love when she... More

-Chapter 1
-Chapter 2
-Chapter 3
-Chapter 4
-Chapter 5
-Chapter 6
-Chapter 7
-Chapter 8
-Chapter 9
-Chapter 10
-Chapter 11
-Chapter 12
-Chapter 13
-Chapter 14
-Chapter 15
-Chapter 16
-Chapter 17
-Chapter 18
-Chapter 19
-Chapter 20
-Chapter 21
-Chapter 22
-Chapter 23
-Chapter 24
-Chapter 25
-Chapter 26
-Chapter 27
-Chapter 28
-Chapter 29
-Chapter 30
-Chapter 31
-Chapter 32
-Chapter 33
-Chapter 34
-Chapter 35
-Chapter 36
-Chapter 37
-Chapter 38
-Chapter 39
-Chapter 40
-Chapter 41
-Chapter 42
-Chapter 43
-Chapter 44
-Chapter 45
-Chapter 46
-Chapter 47
-Chapter 48
-Chapter 49
-Chapter 50
-Chapter 51
Chapter 52
-Chapter 53
-Chapter 54
-Chapter 55
-Chapter 56
-Chapter 57
-Chapter 58
-Chapter 59
-Chapter 60
-Chapter 61
-Chapter 62
-Chapter 63
-Chapter 64
-Chapter 65
-Chapter 66
-Chapter 67
-Chapter 68
-Chapter 69
-Chapter 70
-Chapter 71
-Chapter 72
-Chapter 73
-Chapter 74
-Chapter 75
-Chapter 76
-Chapter 77
-Chapter 78
-Chapter 80

-Chapter 79

161 1 0
By Paranilla

-Chapter 79: The Ultimate Boss Battle Part 4

(Kara – Hotel Room)

I move the curtain away from the window, staring outside at the streets. What is that going on down there? That looks like...no!

The whole entire town looks like they've been infected with the Bugster virus and have turned into weird Bugster-Human crossbreds! What in the world is going on and what is Masamune up to? Is this how he is going to handle things? Is this the right way to handle things, Masamune?

I turn away from the window, letting the curtain fall back into place. I'm sitting here being useless because of my pregnancy and because Serene is handling the battling for me. Hiiro has told me that I'm forbidden from joining in because of the pregnancy. However, he didn't say I couldn't do my job as a nurse.

What is Parad up to? Shouldn't he come and see me before going out in that kind of crap? What if someone turns him into one of those weird orange headed things?

Ring! Ring! Ring!

I rush over to the side of the bed and pick up my cell phone from it, sliding my finger on the screen to answer it. I hold it up to my ear and look around. I want to know what is going on.

"What is going on out there, Hiiro?" I ask curiously.

"I am calling you to tell you to stay where you are at. If you get touched by one of those things, you're going to turn into one of them. Also, is Miyuki with you still?" Hiiro asks me.

"Uh...no, she's gone. She left after visiting with me for a bit. What is going on right now? Is Masamune terrorizing the entire town by doing this?" I have so many questions but I have so little time to deal with this. And this is bad that Miyuki is out in that!

"She's gone?" Hiiro sounds like he is about the spit out something. But I know he's not drinking anything so it is all good here.

"She left awhile back to check on things with you all. Is she going to be in trouble because I allowed her to go?" Please, don't get into trouble Miyuki. I can't handle what will happen if I cause an issue for her.

"Kara, don't go looking for her, okay? If you head out, you could get caught by Masamune or one of the people who is orange headed right now. Please, stay put," Hiiro tells me, begging for me to stay in my room. No, I can't promise him anything.

"Hiiro, thank you."

"Kara, don't leave the room!" Hiiro exclaims.

"Goodbye, Hiiro," I say, removing the phone from my ear and hanging up on him.

I need to get out there and find Miyuki. If I can stop her from being touched, I'll saved her from those things. I may not be a Kamen Rider right now, but I know how to defend myself when needed and Serene can back me up if I manage to connect our souls.

(Serene's POV – At the Battlefield)

"Serene, remember not to bully the others and drive them crazy. You better keep Kiriya from lying as much as he usually does," Poppy tells me, her sparkles surrounding all of us. My eyes are burning right now. Is this what it feels like to lose someone you care about?

"And Kuroto, be good, okay? Make fun games," Poppy's voice says.

I look over at Kiriya as he turns his head away, looking down as the sparkles come to a stop. That is it, huh? Poppy is gone...

"Serene, are you okay?" Kiriya asks me and I feel an arm go around me, pulling me closer to a Hawaiian shirt. "If you want to cry about this, you can. You're allowed to feel things, okay?"

I bury my face into his chest and close my eyes tightly, sobbing. I hear footsteps get close to us and turn my head, looking over at the person approaching us. Hiiro!

"I didn't want to say this before but I called Kara. She's run off into this mess to look for someone. Taiga, this is where you come in. She's looking for Miyuki since Miyuki is out here alone," Hiiro says, admitting to something we didn't know before.

"Kara is out here alone?" I gasp. I can't let her be alone because that could put her into a terrible situation. If she's all alone, Masamune could come and grab her up.

"Miyuki is out here alone?" Taiga sounds pissed. "Tell me where she is at now, Hiiro! Tell me where she is possibly at!" Did he just snap?

"I'm right here, Taiga!"

We all turn, eyes landing on Miyuki as she approaches us with a serious expression on her pretty face. She looks like she is ready to kick some butt. And did she just get a makeover? She looks absolutely stunning. Like a singer kind of stunning!

"Miyuki, how could you go out and be alone like this?" Taiga asks, rushing towards her. He wraps his arms around her, petting her on the head. He isn't usually this loving but he probably thought she was going to die. I don't blame him right now, I thought Kiriya was going to die.

"I'm sorry, Taiga," Miyuki apologizes. "I couldn't sit on the sidelines anymore and leave you alone with Nico. I've been so jealous of you two lately since you always handle things together. I wanted to handle things with you instead of her, Taiga."

Taiga pulls back and is probably harshly looking into her eyes. "Miyuki, I just wanted to keep you safe. And right now, you need to be safe. This is dangerous and I don't want to lose you."

"And I want you to be safe too, Taiga." She wraps her arms around him tightly, embracing him probably as hard as she can. "Let's deal with things together, okay?"

"Kara, is out there right now, Miyuki. Do you have any idea where she could possibly be?" Hiiro asks.

Miyuki and Taiga pull away from each other and Miyuki shakes her head. So, she doesn't know where Kara is? Does this mean I need to figure out what she is up to at the moment? Is she in danger or something? If she was, I could sense it. Our hearts are connected.

"We need to find Cronus and stop him before he stumbles upon her," Hiiro states. "Serene, you're coming with us. If you sense Kara in trouble, teleport to her and merge with her. That way you can take her over and save her."

I nod. "Alright."

(A few minutes later – Confronting Masamune)

Masamune looks at us harshly, looking like a mad man with his new look. I can't see what Kara finds so attractive about him. She is probably just blind when it comes to him. Or he is just really good in bed and that is why she wanted to be around him.

"Serene, use what you got earlier," Kiriya orders.

"Alright, I will."

"I see that she isn't with you still but her Bugster is. Why is that, AOE?" Masamune looks away from me. "Anyways, I don't care about that right now. I wanted to make a company that everyone looked up to. A company that is number one compared to other companies. I will make my dream a reality. Genm Corporation will be the best company in the world and the only company anyone ever needs."

He transforms into his new Cronus form, which is nice because I can't see his ugly face. I pull out my Driver and attach it to my waist, shoving my Gashat into it after pressing the button. I pull the lever, transforming. I shove the power up in and pull the lever again, activating it.

"Proceeding to engage the enemy unit with maximum output," I state, rushing forward towards Masamune with the others. I wonder where Emu is.

Masamune blocks my attack and shoves me back, sending me sliding backwards. That wasn't very nice of him and how is he this powerful? Does Kara only like powerful men?

"We're not doing any damage to him," Hiiro states.

"I can tell," Taiga says, sounding snobby.

"I know, right?" Miyuki sighs heavily.

"You guys may need to have the entire world to help beat me," Masamune says. "With your current abilities, you're not worthy to beat me."

Masamune sends an attack our way, knocking us back onto the ground. Our transformation falls and I look up, coughing a bit. I don't need air that much but that was enough to make me wish I did! He is quite ugly still right now, which makes me not want air. But much better than his face.

"Guys, we need to transform into our level ones," Emu says and I look over as he holds up his driver and Gashat. "That is the only way we're going to be able to separate him from the virus." He's right isn't he? He is stuck with the virus right now and we have to save him.

"Let's do that, everyone," I say. "Let's listen to him."

"We're in this together," Miyuki says, looking over at me and smiling. She is so happy looking right now despite looking like someone punched her right in the face.

We transform, entering out level one state. I can't believe I'm still carrying the gashat for that. I don't know why I even do but maybe it is because I figured something like this would happen one day.

We move forward, attacking Masamune with all of our might. Our attacks are doing something for once! Wow, this is amazing!

Taiga performs his body bullet attack, hitting Masamune. Masamune knocks us all back, using a barrage of lasers. I look up as he flips around, getting ready to use his lower half as a sword. Something catches it, stopping it. That...that is Parad! He's in his form!

I look at where he is holding Masamune at, which is glowing blue. What is going on with that? Did Parad do something to make this happen?

"Go on, finish him off!" Parad shouts. "I'm handling this."

I nod and activate my critical strike as the others active theirs. We move forward, attacking him. BOOM!

I fall back, landing onto the ground as my transformation falls. "Did we do it?" I ask, looking back up as the smoke clears.

"I think so," Miyuki replies.

As the smoke clears, I can see Parad holding onto Gamedeus. That Gashat....he's using that one Kiriya made to save the patients earlier on! Why does he have that?

"We're going to die together, Gamedeus," Parad states, holding onto Gamedeus tightly. Gamedeus vanishes and Parad turns to us, staring at us with a smile on his face as he kneels on the ground. "Emu..."

"Parad!" Emu exclaims, sounding shocked.

"I had a good time fighting alongside you and the CR. Please, Emu, take care of Kara for me," Parad says. "Everyone, please watch over her and her future. Serene, make your own future. Also, I hope this made up for what I've done to you all and the others." Parad holds out his hand and Emu stands up, rushing towards him.

"No..." I mutter out as Emu reaches him, Parad's sparkles fading into the air.

Emu stops, looking down at where Parad just was. He didn't reach his Bugster in time to save him. He could have remerged with him!

"Now you can't transform," Masamune says, interrupting our moment of silence for the loss of Parad. How big of jerk can someone be in order to ruin such a sacred moment? "Now you will all face the ending you deserve. The ending is the bad ending!"

(Kara's POV – the Battlefield)

"You are all the bugs of the game and you will all be erased!" Masamune exclaims, holding up his Gashat to the sky. What is going down now? I missed the first half of this not so epic battle. It would be epic if I could join in on the battle.

Masamune transforms and so do the others. They have to handle this because I'm unable to handle this myself. If I try battling, it could harm the life of my twins.

"We'll keep fighting as long as lives are on the line!"

"That is right!" Serene exclaims, rushing towards Masamune with the others minus Emu. Why can't Emu battle right now? Did something happen to Parad?

He hits them with a tail that has appeared out of nowhere, knocking them over. They get knocked out of their transformation. Serene twists around in pain, gasping. Serene...

"AH!" Emu screams, rushing towards Masamune despite not being transformed.

Masamune knocks him to the side with his shield and Emu gets back up, trying to punch him. Masamune dodges and knocks Emu back. Emu falls over, gasping in pain. What in the world is going on here? Why can't he even transform?

Emu turns to face Masamune, rolling on the ground. "They wasted their lives on such a pointless sacrifice," Masamune states.

"You..." Emu gets up, trying to steady himself. "Don't you dare say such a thing..." He takes a deep breath. "Do not talk about their lives like that!"

"I'm afraid all of you no longer have value as products of my company," Masamune says, ignoring what Emu said. Did Parad and Poppy die? Is that what happened to them?



"I will beat you," Emu states and I move a bit closer, staring at them as Masamune gets up.

Kiriya moves to Emu's side, Serene following him closely. "I'm going to join the race, Emu," he says, smiling cockily. He has always been the type of guy to smile like that. Seriously, what does Serene even see in him romantically?

Taiga gets closer, Miyuki trailing behind him. "I am going to crush all the Bugsters," Taiga states and Miyuki nods her head.

"This is all for the future of humanity," Hiiro says, staring at head at Masamune.

Emu moves forward, holding up his Gashat. "We're going to change the fate of our patients!" Emu exclaims, hitting the button on the side of the Gashat. They all do the same, transforming.

Kiriya is now a bike, which is awesome because I want to ride him like that. Of course, not in the sexual way. I'm not in the mood to do that at the moment. And what is my husband up to? Hopefully, he's not just sitting there up to no good.

Emu hops onto Kiriya and holds up his weapon as Hiiro and Taiga do the same. "We're going to clear this without any continues!"

The bike moves forward, spinning around Masamune. Emu hits him, attacking him with his weapon for some sweet damage. Hiiro moves forward, bringing his sword down on him as Emu and Kiriya get out of the way. Taiga flips over, shooting at Masamune and hitting him with his bullets of gaming magic.

Hiiro moves to the other side of Masamune, smacking him once again with the sword. Emu comes down from the air, still on Kiriya. Hiiro rushes towards him and he kicks Hiiro back, knocking him over. He also knocks Taiga out of the way.

"Bow to my finishing move!" Masamune shouts.

"Now, it is your turn!" Emu shouts. Kuroto comes flying out of a hole, his leg sticking out ready to kick his daddy. He hits him right in the chest, making Masamune stumble backgrounds.

"I delayed my continue on purpose," Kuroto announces, laughing a bit.

Taiga moves forward, shooting at Masamune. He lifts his leg and kicks him, getting a bit knocked back onto the ground. Hiiro gets up, using his sword. There is so much going on right now and I'm not sure if I can understand it all!

The bike man goes flying over Masamune's head, sort of hitting it. I mean, it is a pretty big target. I can't blame them for wanting to smack into him.

"Behind you!" Masamune gets hit by the bike, which is sweet because it is Kiriya doing it. He falls to the ground, obviously in pain.

"Why?" Masamune gets hit by Emu and stumbles back. "I shouldn't be having problems fighting you level twos." Wait...why isn't Miyuki and Serene fighting right now?

"Of course you should be having problems right now. Parad sacrificed his life to suppress the virus inside of you!" Emu exclaims. Parad sacrificed himself to save the world? Man, I love him even more right now even though he is dead!

Emu and Masamune charge at each other, fighting with their weapons. So, Masamune must be on the same level as a level two right now? How about that!

Emu hits him, sending him flying back a bit. "Cronus, your fate is officially sealed," Emu states, activating his critical strike.

Masamune does the same and the move towards each other, connecting their feet. They spin around, the power of the hit connecting and causing them to spin like that. BOOM!

Emu comes flying down and he lands on his feet as Masamune falls to the ground.

"Game cleared!"

I move out from my hiding spot, rushing towards them. I stop beside Serene and she looks at me, staring at me in slight shock. And now she looks mad! Time to look away!

I look away from Serene as Kuroto moves forward towards his father, placing one of his hands on his hips. Oh, that is kind of sexy. He looks so good in that red and grey looking shirt and that jacket. Okay, back to the battle.

"Masamune, your ambitions end here and won't ever be fulfilled!" Emu proclaims. "The Ministry will decide on your punishment. So, please, atone for your sins." He moves towards Masamune.

Masamune laughs. "The Ministry won't pass judgment onto me. I will," he states and he holds up his Gashat, getting off the ground. He presses the side of the Gashat and it glows. "You are trying to used me, the seeing of lives, as an excuse. But you have just abandoned your only way to save and revive all the victims who have vanished!"

"Wait...no..." I move forward. "Don't do this, Masamune! Please...stop..." I am so glad I'm covering my stomach as much as possible right now.

He looks at me briefly and looks away, staring at the rest of us. "You have fashioned yourselves as champions and saviors of this world and of the lives of humans, but here you are dooming them to dreadful fate," Masamune says, pointing at us. He brings his fist closer to his body.

"Kara, stand back," Kuroto says, looking at me with a caring expression on his face.

"No, let her be as close as possible since she is part of this!" Masamune shouts, sounding like a madman. "You are the ones who have disrespected these lives, not me!" He smiles and looks up, staring at the sky.

"Masamune, stop!" I shout, tears filling my eyes. Why is he doing this? What is he trying to prove right now by doing this?

He stabs it into his chest and my eyes go wide as I fall to my knees as he screams in pain. He holds out his arms to the sky, turning green. He is pixelating.

"I have passed the final judgment," he says and he vanishes, pixels flying around. I hold out my hand and stare at one that lands on it. He's gone...

A hand goes onto my shoulder and I look up, staring at Hiiro's face. "Kara..."

I look at Kuroto as he sort of face palms himself. He lost his father now. He has his parents gone for forever because of this.

What are we going to do now?

A/n: The next chapter is the final chapter of this story. It'll deal with how everything is after Masamune's death. It is sad to see this story coming to an end. I have enjoyed writing this and I hope to write more. Thank you everyone for reading this. This has surpassed my expectations. Really, it has. The reads are insane. I thought this would only get like one hundred reads at the most. 

Again, thanks.

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