Conflicting Attractions // h.s

By harmonicstyles

179K 6K 2.6K

In which a woman meets an arrogant, attractive, smart asshole that she wants nothing to do with but he wants... More

1\\Latte Mishaps
2\\Cold Waffles
3\\Bailed On
4\\Fatherly Arguments
5\\Mishandled Situations
6\\"Date with Destiny"
7\\Suddenly Sassy
8\\Lunch Date With Bee
9 [PART ONE]\\Unexpected Visitor
9 [PART TWO]\\Day Off
10\\The Date
11\\Morning Jitters
12\\Breaking The Rules
13\\Irritating Vibrations
15\\Party Scene
16\\Drunken Words, Sober Thoughts
17\\Sisterly Advice
18\\Girly Chats
19\\New Roommate
20\\Tempting Fate
21\\Too Close For Comfort
22\\Carpark Realisations
23\\Three's A Crowd
24\\Night In With Niall and The Girls
25\\Rooftop Gestures
27\\Holmes Chapel
28\\Newly Introductions
29\\Shed Talks
30\\Day Out with Harry
31\\Benchtop Envelopes
32\\Guilt and Regret
33\\A Gig and Work
34\\Anger and Clubs
35\\Lunch Date and Surprise Visitors
36\\Questions and Answers
37\\Butter Knives and One PM
38\\Tension and Forgiveness
39\\Wedding Dresses and Chinese
40\\Flowers and Filthy Looks
41\\Ice Skating
42\\Christmas Shopping
Fanfiction Awards 2018!!
44\\Hen's Night.
45\\Bee's Wedding Day
46\\Waiting Room
47\\Christmas Day
49 [PART ONE]\\Hints
49 [PART TWO]\\Get Together
50\\Midnight Confessions
51\\Cutting Ties
52\\Catch up With Niall
54\\ Work Shenanigans*
57\\Picture Frame
59\\Heart to Heart
60\\True Colors
61\\Date Night*
62\\Bacon and Eggs


1.5K 72 6
By harmonicstyles

(don't forget to check out the new trailer above!!!)


Seven days until Christmas.
Four days until Brooke's wedding.

After having some food with Marilee, she had to leave me since Josh was on his way home and she wanted to spend some time with him. I didn't mind at all, she had been with me since this morning and there's only so many people can put up with when they're with me. But I also didn't mind either because I had to go to work and see Louis about some schedule stuff anyway.

It was around three when I arrived back at work. It felt weird being here since I had so many days off lately and Louis is kindly been generous to pay me for those, which I greatly appreciate. With Christmas fast approaching, I knew I had to get some work in because it usually is hectic around New Years.

Louis was in a meeting when I arrived, so I was in my office whilst waiting. I hadn't been in here in a few days, everything I had left when I was working, the plants needing a water as they were drooping almost beyond repair. I grabbed my water bottle from my bag, giving my beloved plants a water. I smiled when I had done so.

A few minutes had passed and he was still at the meeting so I grabbed the schedule that I had on my desk and found the page I was meant to be talking to him about. There were a few flaws in his planning, but it could've been his assistant's fault since I was off. Sarah and Louis are super close – I wondered about their relationship and if it was purely work based. I mean, he wouldn't cheat on Brooke.

Would he?

I shook my head at the thoughts my brain had tried to force me to think about. He loves Brooke way too much to cheat, but the one thing I don't understand is why he's so close to Sarah, the way she sometimes looks over his shoulder down at his laptop, that I've seen, has been pretty flirtatious. I could be reading into it completely, but by the looks of it, she's more than just his assistant.

Just as I was about ready to almost die of boredom, I saw Louis and his assistant Sarah walk past my office and into Louis' leaving the door open a tiny bit. I found that a little suspicious but I didn't dare do what I did with him and Harry. But I did find out some information that evening, so I don't regret it one bit. I waited for a bit longer before I thought, if I don't go and interrupt them, I'll be here all night.

I walked towards his office before I stopped, seeing him standing by the window, looking at it whilst Sarah was standing behind him, very close – might I add. I was quiet, not making a sound. What was she playing at? He's engaged to the love of his life, why is she doing that? "Louis, look, I didn't plan for it to happen," she spoke gently as I heard him sigh heavily. "I didn't think it would happen."

Louis sighed, as I seen him run a hand through his hair. "Sarah, I swear to god, I don't need this now. I'm getting married in four days, to the love of my life. Why did you have to spring this on me now? It's strictly business for a reason, how did we end up here?"

"I didn't choose this, Louis! Do you think I did this purposely? I didn't!" She yelled at him until I heard her sniff gently. I stayed quiet, not wanting to make a sound until I knew what they were talking about. What had happened between them, behind these office doors? "How could you ever think I would do this out of spite? You know me, Louis, I would never do it on purpose."

"I'm sorry, Sarah," He said whilst I heard her sobbing a little bit. "I'm sorry, alright? That was wrong of me to react like that. Please don't cry, we'll get through this," he softly said as I seen him move from the window and sit down by her on the couch, hugging her gently. I wondered what they were talking about and it was nearing quite late. Could they hurry this up?

There was silence through the office, not a single movement until I heard Sarah giggle and sniff gently like Louis had done something to make her giggle. I saw through the crack of the door as he wiped a stray tear that fell down her face. As they stared into each other's souls, I could almost vomit. "Will we get through this, Louis? You reminded me that you're getting married in four days."

"Hey," he said quietly whilst his hands were cupping her cheeks, making her look into his eyes. "We will get through this, we have too. We can't give up now," he said as he took one hand and rested it on her stomach, staring at her with a smile on his face. "We have this little one to care for when it finally enters the world."

I almost choked on my spit. 

Louis did cheat on Brooke, but with her? How could he do that to her? And get Sarah pregnant? What was she playing at? She knew he was marrying "the love of his life" in four days, but if she's pregnant now, when did he cheat on Brooke with her? My head was spinning so much right now, I couldn't let them know I'm listening in. I couldn't.

But I also couldn't keep this a secret.

Could I?

I quickly moved from outside of his office and into my own, breathing heavily at what I had just overheard. I had to put it at the back of my mind at the moment, what I needed to focus on was going over what Sarah had done to the schedule and how come there are a few meetings at the same time. I had to sort it out before New Years.

Sarah walked past my office smiling like she was happy with the outcome. Not long after she had left, Louis knocked on my office door and opened it, smiling tiredly at me. "Good evening," I greeted him as I almost choked on my breath whilst saying it. I couldn't look at him the same anymore, not now that I know what he's done.

"Good evening, sorry it's taken me so long, had a meeting and then Sarah and I had to discuss some work things," he lied through his teeth and I could feel the air shift from awkward to tense. "Shall we?" He asked, whilst pointing to his office and I didn't really want to set foot in his office, now that I know what could've happened in there, but did anyway. I didn't want to lose my job, not now, not ever.

I got up from my desk and walked in front of him as he held both doors – my office door and his. I strolled over to the chair in front of his desk before I sat down, gently putting the planner on his desk. He sighed before he sat down, his attention on me. "So, um," I started as I cleared my throat. "I overlooked the planner and seen a few mistakes. Sarah seems to have double booked a few meetings and a few times are a bit obscure, especially around New Year's."

The office fell silent as he grabbed the planner, overlooking where I had put little post-it notes for him to look at. He hummed a little bit, reading where she has accidentally double booked. "Ah, I see what she's done wrong," he finally said after the silence. "So the two Wednesday appointments for twelve, the luncheon I can give a miss too, keep the other appointment at the same time. I can't do any meetings on Saturday because of the wedding, so maybe make it for Monday instead? Brooke and I's honeymoon isn't until the following Saturday, so I'll catch up any meetings that can be moved."

"Noted," I said quietly before I grabbed the planner back and did what he asked of me. But he also didn't talk about one of the meetings which seem to be at the same time as something else. "Um, what about this one?" I asked, pointing to the one that was tomorrow, around two in the afternoon.

"Cancel it," he said smoothly, without a second thought.

"Are you sure? It's a meeting with one of the investors. It seems important, there are circles and a big explanation mark on it," I asked just to be sure. What could be more important than an investor meeting with one of the investors? "It looks pretty important."

Louis looked at me with an unamused face, watching me intently. "When I say cancel a meeting, I don't need questions asked about why. Nor do I need to be told how important it is, by you, so cancel it. Is that all? I need some time to myself before I marry the love of my life in four days."

I stayed quiet, grabbing the planner and stuff off his desk whilst leaving without a second thought. He didn't turn around or anything, to say goodbye. Instead, he turned his chair, so his bad was towards the door as he looked out the window. I closed the door behind me, rushing into my office, grabbing my bag and putting the planner on its cover. I was rushing because I didn't want him to come in and question me.

A few minutes later, I made it to the bottom floor and out of the building. My car was in the parking lot so I started to walk towards it. It wasn't raining, thank god, but it was pretty cloudy and it could possibly rain at any time. I hurried towards my car, almost tripping over in the process. All that I could think about was what Louis said and how excited he sounded that she was pregnant. How long had the affair been going on?

I shook my head when I made it to my car, hopping in and putting my stuff on the front seat. I put my seatbelt on and made my way out of the parking lot. I made it back to my apartment in record time; I wasn't going to risk it raining. When I walked into my apartment, Niall was sitting on the couch with some Chinese food sitting on the coffee table. "Evening Pheebs, you hungry?"

"Starved," I replied, putting my bag on the table along with the planner, kicking my heels off before I sat down next to Niall. "What a fücking day. Christmas shopping is the worst," I also said whilst grabbing my Chinese that Niall had brought for me as I broke my chopsticks perfectly in half.

"I hate Christmas too, you're not on your own there."

I finished my mouthful before I nodded, looking at him gently. "So, any news on the Claudia situation? You don't have to tell me, you know. But since you came to me for advice, I was wondering what had happened since you weren't sure–"

"I broke up with her," he cut me off as I stopped eating. I moved towards him, giving him a hug as he wrapped his arms around me, his Chinese ending up on the coffee table. We stayed like that for a little bit, I knew how much Niall liked Claudia and now that he's going to be touring around the world for his gigs, he doesn't need someone like her accusing him every waking second.

"I'm sorry, Niall," I whispered as he rubbed my shoulders. Niall took my Chinese and put it on the coffee table so I wrapped both my arms around him, to give him one of my hugs that everyone seems to love. "I know how much you liked Claudia, she used to put a smile on your face whenever you talked about her, but you're Niall Horan, the one who sings his little heart out, you'll find someone else to love you and trust you."

Niall sighed gently, taking in as much air as he could before he exhaled. "Yeah, you're right," he said, turning to me before he smiled. "There's someone who would want my Irish, hungry ass but I'll let them come to me, I'm not searching for them anymore."

"That's the spirit," I giggled before I hugged him tighter. He'll find the right one soon, I can feel it, somehow. I wasn't all that fussed on that if I'm honest. The right one will come for me and I know to be patient. I had been single for a few years now, had a few flings sometimes; but I didn't make it a regular thing. "Can I finish my Chinese now? I'm still starved."

Niall laughed loudly before he shook his head playfully. "And I always think I'm the one who eats a lot, damn girl, you can eat so much yet you're still maintaining your normal size, does the food go to your attitude?"

With a mouthful of Chinese, I mumbled, "yes," which got Niall almost choking on his dinner. I finished my mouthful before I giggled gently. "Fun fact, it goes to my attitude; no wonder sassy Pheebs pretty much roasts anyone who crosses her."

"You can say that again, I don't ever want to see sassy Pheebs, no thank you."

"Better watch yourself," I commented as he laughed loudly again, moments like these I'm going to miss when Niall leaves to go do some more gigs in a different country. I'm going to miss him so much when he leaves, I don't want him too. I want him to stay here, my apartment is going to be lonely without his laugh.

Maybe I can make him stay until after New Years? You never know what might happen.


hello my beautiful lovelies!! (:

thank you so much for over 77 thousand reads! I cannot believe how many of you are enjoying this as much as I'm enjoying writing it! so much is planned and I can't wait for you to read it (:

I love you all so much! Xoxoxoxo

see you next monday!

with love and giggles,

emma xoxoxoxo

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