By Crishyeaaaaah29

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SYPNOSIS Do you still believe that promises should be kept? "Promises are meant to be broken." as stated by a... More

ARTP - Prologue


57 16 1
By Crishyeaaaaah29


"When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You know that your name is safe in their mouth."
― Jess C. Scott


"Divine-Shi Unni, you seem so early."

"I got bored at home, so I went here as soon as possible."

"Jinja yi? So, what would you want to eat Unni?" (긴가 ? )
(Is that so?
So, what would you want to eat?)

"I'll be fine with whatever you're having."

"Jongmal lo? Kure, I'll be having the usual Cathy. Same with my friend." (종말로 ? )
(Really? Fine, I'll be having
the usual Cathy. Same with my friend.)

"Okay Miss Yvanne. It's been a while since you ate here with Sir Ryan."

"Yes, it's been a while. Oh, by the way, this lovely lady with me is his girlfriend. Divine-shi Unni, this is Cathy, she's been working here since Ryan and I first came here. She's definitely a keeper!"

"Really? Oh I'm honored to meet you."

"The Pleasure's all mine Miss Divine. Your order will be served any minute now. Please be patient."

So Divine and I helped ourselves with the Chocolate and Strawberry Pancake Deluxe that we ordered a while ago. After eating, Unni started to elaborate on the details.

Ryan and his family were on a business trip when suddenly, their car crashed into another car. Luckily, Divine's parents saw them and rushed them to the nearest hospital. By the time they got there, the doctors declared Aunt Marie and her husband dead on arrival. Ryan survived, but he was in a very critical condition. He was in coma for 3 weeks and to their surprise, Ryan was awake when the nurse was about to check on his vital signs. Because nobody else would care for Ryan, a business associate of Aunt Marie adopted Ryan as his own. I can't remember the name clearly, but it was a Japanese name.


Time flies as if it never happened. Relish every moment as it were your last because you'll never know what'll happen next. Who would've thought that the best of friends would suddenly fall apart just because of one tremendous breakdown - Ryan's accident.

Up until now, I still can't stature out why of all people, I'd be the one he forgot about the most? He even remembered some of our childhood friends, but why can't he recognize me? Why? Don't you think it's too unfair?

Maybe through time, memories of us will just come hovering in the air and strike him in the face so he'd remember everything in just one click. I miss my prince, I really do miss him. I feel like a massive part of me was ripped apart. What am I supposed to do now? I sure think waiting would be the best answer, am I right?


"Divine-Shi Unni, you seem so early." I looked up to see who it was, it was Yvanne. I didn't expect that she'd be excited as I was.

"I got bored at home, so I went here as soon as possible." Actually, I wasn't bored. I even had my meetings rescheduled because I have to clear my thoughts once and for all.

"Jinja yo? So, what would you want to eat Unni?" (긴가 ? )
(Is that so?
So, what would you want to eat?)

Uh-oh! What to do? I haven't eaten anything from this pancake house yet, so I practically don't know anything here.

"I'll be fine with whatever you're having." I finally replied.

"Jongmal lo? Kure, I'll be having the usual Cathy. Same with my friend." (종말로 ? )
(Really? Fine, I'll be having
the usual Cathy. Same with my friend.)

The usual? It seems to me like she really eats here a lot. Even the waitress knows her.

"Okay Miss Yvanne. It's been a while since you ate here with Sir Ryan." Mr. Ryan? Could it be my Jagiya that they're talking about?

"Yes, it's been a while. Oh, by the way, this lovely lady with me is his girlfriend. Divine-shi Unni, this is Cathy, she's been working here since Ryan and I first came here. She's definitely a keeper!" I knew it! She really is that princess that Ryan kept on asking me about. How would I know it was her?

"Really? Oh I'm honored to meet you." I just said out of bedazzlement.

"The Pleasure's all mine Miss Divine. Your order will be served any minute now. Please be patient."

So Yvanne and I ate the Chocolate and Strawberry Pancake Deluxe that Yvanne ordered a while ago. Come to think of it, it's better that Yvanne's the one Ryan is talking about. It just means that they can't be together since Xander and Yvanne are getting along well enough. After finishing the whole stack, Divine started talking.

After finishing the whole stack, I started to tell Yvanne the details.

"So, it goes like this. About a month ago, Ryan and his family were on a business trip when suddenly, their car crashed into another car. Luckily, Umma and Appa saw them and rushed them to the St. Martha Medical Hospital, which is the nearest one they knew about. By the time they got there, the doctors declared Ryan's parents as dead on arrival. Luckily, Ryan survived, but he was in a very critical phase of his life. He had been in coma for three weeks straight and to their surprise, Ryan was awake when the nurse was about to check on his vital signs. Because nobody else would care for Ryan, a business associate of his parents adopted Ryan as his own. As far as I remember, the name was Zuko Yamashita. He's a very known business tycoon who owns about 6 companies, and has many franchises all over the world." I said.

While I was in the middle of telling her the story, she started sobbing. Aish! I hate cry babies. What do I do know? I think it's better to call Oppa.

(Dialling Xander Oppa..)

"Yah! Oppa?" (Hey! Xander?)

"Wae?" (Why?)

"Yvanne's crying, what do I do?"

"What did you tell her?"

"I told her what happened to her best friend."

"Jongmal lo? Aigoo, you shouldn't have!"
(Really? Aish! You shouldn't have!)

"But she insisted."

"Okay, just bring her home, I'll handle the rest. Ke Pali pali ! Arasso?"
(Okay, just bring her home, I'll handle the rest. Do it fast! Understand?)

"Ne, Aigessumnida."(Yes, I understand.)

So I did what I was told. Until we got to her pad, she was still sobbing. What a cry baby! She's getting on my nerves already! When we got there, she got out of the car and I went off.


Out of shock, I didn't even notice that I was crying. Divine was the one who wiped away my tears and tapped my back as a sign of comfort. How could this thing happen so suddenly? I can't imagine that this really happened to Ryan and his family. I won't pressure him into remembering me anymore. I'll just treat him the way I used to treat my prince without asking anything in return. That's the only way to help lessen his burden as his best friend.

Because I was sobbing, Divine offered to take me home. Before I entered the house, I saw Xander standing in front of it. What could he be doing in my house at this hour?

"Yah! Xander-shi oppa! Why are you here?"

"Oh, you're here already. Divine called me and said you weren't feeling okay so I went here to fetch you."

"Odi? Where are we going?"

"Somewhere you'll never forget."

"Jinja? Is there even such place?"

"Ne. Just be patient and hold my hand, Arasso?"

"Ne, Arassoyo."

While on our way, I typed these words on my journal:


"Why do people whom I cherish keep on leaving me hanging? What have I done wrong? I'm sure I don't have personality problems, so why? Aish Jongmal! What's wrong with me?" These questions kept bothering me until now. When will my queries be answered? As I've said, waiting would be the best option for now. I can't give up just yet now that Xander's here with me.


Divine told me that Yvanne met up with her today. I'm sure it's about that Ryan she kept on talking about. How could I blame her? They've known each other for almost more than half of their lives. I already knew what happened since I asked Divine first. From the crash to the hospital, until Ryan's adoption - I knew about it. I just didn't want to shock Yvanne as she is now because I know she's been through a lot, even more than she could handle herself.

"Yah! Xander-shi oppa! Why are you here?" Yvanne asked me.

"Oh, you're here already. Divine called me and said you weren't feeling okay so I went here to fetch you." The truth is, I was the one who commanded Divine to bring her here. I don't know, but I feel like Yvanne will be safe if I'm the one who'll be with her.

"Odi? Where are we going?"

"Somewhere you'll never forget." I'll bring her to the Palace beyond the river stream. That's a popular place here in Boston. Once she sees it, knowing Yvanne, she'll definitely flip!

"Jinja? Is there even such place?"

"Ne. Just be patient and hold my hand, Arasso?" I don't want to let go anymore. I hope this moment would last forever.

"Ne, Arassoyo."

Once she answered yes, I started the engine and off we went. You could actually see the excitement in her eyes. Her eyes were glistening as if she were a 5 five year old who's about to be given a big lollipop, her smile was extravagant. I wish that this trip would lessen her burdens. I really hope so.

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