Kakashi's Daughter! Book One:...

By ErikaShinigami

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The famous Kakashi Hatake of the Sharingan has a 12 year old daughter named Shiori. She plans on becoming a s... More

Kakashi's Daughter! Book 1: The Struggles Of Becoming A Ninja [Naruto Fanfic]
Character Profile
Sharing A Bedroom Can't Be That Bad...? *SHORT/EDITED*
[DON'T READ] I have question..


11.2K 312 121
By ErikaShinigami

"Alright fool, had enough?"Zaku inquired, smugly. Suddenly bugs swarmed out of Shino's body.  "What?! How.." The bugs moved towards Zaku and surrounded him.

"These are rare parasetic beetles that attack their prey, eating its chakra. An army of this size will suck you up dry in less than a minute." Shino explained.  "Your only intelligent option is to forfeit the match. You can't fight two opponents at once. If you use your good arm against me, my friends will swarm you from behind." Man, Shino is creepy. "If you use your good arm to keep them at bay, then you'll have me on your blind side. Either way, your defeat will be certain."

Zaku opened his palm, clearly angered and shot ot of them on each side. He even shot his broken arm out. He was about to attack but he seemed like his holes couldn't shoot out wind. Shino then struck Zaku, knocking him out. Hayate bent down next to Zaku to check out his arms, which was covered all in holes.

"The winner of this match is Shino Aburame."

That match was quick. Zaku got what he deserved after all he did to us in the Forest of Death. Now the Sound genin team only have Dosu and Kin.

"Man, that Shino is good!"Naruto said. "I can't wait to get a shot at him!"

"I don't think you would unless you want a million little bugs inside of you."I replied. Hayate then went on to announce that we were moving on to the next match and Dad suddenly appeared next to me. 

"Hi." He greeted.

"Dad, how's Sasuke?"

"He's fine. He's sleeping soundly." 

I let out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness. I tugged on Dad's sleeve. "Dad! Guess what? Right after you left, it was my turn and I won." I beamed giving him a thumbs up.

He gave me a closed eye smile, patting my  head. "Good for you. I knew you could do it. I wish I could of seen it. Oh, The next match is starting." It was Kankuro vs one of Kabuto's team mates.

"I'm not like Yoroi." The guy said. "I don't get careless. A piece of advice, once you go into my jutsu, give up..quick. If you do, I promise to make it short and painless."

"Funny, I was about to say the same thing." Kankuro took off the thing on his back. "Though I can't promise it'll be painless." Hayate then began the match. "Let me do you a favor and end this match quick." The other guy charged at him and started wrapping around him. 

He can do that with his chakra?

"The more you struggle, the more I tighten. I could break your neck right now if I wanted to and I will unless you give up."

"You wanna bet?"

"You want to die?"

"You fool, you're the one who's going to die here." Kankuro's neck snapped, startling me but it was actually a puppet since his face crumbled off.

The puppet wrapped around the other guy. Kankuro was inside the bandages that were on his back and he was manipulating the puppet. So this guy is a puppet master. I grimaced when I heard the other guy's bones cracking. The match was declared over with Kankuro as the winner since the other dude forfeited. That match was actually good since I got to see a puppet master for the first time up close.

"This contest is full of weirdos." Naruto commented.

"You're the one to talk." Dad retorted.

"Dad, don't be mean." I said while Sakura giggled. "Sakura, you shouldn't be laughing..look up."

Sakura Haruno vs Ino Yamanaka.

Sakura is up against annoying blondie.. Hopefully Sakura will win.

Sakura moved down to the arena. "Go, Sakura! You can do it!"Naruto cheered. "Don't lose!"

Hayate rose his arm, starting the match. Sakura tried to kick Ino but she just dodged. She then threw kunai and she kept doing the same for a while. Ino then managed to land a blow.

I can't believe they are actually fighting each other..they use to be great friends back then. I heard it ended because Ino liked Sasuke when Sakura did.

"Alright, listen up Ino."Sakura began. "I'm not going to fight with you over Sasuke."

They are actually bringing up Sasuke in this. That shouldn't even be the focus of this. Who even ends a friendship over a guy?

"What did you say?"

"I'm not the weak needy girl I use to be! You're not even Sasuke's type, Ino-Pig!" Actually none of you are..

"Sakura, you better watch your mouth! Do you have any idea who you're mouthing off to?! Don't press your luck with me you little billboard brow!"

Sakura took off her headband. Ino did the same. The both of them tied their headbands across their foreheads. Sakura ran at Ino again but this time using a plain jutsu, clones. She quickened her pace and punched Ino.

"You go, Sakura! Show her what you got!"I shouted. She was evenly matched with Ino and the match was dragging on. Sakura then insulted Ino so took out a kunai and cut off her long ponytail.

"That's it!!"Ino screamed. "See?! I don't need that!" She threw her hair to the ground. "I'll put an end to this right now!" My eyes widened when I saw a certain handsign. She's planning to use the mind transfer jutsu! Yet that jutsu has its flaws. It's dangerous and it moves at a slow speed. Sakura can just dodge this. Sakura started to move away. "Ninja Art: Mind Transfer Jutsu!" Sakura froze while Ino slumped. Did it work? ...Sakura laughed..it didn't work!

"What an unfortunate choice, Ino."Sakura smirked. "You are done-" Sakura wasn't able to move. Ino sent her chakra through the locks of her hair on the ground.

"Now that you're trapped, I can make you say you forfeit this match. There's no way I'll miss this chance. Now Mind Transfer Jutsu!" The next thing we knew, Ino was in Sakura's body. Sakura is done for. Ino rose her hand. "Now, I, Sakura Haruno, will like to say..I-"

"NOOOOO! Sakura, don't!!"Naruto yelled. "You worked so hard to get here! Don't disgrace yourslef by losing to that lame Ino girl!"

"He's right! You're waaaay better than Ino! You can't lose to her! We believe in you!"I added in. She started clutching her head. She's trying to get Ino out of her body! "Go Sakura!!!!" Ino released the jutsu.

"How can you have two spirits in you?"Ino questioned. "What are you anyways?!"

"Someone who is just as strong as she is beautiful."Sakura replied. They ran at each other again and punched each other again. They punched each other in the face, blood came out and they were both knocked out. Hayate announced that since they were both kncoked out, none of them could go to the finals.  Asuma then went down for Ino and Dad went for Sakura. Dad brought her up and the both of them were placed against the wall to rest.

"They did pretty good."I said. "Don't you agree, Dad,  Asuma-sensei?" They smiled and the next match began.

It was Tenten vs the Temari girl who was with Gaara. As soon as Hayate said start, Tenten jumped up and shot shuriken but they missed. Tenten then ran around and took out a scroll with weapons coming out. Temari stopped them using her fan.

"Take a look,"Temari started. "This is the first moon. There are two more. When you see all three moons, you'll know you lost the match." Tenten took out two more scrolls. "That won't work, what ever it is."

"Rising Dragons!" Scrolls shot up in the form of dragons and Tenten started throwing weapons at Temari like crazy.

"Moon Number 2!" Temari swung her fan, knocking down the weapons. Tenten lifted up the weapons with wires and threw them at her. Again, Temari knocked them and Tenten away. "Moon Number 3." She disappeared. "Over here! Now it's my turn!" She swung her fan and really strong gusts cut up Tenten. She fell down on top of Temari's fan. "Wasn't much of a match. Kinda boring." Temari threw Tenten like she was trash since Hayate announced her as the winner. Lee rushed over to catch his teammate. "Hey, nice catch."

"What is wrong with you?! She may have lost but that is no way to treat an opponent!"

"Oh, beat it and take that sack of garbage with you!" Yup. She's kinda a bitch. Lee tried to attack Temari but she blocked him with her fan. "You're as dumb as you look."

"Temari, forget them. The match is over. Get up here."Gaara ordered. "You won. Why are you wasting your time with that loser?"

"Shiori.." Hmm? Sakura stood behind me. "Thanks for callling out to me with Naruto. I might not stilll be here without your guys' help. Thank you."

"Well..I couldn't let my team mate give up just yet."I replied. "No way could you lose to a girl like her." I smiled and Sakura returned it; the both of us giggling as the next match began. Well what do you know, it's the lazy Shikamaru vs that Kin girl. "Yo, Shikamaru! Don't get too lazy during the match! No time for naps!"I teased.

"Can't you ever shut up?"

"No!" I stuck out my tongue at him. "Good luck by the way!"

Shikamaru stood on the opposite of Kin. She smirked at him..

"You're not trying that stupid shadow thing again, are you?"

"Shut your mouth! Ninja Art: Shadow Possesion Jutsu!"

"Is that all you know? This is going to be easier than I thought!" She shot two senbon with bells on them at Shikamaru but he dodged. She kept throwing them at him. The senbon with bells rang since she was pulling them with thread thus distracting him so she had a chance to hit him with the senbon. Each time she hit him with more until he fell to his knees. "This bell sends out a sound vibration that travels to the outer and inner ear and directly to the brain. First comes paralysis and soon you'll start hallucinating. Face it, you're doomed little man. I'm going to cook you nice and slow over a hot fire." Kin shot out more. "Next time I'll throw five. Each time, a couple more until you end up looking like a hedgehog." She was going to shoot out more at him but she was unable to move.

"Heh. Looks like my lame shadow jutsu was a sucess after all. Look at your thread." It was casting a thick shadow at her height which isn't possible. Shikamaru made her take out a shuriken, throwing it. Shikamaru then ducked by bending all the way back while Kin tried the same but she hit her head against the stone wall, knocking her out. "And that's what I call using your head. The wise shinobi carefully scans the battlefield."

After Shikamaru went up, they announced the next match. Naruto Uzumaki vs Kiba Inuzuka.

"Show Kiba what you got! You can win, Naruto!"I told him.

"You know it! I'm not going to look bad in front of you or anyone else! It's my time to shine!"

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