The Only Reason [DISCONTINUED]

By dia_ras

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Writer's message and Acknowledgements
Chapter 1 The Nightmare
Chapter 2 Family
Chapter 3 My Parents
Chapter 4 Cuts
Chapter 5 Happy
Chapter 6 Then Again No
Chapter 8 George?
Chapter 9 Siblings Day Out
Chapter 10 Drama
Chapter 11 Always Around
Chapter 12 Larry
Chapter 13 Exams
Chapter 14 Smiles, Heartbreaks and Strengths
Writer's Note

Chapter 7 School

73 5 8
By dia_ras

                                        I heard the alarm n woke up, but don't know how long it had been ringing, I'm a lazy potato. Wow, potato. I turned it off, stretched a bit and crawled off to the bathroom. After brushing my teeth and waking myself up with some water splashes, I went and stood below the shower. I turned the knob on and the warm water hit me, making me feel a bit relieved after last night's episode. I decided not to show my face to any of them, not at least to dad. So after getting dressed, I packed my bag and left for school by myself.

School. Ugh!

                                        I decided to walk to school today as I had come out early; it would give me the benefit of a morning walk and a little fresh air. I stopped on my way, closing my eyes n taking a deep breath to feel the fresh pollution-less morning air. But as soon as I closed my eyes, a bus passed by, leaving all it's smoke on my face. Wow. What a moronic bitch. And what a fantastic start to the day. Of course, and it couldn't get better, I'm going to school.

                                     As I reached the gate of my school, my heart just wanted to scoot out of my body and my inner voice shouted, "Run for the heavens, run for the hell, run wherever you can but don't go inside". I ignored it and walked inside, there was no other way. I saw some of my classmates and joined them, saying "Hi", but barely getting any response, as if I'm talking to air. Well, the day has just started. I quietly kept walking with them; or better say behind them. As I followed them to the class, my inner voice kept putting up a lot of questions- 'What are you doing with these people? They don't even know your whole name. Why do you waste your time with them? Why don't they bother to say "hi" at least say for once?' I tried to shut her up but to no avail, the lecture went on. 'Why don't they ever notice you try so much to be with them? Just leave them now. They are just using you.' For once she was right. My inner voice was right. Actually all this long she was correct. Even I didn't knew what I was doing with these girls. Just that one of them was my neighbor and so I am in her group, totally invisible. As I was about to enter the class, she called my name, bringing me back in this world.

"Jenny!" Geena chirped my name with a huge grin on her face.

"Hi Stein," I smiled back. Geena Stein, the only true Directioner in my class, so basically the only one who would understand my Directioner life. We call her by her surname. She came and hugged me, I hugged her back; of course I would, there was true affection in her touch, unlike others, who just treated me like a white crayon.

"Hey Stein, come in," her friend Brianna called her.

"Coming," she waved at her. Well, here come her friends and here goes my time. "Bye babes," and she went inside the class. "Bye," I replied meekly, following her in and went towards my seat, thinking even though we both are kind of same- Directioners, our nature (okay, now I'm not so bubbly, but I was before)- but her life's so different. She's got so many friends, she's so happy, and look at me here, I try to talk to people, but they all are deaf and mute. Stein is the only one with whom it's really like, we're true friends. But then, she has her life, her own group of people, and they are just different- rich spoilt brats. I don't understand what is she doing there.

                                     Now I hate this. Why do you always change my seat? Just because I don't say anything doesn't mean I won't fight for my right. Wow, that rhymed, I should be a poet! I picked up my partner's bag from my seat and put it on her place; I don't care what she says, I'll face it when she comes. Well anyways, she wouldn't say anything, she's always so quiet, I giggled inside. In our group- our group, well well, more of their group- we had six people, out of which, one half was Aakruti, Rusha, Kanika, and the other half was me, Monica and Diksha. And in my half, I was the talkative one, always talking about, well....obviously our lads. Wait, why am I making you sleep with my boring school story? Even the childhood comprehensions George wrote are more interesting.

                                   I saw everyone leaving for the morning prayer. And as usual, they left by themselves, avoiding me, didn't bother to call me for once. But I could hear them call Diksha again and again, she got late because of her bus's late arrival. Great. I didn't say a word and went behind them to the assembly ground. Attending the prayer was actually a good time, it felt very peaceful and serene -if you avoid the sun's heat n sweat, obviously my great subconscious added. My inner Directioner silently kept pointing at the pigeons and screamed inside my head 'KEVIIIIIIIIIN!!!!'. It used to happen everyday. The assembly got over and we all walked back to class. Dreadful time.

                                   I tried to learn everything with full concentration, but even with repeated attempts, I couldn't hold myself from falling asleep a bit in between. But I found out I wasn't alone, there were other students who had totally drifted off, I'd at least minded enough to wake up. After a long day, the final bell rang, and I packed up my bag, collecting all my notes and putting them in carefully. Just like all other days, this day too passed off in a very boring way. I walked back to home, this time with my 'friends'. Again the whole way I was a transparent piece of plastic who came drifting with the wind. But never mind, I have my five idiots and myself, I kept having imaginary conversations with them in my mind. Before you say that- I know I'm crazy. As their homes came up, they wished each other byes, and waved at me, which surprised me. Waving them back, I continued my walk, and as I reached my doorstep, everything from last night came back to my mind.

[Well sorry guys, I know I took too long to update. This chapter had me pulling me hair XD I hope you guys are enjoying reading this. Please comment your honest opinions. Please vote if you like it, and spread the word guys, it would mean a lot :) ilya'll]

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