Gotham Imagines and Preferenc...

By PuddinPop183

292K 4.2K 538

I am open to requests! I will do anything or anyone that you want except I won't do anything homosexual, I ca... More

Imagine- Jim Gordon
Preference #1: His favorite thing about you
Preference #2: Outfit that you wear on your first date
Preference #3: Your Best Friend
Preference #4: Your engagement ring
Preference #5: Song that reminds him of you guys
Imagine-Alfred Pennyworth
Jim Gordon-Wedding
Bruce Wayne-Wedding
Alfred Pennyworth- Wedding
Jerome Valeska- Wedding
Edward Nygma-Wedding
Preference #6: His favorite physical trait of yours
Imagine- Jerome Valeska
Preference #7: How you met
Gif Preference #1
Proper Date/Imagine-Jerome Valeska
Song Preference-Bruce Wayne
Preference #8: Where you go for your honeymoon
Preference #9-A day at the beach
Imagine-Edward Nygma
Fears/ Part 2
Fears/ Part 3
Good vs Bad, I've Been With Both
My Drawings
Our Little Team
Thank You!
Song Preference -Edward Nygma
She's Mine
New Idea
She's Mine *Part 2*
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! *Part 2*
Happy Birthday! *Part 3*
Preference #10: You guys' favorite scary movie to watch together
Save Me
Save Me *Part 2*
He's Back
Preference #11: Matching Outfits
Break Out
I'm Not A Baby Anymore!
Spells *Part 2*
Preference #12: Your favorite place to hang out together
Can't Wait!
Oh, Bruce!
Preference #13 : Who you're related to in Gotham
I Hate You, I Love You
City Nights
City Nights *Part 2*
Hostage *Part 2*
So Close
Movies *Part 2*
Movies *Part 3*
Nightmares *Part 2*
The Assistant
Another World
Another World *Part 2*
Another World *Part 3*
Escape Route
Mentally Intact
Rebel *Part 2*
Getaway *Part 2*
King of My Heart *Part 2*
Missing You
You are...
The Only Way
Protect Me
The Office
We All Scream For Ice Cream!
Stay *Part 2*
King Of My Heart *Part 3*
Proper Date/Imagine-Jerome Valeska (Part 2)
La Fiesta
2 A.M.
Losing My Mind
Losing My Mind *Part 2*
Losing My Mind *Part 3*
I'm Back Finally!
Winter Nights
I Fall Apart

King Of My Heart

2.6K 39 7
By PuddinPop183

As requested by Bad-Ass_Gallagher
Jerome x reader

"Go get a life! It's tiring trying to take care of you. I wanna do my own thing and so does your dad, don't you, Harold?" He glanced over to her, clearly not hearing a word for he was so high. "Uh, yeah, sure."

Tears threatened to fall, but I didn't let them. "Fine. Do your own thing! I always thought having a kid was a sign of commitment! I guess not." I wheeled my suitcase behind me as I made my way to some unknown place. I heard their sick laugh, and I almost turned back around, if it weren't for my best friend. He was sitting on a wood log, crying.

"Scoot over, ginger." I tried to make him laugh, and I got a smile instead. He let me sit down and I wiped the hot tears from his face. Shaking my head, I let some tears fall from my own eyes.

"We'll be day."


For the next few days, I made a home at Jerome's place, only hiding when his mom would come in. I was never going back to my parents house, I knew that for sure.

On the third day, we lay on his bed, talking. "I'll kill her, Y/N. I've had enough of this crap." I just stared at the wall, listening to him rant. "Would you help me?" I came out of my trance and sat up. "You want me to help you kill your mom?" He nodded. I played with my fingernails, not wanting to give an answer. "Hey," He pulled a strand of my long blonde hair behind my ear. "We wouldn't have her to worry about anymore. It would just be us... don't you want that?"

Our conversation was interrupted by a "Jerome! Who is this?!" I immediately recognized the voice of a complete monster. She grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me to the floor. Jerome, with all this talk of killing his mother, just sat there with a look of shock and fear on his face. "You little whore, sleeping with my son! Get out of my house!" I got up and ran out the door. I don't know where I'm going, but I just keep walking...until I find my dressing room.

I lay down on the cold floor, thinking of how much I wished Jerome and I could be together.

The next day, I woke up to a rukus outside. I went to go see what was going on and saw on the television a picture of Jerome next to a reporter. It was a mugshot and he was smiling a smile I had never seen before. "... Jerome Valeska has been taken to Arkham Asylum after admitting to killing his mother..." After I heard those words, I smiled to myself. He did it. And if he can do it, why can't I?

I felt a surge of energy and ran into my parents house. I walked right into a cloud of smoke and saw them both on the couch. They were both half naked and getting high together. "Wow... so nothing's changed, I see. This won't be hard at all." I pulled my pocket knife from the pocket of my jeans and preceded to stab them... multiple times.

I walked through the doors of Arkham Asylum, giving everyone I saw a dirty look. My demons have finally won and I have never felt more free. Of course, I didn't think about how... when I killed my parents... it was the middle of the day, everyone was awake, and I didn't exactly close the door.

So, that's how I ended up here, being pushed into a room and sizing up multiple cute guards. They didn't really care much, and I didn't give a hoot about them, so its all good. My mind was on one thing only: Jerome.

A few hours later, one of the guards escorted me to the rec. room. "Oh, a little touchy-feely today, are we?" I let out a laugh as he tightened his grip on my arm. "Just walk."

I narrowed my eyes at him, and turned on my heel. I walked to the end of the hallway and saw a very large community-type room with what looked to be at least half of the asylum inmates inhabiting it. "Is this our stop?" I smiled at the buff, middle aged man. He pulled open the door and pushed me in.

I didn't look back at him, for I was too curious of this new place. I saw crazy people, some of which I could tell what they had done to get here. Like, a man with brown, curly hair was most likely a cannibal. The others looked to be murderers, like me.

I scanned the room until I found him. He seemed to be happier than usual, a type of glee that wasn't at all like he was. His red hair sat perfectly on the top of his head, except for one hair that fell in his face. I could hear him laugh from all the way across the room. I have heard his laugh before, but now, it seems louder and, just... different.

He ended his 'joke' and turned to glance around the room. When our eyes met, his smile faltered and his eyes dilated. I took some steps towards him and he shot up from his seat. He ran over to me, picked me up, and spun me around. I heard the guards stir, but they never said anything.

He grabbed both sides of my face, "What are you doing here? You deserve to be out there, living your life." His face was in a state of confusion. "I killed my parents, too, Jerome. We almost forgot about them, remember? You were... we were going to kill your mom... so we could be together." I searched his eyes, trying to see if he would understand.

As if he had two different sides to himself, his confused expression soon changed into amused. He smiled the same smile I had seen on his mugshot and laughed in a way I cannot describe. It was almost maniacal, but... I think I like it.

"Yeah, and this one time, we stole cotton candy from one of the machines." Richard narrowed his eyes, "In broad daylight? And you didn't get caught?" I bursted out laughing, "Of course not! No one cared about us." I shrugged my shoulders and Barbara laughed.

"Alright, someone tell me another funny story." Richard started off with one and it seemed like a funny story. I mean, it had ponies and college. However, he was soon interrupted by a new inmate. "Greetings! I am Zordon, the soul reeper!" We grew uninterested and Richard continued with his story, "So, I had these ponies." He kept talking until the man added something else, "Hear me slaves! My patience is wearing thin, surrender your souls to my mercy." He kept talking until we were all paying attention. And it stayed that way... until suddenly, he fell on the table, first coughing up a storm, then falling unconscious. I noticed a type of gas coming from his mouth and we all stood up. I felt light-headed and tried to grab Jerome's shirt, but to no avail as I soon collapsed onto the floor.

I woke up beside of Jerome, tied to a metal dolly. We just kept looking around, confused as to where we were. "What the h*** is this place?" Greenwood voiced all of our thoughts. "It ain't Arkham, anyhow. Things are looking up." Jerome slightly smiled as he glanced over to him.

A man named Theo Galavan walked into the room, and on the way, introducing himself and his sister, Tabitha. Many of the guys gave hoots and hollers at her, but she didn't seem as though she cared.

We went through the whole 'wonderful future thing' and then Barbara came through with what we all were thinking, "Who are you?" He looked taken aback. "Well, now the question is, who are you? The world sees criminal lunatics, I see brilliance. I see charisma, and power... I see power."

I let that sink in for a few seconds. I could be number one in this city, citizens would cry at the very sound of my name. How would that feel?

With my feet propped up on the table in front of me, I reread the same magazine three times. I heard footsteps walking towards the seat next to me and I glanced over at Jerome as he sat down. He had a grin on his face that I hadn't seen in quite a while, "Hey gorgeous, how's it going?" He leaned over and took the magazine from my hands. "Huh, that looks really neat. I might have to buy it for ya." I bursted out laughing at him. "Oh, yeah? With what money?" I already knew that he was going to say, "I'd probably steal it, on second thought."

He took my hand in his and kissed it, making my heart skip a beat, "So... since we succeeded on getting rid of everyone for us to be together, does that mean..." I let out a laugh as my giddy smile grew even wider over my face. "Yes, we're officially together now."

He grabbed the back of my head and pulled me into a kiss. It was full of passion, just a little too short. So, usually if I want something, I'm going to get it no matter what. That's why I pulled him by his shirt to my face and into another kiss.

"You guys should get a room." Tabitha said as she went past us. "Love to." Jerome whispered into my ear and my mouth formed an 'O' as I gasped and hit his arm.

After a while of talking a bit more, we went our separate ways to our rooms.

The next morning, Theo explained to us the plan. Barbara and a few of the others had to distract Jim Gordon while the rest of us put on disguises and actually kill Commissioner Essen.

"Jerome, Y/N... make me proud and you'll be the next King and Queen of this city in no time." We looked at each other knowingly and nodded towards Theo.

"Don't worry, you won't be disappointed." Jerome said and playfully bowed.

So, in order to get the police uniforms, we have to steal them from some police officers. The window was cracked in the GCPD locker rooms and I pushed it open completely, then climbed in. There was no one in the room, thankfully, and I noticed that there weren't any locks on the lockers. 'Yes!' I thought to myself and pumped my fist into the air. I grabbed some outfits and threw them out the window to the others. Feet first, I climbed back out the window.

When we had our uniforms on, we pulled our hats over our faces a little to hide our identity. Jerome pulled me to the side, "When we go in here, I want you to stick by me, okay?" I bit my lip to try to stop smiling from ear to ear. "You're worried about me, aren't you?" He just narrowed his eyes at me and turned to walk. He tried to hide his feelings for me, I could tell, because he hated to lose his 'careless' reputation.

When we got into the GCPD, I kept close to Jerome. "I need to talk to Commissioner Essen right away, its an emergency." He put on his best accent to cover up his original voice and the man told us that she was right upstairs. He kept talking on the telephone and we never stopped walking.

He knocked on the door, "Yo, commish." She acknowledged him with a 'yeah' and looked up. She recognized us and tried to pull a gun from her drawer, but Jerome beat her to it. "Heard you were looking for us." He smiled and I heard the smoke bomb go off behind us.

All heck broke lose after that, gunshots came from all corners of the building. I bursted out laughing because of the wide eyes coming from the commissioner.

Jerome tied her to a chair and commenced with his 'speech'.

The moment Essen called him crazy, he was angry. She told him how when he dies, no one will know who he is or even remember his name. He acted as if he was bored, but I knew it was really getting to him. "Mm... nah... that is where you're wrong, old lady." He stood as he said this. "We will leave a mark on this city," he leaned in closer to her, making her more scared and me a little bit jealous, "... we will spread across it like a virus." He hissed the last part and it sounded pretty sexy to me. I licked my lips and he said, "Do you know why?"

Greenwood interrupted him, "There's nothing more contagious than laughter." He was amused and I bit my lip to stop from smiling because I know how Jerome can be when he wants the spotlight. He doesn't like to share.

I wasn't expecting it, however, when he pulled out his gun and shot Greenwood. "My line, there's nothing more contagious than laughter ha ha-" She spit in his face and he tasted it. "That was strangely pleasant, do it again." As soon as he leaned down, she head butted him. He threw his head back and groaned. "That's gonna leave a mark." She said and he laughed hysterically, "You got me... my turn." He continued laughing while staring at her.

Then, he shot her in the stomach. He pushed his hand up against the wound, pretending as if he were sorry. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'll put pressure on it until the ambulance gets here." He pouts and acts as if he were talking to a baby. He laughed maniacally once more, then walked over to me. "You'll rot in h*** for this!" She said and he replied with a 'yeah, yeah', then placed his arms around my waist.

"Are you done?" I said as he kissed from my jawline and down my neck. His head popped up and he seemed as though he had an idea. "Not yet. Let me do something real quick." He then grabbed a camera and set it up.

I noticed the blood that he got on my jacket. "J, you got blood on my new jacket." I whined. Of course I am going to keep the outfit, the cop that owns it is probably dead anyway. Jerome took off his and helped me change into it.

"There. Better?" He asked and I nodded my head, "Much better." He then proceeded with his video and when we heard sirens, we ran out together.

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