
By ShelbyWinds

22.7K 2.7K 206

A futuristic society of warrior-class and citizens fighting a war of survival. Kadance encounters and helps t... More

Prelude Bandro
Prelude Ship
Prelude Gaia
Prelude High Command
Bonus Chapter - Tanker


166 23 0
By ShelbyWinds

The Colonel swallows to wet his suddenly dry throat and clear his mouth of the food he'd just put in. Deciding quickly he writes, "With Jayse's permission, patch it through to the room com." Jayse nods his assent.

"Colonel, what in blazes is going on out there?" The man says.

"Admiral, still working on sorting everything out. Basically Rueton messed things up royally." The Colonel responds writing as rapidly as he can.

"Why aren't you speaking Colonel Lighten? We received a message from Rueton that Kadance and her team had gone rogue," the Admiral reports.

All eyes turn to the Colonel to see how he'll respond. Everyone listens all other activity ceases. "Admiral, I can say with absolute certainty that Rueton has completely misread the situation. In point of fact I trust my life to them. I actually owe my life to them. Rueton found out he was under investigation and set me up to take the fall. Set me up to be killed, sir. Fortunately Kadance doesn't like bloodshed so Jayse only knocked me out, breaking my jaw.

"Alpha Commander has relieved Rueton and questions his ability to lead. Quite frankly, I see every reason to believe Rueton has gone over the edge. He gave commands that very nearly killed the entire Alpha Company and could have potentially taken out the entire graduating class." Colonel Lighten sends the footage of the generals actions that were questionable.

The Admiral watches the footage. "She threw knives at them? Good heavens some of them are all but shaving them."

"Sir, Rueton really provoked her and her team. One of her husbands had almost died four days earlier and Rueton called into question their loyalty a second time since the attack. She saw Rueton as setting her team up to die. Rueton, Alpha Commander and Compound Commanders are fortunate that she didn't lose control. They wouldn't even have the small wounds they have if they hadn't moved.

"Rueton wants them dead. What he achieved is Kadance no longer wants to have anything to do with the government. She claims, rightly, that Rueton has broken her contract. Her team is also now distrustful. Her nephews have flatly refused to join up with Alpha Company. They don't trust a commander willing to throw away the whole company for a test as Rueton called it.

"All this happened because they want a physio assigned to them for Thompson, who nearly died fighting the shifters. Thompson who was responsible for teaching the ghosts and students how to increase the explosions. We'd have died without him and he did that already recovering from a wound that almost killed him.

"These people have done the greatest service to our kind, the warriors, than anyone. They should be commended not outlawed." The Colonel writes vehemently.

"They fought well?" The Admiral asks.

"About half her team were injured from fighting shifters right down the corridor. Some would be dead if they hadn't had the body armor they have. Kadance herself fought, killing a shifter. They haven't gone rogue. Their requests have been reasonable. Kadance has assumed monetary care of her team. They have only been a benefit to our society. Never have they at any time shown signs of going rogue." The Colonel put forth his most convincing self.

The Admiral is silent for awhile, "What are your feelings regarding Kadance breaking with us?"

"I categorically state it would be disastrous for her to leave at this point. She saved this sector. By her using redliners and disarmed suiciders as her security she held those worlds against the shifter invasion. Her evac plans she's implemented kept the civilian death toll to zero. We've never manged that before. Her team has successfully secured three quarters of the civilians we thought were lost on Celeste. Her team knew the cure for the vampire parasite, that Rueton had buried. She and her late sister worked out a way to increase warrior birth rate that benefits civies as well as warriors. All this in less than a year, Admiral. To lose her now would be disastrous. She claims no credit. Wants no credit. Who else would do all that for nothing? We need her," the Colonel States.

The Admiral puts his hands up to massage the sides of his eyes trying to lessen the headache that's trying to take up a permanent residence there. "Yes, however, Rueton was always worried that Kadance would set all the suiciders against us. Take all the worlds in one."

The Colonel snorts. "She already owns most of them and has made it clear that she doesn't want to deal with the war aspect of dealing with the warriors. So the likelihood of that happening is slim to none, Admiral. Even after all Rueton did Kadance stayed relatively cool. Not once did she go over or show signs of doing so. We are in far more realistic danger from our current suiciders. Before this she was going to Luna Two. From all reports I've had she'd have won them over. Think of that Admiral. There are enough men there for three planets of Security. Three more planets that could hold their own against shifters and wouldn't rely on our Companies." The Colonel persists.

The Admiral holds up his hand and the Colonel stops talking. "Point made Colonel Lighten. This is far more disturbing than I thought."

Jayse snorts and steps into the camera, "Admiral, you don't know the half of it. Think about things carefully before you approach my wife. She is very distrustful of you all right now."

"And you are?" The Admiral asks.

"I'm the one trying to put out the fires Rueton caused. I'm Jayse, Kadance's head of security and her husband, one of them at least," Jayse replies dryly.

"What do you think about our association?" The Admiral asks.

"I think the Society has benefited greatly with little benefit to my wife," Jayse answers shortly.

"Do you think she could be convinced to come back?" The Admiral asks thoughtfully.

"I think it would take a great deal of convincing. She's pregnant Admiral. All of this has upset her greatly. She liked Rueton and takes this as a personal betrayal. But it's not just her you have to convince. You see, we, her security team, take this as a very personal betrayal. I see it as a betrayal of my team, but more importantly a betrayal against my wife. I take that very seriously. We all do, Admiral. This is a mess that could take quite sometime to straighten out.

"Graduation is in less than three days. At which time we will need transport off of Camp to rendezvous with a holdings transport. We wouldn't request that except it's restricted area. Also we need papers for Thompson's physio, Sandlee to be assigned to our team," Jayse says.

"Your requests are simple enough. So of course they'll be filled," the Admiral says.

Tommy joins Jayse, "Admiral, our team used most of our explosive toys. We need to refill the empty spots. Kadance will of course pay the Compound for the toys."

"Who the devil are you?" The Admiral says in surprise. Tommy was back in his wheelchair and looking pretty haggard.

Jayse lays a restraining hand on Tommy's shoulder. "This, Admiral, is Corporal Thompson and he's the reason that there's still a Compound here. He's considered a hero among the demo people in each Company and here at Camp as well."

"Ahh, yes, the one that almost died defending Kadance." The Admiral says, "The one that needs the physio."

"Yes, sir. WE pretty much used everything we had. And amongst ourselves that is saying quite a lot. We need to replenish our supplies," Tommy says tiredly.

"Those left will need to be used for defense and demolition of the compound," the Admiral says.

Tommy starts laughing and this was the last thing the Admiral was expecting from him. "Admiral, with what is left I could blow up this planet three times over. I don't want to take half of what is left. If you want I can design the demo of Compound, modify the explosives, have the explosives teacher monitor the students as they install. I figure you're already sending ships for planet evac. I can have it done tomorrow latest. That would leave 2/3 of the explosives. If you'll allow we'll purchase one half of the remaining poppers. The students know enough to modify the remaining poppers to hold off any invasion." Tommy finishes gasping and sweating.

"Kelan, Tommy needs help." Jayse turns back to the Admiral, "Well Admiral? It's a reasonable request. He's even volunteered to help you out, even though he shouldn't even be out of bed."

At that the Admiral nods his acquiescence. Only then does Tommy allow himself to be wheeled away.

Kelan scans him. "Damn you're bleeding again Tommy." She yells out, "We've got to get him back to the Medic Bay."

Kadance comes out in time to hear that. And Jayse sees her. "Brace yourself Admiral." Kadance joins him.

"What happened to Tommy?" She demands.

"He's bleeding again. Pushed too hard today is my guess." Jayse says to Kadance. The he continues, "Kadance, this is Admiral Jannsen. Rueton's replacement." Jayse steps back a step.

Kadance rakes the Admiral over. "Admiral, I'm sure you'll excuse us. My husband is going back into surgery." She says curtly. Then she leaves to go to Medic Bay. Jayse has only enough time to give an apologetic look to the Admiral and Colonel. Then he signals Mareton and Dest to fall in.

The Compound Commander thankful for Tommy's offer slips off. But he doesn't go unnoticed. Borden nods to Trader. Trader ghosts after the commander. Rackem monitors compounds signals.

"Sir," Alpha Commander says stepping into camera range.

"Ahh, another player in what is rapidly becoming a farce. So, Commander what is your take on the situation?" The Admiral asks with a sigh.

"My take is I'm getting old. Rueton gave an order that was potentially disastrous and I didn't question it. Not until it was very nearly too late. Jayse has already repaired some of the damage I caused, but trust was lost. Trust is very integral between commander and his people. When this is over it may be better for me to step down as Commander of Alpha," he says quietly.

"You think what happened there today requires such a step?" The Admiral asks emotionlessly.

"Yes sir. I almost lost my Company. The whole damn company by blindly following something I knew wasn't true." The Commander replies.

"Everyone mentions that, about Alpha Company almost being killed. Explain." The Admiral Commands.

"Tommy had his proteges set up modified perimeters. Set to go off if crossed by anyone. They were set at the head of both stairs. One going off would have been a strong enough blast to bring that part of the building to rubble. My Company is in that building. The building coming down would have killed them." The Admiral just looks at the Commander in disbelief.

"Surely your people could have disarmed it?" The Admiral says incredulously.

"No, sir. It's a Sigma Perimeter. Tommy has modified way beyond specs. He was the only one until recently that could." Alpha continues holding his hand up to stop the Admiral, "However his proteges further modified his work. Admiral when it comes to explosives there's none better than Thompson. He thinks his proteges might equal him with the proper training. Meaning his." Alpha finishes.

"I see, and just who are his proteges?" The Admiral asks in dread knowing he's not going to like the answer.

"Kadance's nephews. They were slated to join my team. At least they were until today's fiasco." Alpha replies.

The Admiral closes his eyes in pain. "What happened?"

"They refused to have anything to do with Alpha. They claim, rightly, that it's stupid to sign on with a Company whose Commander is willing to risk the lives of the whole Company for a test. Jayse has talked them into giving Alpha Company another chance after their training with Tommy is over." The Alpha Commander explains.

"With an unspoken understanding of your resignation." The Admiral States. At the Alpha's nod he says, "Is it worth having them in Alpha, this sacrifice?"

"Tommy and his unit were deadly. Sigma beat the odds time and again. Even their last mission. Here it saved us all. With two as deadly as Tommy," Alpha looks into the Admiral eyes, "Yes. It's worth this sacrifice. Even as they are right now it is. I'd resign right now if I didn't need to be an active officer to lay charges against Rueton. I've failed my men Admiral." Alpha says adamantly and sad.

"I see, are you done there yet or is there more feathers to soothe?" The Admiral asks.

"There are more feathers, yet without Jayse it's not going to happen," Alpha responds.

The Admiral nods, "Very well. Explain to your men what exactly happened and what you're planning." Alpha salutes and leaves.

"Well Colonel?" The Admiral asks.

The Colonel feels the concentrated force of everyone watching him. Not hostile exactly, but definitely not friendly. He felt like they were just waiting for an excuse to let loose.

"My recommendation, do whatever you have to, promise whatever you have to and follow through, to get Kadance and her team back with us. We need them far more than they need us. They've always played straight and reasonable before. Play straight with her. However, I'd wait until things calm down. And pray they are able to stop that internal bleeding in Tommy." Lighten writes.

"You truly believe she's that important?" Jannsen asks.

"Yes. We just can't afford to let her leave us. Our trouble is, we have very little to offer her." Lighten replies.

"Offer her whatever you think, deem, necessary. When she's willing to talk patch her through to me. I'll back you in whatever you offer. This is a disaster Lighten. Where's Rueton now?" Jannsen asks.

"He's here under the watchful eyes of Kadances team," Lighten says.

"Send him to the brig on one of the warships. I don't want Kadance anywhere near him." Jannsen replies.

"Yes sir," Lighten says.

"Sir," Borden breaks in respectfully.

Jannsen sighs, "Who are you?" His patience nearly gone.

"I'm Borden, from Kadance's security team," Borden replies.

"Yes, Borden? What can I do for you?" Jannsen keeps his tone civil but it's costing him. He rubs his temples some more trying to alleviate some of the pain from the now full blown headache residing behind his eyes.

"Just thought you should know, there was a little known Colony planet recently fully depopulated by the vampire virus. That planet would be an ideal location for the new Training Camp. Civilian burial should be done by the time we could get everything loaded and ready for transport.

"If you send an advance team to prepare facilities and start work on the storage, well it's just a thought. Everyone knows it's a plague planet. No one will move there, or more importantly want to," Borden says.

"And shifters don't attack the dead planets." The Admiral finishes the saying. "Thank you Borden. It may be our best bet. Well that is one less worry at least. Send us the coordinates. We'll look over the specs," Jannsen says. Candlen wastes no time and sends the specs. "It's going to take months to move all the equipment."

"Sir, why not start Kadance's surrogate program now? Find volunteers, screen applicants and bring them here to implant. Then ship them back to their planets under Warrior protection? That will mean less equipment to transport and that equipment could easily have failure during transport. Better to use the viable then risk having it become non viable," Borden voices his thoughts.

"We've already received thousands of volunteer requests. So many poor Civilians. Many have already passed their screenings. Borden, that's a good idea. It'll calm the general staff down too. Nearly losing all that genetic material about gave us all heart attacks. Do you have any further suggestions?" Jannsen asks.

Borden shrugs, "Yes, but until you and Kadance are reconciled I'll keep them to myself. I won't cross Kadance."

"Your loyalty is commendable. Not everyone is fortunate to have such loyal supporters. She is a very lucky lady. I only wish I could command such loyalty," Jannsen says frankly.

"Admiral, she's as loyal to us and her friends as we are to her. You win her friendship, you win her loyalty. Rueton never understood that, the fool. What I want to know Admiral, are you a fool too or are you going to be smarter than Rueton?" Borden steps away from the camera.

"They're a blunt lot aren't they?" Jannsen says thoughtfully.

"Yes, sir. Very much so, almost abrasively so. Arrogant as well, but they are right almost always. They're the best at what they do. Being headed by what is left of Sigma and quite possible the most dangerous woman in all the Unified Planet Alliance. Her team cracks encrypted code for fun. Thompson tries his ghosting against the target ranges and wins. He's easily penetrated HQ on Gaia several times and never once caught. He even left instructions on how to tighten security the last time. Jayse has leadership skills you'd love to have, I know I sure would. Plus he's quite possibly the fastest man I've ever seen move. They have intel ghost and demo ghosts. There's quite simply no team better still living. They'll not go rogue, but they will quite happily leave government work," Lighten finishes.

"Do what you have to, to keep Kadance and her team. Now I have to get back to straightening messes and soothing ruffled feathers here. Good luck Lighten, sounds like you'll need it." Jannsen says ruefully and terminates the call.

Lighten sighs, then writes and rubs his face. "Please set me through to Captain Landon."

"Captain, so good to see you again," Lighten writes.

"Colonel, sounds like you have had a busy day down there," Landon says. "Why aren't you talking?"

"Yes, more than you'll ever want to experience. During the whole fiasco Rueton set up, Jayse hit me rather than kill me, which I am very thankful for by the way. Rueton has been relieved of command by Alpha Commander and Admiral Jannsen wants him away from Kadance ASAP. As far away as possible. Tommy is bleeding internally again," Captain Landon whistles softly.

"So you understand why Jannsen wants Rueton out of here. You're the warship heading back to Gaia, we need to store Rueton in your brig. I'll be sending Alpha Commander and a contingent of Alpha Company to guard him," Lighten writes.

"Yes, of course Colonel. But we're scheduled to take Kadance and her team..." Captain Landon begins.

"All plans with Kadance are on hold. Rueton broke contract with her. She's not happy with us right now. And quite frankly I don't blame her or her team. I'm supposed to get her to sign a new contract," Lighten writes.

Captain Landon snorts, "Good luck on that. She's a very determined Lady."

"Yes, I know, thanks. Could you send a shuttle down? Right now Kadance's team is guarding him. We really do need him out of here ASAP," Lighten says

"I'd say. Shuttle in twenty minutes. Hope Thompson gets better soon," Landon says as he signs off.

"Thank you, I'll pass on your well wishes," Lighten writes and the link is cut.

"Please get Alpha Command for me." Lighten truly is amazed that Kadance's team has been so helpful in connecting him to those he needs to talk to.
"Commander, they're sending a shuttle for Rueton. Admiral Jannsen wants him off planet soonest. Shuttle will be here in 20. You and a guard contingent are requested. Please collect Rueton's things," Lighten says without moving his jaws.

"Yes, we'll come get him ASAP. Any word yet on Thompson?" Alpha Command asks.

"Not yet, no. But the sooner Rueton is off planet the safer he'll be. The Admiral wants him alive for his hearing." Lighten says and Alpha Commander gives him an understanding look before the link is cut.

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