A New World | THE BIG FOUR: B...

By Thecalendar15

9.2K 455 136

COMPLETE [MODERN AU] Pitch had taken his long running vengeance into action. Locking them in cages. Drowning... More

20 : THE 8th


285 19 3
By Thecalendar15

Days had passed and Rapunzel felt so overwhelmed of the weight reigning on her shoulders. She left Germany. Her face suddenly saddened. She can now feel the pain beneath her eyes, hunting her. With the open window pane, Rapunzel shivered through the cold night wind; never realizing it suits her more than she thinks it will be.

Lampposts aligned through the streets, white gleaming lights shone under the coat of darkness. Brighter than the moon... than the stars. Buildings laid up spaces to spaces, larger than she expected. It's far too different. Unfamiliar.

"Det er vakkert."

The driver of the vehicle, an old man in his late 40's, mumbled underneath his breath. His gaze landed unto the rear mirror, looking at a blonde lady at the back.

Rapunzel snapped a look and smiled wryly. She can't speak nor understand Norwegian or any sort of language but by the looks of it, the man might be talking to himself or mumbling an expression of his. To himself alone. Rapunzel traveled her eyes back to the open window, watching every light she sees.

"Ah." The man moaned. White beard covered his lips. Nodding.

Rapunzel twitched, gazed back at the old man's back. Watching him move the steering wheel into a right turn.

"Norway is a wonderful place." The man started. "If that's what you are thinking right now, don't worry." He smiled. "This place will lighten your thoughts about it."

His mouth opened, lips trembling-

"It's beautiful."

Rapunzel listened to everything he said. Her eyes bore within. She knows that this place is as magnificent as to what she hears and will see. Rapunzel knows it. But an undeniable feeling made its cut within her skin. Norway will lighten the freshly opened wound in her, it will heal as time will fly. Someday. It will.

She smiled. Her lips curved up. Her blond hair tossed around together with the wind.

Her mouth gaped, setting aside the lump forming in her throat.

"Det er vakkert."

Rapunzel whispered, even she can only hear. It's beautiful. Knowing that these are the first Norwegian words she learned in her life. Words that made an impression to her.

The vehicle turned in an alley and came out within the other of the street, much more peaceful compared to the first ones she had seen. They turned to another right turn whereas fewer yet bigger houses showed up. Houses like that of Germany.

"We've arrived." The man beamed, the vehicle came into a full stop before growling to death.

Rapunzel gazed through the window and witnessed a glamorous well-built house in light shade of brown and white in color, much more like a mansion with tall black tinted gates in front, securing what was inside.

The man, never knowing his name, began cuddling up the baggage and passed through the gates.

Rapunzel opened the door and went outside, white smoke escaping from her thin pink lips as she breathed. A white thick scarf wrapped around her neck. Her feet in small slow pace, she can feel her heart beat fast. Walking. Walking. Until someone greeted her.

"Good evening, my lady." The woman smiled as Rapunzel walked passed through the gates. "You must be Miss. Rapunzel Corona?"

The young lady beamed despite the cold electrifying wind blowing against her skin.

"That's me." She smiled.

"Come in. Come in." The woman urged, wearing in a silky white dress ending up to her ankles. Brown doe short hair and striking dark eyes. With fair complexion. Taller and fit physique.

"I am Rose, by the way." She greeted and wrapped her hands on Rapunzel's shoulder. Matching every inch of their gaits as they walked closer inside.

Rapunzel cannot barely hear all Rose is saying, her voice, small and inaudible for her. Like an echo circling her eardrums, soft yet unclear. She neared and neared until she can fairly see the stairs and double doors of the mansion, shoving its lights at her.

She silenced. Diverting her focus as to what she sees. Her green eyes quivered at the sight.



She can now see two familiar silhouettes under the lights, talking to the man whose with her a while ago. They smiled and thank him before finally letting him in with the baggage on. They talked for a while until their gazes had ultimately landed unto hers.

A beautiful and elegant lady in her light blue dress with dark doll shoes on. Her perfect braided hair sits idly on her shoulder. She smiled... in a formal way. Beside her stood a lady in her long strawberry blonde hair tied in two pigtail braids, having bangs down her forehead. Wearing a yellow dress ending exactly in her knees. Her eyes lit in excitement. She smiled widely, failing to hide her joy.

Anna stood along with her sister, Elsa outside. Waiting for their beloved cousin, Rapunzel whom they haven't seen for quite a while. For almost twelve long years. Twelve long years.

"Oh, I can't believe this!" Anna squeaked. "We will be seeing her again and what makes it more excited is that..." She stopped and took a quick glimpse at her sister.

"Rapunzel will be staying here with us!"

Elsa giggled and nodded slowly, a smile painted in her lips.

"Yes. I am also quite delighted of her arrival." She answered. Elsa opened her mouth to say something further- "Oh. She's here."

Anna snapped. Her head moved and stilled in front. She smiled as if she had won something expensive.

Rapunzel didn't know what to do. Her eyes water in utmost emotions flowing within her. She stopped after every step once in a while, her posture in an awkward position. Her hands rubbing against each other in a cute gesture. Her golden hair flows together with the wind.

Elsa shifted but Anna got the courage to move faster, going through the stairs unto the cold hard ground. Anna neared and can completely see Rapunzel face to face.

"Oh God!" Anne hugged her petite form. "I missed you Rapunzel! You've grown!" She let go. "I-I mean, all of us. Look at us now!"

Rapunzel chuckled. Tucked strands of her hair in her ears.

"I know!" The blonde girl smiled. "I missed you too. You've become more beautiful." Rapunzel honestly praised, looking at her from head to toe. She smiled and gazed at Anna.

"Anna hadn't changed a bit."

Rapunzel glanced at Anna's back and saw Elsa gracefully walking her way towards them. Her pale complexion thrived against the moonlight.

"Welcome Rapunzel." She welcomed and gave her a tight and warm hug. Rapunzel could almost smell her minty and cool perfume, far more different compared to her sweet and fresh scent.

"Hey Elsa." Rapunzel smiled.

"We're very glad to have you here in Norway. I'm sure you're tired from hours of your travel." Elsa started. "It's very exhausting."

Rapunzel nodded. Agreeing all to what her cousin had said. Well, she's tired but not that really. She'd still got an enormous amount of energy within her, to keep the night going and to finish the day over. The only thing that's keeping her down is the cold weather she's not completely used to when she's in Germany. She misses the warmth, the heat.


"Hm. Kind of." She beamed, her nose crinkled. "But hey, it's so nice seeing you again. It's been so long since the last day we've seen each other."

Something changed within her tone. She's in the process of adapting herself around the environment. New places. New faces. New life. Rapunzel needed to be strong and bold enough to adapt to these current changes and keep herself flowing through waves of challenges, because if not, she'll find herself drowning from the waves of sadness and regret. Sorrow and pain.

God, why do she keep locking herself inside her cage?

Anna giggled, her sweet voice ranged through the air.

"I have a bunch of stories to tell you about." Anna squealed.

Elsa and Anna had been longing for this moment to happen. They've missed their cousin eagerly. Starting when their parents died in a vehicular accident, they would thirstily find love and happiness that is likely the same that of Rapunzel could offer. Even though, at their small age, they would play and laugh endlessly out of their hearts content... but that was a long time ago.

Rapunzel chuckled.

Elsa nodded and smiled.

"Well then, a time for dinner is what we are all waiting for."

The three ladies made their way inside the mansion; Anna, Rapunzel, Elsa. Full of untold stories inside their mouths waiting to be told and waiting to be heard. A well-known tenderness lingered through each of them, a familiar affection. Brought back after a decade.


They never knew, this will bring them closer into the depths of tragedy.

And pain.


It's the first day of school. For Rapunzel. After talking and chatting together with her cousins for hours, she felt delighted and refreshed. All of the pain and her longed memories had slowly been deceasing. Forgotten and thrown away bits by bits. Eugene.


She stood outside the lobby of the University, reading the name of the well-known school she's in. Rapunzel felt too honored to enter this community, this university. A privilege of her.

"Come on!" Anna insisted. "I'll have to tour you around."

"No, no." She chuckled. "Thank you, Anna but I think I want to roam around alone for a while. A little adventure." Rapunzel smiled.

"Is it all right with you?" Elsa asked as they are entering the University premises.

"Hm." Rapunzel smiled and looked around. "Yes, Elsa. I'll be back soon enough."

The memory flashed within her vision. Rapunzel almost regretted the idea of initiating herself to be alone. The University is as grandiose and gigantic as every movie she had watched. Too many hallways, stairs and narrow pathways. She checked her time, 7:25 A.M.

Before she can even take a step, a high pitched sound of bell rang through each and every corner of the school through big and wide speakers. Rapunzel clutched her schedule form in a paper.

"Oh, no, no." Her eyes quivered, gazing through all sides. Not knowing what to do first.

Before her mind can decide, Rapunzel swiftly scoffed through the University; having no idea what will happen. Being late in the first day of school will totally ruin her record.

Walking. Walking.

The lady in a red orange curly hair skidded back and fort in her location, divided and confused by her decision. Merida stood in the middle of the hallway, not having a single idea where her feet will take her. She wanted to ask questions for the correct direction but there is no single person where she's in, well, there are some but that would take too much time and energy to go and approach them.



"For crying out loud," She placed her hands up in the air. Her bag hanging in her right shoulder.

"This university is immense than I imagined. Leaving me in turns and tracks."

Merida groaned underneath her breath.

Her eyes fixated in the paper where her schedule is imprinted. First subject 7:30-8:30. Room C302. Merida bore her stare within the numbers calibrated at the top of each and every room around her.





Her mind ticks within every second passing by. She won't let this ruin her first day of school and her records. She wanted to travel to Norway in the first place and her parents definitely allowed her. That's an opportunity hanging loosely in front of her waiting to be snatched and taken. And that's what she had done. Merida won't let things fall down within her grasps.

She won't let it.

She groaned.

"Okay. Okay." She said, talking to herself.

Merida found herself nearing upon a group of two persons actively chatting in the corner of the hallway, after the stacks of metal lockers; they stood their constantly.

She neared.

And neared-

An unexplainable force stumbled through the Scottish girl's body, nearly making her balance out of control but Merida had managed before tumbling down the cold and hard flooring. Her hair totally covered her face, she fumbled her fingers and set aside all strands.

She opened her mouth-

"Oh, I'm very sorry." The blonde girl apologized, her hair in a pony tail. Wearing a light purple dress ending below her knees. "I'm very very sorry. You see, I'm in a rush and I'm quite new here."

Rapunzel's eyes water.

"I'm very sorry."

After just a second and two, Rapunzel scoffed vastly into the flight of stairs exactly in front of them, leaving Merida in awe and disturbance. Her eyes blinked in constant motion. She could still hear the tiny and faint footsteps going through the floors.

Merida's lips parted and she nodded slowly, like struck by an idea she'll never let go. Being enclosed by something.

"I'm quite new here."

It echoed.

She nodded again and payed a final look at the paper.


Merida skidded through the stairs with her hair crumpling within her sight. She stopped, the rooms flashed... B201, B202, B203...

She took another flight of stairs until she'd reached the designated floor. Her eyes wandered through the numbers. C301, C302, C303 and her gazed backed a number.


Before her eyes would blink, Merida swear she saw the familiar girl a while ago. With the blonde long hair in a pony tail. Entering the same room as hers. The same number strolled in the paper she's holding. The same building. The same time.

Merida neared. This is the room. Finally, she found it. With the pressure building inside her, she made her way inside. Her hands slightly trembling at the touch of the hard surface of the door. Merida deeply breathed. Shoulders intensified. Palms sweating. She shouldn't be scared. That is not included in her vocabulary.


She'll be meeting new faces. New people. That's what she is afraid of.

Her fate.

With no further ado, she opened the door widely and stepped in with a glorious confidence within her. Her ocean blue eyes wandered around the room, all eyes at her, Merida stilled.

A new start. A new day to end with. She never knew what will her fate will bring her, until when this starts into a little adventure, she will only know she had entered a fathomless and endless trickery.

Merida calmed.

She smirked.

'A great way to start the day.' She thought.


Author's Note:

Hello! Sorry, I haven't been able to publish a chapter last week because of my busy schedule and studies. Now, I have come with one!

Enjoy reading :)

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