One Step Closer

By lonelycauliflower

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"What do you want?" - I asked hesitantly. The boy looked at me with his piercing blue eyes and he just shook... More

CHAPTER 1. - The Office
CHAPTER 2. - The invention of cellophane
CHAPTER 3. - Turnstile troubles and sexy hunks
CHAPTER 4. - How to get a coffee date
CHAPTER 5. - Flourishing flower business
CHAPTER 6. - An eventful lunch break
CHAPTER 7. - Hot chocolate and marshmallows
CHAPTER 8. - Another hot chocolate
CHAPTER 9. - Misfiring misfortune
CHAPTER 10. - How to execute a perfect coffee date
CHAPTER 11. - Warm bodies and boyhood dreams
CHAPTER 12. - Instant noodles and locksmith
CHAPTER 13. - The audacity of a lawyer
CHAPTER 14. - How to get cornered and make a run for it
CHAPTER 15. - Changing locks and pecking soft lips
CHAPTER 16. The wellbeing of a skittish lawyer
CHAPTER 17. Being an adult is not so easy
CHAPTER 18. How do you like your eggs?
CHAPTER 19. A trip down memory lane
CHAPTER 20. The history of Butterfly Riverdance
CHAPTER 21. A teenager vs The House of Lords
CHAPTER 22. Cheerios and a free meal ticket
CHAPTER 23. Letting someone adore you is courageous
CHAPTER 24. Falling fast, feeling deeply
CHAPTER 25. Defusing a nuclear bomb needs expert knowledge
CHAPTER 26. The battle is not tough if you team up
CHAPTER 27. Having you is what I need
CHAPTER 28. Your desire is paramount
CHAPTER 29. Having a friend is the best thing that could happen to you
CHAPTER 31. The art of conspiracy
CHAPTER 32. There is discount in every business
CHAPTER 33. Complications of a busy morning
CHAPTER 34. Maintain your stance at all costs
CHAPTER 35. Curious detective and the burnt lasagne
CHAPTER 36. Saving lasagne and the scent of innocence
CHAPTER 37. The case of lost innocence
CHAPTER 38. The fight for your homies
CHAPTER 39. Deeper and faster is the new trend
CHAPTER 40. Sealing the deal
CHAPTER 41. Winning against rabid wolves
CHAPTER 42. Time to organise a party
CHAPTER 43. Going deep, feeling deeper
CHAPTER 44. Getting his trust
CHAPTER 45. In the name of an orange duck
CHAPTER 46. In the need of a locksmith again
CHAPTER 47. A hot piece of cake is a hot piece of cake
CHAPTER 48. The case of a cold cappuccino
CHAPTER 49. On the brink of a meltdown
CHAPTER 50. Where is a beginning there's an end
CHAPTER 51. Tardiness is sexy
CHAPTER 52. A stammering boy and the grand entry
CHAPTER 53. Slippery fingers get deep
CHAPTER 54. The agitated Cairo is pissed
CHAPTER 55. The case of a toy boy and a tricky father
CHAPTER 56. The great escape to the unknown

CHAPTER 30. Chinese takeaway and who knows what's under the cushion?

193 23 76
By lonelycauliflower

James POV~

I was more than enraged. I just left Adams standing on the pavement in front of the community centre.

“How dare Adams to come and find me? Why now? What does my bastard uncle want? Didn’t he take everything I legally should have?” My thoughts were like a hurricane in my head and caused me severe headache. I walked towards Marian’s place, as I promised to her, I’ll meet her there tonight.

“It’s not like I have any place to take her to anyway.” My thoughts darkened of thinking of my dire situation. I literally had only a few coins in my pocket and it made me feel desperate for food. The less money I had, the more hungry I became, it has been always like that. It took copious amount of willpower and lot of free water to fight off the hunger pangs.
Today I was lucky, I got some food into my belly, thanks for the free food in the shelter. But what’s going to happen tomorrow, I didn't have a clue.

As I slowly walked towards the bus stop, where Marian was getting off the bus every day, I noticed the expensive looking car lurking behind me, a bit further down the street.
“Great! All I needed just someone to follow me around!” I fumed in myself and kicked the lying rubbish on the pedestrian way. The flying soda cans and other discarded paper rubbish startled the street cats, and they were escaping my wrath faster than ever.

Of course, I had nothing against them, but sometimes they could be very annoying. Especially if I had no food myself and they still came begging me to give them something to munch on. I felt sorry for them, but in my desperate situation it didn’t help when they annoyed me relentless.

Anyway, I quickened my footsteps, and made a few turns into different alleys, and after half an hour circulating in the area, I managed to lose Adams. Shall I call him bastard,, evil, liar rat-faced cock sucker? His betrayal hurt me the most, but I promised to my dead parents, I shall never rest till he will rot in prison for what he did.

Because I was certain that he had something to do with my parents death.

I quickly moved closer to Marian’s door, to be enclosed in the little alcove, and the darkness enveloped me, giving no chance to anyone to recognise me if they pass by on the street.
It was nearly eight o'clock already, I knocked on the door, just to check if she was at home, but I saw no lights, so obviously there was no answer.

I was getting cold, so I pulled my jacket tightly around me. I started to shuffle around a bit, to keep my circulation going. I was waiting about fifteen minutes when Marian arrived and I was very grateful for that. I couldn’t afford to get cold.

“Hi beautiful.” I said to her shyly, blushing a little. Thankfully the darkness covered up my blushed face.
“Oh, hi... James.” Marian answered softly, and I couldn't help but pulled her closer to me and planted a chaste kiss on her cheek.

“Uhm, let me just open the door quickly, it’s freezing here.” Marian turned away from me, but not before she reciprocated my swift kiss.

It was heavenly, to feel her soft lips on my skin. Her touch was cold, the weather made her lips cold but I didn’t mind. I loved it... I think I was in love with her in the moment when our eyes met in the district office.
She showed me in, and I went to the small sitting room, which I was already quite familiar with.

“Have you eaten?” Marian asked, in the middle of taking her coat off. She tugged on the sleeve and me like the gentleman I was, stepped over to her and helped her out of her garment.

“No, I had no time to eat, I was in college then I came here straight away.” I said it to her honestly. I decided it is better to be honest from the beginning. Because hiding vital information would lead to misunderstandings. I wanted to be free, free of lies and misconceptions. “Wish I could say the same about my father.” The thought ran through my head, poisoning the moment.

“All right, do you want me to cook something or should we order some Chinese food?” Marian asked me hesitantly.
As I already decided I want to be totally honest with her, I had to come clean about my financial situation now.
“Marian, do you remember when I told you that I paid for my last semester in college?”
“Yeah, why?” She asked back, her big eyes searched my face, and I was certain this is the time when I became red like a tomato.
“I have five pounds to get by till the end of the month, so I cannot afford a take away.” I replied timidly, trying to avert my gaze off her face. Marian reached up and took my face in her cold hands.
“Listen, you big oaf, I know you are broke so don’t worry about that. I’ll always have food for you!” She said, looking straight into my eyes, then slowly leaned even closer to seal my lips in a tender, soft kiss.

When our lips separated my brain started to work again and despite my continuous blushing I tried to save face.
“Did you just call me unintelligent?” I asked Marian, smiling at her mischievously.
“Haha, yeah, maybe!? What are you going to do about it?” She asked back and escaped to the kitchen. But she realised her mistake in the moment when I stepped into the small space, because she had nowhere to run.
“Gotcha!” I exclaimed and stepped closer to her, successfully trapping her between the window and the sink.

She laughed. The sound was so genuine, so uninhibited that my previous revenge seeking thoughts disappeared quickly. I stared at her, she looked up to my face, and slowly we both became quiet. I was nervous, very nervous but excited at the same time. My heart was hammering away in my ribcage but I put away all my fears and frustrations and leaned into her properly. I put my hands around her waist, and pressed my body to her. 

“Well, hello again. So what was that again, calling me a big oaf?” I asked her, clutching her side’s with a bit more effort, then ran my fingers up and down on her back. She just stared at me with her wide opened eyes and let out a giggle. Her hands were on my chest, wedged between her and my body. She then slowly dragged her arms out and pushed them under my arms so our chest were plastered together. I’ve got so flustered that suddenly I forgot what I wanted to say and I just stood there with Marian in my arms. I loved how soft she felt, her body warm and pliant in my arms. I knew I was blushing, hell what blushing, my body was on fire!

No doubt, this was the closest I got to a girl, my whole body was pressed into hers and I was about to have a meltdown. But Marian proved to be a good leader as she leaned her head onto my chest and sighed out.

“I don’t know what are you doing to me but you just make my head spinning all the time.” She said in a low voice, her voice was muffled by my shirt.

I just hoped I didn’t smell, I didn’t remember when was the last time I washed this shirt. “The beauty of my life.” I thought bitterly. Her sweet admission sank in and it made my heart flutter in my chest even more. If I continue like this I’ll become some sort of love-struck teenager.  Hah, well, I was one of them, anyway, so stone me,  I loved this feeling and I wished to stay like this forever.

“Then I’ll spin with you.” I replied to her statement and clutched her body to mine.
We stood there for a few minutes, just enjoying each other’s proximity. Her warmth seeped into me, her delicate, but very intoxicating natural scent invaded my nostrils, and I was captivated by her attractiveness. She was a true beauty. Her brown hair was thick, falling to her shoulder in big waves, her eyes were shining every time she looked at me, and I loved having her attention on me.

Our perfect, dare to say romantic moment was ruined by my stomach’s rumbling like crazy and it was so audible that even Marian or maybe the neighbours could hear it too.

Marian laughed and reached up to my head to ruffle my hair.

“Someone is hungry... If you let me go for a second, I’d order that food.” She smiled at me and I reluctantly let her go.
“Yeah, sure, but just because you mentioned food.” I added teasingly.

She went back to the hall, grabbed her handbag and rummaged around in it. She came back to the kitchen with her phone in her hand. She carefully picked a number from the fridge, from the many business card and leaflet that was secured with magnets. She pointed one leaflet to me and mouthed the question.

“Pick something! Quick!” She smiled at me and she was already talking to the take away shop assistant.

I observed the menu, I didn’t want to pick an expensive one, so I just went for the middle range.

“Could you get me spicy chicken wings with fried rice, and kung pao chicken, please?” I told her quickly, and she added my order promptly.

“Sure, all right.” She said to her phone then hung up.

“It will be about 20 to 30 minutes, they said.  They are quite popular so this is the worst time to order anyway.” She continued.

“What are we going to do until then?” I asked her and my mind was already elsewhere.

"Haha, whatever is on your mind, let’s not go over there.” She laughed at my boldness.
“I didn’t mean anything bad. I could have thought we could watch a movie, but I know you don’t have as television and your iPad got stolen.” I added, and I immediately regretted it as her face darkened.
“Ah, don’t even mention my iPad, if I catch my brother, I’ll strangle him!” She said with a sudden urgency in her voice, her face showed nothing but genuine interest in revenge.

“Okay, if you say so!” I answered slowly, then I reached for her and enveloped her again into my embrace, and she came willingly.
When her back hit my chest, I took a sharp breath because the curve of her ads hit my nether region and of course it decided it’s time to have a little show. I was utilizing all my energy to will my growing erection away. She turned a little in my arms,  facing me, her movement naturally rubbed on my growing problem and I think I just discovered a new shade of red in the century.
I knew I need to get away from her before she’d notice my sudden intimate interest in her. “But what should I do?” I thought in desperation.
“We can watch something on my phone, since I have no telly and iPad I use my phone. I know the screen is small but at least it’s something.” Marian trails off and I’m glad for the offered distraction.
I let her go, I stepped to the cupboard, I vaguely remember seeing glasses there and I am in the need of a cold drink right now.
“That’s great, we should do that. Do you mind if I get a glass of water first?” I said it her awkwardly, trying to hide the tent in my pants by turning fully towards the kitchen counter. I hope she is not aware of my sudden desire, that would be so embarrassing.
“Sure, of course, you know where the glasses are, aren’t you?” She replies then she steps right beside me, and reach for the cupboard door.
“I’ll get it!” I stammer it out hastily.
“Would you like a glass of water too? I add it quickly, trying not to be rude. It's her house after all.

She stepped back nervously, I could feel her anxiety radiating off her and I instantly feel regret because of my behaviour. “Damn penis of mine had to salute right now, as soon as a nice body is in the vicinity!” I chides myself inwardly.
Marian also asked for a glass of water, and I was glad to reroute my thoughts by doing something with my hands.
Thankfully the shaking of my hands didn’t stop me getting this simple task done.
For the sake of my sanity, my salutation decided to cease for the time being, and I was able to face with Marian again.

“Shall we sit it the sitting room?” I asked her timidly. I didn’t know what she was thinking when I was so abrupt with earlier. I hope she is not mad at me.

“Hey, ... uhm, ....earlier.” I try to explain, but I’m not even sure myself what I want to say to her so I just trail off.
“Never mind, I think I understand.” She replied with a soft smile and she looks down to my crotch for a moment.
I instantly go red. The newly found shade of red. Volcano red. I can’t even emphasise enough.
I said nothing, just turned around and head to the sitting room, where I sank into the crappy cushions, hogging a plump, dark grey coloured one to my mid-section.

“God, it cannot get any more embarrassing than this!” I sigh out in frustration, the humiliation is so real, that I want to disappear. If I wouldn’t be so hungry, I’d probably leave now. But the promise of food and of course, Marian holds me back. But the utter humiliation is so real, I feel my face burning like a furnace.

I wonder, if it’s always going to be like this for me? This desire burns me from the inside and look what I’ve  became? I just put my hands over her body once or twice and I’ve got this flustered and clueless how to handle a situation like this. I’m sure other men get an erection too. I just have no idea how they handle it when they are in public.
Marian entered the sitting room, her face is matching mine, equally crimson red. I dare not to look at her face too long, and I avert my gaze really quickly.
“So.... what do you want to watch?” Marian offers, and she makes her way to the couch, and to my dismay, lands herself right beside me. Her body glued to my side and all I can feel is the heat of her body surrounding me. All my senses are on alert and good thing I clutched the cushion to myself because now I was certain I definitely needed a cover up.

“Uhm... whatever you want to watch, it’s your phone.” I croak it out, my face is burning hot. I wish there would be a fan or maybe just a tub of ice cold water so I could drown in it.
“Ok, let’s watch the news first, I always watch it, since I want to know what happened today.” She says it enthusiastically, she quickly turns on the Wi-Fi and gets on One of the news channel's main website.
I clutch the cushion fiercely, and watching the gruesome daily news with full of violence in the middle East takes care of my bulging problem, but the cushion will remain as a first defence in case something funny will happen again.
The news are over soon, and we discussed a few topics related to it. The doorbell cuts into our conversation, and Marian jumps up to retrieve out food.

I sneak behind her, in case she needs someone to hold the food or something. She grabbed the food bag from the guy, obviously she doesn’t know the scumbags at the doorway.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” I snarl at him, and push Marian behind me. She is shocked at my sudden actions but remains silent, as she is gathering momentum or whatnot.

“Just wanted to let you know that Lord Kensington is acquiring your presence at dinner tomorrow evening, in Longview Hall.” Adams said in a monotonous voice, his hand in the doorframe, stopping me to slam the door at his face.

“I’ve told you, he can talk to my lawyer, or else he can get lost. When I needed him, he kicked me to the curb. I’m  not his ass licking servant like you, Adams!” I shouted at him, forcing the door closer to the frame but obviously, he was stronger than me so my effort was futile.

“I’m calling the police.” Marian says and as her phone is in her hand, she doesn't hesitate to dial. She goes back to the sitting room, doesn't wait for more explanation.

“Get out, you bastard, unless you want to have a conversation with the police. I’d gladly provide some saucy details.” I’m continue spouting threats at him, and he seems to be taken aback a bit. My arms are hurting me from the effort to keep trying to keep out Adams. I hope he gives up soon before my muscles gets busted.

“Just show up at Longview Hall tomorrow at 8pm.” He tells me, his tone is sharp, and I shiver at the underlying warning.

“Not a chance, you cock-sucker.” I say and finally I manage to close the door, I just realise now that my body is shaking. My nerves are at their limits and Marian is rushing to me to hold me up before I fall.

She can’t hold my weight up long, so we both slid down to the floor of the hall.
“They will come soon.” She says, referring to the bobbies, hopefully by the time they get here I’ll collect myself.

“Who was this person, James?” She enquires, her eyes full of curiosity. I sigh, and I decide it will be advisable to share as much as information with Marian as I could.

“His name is Adams, and I think he was responsible the death of my parents. “



Hello lovelies,
It's been a while... My apologies. Its been a bit emotional for me in the past week or two. Also I'm trying to fend off some sort of infection that is affection my hearing, so my mood is not very good because of this very reason.


So, we are getting closer and closer to the reason why these four people had to get together in the first place.

What do you think of James's reaction when he had the hots for Marian?

How was Marian' s reaction to the 'intruder' Adams? Was it too chilled out?

Who is waiting for all four of them to meet at the same time? 😂😂😂
*smirk* It will be good, I promise!


This chapter is a bit rushed out, but regardless, enjoy it!

Until then, happy reading!



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