
By ShelbyWinds

22.7K 2.7K 206

A futuristic society of warrior-class and citizens fighting a war of survival. Kadance encounters and helps t... More

Prelude Bandro
Prelude Ship
Prelude Gaia
Prelude High Command
Bonus Chapter - Tanker


157 21 3
By ShelbyWinds

The boys get back to work as Tommy is wheeled to a quiet area of HQ. "We'll skip physio today since I'm told you walked a significant amount earlier. That and your other physical workouts make anything I might do as insignificant. However, I do want to talk, I hear you got clearance to go down to Celeste tomorrow."

"Yes," Tommy replies almost belligerently.

"Save it Tommy, I'm not your enemy here. It doesn't matter to me where we do your therapy. I'm more than happy to be going to Celeste, but I don't want you out. By the time we get to Luna Two you should be walking more. Maybe even long distances without aid. If so I won't hold you back, but if you disregard my instructions here, I'll keep you ship side for Luna Two." Sandlee explains seriously.

"Relax Sandlee, I've already been confined to quarters on Celeste. I'll be a good boy," Tommy says.

Sandlee breaks out laughing. "That'll be the day Tommy. It's too bad life bonds are closed relationships."

"Even if it wasn't, I wouldn't be with anyone else," Tommy says deadly serious.

"I know," Sandlee says and takes him back to his apprentices. "Have fun boys."

"Dall! How nice of you to meet us at the shuttle port," Kadance says smiling at the man standing before her.

Dall breaks into a wide smile, "Kadance, glad your could make it. I hear you've been making things exciting around here lately."

"Me? Naw. The shifters have been busy and the team just happened to find out their plans. How'd things go here?" Kadance says walking with Dall, Jayse at her side.

"Not bad, civies were still mostly in the caves. The others went back down." Dall looks around, "I'm not seeing Tommy is everything okay with him?" Dall asks quietly.

"He was severely injured at Camp, almost died. He'll be out in a sec. He's still using a wheelchair most of the time so he and his physio are coming out last," Jayse answers.

Dall surprised says, "They shot him that badly that it got through his armor?"

"No, he wasn't touched by bullets at camp, that was at Planex. No, the force of Dest's little poppers clearing out a corridor of shifters threw Tommy and the others against walls. For the others it caused concussions, for Tommy internal bleeding. We found out almost too late," Jayse explains further.

"Then Rueton's little test caused Tommy to become too active too soon. He started bleeding again, setting his rehab back," Kadance says angrily.

Jayse laughs, "Yeah, he was bed rest for days afterwards and only now starting to walk any length again and that's with a walker."

Dall whistles, "I bet that's going over well."

Kadance smiles cynically, "Not. He's becoming an absolute bear."

"Anyone I know?" Tommy asks coming up to them.

"Tommy, you move just as silent in that chair as you do on your feet," Kadance says startled.

Tommy smirks, "That's the idea. Who's the bear?"

"You," Jayse says smugly, "you're a bear."

"A cute cuddly one," Tommy says to Kadance.

Kadance just rolls hers eyes, "See Dall, what I'm subjected to everyday?"

"Hah, you wouldn't have it any other way and you know it," Tommy replies. "Besides, it makes life funner that way."

"Funner isn't a word Tommy," Kadance says patiently.

"Sorry, boss, the way I see it, you wanted this so you get no sympathy from me." Dall says opening the conveyance door. Kadance shakes her head as she climbs in after Jayse. Tommy climbs in after Kadance. Sandlee folds the chair up and places it with the luggage and the twins wait for her to climb in before they climb in as well. Once every one is in Dall closes the door and goes to the drivers seat.

As they go along Dall explains about the city, "Shuttle port was heavily damaged when the shifters attacked. We believe they, the civilians, tried to blow it up. They had some success but nothing like any of our demo people could pull off. It was the first building we repaired. Then the machinery you sent was able to clear off the debris. We got the bio scanners up and working as quickly as possible. Then once that was taken care of I split my team into thirds: two of the teams were reinforced with civies. The first team was sent to build, rebuild, I should say, the hospital and security offices. Once those were complete they started on housing. We demolished all the unstable buildings and fixed those that were fixable.

"The second team started on the infrastructure, clearing off the streets, street repairs, sewage, power, com. services. They got the basic services up and running, focusing on the least damaged areas first so that when civies came back those homes would be livable. We aren't done yet, I'm afraid to say, sorry Boss." Dall reports, "We would've been done, or close to it if that last attack hadn't come.

"I have to say those cannons did help. Definitely the other toys were good as well. Fortunately the fighting was light here.

"But evenso it did set us back a bit. Right now the city is about 75% running with housing almost complete. We're working on business's now, many of the offices were destroyed, as were most of the stores so we have to rebuild almost all of them.

"I'm afraid your hotel was pretty trashed and we had to demolish it and there aren't any hotels up and running yet, so we fixed you and the team up in an apartment complex." Dall says pulling up to a stop in front of a building. "I chose the one next to the security offices. The security building is the most secure building on Celeste, even now," Dall says proudly.

"You've done well, Dall very well. We'll be here for only a few days, but while here I and other team members will be looking around," Kadance says.

"What about your third team?" Jayse inquires.

"Yes, the rescue teams. They've found many of the civies and have been helping them. They've been slowly bringing them back to the surface. Some, mostly adults have been suffering severe psychological problems, we need help Kadance. We are way over our heads here. There are some that can help and they do, but it's not enough. Some of them aren't so bad, but others, it's like they are in some kind of deep shock." Dall shakes his head, "We don't know how to help them."

Kadance pats him gently on the shoulder. "We've been doing our best to get things back to normal. Some of the schools are up and have full time status. Some businesses have been able to get going again, but not many. The western continent has sent some things, but not enough to set up the stores and businesses. We have too many people with time on their hands and no credits coming in."

"I see, the com systems are up and running? Good, let everyone know I'll be speaking to them tomorrow at 15:00. Also write up a list of the most needed items. Get with logistics and write up a list of items for stores for the city." Kadance says as she climbs out of the car. You're welcome to join us for dinner, I promise it's a meal not to be missed."

"I'd love to," Dall replies happily.

"Good, then come back in an hour and a half, bring the list with you if you can," Kadance says and going into the building. "Wear your other uniform, you'll fit in better."

"Sure looks better than the last time I saw Celeste," Marks comments as they enter the building. "Most of the city was rubble or badly damaged then. Mostly I think from badly placed explosives. I could have done more damage from half of what they used and done less damage to the buildings as collateral damage."

"Yes, I'm sure you could have," Tommy says looking at photos taken by Alpha as they landed and after they finished. "So could I, however, they did quite well with their training." Putting the photos on the 3D screen for the room he calls the boys over. "Tell me what they did, how they did it, and how you would have done it." The boys study the photos and start listing what caused the damage and how it was done, then they both listed ways they'd have done things.

"Okay, Marks you tell me," Tommy says smirking at Marks and waiting for his reply.

"Well, far as I can tell, both from the photos and from looking it over personally, I'd say the boys pretty much nailed it on the first part," Marks drawls, "but for the explosives I'd," he goes into what he'd do different than what the boys posited.

"Nice, why'd you choose your way over theirs?" Tommy inquires.

"Their job would work, but it also causes more collateral damage. Shifter physiology isn't as strong as ours, a slightly lower concussion would be just as deadly on the shifters but less harmful to the buildings," Marks explains.

"Dest, you look like you have something you want to add." Tommy invites Dest to join in as he sees him listening and watching.

"I disagree with part of the first part. See here?" He points at a spot, "for the rest I agree with the twins and Marks, but there, something else was used." Dest explains why he says that. "As for how I'd do it, I'd do it this way..."

"Very good Dest, you picked up something not many would. However, you all missed the mark. Although some of those explosions were caused by your explanations, here, here and here were caused by..." and Tommy starts his lecture mode. Marks and Dest just as enthralled as the boys.

"As for the way you'd set it up you are all right. Boys, if you use your way there's a modification to lower the concussion for less damage to the buildings. However, this is how I'd do it..." and Tommy explains. Tommy then pulls up schematics, explosive schematics and gives modifications and ideas. He pulls up the explosives used by the civies and explains had they placed it here and modified so, the effects it would have created. "Never dis any explosive device. If you know what you are doing any explosive device can be deadly. Know your ingredients. You may run out of toys and need to make your own. Tomorrow I want you boys to go and find the ingredients for three different kinds of homemade toys. Then I want you to assemble them, after you show them to me I want you to modify them to double their blast range. Then after all that I want you to tell me how and where you'd use them, how'd you place them if we were under attack," Tommy says as he dismisses them for dinner.​

Dall had come up and listened to Tommy's explanation and instructions. "I wish you'd been my instructor for demo at Camp. I learned more from you just now than I did there."

"I've only ever taught once at Camp and that was just a short time ago, as I taught the students how to modify the ordnance there to double the impact," Tommy says.

"Perhaps, but you have taught before. It's there in how you are teaching the boys. I just wish I could've studied under you," Dall says with a touch of wistfulness.

"He's just being modest Dall. He taught our Demo man," Marks pipes up. "He's taught all the best and none of them come close to him."

"Now that makes sense. The mystery instructor, a lowly corporal, the lieutenant wouldn't like to admit he took classes and was bested by a corporal," Dall chuckles.

"Your Lt, was cocksure fool. He wouldn't listen to half of what I taught. He didn't do very well in the field test. He only got through three of my toys," Tommy says in disgust.

"People keep talking of your field test. Just how many toys do you use?" Marks asks.

"Varies, usually fifty different types, sometimes more. But I never use something I haven't taught and I always teach the modifications at the same time. There is no reason he shouldn't have gotten to at least forty. He was lazy and arrogant."

"He died here you know, came across a shifter bomb. He triggered it instead of disarming," Dall says thoughtfully.

That makes Tommy angry, "That idiot. He refused to even study ordnance from shifters. How'd he ever get anyone like you two on his team?"

"We came on straight from Camp. Did extra studying on the side. Some of the other demo's had better training and took me on," Marks says.

"Me, well I did a lot of reading. Intel didn't mind, they wanted me to be better. They'd loan me to the Lt. only when they had to," Dall says.

"Smart people, well I'll teach you along with them if you're around. Never hurts to expand your knowledge when it comes to anything, but explosives especially."

Kadance comes over, "Come on boys, instruction time for bombs is over. Maren has fixed a lovely meal and it's getting cold."

Kadance sits back after her last bite and sighs in pleasure. As she sips her juice she watches Dall and thinks. "Dall, you've done a wonderful job here. Better than I'd hoped with that shifter mess. When I sent you here from Jandin you left my team to do a task in three months, four actually that most would consider impossible with a year to accomplish. This is your baby," she hesitates, "I hadn't intended for this to be a permanent position. I wanted you to come back to my team. As long as Tommy is partially down our team is hindered, but I don't know if you would be willing to return to me. So, Dall, I am giving you the choice; remain here in charge or return to my team under Jayse. Let me know by the day after tomorrow."

"Thank you, Kadance. When you had me keep this and the formal uniform I hoped that meant you wanted me back. That you had me wear it tonight means a great deal. Yes, Celeste is my baby, but I don't belong here. My second in command loves it here and is a very capable leader." Here Dall chuckles, "He already had a list after list set up. He's sent them over. I would very much like to return to the team."

"Kadance we found ninety percent of the civies made it to the caves, thank you. You've taken my nightmares about Celeste away. I can't thank you enough," Dall says.

"Hah, you come back to the team and you'll find out," Tommy jokes. "She'll expect more miracles like you've done here."

Everyone chuckles, "But seriously, I'll feel better having you with us. She's tackling Luna Two next. I won't be fully up yet, we'll need you." Tommy says, "Welcome back."

"Finish out your duties here, start transferring power over to your second. Tomorrow wear your security dress. After I make my announcement we'll do an official ceremony. Understand Dall, I find you extremely valuable here, but you've more than proved your worth. My team has been tested again and again elsewhere, you've had your test here. It just goes to show I have the best team ever created in the Unified Planets Alliance."

"Tommy, how are you doing with your hand messed up?" Kadance asks him as she takes him to his room.

"Other than pushing this bloody chair about I pretty much get by without it bothering me. When my arm was blown off, I had to learn to do things without that arm. It took them years to get the prosthetic to work right. So I learned to do without. What sucked the worst was reteaching my left hand how to do everything again," Tommy says simply.

Tommy stands up and opens the door. He leans against the wall as he gets out of the chair's path. "Help me to my room Kadance, please?"

Kadance immediately goes to his side and clasps him around the waist and takes one of his hands. He squeezes her left hand gently. He is able to remain steady and improve his speed. "Thank you, I've been wanting to do this for hours." He pulls her around and kisses her.

"Ruined hand or not Tommy, you are perfection," Kadance manages to gasp out between kisses.

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