Hostile Actions // Teen Wolf

By Isaac-Derek-Stiles

216K 6.1K 1.7K

Erin and Isaac are finally together. It has been a few months since the kanima, Jackson moved to London, Scot... More

Hello Again!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Next Book

Chapter 8

9K 251 16
By Isaac-Derek-Stiles

 In case you don't understand this chapter, the italics are flashbacks.

This is long.

Double update while I have pneumonia. You little shits better be grateful.

Not edited.

Oke, enjoy!

The bus rattled, thunder booming outside. Cross Country was heading to a meet, which happened to be hours away. On this bus includes Scott and Stiles, who sat in the back of the bus, Ethan, who was sitting with Danny, and Boyd, Isaac, and I who sat towards the middle. I was sitting on a bench with Isaac, my hood up and my head resting on the window while my legs were across him and Boyd sat on the bench across from us. Let's just say, with what just happened, we were a bomb shell just waiting to happen. 

I can't believe he's gone. 

I can't believe Derek's dead.

"Stop thinking about it." Boyd told me, practically reading my mind. I looked up at him, moving to sit up some so my whole back was resting against the window. "Like you're not thinking about it too?"

"Well let's all stop thinking about it." Isaac piped in, waking up from his short nap. It boggled my mind on how he could sleep right now, on a noisy bus full of students, and the thunder roaring over and over again.  

"I can't." I insisted, tossing my hands up and sighing heavily. It's haunting me, watching him topple ton his death. The image playing over and over in my head.

"Well there's nothing you can do about it."

"You sure about that?" With that, I got up and made my way to the back of the bus, ignoring Coach's calls after me. I sat down in front of Scott and Stiles, noticing Scott's grimacing face. "Scotty, let me see your side."

I reached for his shirt and he flinched away, "no, no, no, I'm all right."

Stiles joined in with me, pressuring Scott, "well you don't look all right."

"Would you just let me see it?" I reached down to grab it before he could protest and lifted it up, gasping. "Scott..." On the left side of his stomach, three long, deep slashes were laid against his stomach, dried blood surrounding it. 

I let go of his shirt, it sliding back down into place. "I know it's bad, but it's because they're from an Alpha. It'll take longer to heal."

"Then how come Boyd, Isaac, and I are fine? Remember the twins slashed up my whole shoulder worse than yours and I'm perfectly healed." 

Scott ignored me. He simply said, "I can't believe he's dead." He looked back out the window, whispering, "I can't believe Derek's dead."

"I know where they are!" Scott's voice came from the door as Boyd, Cora, Derek, Peter, and I stood around the table, blueprints of the Argent's building spread across the table. I was still infuriated with Derek for kicking Isaac and I out. Luckily Stiles' dad let me have their guest room, so I had a home. But the fact that he kicked us out, we're his betas.

"Same building as the Argents, we know." Derek said looking up.

"Cora and I followed the twins." Boyd said, looking at Scott as well, who was now walking towards the table.

"Then the want you to know."

"Or, more likely, they don't care." Peter said and Scott gazed at the blueprints. "What is this?"

"Isn't it obvious? The schemers are scheming." Peter said cheekily and I rolled my eyes. 

I motioned towards the paper, "we're coming up with a coup de main, better known as a pre-emptive strike." 

"You're goind after them?" Scott asked in disbelief. He thought it was a down right stupid idea, well I did as well but I was forced to follow my alpha. I knew something was going to happen, I could feel it. But, ever since I got the bite, I had a deep want for getting revenge against people, I had to have it. It was weird, like a pull. So not only instinct to follow my Alpha was telling me too, a part of me wanted to.

"Tomorrow and you're gonna help us." Derek said, confirming the question.

"Scott! You're bleeding again." I whispered, pulling a hand towel out of my bag to hand to him. He thanked me and pressed it against his wound, wincing. 

"Don't tell us that it's just taking longer to heal, okay? Because I'm pretty sure that bleeding means not healing, like at all." I grabbed Stiles' shoulder, making him stop talking. I nodded forward, at the only Alpha twin here, Aiden was still suspended. "He's listening." I whispered, watching as Ethan not so subtly. 

"Is he gonna do something?" Stiles asked, the three of us staring at him. 

Scott shook his head, "not in front of this many people." 

"Okay" I shifted to look at my boyfriend and bestfriend sitting a few rows in front of us. "What about me and the two ticking time bombs?"

"Well I know you won't." I rolled my eyes, knowing he was right, I'm not that stupid. Even though my inner wolf is snarling at him, wanting to rip his head off. "And they won't either, not here." 

"They're one floor above them in the penthouse, right above Allison."

"So kill them first? That's the plan?" Scott questioned, still hesitant about the whole idea of attacking the Alpha pack. "They'll never see it coming." Boyd said, his arms crossed making his biceps bulge. Jesus, Boyd's body is better than Derek and Scott's combined. 

"Why is the default plan always murder?" I said, deciding to pitch in with Scott's argument, even though I knew it wouldn't help.

"Just once, can someone come up with something that doesn't involve killing everyone?" Scott said as well. 

Peter, as cocky as usual, commented, "You never get tired of being so blandly moral, do you?" He turned to Derek mumbling, "not that I disagree with him." 

"Well I do," Cora said, "why do we need this kid anyways?" 

This kid," Derek said turning towards her, "helped save your life." Cora was cool, she wasn't bad. BUt she was a bit of a bitch. She was kind of a mix of Derek and Erica. Bitchy and cold. "And you know we can't just sit back and wait for them to make the first move."

"You can't beat a pack of alphas."

I sighed, "that's why we're going after Deucalion, just him.

"Cut off the head of the snake and the body dies."

"Only this isn't a snake, it's a hydra. And like Scott says, they're all alphas."

"Deucalion's still the leader."

"Let's hope so." I said and the attention was turned towards me. "You know what happened when Hercules cut off one of the heads of the hydra? Two grew back in it's place."

"Someone's been studying." Peter said with a smirk and I narrowed my eyes, "it's called fifth grade mythology, dumbass."

The bus pulled to a stop, traffic holding us up. I looked in front but my eyes landed on Boyd, his heartbeat speeding up. Shit.

 "Scott, Scott, Boyd's gonna do something." Scott looked ahead and began getting up, holding his side. He began scrambing down the aisle towards my best friend who had his claws out, gripping the seat in front of him. Scott continued wobbling forward and grabbed Boyd's shoulder, sitting in the seat across from him, trying to calm him down. Soon he came walking back.

Mission aborted.

<^_^<           >^_^>

The bus still haven't moved, Stiles had Danny find out that 'someone close to Ethan is sick and may not make it through the night.' Which basically means, Ennis, the Alpha that fell of the edge with Derek, is still alive. Oh, and Jared is at the front of the bus is about to throw up. So... this day is not going to well. 

I also just noticed Scott is bleeding black bloo- wait black blood?! 

"Ew, ew Scott why is the blood black?" I whispered shouted and Stiles glanced at it, gagging slightly. 

"Oh god..."

Coach was yelling at Jared at the front of the bus not to throw up while I was more interested in the fact that Scott kept coming in and out. His head was leaning against the window, his eyes closed and he looked pale.

"Alright listen up!" Coach yelled, gaining everyone's attention. "Don't think we're gonna miss this meet because of a slight traffic jam, a minor tornado warning," he glanced down at the gagging nerd,= before adding, "Jared. We're gonna make this thing and nobody is gonna stop us!" I raised my hand.

I knew I had to get us to stop, Scott needs help and we can't exactly help him in front of everyone on the bus. "Redoff! put your hand down!"

I ignored his comment. "You know, there's like a food exit about a half a mile up. I don't know if we stop and then maybe traffic-"

"We're not gonna stop."

Stiles decided to pitch in as well, like he usually does. Stiles and I seemed to team up when antagonizing teachers or in this case, coaches. "Okay, but if we stop-"

'Stilinski! Redoff! Both of you just shut it! Seriously! It's a little bus! Stop asking me questions!"

The two of us sighed in defeat and Stiles leaned back mumbling, "I hate him." I turned to Scott who was a bit more lively now, but still not looking good. 

"Did you call Deaton?" I asked him, resting my arms on the back of my seat, resting on my knees as I sat backwards. 

"I keep getting his voicemail."

"That's it," I said and pulled out my phone and unlocked it. "I'm calling Lydia and Allison."

"How're they gonna help," he paused and took a breath, "back in Beacon Hills."

"They're not. They've been following us for hours. It's pathetic." I help the phone up to my ear, as it rang. Soon Lydia picked up.

"Hey.. Erin."

"Hey, what's up?"

"Oh, we're just about to walk into a movie.."

I rolled my eyes and laughed quietly, glancing out the back of the bus and spotting they're car about seven cars behind us. "I know you guys are right behind us. Put me on speaker."

There was some shuffling and soon she gave an okay to say I was on speaker. "Okay, Scott's still hurt."

Allison made an appearance asking, "what do you mean still? He's not healing?"

"No he's not healing." I glanced at my bleeding friend and grimaced at the small amount of black blood seeping throw my soiled towel. "I think he's actually getting worse. The blood's turning like, a black color.

"Well, what's wrong with him?"

I rolled my eyes scoffing, "what's wrong with him? How the hell should I know? I don't even know why my eyes are white and I definitely don't have a PhD in lycanthropy, so how am I supposed to know what's wrong with him?"

"We need to get him off the bus." Lydia butted in asking, "and take him where, a hospital?" Again Allison spoke up, "if he's dying? Yeah. Erin, there's a rest area about a mile up, tell the coach to pull over."

"Yeah we've been trying."

"Well, reason with him."

Stiles, who was listening with his ear pressed against my phone swiped it and exclaimed, "reason with him? Have you met the guy?" 

"Just try something." Stiles angrily hung up and grumbled as he stood and made his way to the front where Coach was. 

"Can we please stop?" He asked the Coach.


"Coach it's five minutes for a bathroom break, okay? We've been on this thing for like three hours-"

Coach blew his whistle making him stop talking. Stiles paused before continuing his talking. It continued, Stiles trying to talk and Coach blowing his whistle over and over. Finally Coach said, "get back to your seat Stilinski!"

Stiles yelled an "okay!" He turned around but before he started walking he smirked, turning back around and sitting next to Jared. I groaned in realization of what he was gonna do.

<^_^<          >^_^>

"Jared, you suck!" Isaac and I jogged off the bus and I released my nose breathing in the fresh air. I followed after Allison, Scott, Stiles, and Lydia as they went in the rest stop and Isaac stayed outside to stall Coach.

Stiles set him down so he was resting against the wall and Allison cut a hole in his shirt, all of us gasping at the sight. The scratches have gotten worse, blood dripping from them again. Half the blood was red but most of it was black. "Why didn't you tell us?"

He breathed out a quiet , "sorry."

Allison stood and said, okay just give us a second, okay?"

She stood and led Lydia, Stiles, and I away a few feet. "This shouldn't be happening, I've seen him heal from worse than this."

"I had worse, my shoulder was conpletely torn up and I'm completely healed." I mumbled to no one in particular.

"Okay what do we do then? Do we just call an ambulance?"

"What if it's too late? What if they can't help?" 

I thought of something and grabbed Lydia's wrist knowing she would understand. "You know, it could be psychological."

"What do you mean, like, psychosomatic?" Stiles asked and Lydia shook her head. "Somatoformic."

I sighed knowing full well that he didn't understand. "A physical illness from a psychogenic cause." Again, Stiles face was clueless along with Allison's and Lydia and I rolled our eyes together. 

"Yes, it's all in his head."

"All in his head?"

"Because of Derek." Allison said, finally catching on, "he's not letting himself heal cause Derek died."

"So what do we do?" Stiles asked.

Allison pulled out needle and thread, "stitch him up."

"Let's go stall," I said grabbing Lydia's wrist and pulling her out. I let go of her once we were outside and ran to Isaac and Boyd who were watching Ethan. 

"Alright let's go! Back on the bus!" Coach yelled and I turned to my boyfriend and best friend. "We need to stall Coach, Allison is still helping Scott."

I couldn't find Isaac, I looked around but there was no sign of me. I heard yelling and I ran that way, looking for the source. I spotted the commotion and joined Boyd's side. Isaac stood punching Ethan over and over. I went to stop him, to pull him off and ask what happened. But then a part of me said, let it happen. He deserves it, he helped kill your Alpha. Come one, get your revenge. 

A satisfied smirk creeped on my face and I watched my boyfriend, enjoying every minute of it. 

"What are you doing here?" Isaac asked as I walked towards him and Scott in the abandoned room. 

"What does it look like? I'm coming with you two." He sighed in defeat and Scott began walking.

"We're just gonna talk to him, try to reason with him."

The three of us continued walking until we spotted Deucalion standing on the escalators. We all walked towards him and I took a step closer to Isaac out of caution. 

 "You didn't come alone." Deucalion pointed out as he stood.

"Yeah, this is Isaac and Erin."

"I'm not talking about those two," he said and the three of us looked confused until we heard footsteps. We turned to see Derek walking towards us, in werewolf form. Boyd and Cora stood behind him, back in the shadows. 

"You knew I would do this? Derek, don't. You can't do this so no one gets hurt. If someone else dies-"

"Him," Derek interrupted, pointing at the blind Alpha, "just him."

"Just me?" Deucalion asked, "Now, how's a blind man find his way into a place like this all on his own?"

I looked to my left and sliding down the pillar was Kali, she landed on the ground, teeth barring and red eyes glowing. To my right I saw Dennis and I looked up on the next floor to see Ethan and Aiden. I felt Isaac wrap his hand around my wrist, pulling me closer to him. 

Scott appeared and yelled, "Isaac!" My boyfriend halted, turning to look at him, everyone completely silent. "Get him away from Ethan," he whispered to me and I nodded, wrapping my arm around his waist and grabbing his, wrapping it around my shoulder. We walked towards the building and as soon as we were out of view he began throwing a silent tantrum, punching the concrete wall. 

"Hey! Hey!" I yelled, stepping in between him and the wall before he could punch a third time. He stopped and slowly lowered his fist, sighing.  His gaze fell to the ground and I just walked closer, wrapping my arms around his waist, nuzzling into his chest.

"It's okay," I whispered as he wrapped his arms around me as well and tucked his head into my neck, "it's gonna be okay."

<^_^<           >^_^>

Derek roared, taking off after Deucalion. I went to go after the twins when Isaac shoved me backwards into the shadows. I lost my footing, hitting my head on the concrete floor roughly. My vision went blurry, my mind blanking out for a few moments. I have no idea how long I stayed there, on the ground. But when I got up, it looked as if the odds were against us. Scott and Isaac were being thrown into a wall by the mega alpha over and over. Boyd and Cora and were getting slashed up. 

I charged at Ennis as he threw Boyd to the ground. By the time I had reached him, my white eyes were glowing and my teeth were barred. I slashed at his back, and he roared, and spun around. He tilted his head slightly, as he stared at my eyes. He shook out of it and charged at me, swinging twice. I dodged both and he grabbed my arm, swunging me around so I was facing Kali. She swiped at me with her foot, cutting into my chest and shoulder. 

I screamed out, everyone else was now lying on the ground hurt. Kali didn't let up, comtinuing her swiping and each swipe was more painful than the last. Kali smirked as I hung weakly in Ennis' arms, not able to fight any longer. I couldn't scream anymore, only letting out small whimpers after each swipe. "Stop!" Isaac yelled weakly in the backround and Deucalion gave mercy, holding his hand up. Kali stopped and turned to place her foot on Cora's chest as Ennis wrapped his hand around my neck holding me.

The mega alpha had a hold on Isaac and Scott, Isaac's eyes boring into me as he watched worriedly. "Kill her," Deucalion said, referring to me. Derek looked down at me, as I weakly had my head raised to look at him pleadingly. "You're beaten. Do it, Derek. Take the first step." Deucalion looked down at me, and as if he could see me, he said, "actually, leave her, she can be useful according to her eye color."

Ennis literally threw me, and I landed on my back in front of Scott and Isaac, who were still being held by the Alpha twins. "Kill him instead," he corrected and was now referring to Boyd. i spit out a bit of blood, trying to protest but all that came out was a groan of pain. 

"Are we serious with this kid?" Kali said as cocky as ever, "look at him! He's an alpha? To what? A couple of useless teenagers?"

"Some have more promise than others." He seemed to glance at Scott as he said that. 

"Let him rise to the occasion then. What'll it be, Derek? Pack or family?" They wanted him to chose between Cora or Boyd to kill.  Kali began pressing her foot down on Cora's throat and she gasped in pain. Derek looked around, as if he was defeated when suddenly an arrow flew by. It flashed and hit the mega alpha, it falling back. The twins lay on the ground, split apart and Ennis and Deucalion bent down.

"Your eyes!" Deucalion yelled out, "cover your eyes!" Isaac came to my side, bending over me so I was covered and he closed his eyes. Allison stood on the next floor continuing her fires. KAli released Cora to cover her own eyes and Cora bolted away from her. Once Allison stopped shooting, Derek and Cora grabbed Boyd as Isaac picked me up. 

Scott charged at Ennis who ran back at him. Their shoulders collided and they both fell backwards, landing on their feet.

 My mouth fell open as I looked at Scott's red eyes. He shook his head and blinked a couple of times and his normal golden eyes were back. Derek charged at Ennis and the two swiped at each other over and over again. Scott ran forward to help and swiped at Ennis' leg and Derek and Ennis, with a hold on each other, toppled over the edge of the floor, falling off and disappearing. 

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