Fast Times At Clairemont High

By MusicIsMyLife7121415

4.8K 80 28

Vic is an English teacher and guidance counselor right out of college. He's focused on caring for Mike and ge... More

Fast Times At Clairemont High


156 1 0
By MusicIsMyLife7121415

"Does anyone know what heat looks like?" Vic asked, pacing at the front of the class. What the fuck is that supposed to mean? No one responded. "Anyone?" The class shrugged and Vic sighed. He was so cute when he was frustrated. "No one..." We shook our heads.

"Like the basketball team?" Someone asked. Vic looked confused for a second.

"No, not the basketball team." He said in a mocking tone.

"Mr. Fuentes?" Patty asked.

"Yes?" He asked hopping up on his desk.

"Heat is something you feel, not see, how could you know what it looked like?" I rolled my eyes. Patty Hughs, stating the obvious again...

"Good question. How can we?" He slid off the desk and turned on the mimio. A picture of a sweaty person on the beach was already up. "Does it look like there would be heat here if you were here?" He asked the class. There's always heat where you are I thought. I glanced at the picture and agreed that the person did look hot. Vic turned off the mimio, of course using the remote since he was so short, and wrote something on the board.

"Imagery." He said. "Imagery creates a picture in your mind. It doesn't matter what it is, you can always create a picture of something. Even if you can't physically see it, you can still describe it." A few people nodded in understanding. "You want your reader to get a clear image of the setting. If I said, 'it was hot at the beach,' you would all know what I meant. But that's boring, and it's nothing you haven't heard before. Be creative with it, don't just write the obvious, think of some other way to express how hot it was without even using the word 'hot.' Now, I want you all to think of something that you would not normally consider 'visible' and describe it in one sentence, without actually saying what it is. After you guys can read them and we'll try to guess what it is." I rolled my eyes realizing I actually had to do things now.

I pulled out my notebook and thought for a moment about what I'd right about. I tapped my pencil on the paper for a few minutes and started to zone out before I realized I would probably be forced against my will to share this.

She swore she would do anything to get it.

"Does everyone have something?" Vic glanced around, but no one responded. Bunch of buzz kill...

"Yes we do Mr. Fuentes." I said in a high-pitched flirty voice which ended up sounding really sarcastic... Vic looked at me.

"That's fantastic, would you like to be the first to share, Cameron?" He asked in the same voice. Wow, Vic, I don't like your attitude...

"No, thanks, I'll let that pleasure go to someone else." I said, giving him the same sassy voice. He nodded.

"Anyone else then?" No one moved. "Alright Cameron, you're up!" He said, excitedly. "Come up here and read it." I rolled my eyes and slapped my hand on my paper, dragging it with me.

"Rot in Hell!" I whispered, just loud enough for the class to hear.

"What was that Cameron?" Vic asked. Talk about good hearing...

"Nothing Mr. Fuentes!" I called in my flirty voice as I strutted up to the front. "She swore she would do anything to get it." I spoke proudly. "Now tell me, my slaves, what am I referring to?" No one said anything. "Wow, you must hate your job if this is what it's like all day." I said to Vic. He chuckled.

"Yeah, pretty vivacious right? Someone, please! End this deafening silence! Kellin! Give us a guess, anything at all!" Vic said as he walked to his desk, and jumped up on it.

"Uh... um,--"

"That's not an answer, try again." Vic said.

"D-Determination?" He asked timidly. I shook my head.

"Nope! Next guess."

"Perseverance?" Someone shouted out. I rolled my eyes.

"That's the same thing..." I stated. No one else said anything. "How's about our dear old teacher gives us a guess, huh?" I asked dramatically shuffling my feet over to Vic. I leaned my head on his shoulder and put my arm around the other.

"Cam..." He said.

"No, it's not me either. Wow, that was a really bad guess. Try again?" I asked as I stepped away and slowly meandered around the room.

"Uh, desire?" I spun around facing him again and fist pumped the air.

"Ding ding ding! Finally! Was it really that hard?" I asked. Vic shook his head.

"You can take a seat now, Cameron. Does anyone else want to go?" Vic asked a few people to go and after, he started handing out books. "So, we're going to start reading Othello. It's a Shakespeare play, and yes you'll have to write an essay after. I want you to read the first two scenes this weekend. We won't finish it for a few weeks, maybe next quarter, but start coming up with essay topics as you read. You're going to need quotes so pay attention to that." We all groaned and Vic rolled his eyes.

By now it was the end of class--and the day--and the bell finally rang. I threw all my stuff in my bag and headed towards the door. I had made plans to meet Mike and we'd hang out after school. Instead I almost ran into him at the door.

"Hey Cam!" He said.

"Hola Mike!" He grinned. "What are you doing here?"

"Just gotta talk to Vic." I nodded and he walked in and went up to Vic. "Hey, I'm going into town, can you pick us up later?" He asked Vic.

"Uh, I have to do things? Yeah, I guess." Vic said sarcastically. "" Mike nodded.

"Oh right! Is it okay if Cam stays over tonight? Say yes because she's going to anyway." Vic sighed and nodded.

"Don't act so thrilled, I'm right here." I said, leaning against the door frame. Vic shooed us away.

"Go. Leave. Get out of here. It's Friday and I want to go home. I'll see you later." Vic said. Mike and I ran out the door and out of the school. We walked into town and shopped around for a while, not actually buying anything.

"Hey, is it weird for you that I really like your brother?" I asked Mike. He nodded.

"Absolutely. Although it wouldn't bother me as much if he wasn't your teacher." I giggled.

"Mike why doesn't he love meeee!?" I whined dramatically falling onto him. He chuckled.

"I don't know Cam."

"Well can you find out?" I pleaded with him. He patted my head.

"Alright, I'll ask him." I grinned and hugged him. "Now do you want to go home? It's kind of late." He asked. I nodded. He called Vic to pick us up and soon he came and got us.

A/N: This chapter is literally so bad sorry...

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