Criminal Conflict (An Underta...

By __Purple_Fluffball__

463K 18.1K 24.4K

This is an Undertale book Criminals have always littered the streets causing a mess and breaking the law. But... More

On The Run Again
Back at HQ
90s Nightmare
Stargazing Panic
Dreams Story
Under the Stars Again
Errors Mood
Horror Stories in the Rain
Who's next?
A storm is apon Us
A frozen Surprise
We could always eat it Later...
The Storm Rages On
Hot Chocolate Bliss
We don't want your girl scout Cookies!
What do we do with Him?
Can we keep him?
Go Away
The piece of Toast
The outside world
Let him go!
He slipped
The forest
Tall, Dark, and Handsome
Tall dark and handsome & The Clearing
Creeper Vines
The Sacrifice
Saving Error
You call that a House?!?
The Painting
Caught you
Couple Goals
Card Games
Welcome to our Life
Toothy's Fitting In
Fell's Story
Reapers in Trouble
Umm, I can Explain?
Moving Out
We should never have Left
Fighting for Control
Meanwhile, Safe and Sound
Its Me!
When past memories Surface
You can't cage an animal Forever
Prison Brake
I Said, Turn Around
He saw
What about Geno?
Couldn't Sleep?
I hope I'm not Interrupting Anything
Love Ya
Why me?
Keep it Down!
Snuggle Buddies
6 Years Later
The End
It's never fully Over
New Book

Don't Move...

5.5K 233 166
By __Purple_Fluffball__


---Errors POV----

The snap echoed throughout the forest.

We all froze in terror, Lust looked like he was about to scream, but Nightmare stepped forward firmly placing a hand over his mouth.

Small whimpers escaped the skeleton as tears ran down his cheek bones. The vine stopped. Attempting to sense if it's prey was alive or another decoy.

We didn't know what to do.

We all turned as Cross took a step forward. I motioned for him to stay back but he ignored me and continued to walk over to Nightmare and Lust.

He stood level with them and a giant knife appeared by his side. He looked down at the vine wrapped round Lusts leg and held his knife over it.

For a moment everything was silent, except the small whimpers coming from Lust. Then Cross swung the knife down, splitting it in half.

He immediately scrambled back as the vine slashed about in pain, and Nightmare dragged Lust over. The vine was still wrapped round his leg. It was twitching and spazzing out until it eventually fell limp and stayed still.

Horror gently unwrapped the vine and revealed the shock beneath.

Lusts leg had an obvious crack running down his left leg, and part of it looked splintered. He let out sounds of discomfort as Horror inspected the leg.

"I can probably teleport him to our destination." Nightmare said.

"Your taking me too." Horror said. "I'm not leaving him."

Nightmare growled but gave in.
"Fine! You guys just keep moving. I'll be back." He picked Lust up, grabbed Horror then disappeared.

That whole time we had been doing something stupid.

We hadn't payed attention to the vines.

They had been slowly creeping over to us while we were checking on Lust. The noise we were making must have attracted them.

We only realised when Horror let out a cry and we turned to see a vine wrapped round his arm.

It was a thick fleshy vine, with mean looking red spikes running along its snake-like body.

"Don't....move." I whispered.

Horror was a statue. The only sign that he was alive was the sweat sliding slowly down his skull.

The vine seemed to relax. It loosened for a second then slithered off him. We all released the breath we had been self consciously holding.

"Error..." Dust whispered frantically, pointing to behind me. I slowly turned to see a vine even bigger than the one that had Horror.

It was slithering its way towards me, rearing up into the air, ready to strike.

It lunged towards me and I rolled to the side, the vine thumped deep into the ground.

With the sound of a dieing animal, it ripped itself from the ground. I scrambled out of the way of the next attack.

Horror and the others had also stood up in a protective circle looking for any attacking vines.

There were about five vines slithering over to me. The movement triggered by my escape from the other vine had attracted these ones.

I summoned two glitched bone attacks and held them tightly ready to throw them.

"Nightmare this elusive haven of yours better be a palace after all the shit we're going through to get there." I muttered to myself.

I heard a wet snap behind me, I whipped round throwing one of my bone attacks, it speared right through the chunky vine, pinning it to the floor, its tip inches from my foot.

It writhed and twisted, trying to un-pin itself with no apparent success.

I took a few steps back, not wanting it to unexpectedly grab my foot, only to feel something cold and slimy press against my back. For once in my life I prayed it was Nightmare.

I shakily turned my head to see what I was backed up against.


---Cross' POV----

I summoned a knife, wrapping my hand firmly round the hilt, attempting to calm my shaking nerves.

A vine came screaming towards us but was sliced down by one of Killers bone attacks. Another one launched forward but was quickly stopped by a swing from my knife.

The vines were all being stopped, none of them had reached us yet. But we were tiering. Fast.

And it seemed the vines knew it. They lashed out with a new intensity. We desperately blocked, ducked, and parried but the cry for help from Error was what gave them the opportunity.

We had all turned to see Error being dragged into the air, a big chunky vine wrapped round his waist.

We had literally only looked for about three seconds max, before turning back to the oncoming vines. But it seemed that three seconds was plenty of time for them.

One lashed out and grabbed my ankle, everything froze for a second before a sharp yank on my leg sent my world spinning sideways.

I slammed into the dirt floor, mud and leaves blurring my vision. I felt the vine on my ankle tighten and start to drag me towards the edge of the path.

I clawed desperately at the ground, grabbing anything that would slow me down.

My knife was just out of reach, I stretched my arm out, my fingertips brushing the hilt, when the vine gave another tug, dragging me further away.

"CROSS!" I saw Dust run over to me, a sharpened bone attack in his hand. He sprinted forwards, jumping over and ducking round vines that attempted to spear him.

He got a few feet in front of me and was about to throw the bone attack, when a large vine struck out of nowhere, he wrapping round him and slamming him into a nearby tree.

He must have sensed it coming because he chucked the sharpened bone as hard as he could at the vine dragging me away.

It speared right through it, causing it to release my ankle and writher in pain. But it quickly freed itself and launched towards me once more.

I scrambled forward and grasped my knife, slamming it into the ground preventing myself from moving as the vine pulled on my leg. This time it had wrapped itself all the way up my leg, and was slowly snaking round my waist.

I twisted around and yanked the knife out of the ground, swinging it above my head and slamming it down onto the vine.

It split clean in half and fell still twitching, the rest of it sliding off into the darkness of the trees.

I scrambled up onto my feet, looking about wildly for the others. A cry from my left made me notice Killer. He was pinned to the ground by at least seven vines, all crawling over him, attempting to brake his bones.

I ran over to him, cutting down the vines that lashed out at me with my knife.

I skidded to a stop by him and chucked my knife at one of the vines, slicing it cleanly. The knife disappeared and reappeared in my hand and I replayed the action.

Cutting through the vines whilst dogging others. More than a few times the vines grazed my bones, or nearly speared me.

One last swing, and the vines around Killer were all dead, twitching slightly as the life ebbed out of them.

A hand shot out of the mass of dead vines and I gripped it tightly, pulling out a bedraggled Killer.

"Did they brake anything?" I asked.

"No." He gasped. "I think you got them just in time."

I nodded.

"What about the others?" He wheezed.

"I'm gonna help them. Stay here. And don't Move!" He collapsed back on the ground and I ran off to look for the others.

I pinpointed Dust who was still struggling against the giant vine that had him pinned to the tree he was stabbing it with a bone, green blood-like puss was leaking from the monstrous vine, but other than that no damage seemed to be being inflicted.

He noticed me creeping forward. "Stab it at the base!" He yelled.

I nodded and ran back down the path following the fleshy vine to what I believed was the base. I took in a deep breath and positioned the knife over it.

Just as I was about to swing it down, another vine shot towards me, I ducked down, I felt the vine brush over my skull before I sliced upwards, killing it instantly.

Another came flying at me. They were protecting the bigger one! I summoned another knife and threw it at the oncoming vine, then turned and slammed my other knife into the other vine as hard as I could.

Green slime exploded from the wound and the vine thrashed about violently, nearly slamming into me several times.

I booked it and ran back to Dust just in time to see the vine around him collapse and release him. I walked over.

"You okay?"

He nodded. "Good job. Thanks."

I looked around, searching for any more vines that had taken interest in us.


Where had they gone?

A twig snapped behind us and I whipped round, ready to throw my knife that was still ready in my hand.

I relaxed when I realised it was just Killer, limping over to us, bits of green slime and leaves plastered on his clothes and bones.

"You good?" He nodded slowly, wincing, as if the action hurt him.

He walked over to us then collapsed against the tree Dust was sitting next to.

"Where'd they all go?" He asked.

"Dunno." Dust said. "They all kinda disappeared.

"But where?" I muttered.

The forest was silent, not a single sound could be heard except Killer and Dusts laboured breathing.

Then we heard it.

A glitched scream echoing through the forest.

We all looked at each other.


Boiii my longest chapter so far!
1644 words!
Gotta save Error guys!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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