Somewhere Over the Rainbow

By astrovevo

3.1K 62 3

The Rodrigues are an elite family, living in the heart of New York City. What broods behind the grand dresses... More



53 3 0
By astrovevo



At the end of a school day, Romeo and Cordelia are left with the worst luck. 

Cordelia and Romeo, as usual, had decided that fighting in front of everyone would be a grand idea. 

"You give it back to me, asshole!" Cordelia hisses, climbing on top of him as she tried to get her notebook from him. 

"It's just a notebook full of formulas, you idiot!" Romeo shrieks, passing the book to his other hand to make it remain out of her reach. 

Of course the two idiots aren't seeing what everyone else is. Cordelia is straddling Romeo, fighting him, whilst he does nothing but move the book back and forth. With a pinch to his side, Cordelia manages to catch the book as Romeo groaned, letting the book accidentally go. 

She grins in triumph, moving to sit next to him, in the little space between the armrest and him. Romeo feels every curve of hers press against his, as she opens the book and rests her head on his shoulder, solving a few equations of higher level maths that he needed help with. She did it so swiftly, he wondered how her mind worked. 

A few minutes later, Cordelia moves away, going to help Jacob by the study tables. She's leaning over the desk, making the skirt rise giving him a glimpse of her ass, which captures Romeo's attention in mere seconds. A few seconds later, he's squirming, trying to think of anything to get his mind off her. 

And, so, an hour later, when Romeo sees Cordelia again, at the end of the day, as planned, she's walking down the corridor, towards him, ready for her track and field practice. He's walking behind her and so speeds up his walk before she misses the door he plans on opening. Just as she reaches her side, he grasps her wrists, simultaneously as he opens the door to the boy's locker room. 

He pulls her in and capture her mouth with his. Cordelia moans, assuring Romeo that somehow she was waiting for this too. It was either going to be at school or at her house, but Romeo and Cordelia both lack patience – especially when it comes to sex. Romeo quickly, moves through the room, to the back, far way from any eyes. She's gripping his ass, and hoising herself onto one leg to curl the other around his torso. Quickly, before she can stumble and fal, Romeo lifts her, allowing her legs to be wrapped around him. She's sweetly rocking against him, making Romeo pat himself for not waiting for another four hours and deciding to take her right now. 

A few moments later (of making out), Romeo has her propped against the the lockers in the boy's locker room, as he sweetly rammed her against them. Cordelia was reaching for anything in her reach that was his. She scratched at his back and moaned into his ear, she let a hand wander to his ass, push her more firmly against him. She cried when she was at the brink, trying not to enjoy it as much, to show indifference. She grabbed his hair, directing his mouth to where she wanted it to be.  Cordelia did not bother to remove his clothes and neither did Romeo, finding it more gratifying to wear clothes. 

They did not mean for Judd to walk in on them when Cordelia had decided to take charge. She had him seated on a bench, behind the lockers, to be hidden from view. Her platinum hair bounced as she went along but what managed to blind Judd's view is the position he had found his best friend in. 

"Oh my fuck, Romeo Francisco Rodrigues!" Judd shrieks, covering his eyes and sprinting off to the other side, where he would not be able to see them. 

"Shit!" Romeo curses, grabbing Cordelia's hips and making her stop. He almost moans at the fact that she did not stop even after being walked in on. To tame his thoughts, he pulled her shirt on and gripped the collar to pull her forward. By doing so, her lips crashed onto his. Romeo decides it isn't a good idea when Cordelia's hand grip his face, pulling him closer and her hips begin to move again. 

He tries to pull away but Cordelia mutters quickly, "He'll go away." Her breath begins to pick up again and so does is, as she begins to move faster, on top of him. Cordelia's finger curls into his mouth, pressing her lips to his cheek. 

Romeo can't afford it, especially when he hears Judd scream, "Romeo Rodrigues, you get your ass here, right now!" 

Cordelia groans, letting go and getting off him. She pulls her stocking up, making sure Romeo knows that they're only thigh-high socks. Romeo, in this time, is dressed and huffs, preparing himself to go talk to Judd and ignore the images popping into his mind of Cordelia in those stockings. 

He wonders what explanation he can proffer. 

Romeo doesn't have the time. As soon as he steps into his best friend's view, he is greeted with an angry look and a demand, "What the fuck were you doing?" 

Romeo sighs, ruffling his hair to make it look more presentable. In his mind, he yells at Cordelia to get dressed faster so she can offer some explanation. 

"I think it was pretty clear what I was doing,"Romeo smiles, nodding his head, seemingly pretending to be innocent. 

He earns a punch to the arm. "With someone random? You know with your career taking off, if anyone get's hold of what just happened, you're –" 

"Random? Since when is Cordelia a stranger to you? Last time I checked you guys went to the mall together in the weekend?" Romeo asked, confused. 

Dramatically, in Romeo's opinion, Judd's eyes widen, and his mouth falls upon, seemingly not able to believe the name that just came out of his mouth."CORDELIA!" Judd screams, indicating that he wants the girl's presence right now. 

It's then Romeo understands where Judd's confusion stems from. Cordelia coloured her hair and Judd hadn't seen her all day, so obviously, he thought it was someone else. 

Cordelia appears, her face flushed and lipstick smudged. "Why the fuck are you in the locker room at this time of the day?" 

Both Romeo and Judd turn to her to stare at her in disbelief. 

"Seriously?" Judd almost screams. 

With a fainter voice, Romeo asks, "Seriously?" 

"Since when are you two dating?" Judd asks, throwing them off guard. 

Romeo splutters, "Dating? What the fuck, Judd, you okay?" 

"Of course he's okay! Romeo, I was fucking you two minutes ago, of course he's going to think we're together!" Cordelia quickly explain, smacking Romeo's arm (the same arm Judd punched, Romeo would like to weep). She turns to Judd, "and no! We're just fucking." 

"Can you not say that?" Judd groans.

"Then what do you want me to say? Clichés? Enemies with benefits? Lovers?" Cordelia offers, cringing at the words coming out of her mouth. Romeo turns to look at her and when she borrows his gaze, he's biting onto his entire bottom lip and then winks at her, making Cordelia raise an eyebrow. 

Obviously Cordelia is better at solving situations than Romeo. "Stop it!" scolds Judd, looking a little shaken by the new information he has been given to assimilate. He breathes, trying to look for the words he is about to throw at them. And he finally does, "Does anyone want to tell me how this came to be?"

Romeo and Cordelia sigh, a flash of how this all came to be running through their minds. Deciding that it's too much to tell Judd, Cordelia and Romeo simultaneously reply, "No." 

Judd's eyes narrow, growing extremely suspicious. What a day they all have been having. . Prying for further information, Judd says, "Maybe you guys can tell me how long this has been going on for?" 

Romeo looks at Cordelia, beginning to calculate. It's the end of March now, meaning that it's been a good, "Four months," Romeo answers, remembering the events that occurred at the beginning of December. 

"Wow." That's all they get, after which Judd looks past them, trying to calm himself and maybe advise them. "Maybe you should stop. . ." 

"What?" Cordelia asks. 

"I mean, sooner or later, someone else is going to catch you and - and Romeo, you're - you're becoming this person and maybe –" Judd tries to explain, looking for words which will best not harm Cordelia. 

"Cordelia will cause trouble and tarnish his image?" Cordelia fills in, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning forward. 

"Lia, it's not about –" Judd comforts, voice becoming soothing and calm. Romeo cringes internally, able to sense the argument that will rush in. 

Cordelia, for sure, does not give Judd time to justify himself, as she cuts him off, "Judd, Romeo's old enough and trust me, I do not want to get caught up in drama! So if  you think I'm going to be irresponsible with him, think again!" 

With that, Cordelia storms off, leaving Romeo, in all honesty, a little scared. He was hoping that she would stay the night so he could release a little more frustration that his siblings cause him. 

Judd does a double take, unsure of what to do. In the next second, it's Romeo sprinting off after Cordelia. 

She's by the hallway, headed towards the exit to get to her track and field practice. Before she can make it half way down, Romeo's reached out, leaning over to curl a finger through the belt-loop on her skirt, and pull her back. With a sharp tug, he's pulling her towards him, with her turning around. She crashes ungracefully into him, her chin hitting his shoulder with an immediate force. Her hands are cramped, painfully wedged between their bodies. 

"Ro," Cordelia huffs, beginning to pull away, mindfully keeping an eye out for anyone. 

Cordelia and Romeo in a tight embrace? No one in their right mind would believe it. 

"Corey," Romeo whispers, pulling her back to him. A few strands of her platinum blond hair cover her face, and there's still a thin layer of sweat from their activities layering her forehead. Romeo smirks visibly in that moment, thinking about how this is her warm-up for track and field. 

Cordelia visibly wants to pull away after he calls her by the names she hates (Corey), because of the evident scowl framing her lips. Her fingers are curled into his belt-loops. Romeo knows that Cordelia is trying to calm herself down so they both can talk this out because that's who she is; Cordelia always wants to resolve problems before they can become any worse. 

She looks up. Romeo's loss for words. Her bright silver eyes are gazing into his deep green ones and Romeo softens. For a second, right then, the question of how he hates this girl springs to mind. But surely enough, Cordelia opens her mouth to snap him back into reality. 

"I'll apologise to him," Cordelia sighs, moving into Romeo's hold and laying her head on his shoulder. 

Romeo doesn't know what to say. He briefly thinks about telling her that she doesn't need to apologise for being in his life. But, who is he kidding? This is Romeo – the thought doesn't even stay in his mind for point one seconds before he's back to a mess. "He's just concerned, for me . . and you.

"Romeo, I don't need pro–" 

"I know, I know," Romeo hushes, calming her. Finally, a hand lightly rests on her back. He isn't sure that engulfing her into a hug (which he wouldn't mind) would settle well with her. 

"Lia?" Judd's voice says. It's warm and apologetic. Cordelia pulls away from Romeo and goes to Judd, who's standing a metre or so behind them, by the boy's locker room entrance. 

Romeo watches them, as they exchange a whisper of words before they laugh and embrace each other in a tight hug. He lets her go and Cordelia begins to walk away. Judd catches Romeo's gaze and nods at him, assuring him that everything's worked out.  

Judd's not gone when Cordelia reaches Romeo and kisses him, her hand wondering down south. Romeo's a little surprised at everything just happened, so he returns Cordelia's kiss fully and casually, hoping that maybe it'll make him comprehend everything. It doesn't. Judd's also not gone when Cordelia moves her mouth from his lips to his ear, whispering hotly, "Remember our plans for tomorrow." She kisses his jaw, then leaves, completely unaware that Judd is witnessing all of this. 

In all honesty, Romeo doesn't know what he's feeling right now. Everything he felt just then was new to him. He doesn't recognise the emotions and they make him feel lost and airy inside. Romeo's a little surprised at everything just happened, so he returns Cordelia's kiss fully and casually, hoping that maybe it'll make him comprehend everything. It doesn't. 

Judd smiles at Romeo. 

"What do you know that I don't?" Romeo demands, once he registers the look on his best friend's face. 

"Hmm, nothing. . ." Judd twitters. "Now, want to tell me how all of this happened on the way home?" 

Sure enough, Romeo lets Judd into some of what went down between him and Cordelia and how this whole 'sex deal' between those came to be. He left out as much as he could, and instead summarised it into one sentence. Once Judd's arrived at Romeo's, Romeo hugs Judd and leaves. 

Inside, Romeo doesn't see a lot of people. It's the day after the dinner, and Romeo woke up extremely early. He woke up so early that he managed to catch breakfast outside with Judd, after he rang him a few times and listened to Judd swear at him for waking him up. It wasn't as smooth and perfect as he imagined because they ended up grab coffee from a local Starbucks and stole bagels and two tiny tubs of cream cheese from Judd's before eating by the Brooklyn Bridge. Of course, all of this was just a strategy to avoid having to encounter anyone and possibly have breakfast with them.

"Mom!" Romeo calls, dropping his bag by the door and pulling of his shoes by the stairs. He moves to the garden, untying his tie with his nimble figures. Inside, his mom and Francesco are having a delighted conversation. Francesco is sitting on the floor, looking up at his mother, who is seated at the couch. In the pool, Fahad and Ahaan are playing, with Ahaan's arms dress with floaties. There's a faint beat playing in the background. Xavier and Rosanna are sitting by the other end, beach umbrellas shading them and the pool chairs they sit on. They're minding their own business, either on their phone or laptop, getting some work done. 

Romeo isn't entirely sure what he's walked in on, but he is sure it is not a family. It's a façade, all well to known to him and so he sees right through it. He debates whether he should just run upstairs and lock himself in his room, to avoid all contact, as he did this morning. However, his mother would give him a scolding for doing that and he isn't so sure he can take on all of this. So, he wonders out, once discarding his blazer on the sofa, then pockets his hands in his school pants. "Romeo!" his mother gasps in excitement, interrupting her conversation with her second youngest. She gets and goes to give him a donut from the table spread she has put out. It's piled with loads of food and it surprises him. 

"You're home early," is the only acknowledgement Romeo chooses to make, swapping the plate out of his mother's hand for a glass of chilled iced tea. The heat is beginning to pour through the chilled weather of the last month, coating him in fresh sunlight. He gazes up, squinting as he does. 

The only people to say 'hello' to him are Fahad and Rosanna. She doesn't bother to do it properly, but instead is glaring at the messages popping up on her screen. They're all to do with her best friend sending her pictures of outfits she can possibly wear for her blind date tomorrow. 

Sighing, she closes it and sets it to one side, before tilting her head back and soaking in the minimal peace and quiet she has been gifted. Momentarily, Rosanna does wonder what she could wear to her date.

"I'm home!" a new voice announced, with the clicking of heels coming their way. Nawaz appears at the sliding door leading to the apartment, with files tucked between her arms and chest, a smile on her face. Her legs move in a baby pink, high-waisted paper bag pants long with a white blouse. Her hair is pushed back with a pair of aviators. She goes by the pool where Fahad and Ahaan have just come out and dried themselves. 

Fahad grins, as he cradles his son in his arms. Nawaz approaches him and greets him with a kiss to his cheek and then a snuggle with Ahaan. She then leaves, going to their mother. They begin to talk and munch on food. Romeo joins them too, finding warmth when Nawaz is around. They're talking about a demerger case Nawaz had been urgently called into work for. Before he has the time to take Ahaan and leave for a shower, his mother is telling him to give Ahaan to Francesco so his child can enjoy the water for a while longer and telling him and Nawaz, "to get fresh and rest for a while." 

Fahad quickly catches onto his mother's tricks. It's around quarter to five, why would they find the need to rest? 

Nawaz smiles, looking over at Fahad. Her smile shines brightly on her face, capturing his attention. Then she holds her hand out for him to take and nods her head to the direction of the inside. Fahad silently accepts, taking her hand in his. 

She leads him upstairs and to their room. Fahad is quick to discard his trunks and goes to grab clothes from his drawer. Nawaz, meanwhile, is unbuttoning her blouse, revealing the silk bra she wears. Once her pants come off, Fahad goes to spare a glance at her. He ends up doing a double-take, mouth watering at the sight of a silk bra which doesn't do much framing to her breasts and a lace thong. It's a mismatch which he loves. 

Nawaz gets onto the bed, on her knees, leaning over to type away on her laptop. She flips her hair onto one side and rises from the bed before sinking again. Fahad almost drops at the sigh of her beauty. Nawaz then shuts it and opens up a big, rolling onto her stomach. Fahad isn't sure what to do. His wife is on the bed, looking ever so sensual and he cannot fathom what will happen if he goes to her. 

She moves again, now onto her side, facing him, book still in hand. Her breasts now pressed together make the thin material bowl, exposing more skin. Setting the book down, Nawaz meets Fahad's gaze, making him gulp. 

"Fahad?" Nawaz whispers, knowing what's going through his mind. She stands up and walks to him. Standing chest to chest, Nawaz grips his bicep, squeezing it before trailing down and squeezing again. 

Fahad snaps out of it. He ghosts his wife's lips before darting to the bathroom before they end up doing something that is a little risky with everyone around. 

Francesco excuses himself from their impromptu gathering and goes to take a seat in front of the television. Fahad had left The Amazing Spiderman playing for his child, and now it has reached the scene where Peter is sleeping on the subway, when a man puts a beer on his forehead and a fight ensues. His eyes grow wide and all the memories of a few nights ago flood his mind. Getting up, he wonders what he is to do now. 

Making up his mind, he grabs Nawaz's/Fahad's keys, and goes to the backyard to quickly announce his departure. "Nawaz, mind if I ––?" he asks, lifting the hand that held the keys. Nawa looks confused but, thankfully, nods anyway. Then he turns to his mother, "I promise I will be back in time for dinner! I just need to do something real quick ––" Francesco doesn't give anyone time to think or reply before he is darting out of the house while shrugging on a coat. 

A minute or so later, Francesco is successfully speeding down the streets, entering the city with great determination and happiness. He makes a stop at a wine shop, grabbing a Rosé . Then he makes another pit stop and gets the gifts wrapped. Getting back into the car, he checks his phone and reads the message Nawaz had sent him a few nights ago to confirm the address where she was to pick him up at, at around three in the morning. 

Francesco doesn't register that he is grinning until he parks around ten minutes away from the residency he is meant to be visiting. A giddy feeling makes his stomach churn and he almost jumps in the middle of the crowded street. He's looking down when he bumps into someone and when he looks up it's the same champagne haired, green-eyed woman he laid his eyes on. It's the same plump lips and fierce face that fought for him against the drunkard, at midnight, in a subway. 

He is entranced once again when a corner of her mouth begins to tug in a smirk and her gorgeousness engulfs him all over again. 

So, Francesco blames her beauty for not allowing his mind and mouth establish a connection. As a consequence of the failure, a humiliating, "Soo-de," leaves his mouth.

Soo-de's mouth falls and her eyes drop in disappointment. With a roll of her eyes, she pushes past him in a denim dress, mumbling, "Thanks a lot, egotistic male." 

Francesco snaps and quickly, he wraps a hand around her wrist to stop her from leaving. "Suede!" he pronounces correctly. Mentally, Francesco celebrates himself for being able to do fix a problem before it becomes a regret forever. 

Her posture stiffens and she comes to a halt. Francesco can picture her rolling her eyes and can hear her huff, despite the crowd they are currently in. With a turn on her heel, she spins to face him, her face bored and her eyes droopy. "What?" 

Francesco opens his mouth to tell her of his intentions of coming here when a car honks at another. This leads to the driver in front popping out of his window and swearing at the person who honked, insisting he has done nothing wrong. 

"Like I said," Suede yells, crossing her arms over her chest, "egotistic males." 

Francesco looks at her once more and his mind registers what she had to say. He then grins, his heart swelling at the sight of her. 

Whose heart would not skip a beat if they're looking into silver eyes, plump lips, rounded cheeks and lucious, wavy golden hair? 

"Wanna go some place quieter?" Francesco pipes up, tucking his hands in his pockets, just as someone shoves past him. He grins further when Suede snaps her fingers in front of the man who did so and glares at him, before dismissing him with a wave of her hand. 

"In New York City?" Suede chuckles in disbelief. A moment later, Suede sighs, inviting, "I was going to get coffee. Want to go there? I've learned not to take strangers home." Francesco laughs at that. 

He is not quite sure. It really was not that funny. 

Francesco knows exactly what is going and, God damn, he hopes it becomes reality. 

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