Moments - A Harry Styles Fanf...

By HeyThereHaz

44.1K 362 18

Lettie is just a normal girl who's living in London. That is until she meets the worldwide famous Harry Style... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 19

1.2K 11 0
By HeyThereHaz

I woke up the next morning pretty early seen as I'd gone to bed at a silly time that evening, but I was just too excited. I went downstairs to find my mum sitting eating a bowl of cereal on the kitchen table, she must have to be at work early today or just woke up like I did, anyway it didn't matter.

She smiled at me and we talked about the day before and how amazing the holiday was going to be. She asked how long I was going for and I realised I actually had no idea myself. It didn't really matter as I'd finished school for the summer and didn't have a job at the moment so it was fine.

I ate some cereal then went upstairs and showered. I always sang in the shower and I knew it annoyed my dad who was still trying to sleep, but I was too happy not to sing. I started to sing 'The A Team' by Ed Sheeran and then broke off into a little Taylor Swift. I thought she was amazing and every word of her songs was so easy to relate to. 'Superstar' by her popped into my head and I couldn't help noticing how relevant every line was to mine and Harry's relationship.

I got out of the shower, towel drying my hair and walked into my room with a towel wrapped around me. I looked through the minimal outfits I had left to wear on the flight and opted for a baggy denim shirt, black leggings and my white tomms. I slung my travel bag onto my bed which was just a large cream and brown handbag and made sure I had everything in there for the flight. I threw my laptop and charger in at the last minute thinking it would be a good idea so I could skype my mum and dad whilst I was away.

Sophie arrived at 11 and hauled her suitcase through the front door. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who had packed as if I was moving out.

Soon enough it was five to twelve and there was a loud knock on the door. I ran downstairs and flung open the door practically jumping into Harry's arms.

"Woah, hello to you too" he said smiling.

He came in and greeted my dad who was reading the newspaper in the kitchen. I ran upstairs to get my case.

"Um Harry!" I called from the top of the stairs, I was having a few troubles with my suitcase and the stairs. He replied with a yes and his head appeared round the bottom of the banister.

"Could I have a little help" I laughed and he came up the stairs and picked up my suitcase like there was nothing in it. He carried it down and swung it into the boot of the black mini-van parked outside my front door.

There was luckily no paps at my house, but I knew that would be a different story at the airport. We took Sophie's case to the car and I said my final goodbyes to my parents. I was sad to be leaving them, but the excitement overruled that emotion almost instantly as Harry took my hand and led me to the car. He slid open the door and sat inside were the other 4 boys.

For some reason I wasn't expecting to see them sat there and gasped with excitement when I saw their faces beaming back at me.

"NIALL!!" I screamed and threw myself into his open arms. I hadn't seen him since the concert a few months ago and I really had missed him. He hugged me back and in turn I hugged the other boys. I introduced Sophie to the boys and she sat down in between Niall and me.

The car pulled away and we were off to the airport. My stomach had butterflies, more from excitement than nerves. Sophie spent the first few minutes looking and blushing at Niall but almost immediately got over the first moment nerves and they were having a conversation, talking about Ireland and how Sophie and I had become friends. Niall seemed to take an instant liking towards Sophie and I couldn't help hoping something happened between the two of them. They both deserved someone special, Sophie had had a pretty rough time with her ex and I knew Niall would treat her like a princess.

I pointed it out to Harry and he smiled, looking over at the two of them.

"How are you feeling about getting out at the airport in front of the fans and paps" he said softly.

I gulped a little, "Okay I guess, we have to do it some time I suppose" I smiled up at him and he kissed me softly on the lips. It turned into quite a passionate kiss until Zayn's head popped up in between us.

"Keep it to a minimum please, remember some of us are single" he laughed as we pulled our heads apart and I gave Zayn a playful nudge.

"Do you want some too Malik?" I said sticking my tongue out in his direction.

He laughed and backed away "That would be like kissing Harry through you, slightly weird, don't you think?" We all laughed and continued joking around until we made it to the airport.

The car pulled to a stop and I stared out of the window next to Harry. We were entering the airport through the back entrance but I could see just inside the terminal a load of paps and fans waiting for the boys. I gulped again and felt my hands find Harry's nervously.

"You'll be alright Lets, if I'm with you they should respect that." Harry whispered into my ear before opening the door, letting the sun stream in.

I stepped out the car and slung my bag over my shoulder. I straightened out my shirt and tousled my hair until it looked nice. I wanted to make a good first impression at least. Our bags were being unloaded by the airport staff so Harry grabbed my hand and wrapped his fingers around mine.

We walked through the back entrance and into the terminal, everyone turned to face us at once. Louis and Zayn were walking just in front of us, Sophie was next to me and Niall and Liam were slightly behind.

I heard the paparazzi scuffle to get pictures of the boys, but mainly me and Sophie with the boys.

"Is that your girlfriend Harry?!" one of the paps shouted and Harry nodded in their direction tightening his grip on my hand.

We made it past the main group of paps and even though they continued to take pictures of us they were no longer shouting questions at me and Harry. Niall had stopped to talk to them properly and had explained the situation as to stop any confusion about Sophie and me. I thought it was sweet how he thought to do that. I'm sure Harry would have but he didn't really like revealing his personal life to the paps, just in case he said the wrong thing. Niall was better with his words and made everything sound completely plausible and harmless.

Harry and the boys signed things for the fans at the front and posed for pictures with as many as they could. To my surprise many of the fans were asking my name and talking to me. A lot of them asked me to follow them on twitter and I agreed to as many as I could.

One little girl however caught my eye. She looked around 13 or 14 and was holding a picture of the boys in her hand. She looked a little upset so I went over to her and asked what was wrong thinking it was just because none of the boys had signed her picture. She explained how her dad had just left the airport to go away with the army for a while, that's why she was here and it was just a coincidence that the boys had been here at the same time. I hugged her across the barrier and said how brave her and her dad were! She smiled at me sweetly.

"You're so pretty" she said softly as I pulled back from hugging her.

"Thank you sweetie" I replied "what's your name?" I asked and she told me her name was Sarah. I smiled at her and continued "Do you have twitter? I would love to follow someone as lovely as you!" and she smiled widely, it made me feel lovely to think I'd at least made this day a little easier for her. She told me her twitter name and I followed her instantly.

Harry came over to see what was keeping me and I introduced him to Sarah who was shaking slightly. Harry hugged her and told her also how brave she was being, with her dad being away. He signed her picture and got the other boys to come over and sign it for her too. The smile spread across her face and my heart really did feel for this little girl. We said goodbye to her and moved along the crowd.

The boys signed a few more autographs and I went to sit in the little private area that had been kept for the boys. I slumped down next to Sophie feeling a little drained by meeting so many people. She smiled at me and put her arm around me squeezing my shoulder to show her excitement.

"This is going to be the best holiday ever!" she said to me and we looked at each other smiling excitedly!

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