
By do27cs

82.2K 3.4K 125

Born and raised in the Divisions, Jade was destined to be a fighter. A Protector. But the life chosen for her... More

kyoka suigetsu
kyoka suigetsu
K o m o r e b i
G e z e l l i g h e i d
E r l e b n i s
n u n c h i
H i r a e t h

U i t w a a e n

1.6K 82 3
By do27cs

The Luna Moon Pack made a drastic change for the best. From the Pack that had been in the mists of falling apart — they soon merged into a stronger one that awaited their Luna's awakening; they all anticipated her return with heavy hearts but still remained very patient.

Slate sat stoically at his office chair, finalising a defence plan for his Pack since there were Rogues that continuously attacked the Border of his territory. 

How inconvenient

They weren't just any Rogues though, they were the self proclaimed Blood Red Rogues; famous for attacking a Pack at its weakest. If anything, Slate heaved a heavy sigh, as far as he was concerned they were just pests snapping at scraps and calling themselves wolves when they were just problem pups. 

At first they were fairly easy to handle but as the weeks went by they seemed to be more and more problematic. 

"We have some good news" Blake's voice snapped Slate away from his thoughts.

He turned to Blake expectantly "Yes?"

"It's Jade. Since her heart beat is getting stronger Dr. Robert says that upon her other medical records, she should be able to wake up soon"

Slate felt his heart skip a beat at the thought of hearing her voice or even just seeing her eyes. Soren started to awaken with hope "I need to see her..."

"What are you waiting for?" Blake smirked. 

Slate smiled at his friend before leaving the room — he used his werewolf speed to get to Jade quickly but paused as the door he had become exceptionally familiar with stared back at him. 

Slate's hand gripped the doorknob before doubt shifted into his mind — could I really do this? Could I really bare to see her again in this state? 

"What are you waiting for? Go in." a voice called out

Slate turned his head to the left "What are you doing here?"

"You can stop stalling. And stop letting your doubt get to you. Open the door, dog." Bash smirked

Soren growled, not liking his attitude but Slate brushed him off before entering the room that he had visited more times than one could count.

As he stepped inside, her scent filled his senses, making him shiver in pleasure as he walked closer. Slate felt happy that he could hear her strong heart beat. His eyes finally met her body — she looked healthier than the last time he saw her.

Thank the Goddess.

It was hard to believe that at one point she was as pale as snow, now it looked as if the colour had returned, giving back her natural glow.

"Looks like her blonde hair is back" Bash observed.

He sighed "What are you doing here, Hajo?"

"Same reason as you, Parker"

Soren didn't like the fact that Bash was looking at their mate with such admiring eyes for so long and Slate didn't like amount of different names he was given for the past three weeks "You've seen her, now I suggest you leave before you see my wolf too"

"You know what I just remembered?" Bash completely ignored him and walked over to a nearby window — his back faced them.

Slate just took a seat next to Jade's bed while holding her hand "No, I really don't. I also don't care-"

"You asked me if I loved her, right?"

Soren growled with annoyance at being interrupted — Just let me claw his face...He won't die from it — Slate only closed his eyes and breathed deeply to calm himself "Are you really-"

"As I went back to Headquarters yesterday to train. I realised." Bash interrupted him with ease "I never asked you"

Slate only stared at his back as Soren quietened "Ask me what?"

He turned around to face them "Do you love her?"

Slate looked at the girl that laid before him.

He would die for her in a blink of an eye, fight anyone who dared to hurt her but could he give her his heart or what was left of it? She had broken it when she left him the first time, gathering the shards — only to turn away from them.

At that moment Slate felt like Jade was the only thing keeping his heart together — at the same time it seemed as if she was also the reason for its demise. Did he love her? Could he lover? Was there anything left of him to love her with? She is his mate. He should. It's only logical. "I..."

Love isn't logical.

Bash stared at the man with anger "Do you? Or do you not!"

"I don't need to answer to you" Slate yelled back. 

It was silent for a moment as the two stared at each other "Well, I do. I've loved her since I can remember," Bash sighed exasperatedly "Tell me, dog! Tell me so I know that there is no chance for me! Tell me you love her so I can stop thinking of all the different ways I can take her from you!"

"You will not take her away from me! I can tell you that much" Slate ferociously growled, Soren started to howl and claw his way out.

Bash stepped closer in Slate's direction "And why is that? Tell me, why?"

"Because," Slate got out of his chair and stood directly in front of him "She. Is. Mine"

Bash glared in return — not giving a care for the piercing red eyes that stared back at him "You are pathetic"

"Watch your tongue, if you don't want it ripped out"

"At least I said everything I wanted. I love Jade and here you are saying I can't have her, only because she's yours. Bound by the moon. No other reason at all, not even love itself" Bash hissed

Slate hesitated as he registered his words "Get out..."

"Think, Slate. Think long and hard because next time, I'm going to come back and when I do, you better give me an answer" Bash walked past him

"Do you honestly think you can tell me-"

He opened the door roughly before yelling "She deserves someone who will love her. Not someone who will let fear control him." and slamming the door behind him.

Silence filled the room as Slate stared at the empty space that was recently occupied "...He's right..."

About what? Soren asked within his mind.

Slate sighed while taking his seat next to Jade's sleeping body "She deserves a man who will love her"

I love her! And you do too! Just push aside your fears of losing her for they rule you! Soren barked back

He stroked the side of her face, he wanted to hear her so badly — to at least hear her laugh instead of her hypnotic breaths, and it was pure torture not being able to see her enchanting gaze — How long do you think I can take this, Soren? She might not even want us back when she wakes up

Then fight for her. I know you want this just as much as I do he replied sombrely.

Slate closed his eyes trying to remember what her smile looked like — But is it best for her? Does she want this as much as we do...?

She does! She has to, Jade is our mate

He opened his eyes once again — Soren – she would've been so...happy if we didn't find her that day in the park...

You're thinking about giving up our mate... Soren whined

The small part of Slate's heart broke but swallowed his tears — I'm thinking about setting her free

This is not freedom - this is running away.

Slate breathed a shaky sigh — Fine. It's true - I'm scared, I'm afraid of her leaving and taking what's left of me with her. I'm scared of her never waking up. I'm fearful of never seeing her smile with my own eyes, or hearing her beautiful laugh but most of all...I am scared that as soon as she wakes up I won't be the person she wants to see

Do not let her go. Soren replied with a pleading tone.

He stared at Jade with an unknown emotion in his eyes — Slate soon grew sick of hearing Soren whimpering and blocked him out. The silence of the room echoed, letting his thoughts become the loudest sound.

Too bad for him, every thought was about a particular someone that captured every fibre of his being in her small hands.

"..I promise you, Jade, that I will spend the rest of my life making sure you are happy...whatever it takes..." 

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