
By ShelbyWinds

22.7K 2.7K 198

A futuristic society of warrior-class and citizens fighting a war of survival. Kadance encounters and helps t... More

Prelude Bandro
Prelude Ship
Prelude Gaia
Prelude High Command
Bonus Chapter - Tanker


162 21 0
By ShelbyWinds

"Congratulations boys! I know you have plans with your friends, but we have some little gifts we want to give you." Kadance says as her nephews bound into the HQ of her team. All the team members give the boys a gift.

Tommy of course gives them Alpha perimeter charges and Jayse gives them knives.

"Now I have two gifts for you." She hands them top grade laser guns. "And the second gift. Your mother must have felt that she'd never see you again. After she was killed I found these in her box. I believe she made it just before we went to Planet fall. As you know I was never fortunate enough to meet your father, but I see a great deal of my sister in you and as I've grown to know you I see even more of her than before. I know that she'd be very proud of the men you've become as I believe your father would have been as well." Kadance wipes the tears away and takes a moment to get herself under control before continuing. "He must have been a wonderful man, my sister never got over his loss." She hands them two micro scans. "These are ten years out of date, but Rackem and Candlen's toys that they gave you should make it possible to read these." She gives them both a hug. "I know I'm just a foolish woman, but I cried when I saw her message. You are welcome to your privacy."

They look at each other and nod. "We'll just borrow the kitchen area for a bit," Jade says.

"We don't remember her voice anymore. Thank you Kadance," Jax says softly. The twins quickly exit to the kitchen.

"That is perhaps the best present ever," Jayse whispers to her.

"It wasn't mine to give. It was Faline's and hers alone," Kadance replies just as softly.

"Kadance you need to learn to accept praise when it's due. It's insulting to the giver when you deny the gift. Praise is a gift, learn to accept it," Tommy says gently. "Now I'm wiped so I'm off to bed. Save me some of this wonderful food, I'll eat it tomorrow." He calls out as he rolls out the door. "Oh and tell those two scamps that I'll expect them to join me for lunch, where we will get down to serious work. These injuries may keep me from some aspects of my training but others I can still teach. Let them know I expect them clear headed and ready to work hard. If they are hungover or in anyway muddle minded I'll double their workload." He laughs happily as the door shuts behind him.

Borden opens the door and shouts after him, "That's cruel Tommy!"

"I know," Tommy's voice comes back. "I know."

"This is a side of Tommy I've never seen," Kadance says softly to Jayse.

"That's because he's only like this with his students. He may joke about his toys and his games, but he knows the rules. He takes things very seriously when it comes to teaching. If anyone broke his rules he was out. No exceptions. If Jade and Jax come in tomorrow with muddled heads they're going to wish they weren't born. Once he knows they understand he'll joke with them about things. I think he's planning on riding them pretty hard though. He sees a lot of potential in those boys. Don't be surprised if he teaches them much more than explosives. Tommy takes all the fields to become what he is. He'll be teaching your nephews that as well. They are very likely going to become two of the best ghost men the warrior society will ever see," Jayse explains.

"I know Tommy is good," Kadance says.

Jayse stops her, "No, Stefi, he's not just good, he's the best. Rackem and Candlen are two of the best electronics people you'll find. They can't break Tommy's encryptions. They can't hack him. Amgle, Mareton they're two of intel's best, yet Tommy knows more than they ever will. Tommy is the best. The only reason he's not leading is because he has issues with authority and he detests office work. He intentionally sabotages any chance of promotions for that reason. Yet, he was still in charge of the explosives/demo unit because there was none better. Everyone knows that. The reason no one has ever passed his field test is because they have never learned or understood Tommy's 'secret'. Knowledge is power. Knowing, learning and gathering as much info as possible using all methods possible. They should have acted like he is the enemy and they didn't. So they failed. Tommy is going to ride the twins hard so they don't, he believes they have it in them to be as good or possibly even better than him," Jayse explains.

Kadance is a little lost, "Is it really that important? I understand the explosives are important, but is it really necessary to work them so hard?"

Jayse stares at her at a complete loss on how to explain. He motions Borden over. "Can you explain to her why having two as good as Tommy has Alpha frothing at the mouth?"

"You know Sigma has the reputation as the best Company to ever grace the Unified Planets?" Kadance nods to Borden, he continues, "Sigma was always sent to what we called the suicide or forlorn missions. Where we are overwhelmingly outnumbered, something similar to what happened here. That's why they sent Alpha. Now Sigma survived these missions because they had the best explosives/demo team and the best intel. Their team was lead by Tommy even with his lousy attitude towards authority because no one could do explosives like him. He knew where, when and what kind of explosives to plant. His traps were and continue to be ingenious. That's why his Company survived impossible odds. To have two equally able on a team trained by Tommy, as good as Tommy? Alpha will become almost unbeatable. That knowledge will keep Alpha Company alive, just as it did us. It's all about numbers Kadance. Warriors are few, shifter are innumerable. We can't afford to lose even one person. So the explosives team needs the best. I have no doubt those two would have gone to Sigma had it not died. They always got the best. Because they had to have the best. Alpha would have done anything to keep those two. Commander Alem stepping down is the least they could have demanded. Jayse was just following your lead. You demand little for the service you give. Your nephews, given they use their brains they've been given will take Tommy's legend and surpass it."

"Tommy's a legend among legends, we will never put him to shame," Jax says solemnly.

"We will make our own story. Tommy will just show us how," Jade continues.

"We would never tolerate being second rate. Uncle Tommy may ride us hard," Jax says.

"But we want to become the best. We welcome the chance," Jade finishes.

Kadance smiles through her tears, "So very like your mother. She couldn't stand being second either. Tommy says he expects you for lunch. That if you are muddled headed in anyway he'll double your workload." She kisses each of them on their cheek. "Now this night is yours to celebrate. Go have fun, you've more than earned it."

"Thank you Aunt Kadance. For everything." They each say as they hug her. They put away their newly acquired toys and take off to meet up with their friends.

"Thank you everyone. The night is yours to celebrate, those on duty you'll be given tomorrow to celebrate," Kadance says smiling. "Have a good night one and all." She retreats to her room and Jayse follows a short time later.

"Okay boys," Tommy says adjusting himself on the bed. "I want you, in unison, to go over everything I taught you. Go."

The boys recite each piece of information they'd been given. It takes them some time.

"Jade give me the specs on five specialized explosives unique to Alpha. Jax give five specialized explosives unique to Sigma. Then tell me on each explosive device five ways to modify it to increase the explosive power. Tell me which ones can be combined which can't. Which situation each modification would be appropriate. Then I want you to hack into Compound HQ, Gaia HQ and if possible Kadance's HQ. If you are successful, I want you to do this separately, no joint efforts, I want fresh info classified three levels. On Kadance I want info we found on Planex regarding shifter plans. I want you to do it undetected. I'll expect you back here for breakfast."

"Yes, sir," They finish their meal and start calling up the info Tommy requested. Neither one sees the smile of anticipation hovering on Tommy's lips.

"You booby trapped the info didn't you?" Kadance says.

"But of course. Disabling traps is as important as learning how to set them. This is just as important as the explosives training," Tommy says.

"Oh, of course," Kadance agrees readily. "I can see how breaking the law is an important part of warrior training."

"Knowledge is power Kadance, knowing is important, knowing when to and how to use that knowledge is vital. Using it for blackmail is deplorable. Using it to save the lives of thousands, possibly millions, that's a whole different kettle of fish. They need to learn one skill, that is when and how to use their other skills. This is what I'll be focusing on. The rest will come with that. The others I've trained could only understand a+b=c. You're nephews understand the reason why a+b=c. They've a natural ability to use what they know in an appropriate manner. I'm just expanding and adjusting their skills. They'll be better than me if I do this right." Tommy says quietly, thoughtfully, "At least I hope so."

Kadance leans down and kisses him. "Don't focus so hard on them that you forget yourself. I need you back with me."

Tommy reaches up and caresses her face. "I'm doing the best I can love. I hate being here. Being away from you and the team."

Kadance smiles, "You just hate not being able to snoop. The good news is Kelan and Sandlee both agree you can have your com set back. You may snoop electronically to your hearts content." Kadance says handing him his comset. "But only supervised physical activity. We are absolutely forbidden to engage in any, way, shape or form of sexual activity. They were both very adamant on that." Kadance sniffs, "It seems you aren't healing as well as she'd like, so Kelan tells me. And since I love you too much to risk your life," Kadance shrugs.

"As much as I'd love to indulge in a long night with you love, it's just as well. I'm afraid you'd be disappointed in me at this point. I'm just too weak, no stamina. I'm afraid I may never ghost again," Tommy says tiredly. "I'm getting too old for ghosting anyway. Hurts too much lately."

Kadance can't help it she bursts out laughing. It's almost uncontrollable. When she finally calms down, Tommy's glare helps her do that, she explains, "Tommy, the day you give up ghosting is the day you die. It's too much a part of you. It scares me, you ghosting about, but I know that you're the best. It's in your blood. I would like you to ghost closer to home, but you won't can't give up ghosting completely. Once you feel better you'll be back to pushing yourself hard." Kadance caresses his face as she explains and his glare disappears.

Finally a small smile appears, "You're right. It's just my injuries talking. Now I really do need a nap. Sandlee is scheduled to come in later. Love you."

Kadance kisses his forehead, "Love you too."

"Kadance the admiral has informed me, that upon compliance to your conditions you are willing to sign another contract. I need to know what your conditions are so we can write up a new contract," Lighten says after Kadance comes back.

"Colonel. Lovely of you to rejoin us. I take it you had a lovely celebration last night?" Kadance says happily.

"Umm yeah," the colonel slightly blushes. "Mostly I didn't want to intrude on you and yours celebrating.

"He still needs to shower Kadance," Jayse says.

Kadance turns serious, "We'll talk after you shower," Kadance says. "I'm starting to feel like a blasted balloon." She lowers herself on to the couch as she mutters. Jayse motions with his head for the colonel to leave. "Colonel. I'm very serious, no business until you've showered. My team is fairly relaxed now, but they get on edge quickly. I don't need you adding fuel to their fire. Shower and do so thoroughly," Kadance says with her eyes closed.

Lighten leaves the room, Jayse follows, "Sexual tensions run high here. Especially when Tommy is here. We hired Kelan as much for her expertise as a doctor as for the fact she's female. The same for Maren. She cooks heavenly, but she also helps to lessen the tension. Sandlee will help even further. Unfortunately the greatest tension is between Tommy and me. There's nothing to help that."

"Did you ever think it would have been better if he had died?" Lighten asks.

No sooner do the words leave his mouth and he was up against the wall a knife to his throat. "Don't even think those thoughts again, no matter how difficult this situation is, I'd go through something a thousand time worse if he died. You better hope and pray you never find out what happens if Tommy were ever to die." The controlled rage burns in his eyes.

"I meant no offense Jayse," Lighten gasps out.

"He's all I got left of Sigma. I'd never, for a second wish or want him dead. We all have demons Colonel. This is one of ours." Jayse pushes away from him. "Go shower. Don't go near Kadance until I get back.

"Borden, Dest stay with Kadance. I'm going to the gym," Jayse says.

"Yes, boss." They both say quickly. After he leaves Borden whispers, "haven't smelled that much rage on anybody before. He must have said something really bad to so upset Jayse."

"Like what? Jayse doesn't care much for most things," Dest says.

"Only Kadance or Tommy. He must have said something about one or the other to get that reaction," Borden replies.

"Boys, when you decide to stop gossiping would one of you find Kelan? It's time for our Dr./patient meeting/appointment whatever," Kadance calls out.

Borden flushes, "Yes, ma'am. She's helping Maren in the kitchen. I'll go get her."

"Thank you. Ugh it's easier to lay down on this thing than it is to get up." Kadance says struggling to sit up. "Dest a hand here if you will." As Dest helps her up the twins burst through the door. All team members draw weapons and Dest adjusts to best protect Kadance.

"Just us, calm down." The twins call out keeping their hands away from their weapons.

The team relaxes. "Boys, you should know by now how on edge the team is. Had Jayse been here you might have knives in you. He's especially upset right now, so please a little more decorum," Kadance chides.

"Sorry Aunt," Jax replies.

"Sorry everyone," Jade says. Then they both go to their work station. They are quickly submerged in their work.

Kelan escorts Kadance to her room for her exam. "Boys," everyone hears her mutter before her door closes.

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