
De ShelbyWinds

22K 2.6K 198

A futuristic society of warrior-class and citizens fighting a war of survival. Kadance encounters and helps t... Mais

Prelude Bandro
Prelude Ship
Prelude Gaia
Prelude High Command
Bonus Chapter - Tanker


195 28 4
De ShelbyWinds

Tommy looks around the room disparagingly. "You'd think that for someone with as much money as this would have better security. It was easier to get in here than it is to infiltrate the hospital I was just discharged from."

He had a hard time keeping his anger under control. This man is a monster and the urge to kill him is almost overwhelming. It's only the thought of what they have planned tomorrow night that makes it possible to control himself.

Kadance enters the room and sees her team all clustered around the monitors watching someone professionally toss a room. She realizes that it's Tommy about the same time he speaks. His snide little comments made her snort. There was very little security at the hospital at least where he was.

Her snort of derision alerts the rest of the team to her presence. Jayse hurries over to her and pulls her away from the monitor. She looks at him. "Promise me he's not taking any chances."

Jayse looks at her and promises her, "He's not taking any unnecessary chances. I promise. Besides," Jayse's snort of derision closely resembles that of Tommy's. "The security your uncle has wouldn't stop a flea. Tommy could leave easily enough even if they walk in on him. Even when I know he's there and in plain sight I've had a hard time seeing him if he doesn't want to be seen."

Kadance believes him but she can't help but worry. "What he's doing is necessary. The biggest problem he'll have is not killing your uncle should he be unfortunate enough to enter while Tommy is still there."

"Jayse, I found something." Tommy says just as Jayse finishes speaking to Kadance. "Hard evidence that he had Kadance's parents killed and he was behind the explosion at Kadances apartment." His voice is quiet and implies that there's more.

"I hear you Tommy." Jayse says speaking into his communicator. Then he turns to Kadance who hadn't heard Tommy speak since Jayse was wearing an earpiece.

Kadance looks at Jayse expectantly. "That was Tommy he found part of what we were looking for. Now please Kadance let us finish this without ruining the fun. Tommy will be back soon and if he finds you waiting up for him he'll feel like you don't trust him. Now go to sleep and we'll watch over him. I promise." Jayse kisses her forehead and sends her off to bed.

Kadance looks back once but Jayse was already back at the monitors watching Tommy work. Sighing in defeat Kadance returns to her bed. She didn't think she'd be able to sleep before Tommy got back and would have been surprised at how easily she fell asleep if she hadn't fallen asleep almost as soon as her head hit her pillow.

Later on she hears a voice and feels someone shaking her. "Shh, Kadance it's alright. Wake up." As she opens her eyes she realizes that she's been crying and is sweat soaked. That's when she realized that she'd been dreaming again. Nightmares about all the people killed by her uncle trying to get to her.

"They're dead, so many are dead because of me." Kadance cries out in anguish. Jayse pulls her into his arms and holds her as she cries out her grief of the innocent lives ended by her uncle.

Once her sobs had softened and she calmed down a bit Jayse speaks, "No, Kadance, it was never your fault that anyone died. Just the opposite in fact. But your uncle on the other hand, it is his fault and soon the worlds will know it." Jayse's voice hardens on the last bit.

Kadance is unable to see reason at this time and shakes her head. "No, it's my fault. Jayse, I can't do it, I can't. I can't go to that blasted reception and face him." She shakes in his arms from panic.

Jayse holds her tight for awhile until her shaking stops then he pulls back a bit so that she could see him. "If you don't go you'll ruin the lovely surprise we've been working on. I promise you, you won't want to miss it." The light is too dim for Kadance to see clearly but the smile on Jayse's face is positively evil looking. This time she shivers in fear.

Jayse doesn't notice as he continues. "It'll be a night to remember forever." He pulls her back to him and hugs her. "Trust us to protect you. Alpha Company is in charge of security and our whole team will be there to protect you. I or Tommy will always be at your side. We won't let anyone or anything hurt you." Jayse hides his chuckle at this next bit, "besides Tommy ordered that dress for you special."

That got her to choke on a laugh and Jayse relaxes just a bit knowing that the crisis is over. "He has some strange ideas about dresses. Tight in some areas," she chokes out and gesture sat the area that she means, "and loose in others."

Jayse shrugs, which she felt rather than saw, "He likes the way it looks on you. And it's not restrictive for defense."

Snorting her thoughts about that Kadance replies, "That may be true, but it's still tight, too tight for comfort."

Jayse leans down and whispers in her ear, "That's because, my love, you are still trying to wear underthings. This dress will have sufficient support that you don't need the extra and makes it too tight." Then he can't resist nuzzling her neck a bit.

Kadance relaxes back and adjust her head so that Jayse had better access even as she asks, "Has Tommy gotten back yet?"

Jayse freezes at her question. His voice is cautious even as he answers, "Yes, he returned just a short time ago."

Jayse stays frozen waiting to hear what Kadance has to say. Her next words startle him.

Kadance speaks in a shy voice. "I don't know much about your society I mean our society. I don't know how to make a pairing permanent."

Jayse is careful to keep his voice soft and neutral. He still wasn't sure where this talk was heading. "The bond is permanent if both parties say it is. It's usually a closed bond if that happens."

"Jayse, I would like to be bonded to you." Kadance says in a voice soft and full of uncertainty not sure if he would reciprocate.

If she could feel how he felt Jayse smiles to himself, she would run and never look back. "I accept and want to be bonded to you as well." Jayse allows a soft smile to light his face as he looks at Kadance. It was harder than he thought it would be to keep the fierce feelings from showing.

Then his smile slips. Tommy. Winning Kadance and losing Tommy would make the victory turn bitter. Lost in those dark thoughts it takes him a bit to catch on to her words.

"What was that Kadance?" Jayse needed to hear her say it again to make sure he hadn't misunderstood.

"You mentioned that I could be bonded to two men in your society." She takes a deep breath and looks at him. "Could you handle me being bonded to Tommy as well?"

This time they both are still, Kadance waiting for Jayse's reply and Jayse hoping that he hadn't misunderstood. To give himself time and to make absolutely sure that she's saying what he thinks she said he says, "Are you asking this because you wish to bond to Tommy as well?" He couldn't help the note of incredulity that had entered his voice.

Kadance looks down as she nods. "I thought about what you told me. I thought of how I would feel if Tommy left. Or you. The sense of loss and panic was nearly overwhelming. I realized that giving up the mores of the civilian upbringing would be far less painful than living through the loss of either of you."

Kadance still couldn't look at Jayse. Her words have left her raw and too open for her comfort. So when Jayse tries to raise her head she resists, but he is too strong and she ruefully looks up. "Thank you." It was all Jayse could say before he leans down and kisses her passionately.

Jayse knows that it is costing Kadance a great deal. It is no easy thing to make a radical change in one's life like she is making. But he also knows that this change is going to save Tommy's life. And if he's honest, very likely his own as well.

By the time Jayse breaks off the kiss, they are both breathing heavy and want far more than what Jayse is permitting them. "I'm going to get Tommy." He takes a deep breath before continuing. "He needs to know as soon as possible." He kisses Kadance again softly and achingly sweet. "I'll sleep on his cot tonight."

Kadance is confused at first then looks away and blushes furiously. She is very thankful that it is so dark that he can't see it. It takes her a few minutes to calm enough to speak and her tone is dry, "It's not like these cots are big enough for two Jayse."

Jayse is quiet and just waits for her to look at him on her own. "He won't believe you otherwise," his voice devoid of humor. "He'll just think that you're saying that so he'll stay. And then things will go sideways real fast."

Now panic does overcome her. "Jayse, I" she can't continue.

Jayse thinks he knows and calms her down. "Shhh Kadance. It will be alright." He lifts her up and sets her on her feet. "Unless you've changed your mind?" Jayse stops and looks at her with that last.

Kadance smiles, "No, I haven't changed my mind."

Jayse smiles and stands up. "We'll be back shortly then."

Kadance is confused. She knows that she loves them both and the thought of either of them leaving terrifies her. She's excited, nervous and just as confused at the thought of spending the night with Tommy.

Jayse slips into the common room of the bunker and nods to Candlen who is still on duty and is satisfied that the others had gone to bed. He goes over to Tommy and whispers in his ear.

Tommy had just finished eating and nods. He takes his empty plate into the kitchen area and goes with Jayse to Kadances room.

Jayse knocks then opens the door and they both enter. Jayse stays by the now closed door and Tommy takes a further step in. He stops Kadance before she runs into him. She'd been pacing and lost in thought looking at the floor.

"Kadance, Jayse says you wanted to see me?" His voice is courteous and curious. He knows that he hasn't done anything else to incur her anger.

"I" Kadance couldn't say the words. She wants to but she's having troubles breathing. She gently takes Tommy's hands off and sits on the edge of her cot. She take another breath deeper this time and starts over.

"I've talked to Jayse about bonding." Kadance couldn't say anything else.

Tommy hides the pain and keeps his voice light. "I see. Doesn't surprise me. Jayse is the best." Even through his hurt and pain there is pride in his friend in his voice.

"Tommy, knock it off," Jayse growls. "She's not finished."

Kadance looks over at Jayse and nods her thanks. "This isn't easy for me Tommy. None of this has been easy for me. Guys have been more or less afraid of me so I don't have much experience with them. But I'd have to be an idiot to not know how you feel about me. How you both feel about me. Jayse is a wonderful man, but so are you Tommy.

"I know in your society it is acceptable even desirable to have multiple partners. I wasn't raised that way. I will never be comfortable with doing that myself." Kadance has a hard time keeping her thoughts out of the tone of her voice. She doesn't want them to think that she's condemning this way of life. It's just different from what she was brought up to believe. That didn't make it wrong, at least for them.

"It's okay Kadance, I know that." Tommy says softly going over to her and kneeling in front of her. He takes her ice cold hands in his and frowns.

Kadance huffs out a breath and continues, "Perhaps, but what I'm trying to say is that Jayse says that he can tolerate sharing the mate bond with you if you can tolerate sharing with him." Kadance finds herself able to breath again once it has been said.

Her relief is so great that she doesn't notice how still and quiet Tommy had become.

Tommy looks at Kadance and then at Jayse. "Is she saying what I think she's saying?" Tommy looks hopeful and skeptical at the same time. He starts seeing hope again for the first time in three years.

When Kadance doesn't answer Jayse does in a slightly smug voice, "If you think that she's asking you to join in our bond than yes. "

Jayse looks at Tommy soberly, "A double mating bond for short term has had some success. A long term one has never made it. I only considered it because you are the last of my family left. Think about it Tommy, this could end up worse than Bandro."

Tommy winces when Jayse mentions the planet where Sigma died. "Even if in the end things get difficult," Jayse has to smile at Tommy's words. Calling Bandro difficult was like calling the ocean a bit of water. "Being with Kadance and still be near you will make it worthwhile. Alone it wouldn't take me long to self destruct. At least I'll have some time with the people I love."

Now Tommy looks back at Kadance, "I wish to make this permanent."

Kadance looks up shyly and smiles, "I wish to make this permanent."

Because the bond had been closed Jayse also says the words but the other two weren't listening. Tommy was kissing Kadance deeply and was so lost in that kiss that he didn't hear the door when Jayse quietly leaves the room.

Jayse tries to wake Tommy without waking up Kadance and isn't very succesful. "Tommy it's just coming up dawn. You really need to get some sleep." Kadance looks up at Jayse blearily.

Jayse a little more laughter evident in his voice tells Kadance, "You should get more sleep if you can Kadance. Today is going to be a long day after all."

Kadance growls at the closed door that Jayse had hastily shut as Kadance throws her pillow at the door. "How can he look forward to that blasted thing tonight?"

Tommy chuckles as he gets up and hastily gets dressed. "Because he knows about the lovely surprise. Truly Kadance you'll love tonight." Tommy leans down and kisses her as he leaves the room.

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