Criminal Conflict (An Underta...

By __Purple_Fluffball__

461K 18K 24.4K

This is an Undertale book Criminals have always littered the streets causing a mess and breaking the law. But... More

On The Run Again
Back at HQ
90s Nightmare
Stargazing Panic
Dreams Story
Under the Stars Again
Errors Mood
Horror Stories in the Rain
Who's next?
A storm is apon Us
A frozen Surprise
We could always eat it Later...
The Storm Rages On
Hot Chocolate Bliss
We don't want your girl scout Cookies!
What do we do with Him?
Can we keep him?
Go Away
The piece of Toast
The outside world
Let him go!
He slipped
The forest
Tall, Dark, and Handsome
Tall dark and handsome & The Clearing
Creeper Vines
Don't Move...
The Sacrifice
Saving Error
You call that a House?!?
The Painting
Caught you
Couple Goals
Card Games
Welcome to our Life
Toothy's Fitting In
Reapers in Trouble
Umm, I can Explain?
Moving Out
We should never have Left
Fighting for Control
Meanwhile, Safe and Sound
Its Me!
When past memories Surface
You can't cage an animal Forever
Prison Brake
I Said, Turn Around
He saw
What about Geno?
Couldn't Sleep?
I hope I'm not Interrupting Anything
Love Ya
Why me?
Keep it Down!
Snuggle Buddies
6 Years Later
The End
It's never fully Over
New Book

Fell's Story

4.9K 222 181
By __Purple_Fluffball__

---Errors POV----

"Let's talk." I said, making sure my eyes were locked firmly with his.

"About what?" He asked.

"About you." I said bluntly.

The others had turned their attention to me, wondering what I was doing.

"I want to know who you are, where you came from, how you got here and how long you've been here for."

He looked at me nervously, as if he thought I was going to hurt him. Well, I might have to if he chooses not to co-operate.

He shivered and took a deep breath.

---Fells POV----

(wow that POV was short)

Everyone was staring intently at me, the glitched one was giving me such an unreadable look that I shivered.

They all waited expectantly for me to start talking. I really didn't want to, but if I didn't who knows what they'd do to me.

I took a deep breath and started talking.

"Well. Where should I start?" I asked.

"From the beginning." Was my only response.

"The beginning? Heh. That'll stir some memories."

The room was silent. Let's get this over with.

"Well. Back at my home town of Snowdin, everyone was horrible..."

"Isn't Snowdin that really dodgy place where the death rate is stupidly high?"
The black tentacled one asked.

I nodded and his gaze narrowed, looking at me curiously.

"Anyway. So I was brought up in Snowdin with my brother. The thing is, if you live there you've 'got to be tough'. It's not so much 'kill or be killed', but any sign of weakness will be exploited immediately.

I was the older brother, but I've always been a bit soft. Well soft for Snowdin standards.

Soon people started to notice. My brother tried to influence me. He was pretty popular you see, he was leader of a gang. They were always causing trouble, a bit like you guys.

Anyway, one day I was walking in Snowdin forest, it calms me, and I heard crying. I went to investigate and I found a small skeleton had got lost.
I could straight away realised they weren't from Snowdin.

I approached it and they immediately panicked, I had reassured the tiny thing and said that I was there to help. They seemed to believe me and calmed down, explaining that they were lost.

I offered to take them back and they happily accepted, the small thing was so small that I carried it. But half way through the woods, someone from Snowdin spotted us and recognised me.

They signified the others and we ran. I put the little thing down giving him quick directions on how to leave the forest. I remember exchanging names, but now I can't remember what they said they were called.

The residents of Snowdin caught up with me and obviously demanded to know what I had been doing with a small skeleton and where it had gone.

I told them they were long gone, far away now. They knew I was telling the truth, but this was the last straw for me. They subjected me to banishment and I was forced to leave my home.

Worst thing is they made my brother do it. He was the one who had to emplace the banishment label onto me. He looked like he was trying not to cry, whereas I was crying freely. Not caring anymore.

'It's okay bro' I had whispered. 'Still brothers forever'. He had nodded, for filling the task.

I wasn't allowed to say goodbye or collect any of my stuff. I was just thrown out onto the snow and left, like a piece of litter that no one wants to pick up."

I took a deep breath before continuing.

"So I ran. Wanting to leave that place far behind. I ran until I could run no more. It wasn't fair. Just because I helped someone I got banished. Doesn't seem very logical does it?

I eventually came across this land. It wasn't like anything I had ever seen before. It was dark and corrupted, ash choking the air and ground.

For some stupid reason I advanced through it, in the desperate hope that someone might live out here. Heh, got that half right didn't I?

Anyway, I eventually reached a torched forest, and having nothing better to do, I entered. It was dark and creepy, not a single sign of life. But I kept on hearing slithering sounds, like snakes were following.

But whenever I turned around all I saw where the dieing trees with decayed old vines hanging limply from them. So I ignored it and kept walking. Wasn't that a good idea?

Those vines are monsters-"

I was cut off by the skeleton with the chunk missing from his skull.
"Yeah we knew that. It hit home hardest for Error and Lust though."

I realised something. "Wait the vines are what broke your leg and did God knows what to you?" I asked, gesturing to the slutty and the glitchy one.

They both nodded.

"Continue." Error said.

"Well. The vines attacked me and tried to drag me back to what I assumed was their nest or Queen. I somehow escaped and booked it. Running faster than I ever had before.

When I finally reached the end of the woods they didn't follow me. Like they didn't like the sun or something. I took that as an opportunity and continued running, searching for somewhere to stay. It was getting dark and I didn't really fancy sleeping rough in this land of death.

I searched until the sun was nearly gone when I spotted this place. I could just see it in the distance. My instant reaction was to run towards it, praying with all my night it wasn't a mirage.

And it wasn't. I had found a bloody castle! The gate didn't seem to open so I climbed over using the willow tree that overhung the wall. Once over I discovered the doors were locked, I circled the house, the light quickly dieing.

I was beginning to give up hope when I found a window left slightly ajar. I slipped in and shut it, searching the castle. It's so big I haven't actually searched the whole thing yet.

I searched downstairs and raided the food cupboards for anything still edible. It seemed like this place had been abandoned years ago. But apparently not.

I had been here for about a week and a half when you came along. I obviously panicked. If the owners had come back to find a stranger had raised there house and been sheltering there I don't think they would have been happy.

When you found and caught me I thought I was going to die, but it seems you took pity on me..."

"Were criminals. Not murderers." Error said.

(Cough cough Dust Horror Killer cough)

"Is that it?"


"Well then." He said, clapping his hands together. "Wasn't that cheery?" He asked the others.

They nodded, mumbling to each other.

Error spoke again. "Seems like you've been through quite a lot. Maybe one day your story will have a chance to rival our past lives. But that's for another day.

Let's forget the past and live in the present."

I nodded. "Seems sensible."

He grinned, holing out a glitched hand, I stood up and walked over to him, and gripped it tightly.

"Well then Toothy." He said. "Welcome to the squad."


Ayyyyyyy Toothys official.
His backstory tho......
My baby😱

Hey check out my sisters drawing book if your up for it. bethie_boos  she wants some LOOOOVVVVVEEEE.

Send help XD


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