Kamen Rider AOE (Kamen Rider...

By Paranilla

15.3K 361 71

(Edited Chapter 16. Anything after that is not edited yet) Kara Amor is chasing down her lost love when she... More

-Chapter 1
-Chapter 2
-Chapter 3
-Chapter 4
-Chapter 5
-Chapter 6
-Chapter 7
-Chapter 8
-Chapter 9
-Chapter 10
-Chapter 11
-Chapter 12
-Chapter 13
-Chapter 14
-Chapter 15
-Chapter 16
-Chapter 17
-Chapter 18
-Chapter 19
-Chapter 20
-Chapter 21
-Chapter 22
-Chapter 23
-Chapter 24
-Chapter 25
-Chapter 26
-Chapter 27
-Chapter 28
-Chapter 29
-Chapter 30
-Chapter 31
-Chapter 32
-Chapter 33
-Chapter 34
-Chapter 35
-Chapter 36
-Chapter 37
-Chapter 38
-Chapter 39
-Chapter 40
-Chapter 41
-Chapter 42
-Chapter 43
-Chapter 44
-Chapter 45
-Chapter 46
-Chapter 47
-Chapter 48
-Chapter 49
-Chapter 50
-Chapter 51
Chapter 52
-Chapter 53
-Chapter 54
-Chapter 55
-Chapter 56
-Chapter 57
-Chapter 58
-Chapter 59
-Chapter 60
-Chapter 61
-Chapter 62
-Chapter 63
-Chapter 64
-Chapter 65
-Chapter 66
-Chapter 67
-Chapter 68
-Chapter 69
-Chapter 70
-Chapter 71
-Chapter 72
-Chapter 73
-Chapter 74
-Chapter 76
-Chapter 77
-Chapter 78
-Chapter 79
-Chapter 80

-Chapter 75

117 1 1
By Paranilla

-Chapter 75: Elimination Game

(Serene's POV)

I stare at Graphite as he looks between me, Parad, and Poppy. It is raining all over him and Parad and they don't even care. It isn't raining on me because I'm standing under an umbrella with Poppy. She won't let me get wet at all despite not liking me all that much.

"Graphite, you're the only way we can beat him right now. Emu doesn't have his pause ability anymore and we can live in peace together," Parad pleads, trying to get his friend to turn a new leaf. I don't blame him for trying. I would beg a friend to join me and not be an enemy.

Graphite looks at Parad with a serious expression on his face. "You have picked what you want to do so please stick to that. I'm not going to be joining you anytime soon."

"Graphite, you can team up with us and beat this game with us," I say, trying to convince him to join us too. I'm not going to let Parad do this alone.

"Why is she the one being a Kamen Rider?" Graphite asks, changing the subject suddenly. He isn't allowed to change the subject! Only we can change the subject, not him!

Parad shakes Graphite, holding onto his shirt tightly. "Graphite, please..."

Graphite pushes him back. "I'm doing my own thing, Parad." He teleports away, leaving us alone in the rain together. Someone's moody for no reason at all. He's just pressed that he is all alone now and infected with the Gemdeus virus.

Parad turns to me, staring me in the eyes. "If he doesn't join us, he'll be killed again by Hiiro and Taiga." He is so worried about his friend. It is so touching!

"He's a dunce," I say, rolling my eyes. "Maybe he has a death wish."

"No, Graphite doesn't want to be dead. No one wants to be dead," Parad tells me, looking down at his feet. He is so soaking wet and he doesn't even care. Not like he's going to catch a cold or anything.

"I'm alright with dying one day when I have lived long enough with Kara." I move forward, stepping out from under the umbrella. The rain hits me, wetting my hair and clothes. "Parad, we have to do what we can to make this a good situation. If we stop them from killing Graphite, we'll be okay."

"I'll head to the CR and report to Emu," Parad tells me, looking away. He is so precious and sweet. Now that he has become good, he is showing a new side to himself.

I have to make this a good resolution for us. If Graphite dies, we'll end up losing against Masamune and his Kamen Rider Cronus powers. And we can't have that.

"Parad..." Poppy moves forward, holding onto her umbrella tightly. "We can still fix this! We can still stop Graphite from wasting his life!"

"We can save him," I add, moving even closer to Parad. I place a hand on his shoulder. "You have to believe me on this, okay? The right thing will happen."

"I need to go back to the CR and check on my woman," Parad states, ignoring what I'm saying. He is in some sort of shock right now. Maybe by Graphite's choice?

"Parad, don't avoid this conversation," I snap, glaring at him as I hold onto his shoulder tightly. "You have to believe that the best thing is going to happen."

"It will happen and I'm not ignoring you. I just don't have a comment on it."

"Okay, that's fine," I reply, looking away from him. "You should go and check on her right now. Kara probably needs you after hanging out with Masamune all day the other day. How does she even put up with him?"

"Are they seeing each other again?" Poppy asks curiously.

"No, they're not," I answer, turning to Poppy as I remove my hand off Parad's shoulder. "She was just testing something out and she got her answer."

"Do you know how the twins are? I heard a lot about pregnancy from Emu and Kiriya. Also, Kuroto told me a lot about it in order to comfort me on the subject. I heard that she might give birth early and I was worried about her. She's like my mother now." Poppy looks me in the eyes. "Serene, tell me that she's alright!"

"She's alright, Poppy," I say, assuring her of Kara's safety. "Masamune has no idea about the healthy babies."

"They're very healthy according to Kara. I don't understand medical stuff so I can't say for sure if they are or not. I'm only going by what she told me. She knows how to spot stuff on that kind of thing," Parad tells Poppy, smiling a bit. He's happy about the babies despite their father being our enemy. I find that cute. It is surreal that he is able to come terms with that kind of thing.

Parad is going to be a sweet father to those kids. I can see it now. He's going to act like their actual blood related father despite being a surrogate one.

"We should all get back to the CR."

"Right, we should."

(Serene – CR)

I step into the CR and Kiriya looks up, staring me in the eyes. "We're working in here," he tells me, looking away. "You should go and be with Kara right now."

"Kiriya, I want to be here for this right now. I've sent Parad off to find Graphite in hopes that he can be reasoned with. I see that Kuroto is busy. Are you two remaking the Gashat that Masamune made disappear?" I ask, stepping fully into the room.

Kiriya nods his head. "He's taking forever with this. Shouldn't you know how to make it already, Kuroto?" Kiriya asks, shouting.

"Shut up and stop questioning my genius!" Kuroto shouts, typing onto his laptop thing that he uses for his gaming stuff. Masamune does that too.

"Apparently, he is a genius," I comment, grabbing a chair and pulling it over to Kiriya's spot. I sit down and look at him, smiling. "So, did you fall asleep watching this crap?"

He nods his head and sighs a bit. "Yeah, I did. You must know that happened because you asked. Do you know what Kara is up to at the moment?"

"She's probably hiding out because she doesn't want her man's father knowing about the babies," I answer, looking over at Kuroto as he types. Emu is on the patient's bed, which is probably because he is being used to make the ability due to his Bugster virus.

"Does she have to hide?"

"She's showing a lot right now. Well, not too much as long as she wears a baggy outfit," I tell him, being honest. I touched her belly after asking to. I've been reading up on what to do when conversing with Humans.

"Masamune doesn't have the right to know about the kids really. If she wanted to abort them, she can go and do that. He couldn't stop her as long as she does it in a place that allows her to do so and if it is legal where she is doing it at. However, she's not that kind of person."

"I get why people get them," I reply. "She is just the kind of person that loves giving others a chance despite her mistakes. Everyone is different though and we should respect that."

"I agree with you on that. Minus on the evil people of the world. They have to be stopped."

"Can you guys keep it down over there? Emu needs to focus," Kuroto tells us and I groan. What a douchebag!

I sigh heavily. "Kiriya, we'll talk later."

"Good idea."

(Serene - Later on – Graphite vs Kamen Riders)

"This has been going on for hours!" I shout, looking over at Parad. "Do you think they're going to end this anytime soon? I want this battle to be over like right now!"

"No, but I think Graphite is having a good time. Oh, did you check on Kara like I told you to earlier? You know, after I checked on her?" Parad answers, his eyes staying on the fight going on before us. We were supposed to interfere but Parad decided to let Graphite be free to enjoy whatever he wants to enjoy.

"This is really, really long!" Miyuki whines, pouting a bit. She's right next to Parad for whatever reason. She should be hanging out with Taiga and Nico.

"Miyuki, I have a quick question," I say, looking at her in confusion. "Why aren't you out there battling with them?"

"Because Taiga said not to get involved with the battling now that Kara is out on the sidelines," Miyuki tells me, being honest. She sounds super adorable. I can see why Kara loves and adores her like she's her actual child.

"Wait...I think something is finally happening!" Poppy exclaims. "Look!"

I look over at the battlefield as Nico closes in on Graphite, holding out her weapon. She's going to deliver the final blow! When did Hiiro agree to this? Shouldn't he handle Graphite himself with Taiga?"



An explosion shakes the ground and I look at Nico as something lands in her hands. They just defeated Graphite! Oh, Masamune is here. We got paused and missed the good part of the battle. Way to go, old man!

I rush over to where they're standing and Masamune looks at me as the other three do something. "I can't allow the game to end like this," he announces, sounding insane. He's pretty darn insane now that Kara is done banging him and keeping him semi-grounded.

"That is enough," Hiiro says. "The game is almost over and we're moving to the next stage. Do not interfere, Masamune."

"You can't stop me from resetting the game, Taddle Legacy," he replies, holding up his device. As he does so, light shines above us and flies down at us, illuminating us. What in the world was that?

Masamune stumbles backwards and I look over to where he was standing, Emu standing there in his ultimate form, Hyper Muteki. I look down at Masamune as he exits his transformation.

"How did you get it back?" Masamune asks, looking shocked.

"I made it," Kuroto says, appearing behind them. "You can't get rid of it this time! I added a new feature to it! It is the power of saving data! Ha-ha!" Kuroto laughs insanely. How does Kara even deal with him? If I was with him, I would leave his sorry butt. I don't care if he is hot, he's annoying as hell.

"Kuroto, shut up!" I shout.

"Now, let's get back to what we need to do."

I look up at the sky as it opens up, showing something huge. That looks to be...the final boss! Gamedeus!


(Kara's POV – Hotel Room)

I look around the room, sighing heavily. It is so boring without my two lovers in my life! Also, my babies can't entertain me by being cute yet. They're stuck inside my body until it is time for them to come on out and cry all night long.

I look at the window as the light grows dark from it. What in the world is going on out there? Maybe I can see what is going on if I go over to it. But what if it is Kuroto pulling some sort of prank on me to get back at me for sleeping with his father? No, he wouldn't do that.

I get up from the bed and move over to the window, taking the curtain in my hand and moving it. I look up at the sky as a giant thing comes out of some hole. That doesn't look good and I don't want any part in this. I'm just going stay inside this room and chill until someone tells me what in the freaking world is going on.

I pull out my cell phone and dial a number. "Hello?"

"What in the fucking universe is going on outside? What the hell is in my beautiful sky and taking my light away? I can't enjoy the sun!" I shout into my phone, yelling at Hiiro.

"Here, it is for you, Kuroto," Hiiro says, probably handing the phone over to Kuroto.

"Hello," Kuroto says, sounding unsure about talking to me on the phone. He must have heard me screaming at Hiiro. There is only one person to blame for what is going on and it is the person who killed Graphite! I wonder if Serene did what I wanted her to do.

"What in the world is in my beautiful sky right now? What is the ugly freaking thing doing up there right now? You better have a reasonable explanation for this right now, Kuroto! If you don't, I'm going to go to your father and yell at him about it!"

"Uh...well...we defeated everyone we needed to in order to get to the final stage in the game," Kuroto explains, answering my questions.

"Did you guys off Graphite? How could you do that to someone we need for this! I know that Emu has his super powers but seriously, don't you guys think? Also, don't you dare think about hanging up on me! If you hang up on me, I'm going to divorce you!"

"You can't divorce me, I'm dead," Kuroto answers. "Uh...Parad, this is for you. Have fun chatting with her while she is emotional."

"Kara!" Parad exclaims, sounding happy. Even though he lost his friend, he's freaking happy! That is my man right there! He's like me when I bounce back from losing someone I love and adore!

"Did you guys summon Gemdeus just now? You better not get your butt kicked in action because I can't live without you," I ask, my voice high.

"Kara, sweetie, calm down. I'll be home soon so don't you leave that room. Masamune is here right now so we can't talk much. Masamune, you better not be getting involved in my private conversation with my sweetie! That's right, she's mine!" Parad isn't acting like himself right now. He's just being jealous.

"Honey, just come back as soon as possible. Okay?"

"Okay, I will."

Now I'm going to have to wait for this battle to be done with. I'll probably assist them since regular people, civilians, are going to need some medical attention. And I'm talented with stuff.

A/n: This fanfic is almost done! It is so freaking long, isn't it? Of course, the chapters aren't too long. I do write long, long chapters at times though. But I do try not doing that so it doesn't get to like seven or eleven pages on here. 

Anyways, enjoy and thanks! 

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