Moments - A Harry Styles Fanf...

By HeyThereHaz

44.1K 362 18

Lettie is just a normal girl who's living in London. That is until she meets the worldwide famous Harry Style... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 25

1.2K 8 0
By HeyThereHaz

Everything was going well, Harry and I had been officially dating for around 6 months. The fans were as lovely as ever, there was still the odd horrible person but I had learned to ignore them. I had over 500,000 followers on twitter, it was crazy!

Harry came round mine quite a lot whilst he was in London and we spent as much time together as we could. Zayn and Sophie were still 'casually dating' as she put it and they were thinking of making things official to the fans soon!

Harry's familiar knock rapped on my front door and my dad answered it before I could get downstairs.

"Hey Harry, how are you mate?" oh god he called him mate I thought to myself as I stood at the top of the stairs, putting my hair up before I went down. I was about to step onto the top step when Harry spoke in a hushed tone. I stopped.

"Are you sure it's alright...for me to ask her today Dave?" Harry said nervously to my dad.

"Of course" my dad replied smiling back at Harry before calling my name and telling me Harry was here.

I walked downstairs then, giving it a couple of seconds so it didn't look like I'd been stood listening. What had they been on about, well I guess I was going to find out pretty soon anyway by the sounds of things.

"Hey!" I said as Harry pulled me into a hug, kissing my forehead, he seemed nervous.

"Can we go for a walk Lettie?" he said taking my hand, I couldn't help thinking it sounded like he was going to break up with me. My heart fluttered. But why would he tell my dad that?

I nodded and grabbed my cardigan from the banister, walking behind him out the front door. We walked along to the little park down the road from my house and sat on the bench, where I had sat the night we argued about Katie. It had quickly become our spot since we'd been dating as it was secluded and out of view from the main street. Not many people knew about it or interrupted us while we were there so it was great for talking.

He took my hand and pulled my legs up over his lap, how we always sat, and stroked the back of my hand with his thumb gently.

"I've been thinking about this for a while now Lets" oh it really did sound bad... "and I wanted to give you these." He stood up a second and pulled something out of his back jean pocket. The sun caught on them and blinded me momentarily so I couldn't make out what they were. Then as I shaded my eyes with my hand I realised it was a set of keys.

He handed them to me and said with a smile "I was thinking we should, um like, move in together Lets." I was shocked at first but quickly agreed. He picked me up off the bench and spun me around in his arms the way he always did when he was happy. I nuzzled into his neck and whispered I love you into his ear.

"I love you too...but we need to get a move on and pack your stuff hun, we can move in today!" he said stroking my hair.

"What?! That's amazing" I exclaimed and we walked off to his car. He wanted to show me the place first before I decided, but really I already had my mind made up and he knew that.

We drove into a gated complex and the security guard nodded us through instantly. We pulled up outside a very grand looking building and Harry got out and walked round to open my door. We walked up to the top floor and he took the keys out of his pocket, unlocking the door to the right of the lift. He opened it and let me walk in first. I was absolutely stunned into silence.

He laughed at my gawping expression and took my hand. "It's alright isn't it" he said giving me a nudge. "Wait until you see the view from the bedroom."

The apartment had already been decorated with teal blues and browns and it was beautiful. He couldn't have done it himself, as much as I loved him, his creativeness was limited strictly to music.

"Your mum helped me decorate and pick out the colours" he said as if reading my mind.

"So everyone knew about this apart from me?" I said laughing.

"Yes, pretty much, I wanted it to be a surprise!" I leaned up and kissed him indicating that it was the best surprise ever and continued to look around the apartment. I say apartment but it was massive. It had two bedrooms on the second level, the flight of spiralling glass stairs leading out of the living room. I walked up them, Harry just behind. He indicated to the master bedroom ,which would be ours and I opened the door.

It too was beautifully decorated with creams, browns and accents of red in the wallpaper and cushions on the bed. I looked over to the window, and Harry was right the view was incredible, right across the London skyline, you could see for miles. I went and stood by the window and Harry slipped his arms around my waist from behind me.

"So is it a yes then?" he said kissing my neck and I could feel him smiling as he did. I nodded and turned around to face him. He brought my legs up around his waist and I leaned against the windowsill kissing him passionately.

"Woah children" Louis' voice came from the doorway "at least shut the door if you're doing, er, that!" I pulled away from Harry and hopped down off the windowsill.

"I forgot to mention Louis and the other boys all have apartments in the same complex, so we can expect unscheduled appearances at any time" he said laughing and walking over to Louis grinning sarcastically. I laughed and walked over too.

"How are you?" Louis asked me and pulled me into a hug. We exchanged small talk and apparently Eleanor was moving in with Lou as soon as she'd finished Uni, which was great! He left after a short while to unpack his things and Harry and I made our way back to my house to get all the stuff I'd need.

It felt so strange leaving behind my girly teenage bedroom, covered in posters of various bands including a couple of One Direction and of course the massive poster of Harry I'd put up with Katie that time.

"We've got to have these up in the apartment" Harry said jokingly hitting me on the head with a rolled up poster. I laughed and threw a teddy bear at him that I was holding in my hand which only started up a whole new realm of teasing.

"In fact this little guy" he said holding up a blue duck "would look great in the living room" he said ruffling my hair like I was a small child. I hit him hard enough so he knew about it and carried on throwing things into boxes.

When we were done we packed all my stuff into my mums Jeep and she drove it to the new apartment for us. We unloaded everything out at the other end and dumped it all in the living room for now.

I said quite an emotional goodbye to my mum and dad, even though they were five minutes down the road and waved them off as they left. My mum was crying and so was I, I must have looked like an emotional wreck.

Harry pulled me into a strong hug as they drove away and I pulled myself together quickly. We walked back up to the apartment and went in to make a start on unpacking my things. We finished a couple of boxes and Harry slumped down on to the sofa.

"Can we stop for a bit" he whined and I climbed on top of him, straddling him.

"Aww okay babyyyy" I said copying his whiny tone and he tried to push me off of him jokingly but I started to kiss his neck and run my fingers up and down his torso which quickly made him change his mind and pull me into him. I laughed and continued to kiss his neck until he pulled me up to the bedroom making sure the door was tightly locked this time. We didn't want any interruptions from Louis or anyone for that matter.

I fell asleep in his arms and woke the next morning. I threw on one of Harry's hoodies and headed down the stairs to find him cooking breakfast. He walked over and kissed me on the cheek.

"I have one more surprise for you" he said walking into the living room. "Look in that box over there" he pointed to a small brown box which hadn't been there last night.

I walked over and pulled open the flaps. Sitting looking up at me was a little brown eyed puppy with light golden fur. I gasped and scooped him into my arms. It was a golden Labrador and was the cutest thing I'd ever seen.

"I thought you'd need company if I had to go away" he said smiling at the delighted look on my face. "What do you want to call him?" he added questioningly.

I thought for a while "Euston, I want to call him Euston." I said thinking back to the time me and Harry first met at Euston train station. It was unusual but it suited him to a tee.

"Euston it is" he smiled back at me and I cuddled the puppy in my arms. I put him down and he bounded across the apartment. It was the cutest thing ever. Luckily we had a little garden with the flat round the back so Euston would be quite alright.

I cuddled up to Harry on the sofa for a while until he had to go and check on the breakfast, we ate together and then got ready taking Euston with us to the boys apartments across the street to introduce him.

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