Someone's Forever

By NeelamMenghani

590K 27.7K 6.3K

*Long Listed for Wattys 2018* E-Awards 2017 Winner *Best Hooked Story * *COMPLETED* Life, love, hate and b... More

Someone's Forever
1. Goodbye Normal, Hello Miracle
2. Let The Mystery Begins
3. Past, Present and Future
4. A Vow to Protect
5. Questions, Confusions and Amusements
6. Test of Patience
7. Deal that sealed Our Destiny
8. Consequences of Negligence
9. A Night of Dilemma
10. Faith and Myth
11. Enlightening Darkness
12. Breeze of Change
13. His Pain, His Relief
14. Old Pain, New Wounds
15. Shock One After the Other
16. Morning Mayhem
17. Stepping in the Arena
18. Calling out the Soul
19. Chaotic Afternoon
20. Just a Glimpse
21. An Evening Maze
22. A Little Further
23. A Spark in the Dark
24. And He Found Her
25. Conflicting Deception
26. Do Not Speak
27. Ancient Legends
28. Arrival of the Grey Sky
29. Closer to Appraisal
30. Meeting Mr. Mycroft
31. To Save the King
32. Check'Mate'
33. Defiance in Acceptance
34. Losing Her Chance
35. A Call from 'Treasure of Heart'
36. A Walk Unexpected
37. A Meet to Remember
38. Curve of Guidance
39. Conceptual Claws
40. Instinctive Step
41. Healing Wound
42. Webbing Deep
43. Reiterating History
44. Turned Table
45. Expectations Unexpected
46. You are Not Alone
47. Assurance from Guardian
48. Reaching the Surface
49. 'V' for A V
50. Lost and Found
51. 'Queen of Hearts'
52. Marvelous Majestic Meet
53. Old Rust but Gold
54. The Will of Time
55. Two Purposes, One Arrow
56. Apart from You
58. A Celebration so Special
59. Hide and Steal
60. You and Us
61. The Night Falls
62. Trust is Essential
63. Tussle to Throne
64. A Word with Divergent
The Slave
65. Your Answer awaits You
66. Privilege of Acceptance
67. Two Names in One Breath
68. Fire: A Lethal Game
69. Peace and Storm
70. Sweat in Smirk
71. The Mate Bond
72. Shield Defends, Sword Attacks
73. Heard Unsaid
74. Rational Rage
75. BitterSweet Sky
76. Defeated Victory
77. Knows More than Told
78. Desperate Diversion
79. Fragile Trust
80. Gust of Rush
81. Howling Heart, Quiet Eyes
82. Damsel in Despair
83.1 Dark of Light: Alicia
83.2 The Rising Dawn: Alicia
83.3 Balance of Nature: Alicia
84.1 The Preface of Pain
84.2 This Finally Concludes
85.1 Sparks & Pains
85.2 Is Pain an end?
86.1 Always Behind of You
86.2 Behind the Maze
87.1 Sealed Secret
87.2 A Fate Sealed
88. The Rise of New Dawn
89. Closer and Far Away
Whispers of Forever
Someone's Forever
Sacrifices of Sapphire

57. Mystery and Miracle

3.4K 207 56
By NeelamMenghani

You're with me; I know but then why these tears are not ready to accept.

Thank you so much for your wishes!

I really appreciate your kind gesture!


"Sometimes when I look at you, I feel I'm gazing at a distant star.
It's dazzling, but the light is from tens of thousands of years ago.
Maybe the star doesn't even exist anymore. Yet sometimes that light seems more real to me than anything."

— Haruki Murakami, South of the Border, West of the Sun


In the last chapter of Someone's Forever

[Apart from You]

Niera's POV

In reality, we often consider ourselves undeserving to reach the precious elements of life and when we realize, time and the precious both leave us.

I was unaware of the cause of her pain, this agony that someone gifted her but now I desire to present her the colors of life, so that she can complete the sketch, bringing colors to life.

I want to take away this longing of hers, that emptiness her soul is cradling inside her.

Unintentionally, my hand rose, sailing in the waves of air, desiring to touch and caress her cheek. Pure affection and adoration swelled in my heart witnessing the dull hollowness of her beautiful soft face.

She looks so fragile, almost breakable.

How can god hurt her? How can anyone hurt her?

The question invaded my sanity as I fought with conscience.

Stay in your limits! It was my sanity which took the command on time.

For a moment I tempted over the thought but discarded the idea whilst withdrawing away my hanging hand from air.

All the way her eyes were transfixed on me and my bemusing actions. Her gaze holding different flood of emotions that were passing over her orbs but settled as on longing again.

I smiled at her softly but in return received her stone stoic stare at me.

A sulking awkwardness spread around us before she averted her eyes ahead to capture the scenery. Her initiative diminished the overwhelming heavy stillness settled between us.

I sighed softly admiring her soft features; her soft wavy tendrils swaying with the soft breeze swirling around blessing her innocence to life.

Moments passed as my heart trying to feed itself with her adorable presence and she continued to meander her gaze around the dense vegetation area. The trees swerving their leaves creating soft rattling noise, entertaining us in this quietness.

I was trying to pay attention toward the random pattern in which the branches were dancing diverting my concentration until a firm yet soft voice broke my stance, snatching my attention.

"What are you?" her croaked out voice came.

My brows furrows as confusion ruled my conscious cells.

My mind send cells to brain that was working hard to think hard over the croaked out words.

Was it my delusion or I heard incorrect?

Or incomplete?

I wondered silently with crumbled brow muscles.


What are you?

Oh! It might be she wanted to ask 'What are you doing?' but ate 'Doing' during speaking. My subconscious spoke after a long time.

Seems like it has awaken after a long nap.

I laughed inwardly at her cuteness.

But what was I doing?

Right, she must be asking about the time I was hanging my hand in air.

Thinking of a good response in mind, I thought to go simple but decided otherwise and went with truth.

"You're really cute. Adorable." I couldn't help but cradle adoration in my voice and eyes. However I knew she needed this.

She needed this assurance to her warm but hollow eyes.

However I never expected her to react at my words in such a manner.

She visibly blanched at my words like my words hit her with a severe force.

She gave a foreign expression to me which I failed to grasp, as it was momentarily. But then in a moment's shadow; she averted her eyes from me, as if afraid to open up her heart in front of me.

Why such restlessness?

Why can't she let her sadness leave her?

Why this gloominess is ruling her?

I shook my head at a foreign wave of sadness washed over me. But I didn't have the time to react.

Suddenly all forgotten; when a strong gust of strong wind hit me with severe intensity. It nearly propelled me to the other side which was away from her. The force was unnatural, leaving in haze. I unconsciously clutched the edge of bench to face the effect.

Blinking, I tried to hold reality wiping off the daze it left me with.

Removing the waves of my black stubborn hair that were hindering my view by gracing my hair, I wandered my blinking eyes briskly to the surroundings; trying to find the source of this strong aggressive wind but all my sense went on hibernation when my nostrils felt a strange but strong scent.

Strong! Sweet! Enchanting! Musk!

The enthralling scent was musk that was ruing the surroundings invaded my nose; leaving all other senses haywire. Sanity tried to take command but the essence in the air had its own charm leaving me in pure beguilement.

This is strange!

Strangely enchanting!

This reminds me of—

Absolute bemusement shot through me as I surfaced the storm of realization.

The enchanting scent!

Same but different!

Familiar but new!

But the question is how?

I framed the question but the essence was overpowering, it was drawing me toward a different dimension leaving me flabbergasted at the power it hold.

What exactly it is?

Only bliss greeted me in this scent not allowing me to think rationally but entrapping me in its spell.

"I need to go." A soft sharp declaration penetrated my flabbergasted stance. It took me a minute to blink back before processing her words.

She stood up briskly, her sketch book tightly clutched in her arms; close to her chest.

A wave of disappointment washed over me as I watched her taking her leave.

In a corner of my heart, her sadness made a hollow swell, the sight of her in agony leaves me to pain.

I leaned back over the bench rest in utter resignation; feeling exhausted all of a sudden.

"You can keep the sketch if you like." Her soft whisper again pierced my reverie shoving my resignation to battle field.


Confusion reigned for almost seven seconds before I realized what she was talking about.



"Which Sketch?" I asked drawing my brows closer; scowling deeply.

She took her time before her face left the greed to look ahead and graced me with her focused gaze.

"The one you have with you since that Morning." She spoke firmly; her voice a melody dipped in honey but for me they were the arrow of astonishment that went straight to my heart.

With those striking words, it didn't take my working cells to join the dots in the most obvious way.

It means she is talking about that sketch I found in the park, under this same bench.

But once the confusion faded, I came to reach the meaning of her puzzling word.

That sketch?

The other morning I found a sketch under the bench during my morning ride of adventure; the page had no identity of the artist apart from the design; to be honest my small working brain facing an insufficient amount of creativity to understand the depth of his creation.

However, it was indeed attractive, a treat to the eyes of beholder.

I had this task of finding the owner, but my own adventures and consequences kept me occupied and the sketch out of my sight.

"I didn't mean to keep it. It was under this bench, I picked it up to keep—" I tried to explain frantically.

I didn't want to be presented as a thief in front of someone I share the same enthralling view.

The beauty lost its importance in my eyes and only adrenaline rushing through my bloodstreams.

However, my words of explanation die down when she spoke silencing me completely.

"It's fine. Keep it. I don't need it 'Now'." She spoke though her lips; her words firm and crisp like ice-balls in winter.

Not at all suiting her fragile and soft features.

Her eyes wavered; casting down her lips murmured something almost incoherent.

"Perhaps 'Later'."

Her words distinct but clear to my depreciating ears.

She said with monotony lacing her words.

Whereas I sat utterly baffled and flabbergasted at her incoherent announcement.

Well, wait a minute!

"But how do you know it was 'Me'. I mean it's with me." I asked furrowing my brow and straightening my crumbled mind.

She took a moment. Silence grew thick between us, thicker than the fog around us.

For once I thought, she'll grace me with quite impassiveness but her announcement threw me to the valley of wonderstruck bemusement.

Shock stole my ability to speak for a few seconds. I gape at her while she continued to stare ahead before speaking.

"Because no one comes here, apart from You."




Never in life had I felt the effect someone's absence caused to me.

The hollowness it left inside me. Missing someone could make you such difference, I never knew.

The beauty which hold enticement and enthrall for me, today felt hollow in absence of my heart.

Today, the calmness of my own paradise is empty, incomplete. Only the thoughts wrapped in her eyes and face are soothing and strangely rhapsody.

Let's go. Meet her. Royce growled from inside. The same restlessness is seeping through him making him more agitated.

Even after checking her in the night, the anxiety is still ruling our conscience.

I sighed honoring Royce with silence for which he growled softly.

We both knew our heart yet the bounds around us were also presence. This heaviness will vanish someday, I knew but this wait was now unbearable.

I growled softly at the serene scenery of woods that was incapable to bring me the peace but deep inside I knew where my heart and calmness was.

My claws penetrating the skin coming out to lacerate the banister of the balcony, the metal started to crumble under the pressure my claws were putting into them.

"Good morning Majesty!" Gerard's voice reached my eyes, penetrating the residuals of quietness around me; the door made no noise as I perceived he was taking advantage of his powers. I sighed as I sensed the mirth dangling in his voice.

Royce growled but chose to stay quiet not honoring him with an answer.

Footsteps resonated closer, indicating his presence coming closer.

My claws loosen around the crumbled metal as I retreat the slivers back.

Gerard's accessing gaze was calculative and was on job. His words were silent but his eyes gauging the scenario.

Shrewdness is his blood!

"What happened, Majesty. Missing someone?" Gerard asked me; increasing my irritation to another level.

I didn't need to turn to look at his smirking face.

"Well she won't be here today; she is accompanying Revin, for Tiara's birthday preparations." Gerard provided further. He came to stand beside, his eyes staring at me but mine searching something unknown in the deep woods.

A flash of calmness met me as I received the news.

She'll be safe with Her.

"Tiara is celebrating her birthday and in absence of Revin; Niera volunteered to accompany her." Gerard announced further, filling up the information which he accessed that I needed.

He is accurate.

I didn't allow myself to react over the information.

Receiving no answer from me, he sighed before speaking.

"You're worried." He rather stated. His voice held no doubt.

In reality, there wasn't any.

"Shouldn't I be?" I countered back. My gaze daggering holes in the old pine tree at the distance.

Gerard heaved a sigh before speaking.

"We shifted her to a safer place. It was for her security Majesty. That's what we wanted." He stated; his reasons and intentions were clear so was our decision.

"Then why I'm feeling the opposite Gerard." I spoke suffocated with an overwhelming burden rising in my chest.

"If you—"

"It's not about Revin Gerard" I cut him off briskly.

"I know he wouldn't dare to put a finger on Miracle. He'll protect her till his last breath." I provided turning toward vibrant colors of innocent fishes which were spreading the spark of life in their etiquettes.

My gaze held their beauty as my mind went back in times when Revin has protected Miracle from potential dangers.

Jerry has proved his loyalty and care for Miracle from the first day. His concern and shielding her from the first day, his genuine concern has always proved his worth. Now, the step he took for her safety has increased his respect in our eyes tenfold.

"Perhaps you're over thinking Majesty. It's the bond that reacts." Gerard's words brought me back to present; I turned toward him.

His words caused a frown to appear on my face.

"Bond? But it never did before."

Gerard made himself comfortable by leaning against the banister before speaking. His eyes soft but cradling the ocean of answers which my thirsty gaze seeking.

He was taking his time to decorate his words while I was burning in impatience.

"With time and trust between you two, the bond is strengthening. It happens, it always does. And the strength between your bond has already been tested and now it'll show its effect." He said; the incident of healing touch freshened through his statement.

For the first time I wasn't ready to accept his words; this heaviness in my chest was overpowering.

"On her—"

"Yes on her as well. Or I should say it already is." He stated, nodding softly; his statement made me turn; forcing my complete attention to him.

His lips tugged into a small curve.

"Care to elaborate Gerard." I asked narrowing my gaze at him. This broadened his curve.

"It's something I can't explain but it's something one can perceive and read in her eyes." He smiled; his shrewd orbs shining in sheer joy.

"When will you stop talking in puzzles?" I muttered sighing in resignation.

I knew very well Gerard will only throw puzzles on me.

"Then where will the fun remain, Majesty?" he shrugged making a face.

The atmosphere lightened in our silence before Gerard accessing asking gaze went restless in my silence.

I knew he had questions, a small zest of which I was aware of.

"When are you doing to reveal this?" he asked humor lost in his tone and seriousness replacing it.

"Soon." I answered without further elaboration.

The atmosphere lost all the colors of life leaving me in miseries of dullness.

"It could have been critical for her. She could have reacted completely different." He stated grimly; we both knew Gerard was talking about the last night's incident.

I knew she won't. She wouldn't.

I turned away, taking strides toward the aquarium. It was the time for the naïve creatures to have their meal.

Answering him was difficult, however I knew it was necessary.

"Why did you do that Majesty? Did you know the consequences?" he came behind; his voice firm holding agitation.

I chose to focus over the fragile colorful lives in front of me, their eyes wandering around.

My silence irked Gerard flaring his aggression.

"It could have turned the situation more critical, Majesty. The consequences could be fatal for her. She—"

"Nothing happened to her Gerard!" I couldn't stop myself.

The mere thought of Miracle being hurt threw acid over my insides. Unbearable pain wrenches my heart.

"I wouldn't have let anything happen to her. Nothing can happen to my Miracle!" I seethed, growling.

"Never! Ever!"

The anger rolling off of me erupted in waves; shattering the calmness of atmosphere.

The glass of the aquarium quivered under the effect; causing the naïve souls to shatter in fear.

Gerard was forced to take a step back, unable to face the consequences of waking my other face.

"This is the bond speaking Majesty." He answered calmly yet with difficulty.

My anger and powers were seething fire at him but his calm eyes were untouched.

"This trust you both have build on each other is the proof. Your eyes holding her pain, her anxiety and worry for your wounds. She breaths the curiosity to know more about You. Her restlessness to find the mysteries is evident in her eyes." He spoke; elaborating the reason of his calmness.

"This bond is drawing you together, weaving the strings stronger." He concluded.

His words came with an effect of sanity in my anger.

She is trying to understand this. Royce spoke, musing deep.

"Unknowingly, she is reaching the knots of mystery and strangely, the luck is always in her favor like guiding her toward the path of our secrets." He spoke; lost in his own web of deductions.

His words weren't a new web but something I witnessed. Unknowingly, the winds of Kingdom are allowing her to enter deep to the secrets of Supernatural's.

"She has to know and soon but we before that we have to prepare her and this only you can do. As her mate, her soul." He concluded with a spark of hope in his eyes.

"Eventually she'll find out. It's inevitable. And so do you know. 'This is a path, you both have to walk upon and meet.'" He concluded with a broad smile.

I sighed heavily as he went quite, allowing me to think over his words. Both engrossed into our own reverie.

My gaze went to the Aquarium, colors painting the entire wall while on the other side the white creature lost in its own world.

Alone and away from the world!

We sat in silence until Gerard chose to break it.

"Raymond have been to—" Gerard halted for a moment; his abrupt stop gained my attention as I glance at his conscious self.

The face was impassive schooled in perfection but slight frown lines were marring his face which began to root the cause of my worry.

"He has been talking to people about the vault and spell." He spoke dragging his words out of his mouth.

"People?" I asked raising my brow.

It wasn't a matter of discussion between Gerard and me. Both of us knew who is being indicated here as 'People'.


"Why involvement is needed when we are certain that you both are absolutely sufficient to investigate it?"

"According to him, or as he stated, the matters related to kingdom must be done under the supervision of guardians. As apparently, we are here to fulfill our duties." He stated in a firm yet blunt tone.

"I am very well aware of that Gerard. I don't need your explanation." I sighed providing.

I stood leaving my seat. Gerard stood on my tail but his mind wandering in valleys of mist.

Taking strides toward him I stood in front of him before placing my palm over his shoulder.

He smiled at my gesture; shaking his head softly, he patted my palm over his shoulder before his smile turned to smirk.

"Seems like someone is making you soft. Your ruthless position is under threat Majesty." He smirked; but his face showed the color of mirth.

His hiding eyes didn't leave unnoticed from me but I chose to ignore accepting his will to divert the topic.

I growled softly as his teasing which caused him to chuckle.

"You better make her yours soon." He commented earning another growl from me.

She is already mine. Royce growled inside; possessiveness dripping through his words.

Ours! I corrected him with a flint gaze.

"What was the input?" I asked forcing the discussion back to topic.

"Precise words that were heard," he initiated; his voice grim and firm.

"Simply the spell allowed Luna Niera to enter." A firm authoritative voice resonated around, gaining our attention.

My attention was more focused on the words that were spoken rather than the person.

Raymond made his entry; the powers he was blessed with, allowed him to appear without using the door.

I honored him with silence of anticipation as he bowed.

Raymond came forward taking strides toward us.

"How? That's yet we have to know Majesty. But as far as we could surmise the spell allowed her to enter where the King himself is forbidden." He briefed as he took a seat beside Gerard, he continued to utter looking straight at me.

A wave of salted past crashed over the wounds hearing his words.

Gerard offered a stern glare to Raymond but it went unaffected to the Guardian Quinn.

"It has never happened, the spell has only allowed to only those whom our Queen entitled to enter. The spell is as powerful as it was when it was casted, long time ago. Then suddenly, how can it allow our Luna to enter prior to her coronation ceremony." Gerard mused softly.

Indeed his assumptions were accurate.

It's the spell of Alicia. It won't waver from its power.

"Does your acquaintance also gave any deduction theory or just offered us her assumptions that we could easily think over." I asked Raymond as sat leisurely beside Gerard. His expression mystified as mist but gleaming in his eyes was a different sharpness which I surmised as his interest that Miracle gained regarding this matter.

"My acquaintance is willing to contribute their input and service for the kingdom but I'm afraid without their inspecting the spell and the restrictions placed on her meeting our Luna has made them bound resulting in delaying their deduction theory or solutions." He provided shrewdly.

Raymond intertwined his fingers leaning forward waiting for my response for his diplomatic statement.

Since the incident of her night adventure, her meeting with any other supernatural apart from her acquaintance was restricted. Her security was my prime task and her being a fragile human made this task a crucial motive.

She is fragile but she isn't weak.

I agree Royce.

"Her meeting—"

"Can be arranged. But Baron will be there along with Veronica and Revin." I stated cutting Raymond, offering him what he wanted.

It wasn't a suggestion to ponder over but my words of command that needed to be followed.

Raymond seemed satisfied by my permission but still his motives were yet to be fulfilled.

"And for the Vault?" he initiated with a faint smirk. A mask of amusement was glistering on his face which we perceived was artificial to hide something inside.

"Your acquaintance is as far as I remember are aware that they are under our Queen's command, allowed to enter in the Vault." Gerard spoke; his tone heavy firm with rigidness.

"Of course they remember Sir Gerard. It's the sourness of relations between few people has made them think about their rights." Raymond commented; his smirk rising with his words that pricked like sword on wounds.

It's nothing but salts to old wounds. Royce growled.

My fists curved into ball as my blood boiled to lava.

'Majesty please calm down. This is not the time and place.' Gerard's words rang into my mind but it was a futile attempt to pursue, Royce wanted control to claw out.

'Majesty calm down. Think about—' I gave a flint glare to Gerard before he could complete his words.

My gaze met his as he completed looking straight in my stormy eyes.

'Your Miracle.'

My anger that was blazing fire started to submerge into ice hearing her name. Her mention acted as my calming factor.

I felt myself calming before I faced Raymond's smiling yet accessing eyes with my stern one.

"Your acquaintance if they don't feel like contributing. They can keep distance, we'll find our solutions. Thank you very much Quinn." I leaned back; enjoying the change taking place in his shrewd face.

For this web around Miracle, finding the roots and solutions was needed but not at the cost of scratching old pain.

"Or they can do their work, fulfilling their duty." Gerard added; from his tone only firmness could be measured but I could efficiently perceive the dilemma.

Why can't he just go back to his hell? Royce growled in utter agitation and annoyance.

"Anything else Guardian Quinn?"

"No Majesty. I only wanted your permission to take your Mate to someone who can lead us a way of her Mystery."

Indeed my Miracle is a mystery for me!

"You're walking on hell fire Quinn. One scratch over her in one's dream and I'll have your head with your Acquaintance, Royal Guardian or not. Remember it Quinn." I warned, though my voice was holding the calm of ocean yet he knew what burden it takes.

"You must not worry My Majesty. She indeed is your Mate but also she is the Heir of our Royal throne. We'll keep her save with our life like we are keeping our Princess." He said leaning forward. His demeanor and words attesting the sincerity of his intentions.

I heaved a sigh as Alicia's mention came.

You can ask about her.

I'll later.

Why not now?

You know the reason Royce. I snapped agitated.

You must stop all this now, King, at least now. When everything is changing why not this strained threads of your bond.

Perhaps one day.

Not always you can procrastinate what's bound to happen. He concluded in defeat.

I growled internally as I found him utterly right.

"You better." I stated concluded with a nod.

Quinn nodded sincerely before his gaze went to Gerard momentarily. I perceived to initiate their own conversation.

Absolute quietness spread, I wandered my gaze at the Old Painting hanging on the wall, its glory ruling the area as well as the ambience. Sensing a gaze I turned and found Raymond staring at me shrewdly before Gerard initiated.

"So are you coming?" Gerard asked Raymond, a precise way to change the discussion.

"Where, if I may ask?" Raymond asked averting his gaze at Gerard.

"Well Revin is organizing a get-together for his Daughter's birthday."

"Oh! How lovely." He flashed his drizzling smiling face before his smile flattened to a deadpan look.


"I seriously fail to understand how humans can celebrate one certain date every year when in real terms, they are actually coming closer to their death.

"One year of their life is deducted and they celebrate. How stupid!" He presented his views.

I heaved a sigh at his practical and monotonous response.

Although as a supernatural, we face different situation from human yet we are not completely void of emotions. We feel and we showcase but with Guardian Quinn, things go absolutely different.

"That's where humans are different from us Raymond and in my opinion, lucky." Gerard prompted with a smile.

His words gained my interest.

He leaned back a little before continuing, "They have death that reminds them to live life to the fullest. For them, each moment is precious because they don't know when it'll be snatched from them. They value it Raymond." He said with a soft smile lingering on his face while Quinn seemed unpleased.

Miracle's lively and innocent face made its appearance to my mind with his words.

"They celebrate life in days; they celebrate the celebration of another year they spent in living learning. For them living is worth important Raymond not rules, laws and disciple. They live with life, celebration, passion and hope. Because ultimately, they know life is worth living precious gift of nature." He concluded.

His words and Miracle's reminder brought me a smile of my own.

Gerard glanced at me perceiving the reason of my curved lips.

"Seems like Miss. William has her colorful charm over you too Sir Gerard." Raymond stated displaying his smirk, stealing a glance toward me.

"Who is spared from her lively nature? She has people spellbound under beguiling charm and purity." Gerard answered casted a brisk glance at me.

"Won't you agree, Majesty?" Gerard asked glancing at my direction.

Who isn't?

Indeed, who isn't? I agreed.

Where should I hide you Miracle? So that only I can see you, so that, only I can feel you, where I can protect you from this world, this darkness.

She is the glow of light. You can't hide her. Her purity will shine and spread light all around wherever we take her. Royce stated, and I could agree more.

"So you're coming?" Gerard asked with a raised brow at Quinn's direction; clearly a hidden agenda behind his repetitive query.

"I'll think over it." he answered smoothly.

"I take it as you'll consider."

"No, you rather take it as my denial for your proposal." He countered causing Gerard to sigh and smile at his friend's web of words.

"I shall take your leave now, Majesty, Sir Gerard. I have a meeting to attend with a close friend and acquaintance." Raymond spoke getting up with a nod.

His words were versatile; extracting different meanings.

"I hope you'll get us something valuable or worth considering Raymond." Gerard pointed in a blunt tone yet in sharp words while Raymond was adjusting his blazer.

A shrewd protean smile took place on Raymond's lips before he spoke, "Rest assured Sir Gerard. My acquaintance is worthy and valuable so are her suggestions that why She is one of the Ancient Royal Guardian."


The trees swaying their branches like a wave of sea, enjoying the breeze of evening. The sun is settling toward the horizon, leaving the glow of crimson orange in the cerulean sky. The colors blending together like the shades in canvas depicting the shades of life.

I leaned back a little enjoying the company of nature before Theodore's shriek gained my attention.

"What! But—" his words melted in his mouth when his eyes met my steely gaze.

But Gerard seems unaffected as he continued to pay affirmative nod.

"Yes, according to Revin, Banerjee invited himself and Niera at his party." He provided nonchalantly.

Absolute fury ruled my body; a loud growl escaped my lips.

This Banerjee is crossing his limits.

Theodore sat blank while Gerard leaned back, the bench allowing him to rest through the ride.

"Limo is a comfortable ride, isn't Majesty?" he dared to ask closing his eyes.

His features relaxed enjoying the turmoil his words created in me.

Theodore seems affected as I sensed his gaze drifting between us before he spoke.

"Will Guardian Raymond also be there?" his words directed his attention from mirth to seriousness. He straightened before honoring us with a curt negative shake.

"No, he is busy tonight." He answered; his tone rigid.

"He is meeting someone regarding the matter related to Luna." He enunciated further as Theodore's query.

"Who?" Theodore needed to ask but I sat holding the depth of matter.

The rigidness and coldness in his tongue gave away the answer.

Theodore's mouth sealed earning a firm glare from Gerard.

I chose to intervene at the point.

"Anyone else we should be worried of Gerard? At the party?"

"I see no one to be the reason of your Worry Majesty." He answered firmly intertwining his fingers and resting them on his lap.

The car stopped indicating the arrival of our destination.

Darin opened the door for me with a bow and the soft sent of Miracle lingering in the air hit my nostrils.

I took a sniff allowing myself to rejoice. The overwhelming anxiety in me left taking her aroma in me.

My muscles left the rigidness as a calm wave seeped through my soul.


I allowed her scent to take away my worries and let me find my peace.

"Majesty!" Baron's firm tone reverberated gaining my attention. His broad frame came in view, bowing in front of me.

I accepted his greeting with a curt nod.

He smiled before making his way to us. His strides long confident and holding an aura of his charm.

"Sir Gerard!" he greeted Gerard through the same.

"You're already here?" Theodore asked in pleasantries.

"No I just arrived. I was going in but then saw Majesty's Limo and decided to stay." He answered for his query.

"Veronica isn't coming?" Theo asked again causing Royce to growl in pure annoyance.

His wolf whimpered in submission.

"No she isn't, Theo. Well her work didn't allow her." Baron answered smoothly.

"How is Revin?" I intervened briskly.

He eyed me with a faint curl on his lips before nodding softly.

"He is fine Majesty. But—" he took an abrupt halt before continuing.

His pause brought us the stress of moment.

"His wolf has already started healing. His wolf is trying to fight to heal him." He sighed in pure resignation.

"What about the sedatives we discussed about?" Theodore asked; my gaze met his attentive figure.

"Yes, I had sedated him in order to slow down the healing process." Baron provided staring at the grass. His eyes showcasing his worry.

Royce growled softly, the Alpha wasn't in approval of their step.

"Sedatives are doing their work on him but his wolf is fighting the sedatives to protect him. It's his natural instincts that his wolf is following."

"But I'm afraid it'll be difficult for him to bear for a long time." He concluded with a resigned sigh.

An atmosphere of tension spread around with his announcement.

I cursed myself for all this.

Apparently Gerard read the grief of my face, as he tried to provide me an assurance.

"He is strong Majesty; we don't have to worry about him."

His attempt was futile, failed to provide me any relief.

"Will he be able to suffer that much?" again Theo threw another query.

"He will Theo. He will." Gerard spoke, his voice grim and eyes lost in his own world.

"I can't understand how he can do this." Theo. muttered in exasperation which was audible enough for a supernatural creature to hear.

His eyes displayed his realization for his mistake as he raised his apologetic eyes.

"He sees Sahira in Niera." Baron's revelation was news to Theodore but I had a faint realization. It was very much evident in Revin's eyes.

"For him, Sahira is back in Niera." Gerard said; his mind was locked in some deep thinking.

He exhaled heavily as if overwhelmed with a burden.

Grief and agony took place in our heart at Sahira's mention.

"Jerry lost his everything when Sahira left. But now he sees his Sahira in Niera. In fact nothing is changed. Niera indeed is very similar to Sahira." Baron continued. His lips tugged into a bright smile.

Gerard mirrored his expression while Theo seemed shocked to receive the fact.

My Miracle indeed is precious.

That's why I have complete faith in him.

He'll protect Miracle.

The bubbles of giggles intervened uninvited in our sore discussion.

The laughter grew loud gaining our attention.

The scent of first rain invaded the atmosphere stealing my worries leaving me in peace.

I took involuntary step toward the source, she was hidden from me but my heart knew the way. Others, I surmise followed the suit.

Soft wind swaying around making me aware of her presence around as I took my steps, my lungs greedy to take in her scent while my eyes impatient to see my Miracle.

To drink in her smiling face, her laughing eyes, her innocent gaze and smart orbs.

One glimpse of her peeping from the dense trees brought delight to my eyes.

My Miracle was chasing Tiara; the beauty of life was revolving around them through their laughing faces.

If she doesn't stop smiling, everyone is going to fall in love with her. Royce muttered mesmerized by our precious Miracle.

Well, she doesn't need to smile. She can make anyone fall for her by just being her. I answered equally spellbound by her charm.

Tiara's tiny frame was bouncing around; the melody of her laughter was brightening the joy of moment.

I could sense the aura of energy rushing through the bond we all shared, the laughter our little Tiara brought us.

The sight we craved to see for a long time.

Then through the curtains of nature, Miracle peeped. Her laughter joyful face came with colors of life. Her legs thumping softly, foot bare falling on the soft grass.

Long black waves were following her as her fragile sculpted figure chasing Tiara through the distance.

Tendrils falling over her face which she seems unfazed in her task of giggling and chasing. Her soft lustrous lips painted in their natural pink glow, brown orbs gleaming in mischief and delight.

"Tiger stop baby!" her melodious voice resonated dissipating the soft chiming of evening birds above.


Her call increased the laughter of Tiara as her giggled loudly before turning over her shoulder.

"No Aunt Bambi!" she squealed giggling before increasing her speed.

My eyes glued at the sight, both running around the garden unaware of any invasion in their private moment.

She is bliss.


We have to keep her locked since people are going to fall for her. His possessive passion sparking through his announcing.

I will. She is only ours! I chuckled with a response.

Suddenly, Tiara took a tricky turn in speed neglecting the surroundings which got her foot stuck in metal settled on the ground causing her to fall.

My eyes went narrow as Miracle witnessed the same causing her to squeal.


Rain started to drizzle around the garden, the fountain of artificial water system was the reason.

Miracle ran toward Tiara; cradling her in her arms she was checking her leg unaffected with the fact that the water was drenching her in this cold.

Tiara assured her but she ignored until she was satisfied with her own inspection.

"Alpy!!" Tiara squeal gained her attention as she raised her head to glance in her surroundings.

Frowning eyes went wide when her gaze met mine. Tiara jumped leaving her embrace before bouncing toward me.

With timid tremulous moves, she stood. Her eyes transfixed on me.

Was it cold that was causing her to shiver or the embarrassment; I can't comprehend but there was a certain trembling in her eyes.

"Aunt Bambi, you are completely drenched, you'll get cold." Tiara's squeal brought us out of our own world before my eyes went to her figure.

Fragile soft molded in pearl, her figure was shaking before a growl escaped me.

She flinched taking a step backward before her gaze followed lowering.

Eyes widened in pure humiliation as she perceived the reason of my growl.

Emotions blooming in her dark serene eyes as she intertwined her palms together before her arms wrapped around her shaking torso.

The shivering increasing so was the pace of her beating heart. Her rhythm went uneven hiking every moment.

Unable to hold anymore, I saw her turning around hiding her humiliated figure.

Her action brought me to reality as I snapped out back.

We are not alone.



January 28, 2018

Recently a friend of mine underwent a surgery.

Sweetie, I wish you a very speedy recovery and health my dear. Lots of love! And I'm sorry I couldn't do what I promised.

Sahira, who possibly she could be?

Why her resemblance with Niera is acceptable?

Why Jerry has given sedatives to slowdown his healing?

What happened between our Royal Couple?

Excited for the next one?

Do let me know, how did you find it?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Would love to hear your views.

Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share. It'll be highly appreciated.

Thank You,


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