K L A N C E D // Klance One-s...

By keyungso

221K 5.4K 8.8K

"Let's make our own shade of purple with red and blue." mature content. More

shower smut ;)
Ruin me
Promises are promises
keith has pimples and lance is a secretly a beauty guru
keith is a l0ser
lance is stUpid....ly in love
superhero au
youtuber au
idk au
drunk keith is the best keith - 1
idk i tried making angst but it turned out fluffy
drunk keith is the best keith part two
drunk keith is the best keith part two of the part two
soulmate au-1
soulmate au-2
just plain smut
short fic i wrote while pooping
text au
galra au
text au pt.2
keith has amnesia au
keith would be a great neko- pt 2
sick au
cellmates au-pt 1??
cellmates au- pt 2
keith has a diary au
im so done with s7
crackass short fic
"hey im hiding from a bunch of guys can i hide in ur place?" au
beware !!
beware!! pt-2
beware!! pt-3
beware!! pt-4
keith as a cat demon
poop story i wrote while pooping
keith with piercings sounds hot
Prince and bodyguard action
party au with a plot twist
prince and bodyguard smut
superhero au pt2
my life is a mess lol
youtuber au pt2
more prince and bodyguard au
keith being a clingy cat shit
kinda yacchan x tamura au
this fic is on crack
keith as a loser and lance being daddy material like always
klance pirate au!
klance on a bus! au
birthday gift/cat!keith au

keith would be a great neko

4.7K 138 55
By keyungso

Keith has no choice. This is the only job that meet both his requirements and abilities that's able to pay good amount of money to pay for his needs.

Being left by your parents at the age of 9 is tough. He has to work to be able to pay for university and for daily necessities. Keith doesn't even remember their faces anymore and thank god for that.

He was doing well actually for the past few years working in a cafe, until his so called boss tricks him into giving up all his savings that he planned for university and flees to god knows where. Fucking shit. If he's still here right now, Keith would have beat the shit out of his badly trimmed mustache and his stupid bowl-cut hair.

The new boss -Kyle, one of Keith's past co-workers- felt somehow responsible for Keith since he had a bad feeling about the dick boss but didn't say anything.

"I know a vacant job just a couple of blocks away," he said one day, "The pay is way better compared to here and I think you'll do well there. I can hook you up with the owner there if you're interested."

So Keith agreed.

What he didn't know that he would be working in a fucking maid cafe wearing nothing but skimpy maid outfits and fucking cat ears as -whatever the fuck the people here call it-  props.

So now he has to stand still and smile sweetly as another customer comes in through the door. Even though he wants to just slam his head so hard maybe and fortunately he'll die in embarrassment.

The man that comes in is around his age, Keith calculates judging from the his style of clothing; white shirt and a cotton coat accompanied with ripped jeans. He has dark brown hair and strong dark blue eyes that make Keith shiver.

"Your choice, Mr. McClain."

Said scanning eyes stop when they reach Keith and with an eat-shitting grin, the man points at him.

"Him. I want him."

My manager urges me forward, his eyes blinking  nervously as he looks at Keith. Keith's not stupid; he notices how extra careful and nice his manager's being. This Mr.McClain must be a really important guy if he's making his tough boss nervous.

Keith looks at him with a sweet smile. All of show. All of show. "Good evening," he adds an extra flirtatious tone, mentally giving himself a high five when Mr.McClain nods in contentment and his boss sighing quietly in relief.

He's totally going to get an extra pay this week.

"I want a private room," Mr.McClain says, looking at the manager. The manager nods and ushers Keith to lead the boss to the best room in the building.

It's quiet when they go inside the lift. The constant awkward glancing from Keith and the full-on ogle from the other.

"So," Mr.McClain says, "What's your name?"


"Last name?"

He stays quiet. He never answers personal questions, but something tells him if this really important guy is satisfied, he'll get more money than he usually does.

"Kogane." He answers after a while.

Mr.McClain grins the exact same grin when he picked him. "Keith Kogane," he says mostly to himself and Keith shivers imperceptibly in how smooth it sounds, "I like it."

The elevator dings and Keith leads him to the special room; the whole top floor with full length glass windows, showing the small city filled with crowded, tall buildings. The street light are on even if the Sun has just started to set, giving out blinding lights to brighten up the darkening city. The room is dimly lit; the only light source coming from the Sun and the candles around the room.

Mr.McClain's dusky skin looks even more smooth and beautiful as it mashes perfectly with the Sun's orange light-rays.

Keith waits until his customer sits down before giving him the shop's menu. "What would you like to order, Sir?"

The customer smiles at him, "You. I want to order you, Keith."

"Well, that's going to be really expensive."

McClain laughs. "I'll take my chances."

Smiling, Keith pushes the menu closer to him. "Food? Drinks?"

But Lance doesn't mind the menu and keeps his eyes lock to Keith. "Can you sit with me?" Keith opens his mouth to object but he interrupts him. "Please. I'll order food then. I'll order for you too, if you want. I'll even pay you extra, how much do you want?"

Keith sighs before pulling out a chair on the opposite of him. His customer's already taking out his wallet, pulling out a stash of money -shit. He's really loaded, is he?- but Keith holds of a hand.

"I don't need your money."

Mr.McClain's confused look slowly turns into a genuine smile.

"..But buy me a strawberry cheesecake."

"Right away, princess."

"You're full of yourself, aren't you? Mr.McClain?" Keith says playfully, ignoring the fact that if this man gets pissed, he can possibly lose his job. Heck, this man can buy this whole entire business if he wants to.

But to his delight, McClain just laughs wholeheartly. Keith blushes when he realizes how cute this man is.

"Please," he smiles, "Call me Lance."

// I really really really love this au. and I'm probably going to make another chapter of this. Since this is a one-shot book, I'll make a new book just for this au. Read the next chapters for this au in that book!
..which I just realized that I haven't made.... byebye~ //

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