Someone's Forever

By NeelamMenghani

590K 27.7K 6.3K

*Long Listed for Wattys 2018* E-Awards 2017 Winner *Best Hooked Story * *COMPLETED* Life, love, hate and b... More

Someone's Forever
1. Goodbye Normal, Hello Miracle
2. Let The Mystery Begins
3. Past, Present and Future
4. A Vow to Protect
5. Questions, Confusions and Amusements
6. Test of Patience
7. Deal that sealed Our Destiny
8. Consequences of Negligence
9. A Night of Dilemma
10. Faith and Myth
11. Enlightening Darkness
12. Breeze of Change
13. His Pain, His Relief
14. Old Pain, New Wounds
15. Shock One After the Other
16. Morning Mayhem
17. Stepping in the Arena
18. Calling out the Soul
19. Chaotic Afternoon
20. Just a Glimpse
21. An Evening Maze
22. A Little Further
23. A Spark in the Dark
24. And He Found Her
25. Conflicting Deception
26. Do Not Speak
27. Ancient Legends
28. Arrival of the Grey Sky
29. Closer to Appraisal
30. Meeting Mr. Mycroft
31. To Save the King
32. Check'Mate'
33. Defiance in Acceptance
34. Losing Her Chance
35. A Call from 'Treasure of Heart'
36. A Walk Unexpected
37. A Meet to Remember
38. Curve of Guidance
39. Conceptual Claws
40. Instinctive Step
41. Healing Wound
42. Webbing Deep
43. Reiterating History
44. Turned Table
45. Expectations Unexpected
46. You are Not Alone
47. Assurance from Guardian
48. Reaching the Surface
49. 'V' for A V
50. Lost and Found
51. 'Queen of Hearts'
52. Marvelous Majestic Meet
53. Old Rust but Gold
54. The Will of Time
55. Two Purposes, One Arrow
57. Mystery and Miracle
58. A Celebration so Special
59. Hide and Steal
60. You and Us
61. The Night Falls
62. Trust is Essential
63. Tussle to Throne
64. A Word with Divergent
The Slave
65. Your Answer awaits You
66. Privilege of Acceptance
67. Two Names in One Breath
68. Fire: A Lethal Game
69. Peace and Storm
70. Sweat in Smirk
71. The Mate Bond
72. Shield Defends, Sword Attacks
73. Heard Unsaid
74. Rational Rage
75. BitterSweet Sky
76. Defeated Victory
77. Knows More than Told
78. Desperate Diversion
79. Fragile Trust
80. Gust of Rush
81. Howling Heart, Quiet Eyes
82. Damsel in Despair
83.1 Dark of Light: Alicia
83.2 The Rising Dawn: Alicia
83.3 Balance of Nature: Alicia
84.1 The Preface of Pain
84.2 This Finally Concludes
85.1 Sparks & Pains
85.2 Is Pain an end?
86.1 Always Behind of You
86.2 Behind the Maze
87.1 Sealed Secret
87.2 A Fate Sealed
88. The Rise of New Dawn
89. Closer and Far Away
Whispers of Forever
Someone's Forever
Sacrifices of Sapphire

56. Apart from You

3.2K 199 58
By NeelamMenghani

Miss you Dadu...!

I'm sorry...!

We Love You, always have, never said, always will...!


I know I was wrong, I'm wrong. Whatever I did, however I behaved in the past, I knew was wrong. But I never knew time will teach me this lesson like this. I really wish, wherever you're, god keep you happy. What you lost shall come to you with love and respect. You deserved the best but got the worse. If you ever could, please forgive us all. I know you're always with us. This warmth and smile on our faces are your blessings which will bless our life.

To the man, who was, is and always will be the foundation of our strength.


In the last chapter of Someone's Forever

[Two Purposes, one Arrow]

Niera's POV

My arms wrapped round my torso as the cool atmosphere was causing the goose bumps to raise over my bare body.

My feet came to a halt over one specific room, My Old Room.

The room in which I was staying before the Incident.

The room is under renovation.

The lighting was not proper.

Ceiling started leaking after rains.

It was too small.

Different mouth gave me different answers but no one looked genuine at least believable.

The urge to know became prominent as I roam my eyes over its door knob. It wasn't locked with the old heavy metal locks just with the door latch.

Glancing around and making sure no one is there, I went to the white door.

My mind was quiet taking in the scenario and sanity alerted not hindering the process.

Slowly without making any noise I patiently opened the door. The door opened after a clinking sound of the knob.

Once the door opened, darkness greeted me. I stood there waiting for my eyes to adjust in the darkness.

Once my eyes adjusted to the darkness, the scenario in front of me made me gape.

My eyes went wide with shock greeted in form of sheer horror.

Pure havoc!


The furniture was disorientated; the chairs were broken and shattered. The curtains were burned and glasses were shattered on the floor. Everything was shattered and scattered.

What kind of renovation is this?

Then something caught my eyes in the darkness which took away my frowning mind from the scenario and I gladly gave as my senses diverted to something in front of me.

In the whole dis-ordinated room, there was only one thing which was left unaffected, the Bed.

The bed!

I frowned and was left puzzled at the fact.

Why the bed is perfectly fine while the whole room is under the effect of tornado assembled with Tsunami? I found myself asking as the bed in all its glory met me in dark room.

Slowly yet carefully I walked to the bed. My steps were hindered through the scattered glasses were thwarting my way to the bed. With utmost care and prevention, I went closer to the bed, my astonishment and bemusement intact and locked in my mind.

Once I reached a step away from the bed, a sudden cold wave of wind rushed past me. I was forced to take a sharp breath as an involuntary shudder escaped me.

Was it my imagination?

I found myself asking as I was reeling through the effect. Closing my eyes I fought with the uneasiness it created in me. I took another step as the atmosphere started to chill, decreasing to a certain degrees.

How is it possible when the whole room is dis-ordinated but only this bed is perfect?

I was forced to comprehend while the chilling atmosphere made me wrap my arms around myself. The decrease in temperature was sudden like I stepped inside something frozen.

I shrugged the thought away as I tilted my head at the creased pals blue sheets on the bed. The pillows were on sides or on head board of the queen size bed.

Strange! If they were doing the renovation or fitting then they should have removed the beddings?

But then it doesn't seem like there was renovating. My sanity commented and I agreed at the fact.

The temperature was exceptionally low but my body and mind were too occupied to take a note as complete stillness was ruling my body and a wave of eccentric uneasiness was gripping my conscience.

The bed!

Slowly and efficient I was sitting on the soft surface of bed, a different distinct feeling reaching my heart.

The cold was there, eccentricity was there and strangely there was blankness as well.

What's happening?

What has happened here? I asked myself as I tore my gaze from the creases on bed and roamed it around.

Is this the reason I was shifted to another room? Because this room met with a strange havoc that ruined everything but saved the bed?

Utterly preposterous.

How stupid of me to have such balderdash thoughts ruling my mind on no such proper information!

But then what is in front of me is also true!

I ran my fingers through the creases of sheet feeling the softness of the fabric.

The facts and the reality aren't meeting each other!

I was sure of the statement.

I sighed in complete exasperation before my eyes went to the pillows resting on the headboard, few crease lines designed on their pale surface.

What caught my eyes weren't the pillows but something peeping from behind.

A strap?!

A deep scowl marring my forehead as I tilted my head to the peeping material before I leaped up and made my way to the other edge of the bed.

Same temperature was ruling the atmosphere making me wonder if some magic doors to Antarctica are opened around.

Gingerly, I pulled away the pillows and the peeping thing greeted me was another surprise for me.

My Bag!

My own purse was resting there from god knows how long!

I picked it, assessing it in my hands.

I gave a pointed look at the beige color before my mind recalled when was the last time I used it.

Of course! The day when I sealed the deal of my fate with Mr. Valentine!

The same night the incident of Woods happened and I was shifted to the other room but how this happened?

I kept wondering, meandering my gaze around while raking my fingers through the firm surface of bag.

Well my purse but what is it doing here?

How my whole luggage is shifted and this left?

The people who did the task didn't check the bed?

Could be because no one checked and I was too occupied to check what was missing?

My mind was seething but stood shut smoldering in feral anger.

Dear lord, how careless of me! I totally forgot about this bag.

In fact this was missing it never crossed my mind.

Perhaps you were too busy to act Sherlock and Mowgli to give a thought about anything else. My sanity retorted as I ran my palm over the bag material.

Well now you're back to me. I mused looking at my 'Lost till now' bag.

"Sweetie!" I squealed startled revolving on my own axis as the loud squeal resonated around the darkness. The bag in my hand almost jumped to the floor.

The door opened revealing the soft glow of crimson in the dark room before a dark shadow peeped inside.

If I wasn't aware of the intruder, I would surely have taken it as a ghost of night.

I was bemused at her presence in the very room while she advanced inside.

How does she know I was here?

"You here?" she asked equally puzzled stealing the words from my mouth.

"I—Um" I wanted to speak but lie was stubborn to show up through my tongue.

I was tempted to glare at my mind but the distress on Miss. Mahriyah stopped me to. There was a trace of sweat coating her forehead like she ran a mile in her heels.

What happened? My worry triggering nerves whispered the question and I waited for her to reveal.

"Uh! Sweetie!" she spoke holding the canals of nervousness in her words.

I frowned in confusion witnessing her fidgeting form.

It was clear, there was something, she wanted to convey.

Why I have this feeling it's not good?

Perhaps you're over thinking!

"There is a call for you." She announced finally breaking the glacier of silence and tension.

But then it was just the beginning.

Call for me?

"What happened?" I asked as the cold weather around me went weak under the pressure of her palpitating figure.

"It's Jerry." She spoke and my frown turned upside down the same moment.



Sometimes, even in the brightest hour you feel worried and stressed because a constant worry grips your conscience.

Standing under the bright sky; where the soft breeze was embracing me in its natural warmth. I smiled under the refreshing rays of sun honoring us with but a huge part of me is absent in the worry of my friend Jerry.


I sighed as the thought of his wellbeing crossed my mind.

Different faces greeting me after a long time and one precious soul was tugging at my arm drew my attention to her.

I tilted my head toward the direction of Tiger who was unintentionally tugging at my arm as her attention was solely focused on the group of kids playing a little away from us.

I smiled shaking my head at her sparkling eyes. Though, being a birthday girl, her excitement and joy must be on seventh heaven but there my Tiger is the most wonderful kid holding the arms of maturity within her.

The slight lines of stress were present on her forehead even when I took her to sweet distribution to her friends.

How the smile on her face would flaunt when her mind and heart are drowning in the worry of her father?

As I was busy in my night's final adventure, Miss. Mahriyah came to crash a news which snatched away the peace and joy residing in us.

Hurry costs Worry!

The phrase, my preposterous mind invented when I heard how my dear friend has fractured and bandaged himself in the process of working like Panther in the office.

The sources confirmed Jerry Revin was in a hurry to rush out of office and ignorant enough to neglect the basic safety traits, resulting in injuring himself.

The accident was mild but the injuries were not. The impact caused severe damage to his right foot, fracturing multiple bones.

Dr. Baron as advised him, to take rest and keep the foot stress-free.

The news was a shock for me but it snatched the smile from my Tiger, the little soul that was squealing in excitement, withered in worry receiving the news.

Blocking out all the negative thoughts, we tried to cheer her up along with sulking Jerry.

Her birthday was on his prime task which Jerry was abide to make successful. I volunteered to take her to the sweet distribution as this task was stressful for Jerry's bandaged swelled foot.

Being Sunday, Tiara couldn't distribute sweets and candies to the school friends but Jerry gave this idea to take her to the park where she comes to play with her friends also the other children would be present so that she can spread smiles and happiness distributing sweets.

I was amazed and impressed by the idea as was Tiger.

We did the preparations before Miss. Mahriyah came with the stuff and I offered to take Tiara here.

And here we are, on different missions:

She, to spread smile on different faces.

I, to take away the heaviness of her fragile heart and bring smile to her.

"Tiger!" I called gaining her attention.


Her chubby face turned toward me with a slight frown.

I glanced at her fidgeting foot unintentionally revealing the desire to fly around the park to spread sweetness and happiness.

"Shall we start?" I asked broadening my smile. Our clutched hands gripping one another in a tight hold.

Tiger didn't take a moment before her adorable face bobbled in an exciting series of nod.

"Good. Here, choose from where you want to start." I stated taking out the cartons of candies and sweets from the bag.

My gaze roaming around before halting at the same group of kids playing over the bunch of rides at one corner.

Tiara, with utmost concentration and sharp look she took the carton from me.

Her gaze was sharp like counting the units from the closed lid.

My sanity frowned but I chose to ignore it.


"Shall I come over—"

"No, I'll manage." She answered before I could finish my sentence. Her words were soft but holding firmness.

I reluctantly agreed.

Tiara gave a brief assessing look which I, on my part, took as her monitoring the reaction her words caused.

How kids of these days are so smart and calculative?

Perhaps because they are more computer and calculator lovers!

I gave her a smile of assurance before gesturing her to leave.

Tiara didn't need to be asked twice.

She like an impatient rocket launching toward the Pluto, ran over the green grass heading toward the designated groups of toddlers and kids around her age.

I sighed once I saw her reaching there.

The grass below my legs ticking my feet making me aware of their soft touch over my skin, I inhaled the fresh breeze satisfying myself in the glory of nature.

The sun was shining above us but the cold was like the shadow is ever present here.

I glanced around finding an empty wooden bench placed over one edge. Choosing to enjoy the beauty while resting my foot, I made my way toward the empty bench.

With one glance around, I sat stretching my sore legs.

Glancing at the group Tiger was engaged with, I took out my mobile from one pocket dialing my dear friend's number who I knew would receive the call frantically.

And my assumption was the shot on red mark when he picked the call in one and a half ring and his greeting words were an enquiry of our wellbeing.

"Niera, is everything all right? Tiara isn't making any fuss, right? Give her phone, I'll talk to her." his voice was firm, urgent and strict all at the same time.

His greeting raised a strong urge in me to roll my eyes and face palm myself, both at same time.

Tiara and making fuss?

For whom he is talking about?

I wondered glancing at the serene child performing her task sincerely.

How in heaven, she can make fuss?

Well she is a child, even the obedient one but—

Well, she is Tiger and I highly doubt that.

My subconscious stated, putting a stop at my rushing rush.

"Niera! What happened? Is something wrong? Why aren't you speaking?" Jerry frantic word vomit in my ear drums brought me back to present.

Because you aren't letting me speak.

At least give me a chance!

I face palmed myself before concocting a response to present but my dear friend has to defy me there so he continued over the device and I could distinctly hear the soft ruffling of table movement simultaneously.

"Shall I come there? Wait, I'll be there. You don't worry." My eyes widened; popping out of their sockets to eat the wet soil beneath the grass hearing his announcement.

My insides were screaming but my mouth was reeling in the shock my friend graced me with.

Is he crazy?

We shall discuss it later.

"What, wait Jerry!" I screeched gaining some weird glanced from the passing by people.

I lowered my gaze in embarrassment, hiding the pink glow of my cheeks before seething fire from my nostrils.

"Stop it and sit down, just sit first!" I whisper yelled at him through the phone.


"Just sit down and don't you dare to fidget, even a centimeter." I threatened; shooting daggers at the chocolate box on my lap.

I heard a soft resigned sigh before his breathing went normal from ragged ones.

I still wonder why he is not a patient of hyper Blood Pressure!

"Nothing has happened; Tiger is fine, it's you making a panic fuss over here, not her. For god's sake trust me; I'll take care of her."

"It's not you, it's the people around you, I don't trust anymore." His inside the mouth muffled tone reached my drumming ears, drawing out my crumbled face.


"Um—! Nothing, Oh! Nothing! Nothing Niera. Uamm! Well, Nothing!" the stuttering came from the other side.

Definitely something!

"If everything is fine. Why did you called?" his active cells activated just on time.

Fair question, well made.

Oh yes!

"I called to check upon you. Everything is fine here." I stated, sparing a glance around.

"Oh! I'm fine. How—is is she?" Jerry asked; his voice low and anticipating.

I heaved a sigh, glancing at the fragile little girl in front of me.

"She is fine, but I think we need more to cheer her up." I spoke softly; Tiger's painful eyes wrenched my heart to even recall.

Silence grew between us but our mind connected to the dot named 'Tiger'.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of that." He announced; his voice heavy with verbal burden of his emotions.

Quietness prevailed between us before I chose to divert it.

"So, done with invitation work? It was on you." I reminded him arching my brow.

"Yes, almost." He answered with a thought.

"Was going to call Sir Gerard." He provided; feigning nonchalance.

"What about Mr. Majesty?" my mouth spoke before sanity could put a check over my balderdash thought.

The next moment I squinted my eyes in pure humiliation while the other side went completely silent.

Moments later, I heard Jerry's distinct snickers which that shameful vile creature didn't curtsied to hide away.

My sanity growled at my mouth which squeezed itself in guilt.

"Ah! Ha! Of course Majesty! Sure, of course. Him!" he said, and I knew he was bowing down his head on the other side.

"No I haven't invited him." He answered once his laughter session subsided.

My heart sank for unknown reasons hearing this. The reasons and actions unclear to my mind.

"—Yet." he continued after a precise pause.

I growled internally at his humor which was invisible for me.

"Actually, it's Tiara who'll invited him. Majesty never attends any function because—"

"Yes, I can understand." I offered to his tongue tied explanations.

Of course his dominating presence can turn a celebration into an army parade. One can't blame anyone.

"But I'm not sure if he would come." There was sadness in his tone and a ping of grief washed over my chest.

Argh! Why?!

"Oh okay." I murmured shielding my uninvited unknown distress.

"You take rest for now, then we'll help out with the decorations." I said completely aware of the fact that there is a little to work over decorations at his home.

Tiara and her wish for something simple!

"Yes. Take care and let me know if—"

"Yes Jerry. Calm down." I assured him.

I seriously don't understand what can happen in a drive to the park? A monster attack on planet?

Well it could be he is just worried for your driving. A very snarky comment my subconscious released.

"No I trust your driving, Niera. Don't fret." Jerry comment from the other side reminded me that I again used my over active mouth.

I blinked before biting my lips.

"I know. Now rest. We'll be back soon."

"Yes. Take care." He killed the call and I was sure he had this smile on his face.

Well, father done, daughter mission still needs working.

My reverie was disturbed when I heard my name being called.

"Aunt Bambi!" Tiger called me.

"Yes baby!" my meandering gaze and reverie shattered at her voice.

I turned around only to find her accompanying a girl around her age.

"Here, meet my friend Shizuka." Tiger introduced me to a lovely pretty girl.

I turned toward her with a smile; getting on my knees I offered her my hand with a polite smile.



Grow up girl! My older self exclaimed seething.

The little girl who was shifting her weight and upper body in a pendulum motion blushed; smiling brightly she turned pink before sniffing around.

Well, sniffing is not normal. Or is it?

"You smell different." She spoke for the first time; her words were soft, voice softer but they took away my smile leaving a complete bafflement at my face.

"Um!" I spoke my speaking skills there.

"Yes." Tiger spoke beside me throwing me to a different level of puzzlement.

Do I stink?

Dear lord, this is shameful!

I mentally cringed while the pretty girl, who threw me to the puddle of embarrassment, was busy taking long whips of oxygen through her small nostrils.

I steal my gaze from them to look over at the bundle of dry leaves sleeping on the ground but the shadow lurking over me gained my attention.

"You smell good." I snapped my head to frown at the two girls who were grinning ear to ear.


Oh, good!

That's good!

I heaved a sigh at their giggling faces as they bounced on their feet.

I can smell good without any artificial spray support, that's very satisfying to know.

"Aunt Bambi, where is the candy bag?" Tiger asked looking around; the Doraemon girl was standing a few steps away bobbling her fragile tiny frame.

I gave a brief glance at her pouting face and searched but found it missing.

"Tiger I think, we left it in the car. You wait here I'll get it." I announce looking for the missing bag.

"Um! Okay. No, I'll get them later, now let's distribute this." Tiger squealed; changing her decision in microsecond.

"Okay." I agreed with a small shrug.

A lady, I noticed came to stand beside us at a distance whom earlier I met as care taker at park.

"Aunt Bambi, you take rest I'll go there." She suggested pointing toward the direction of small group of toddlers playing around.


"I'll be fine." She tried to assure when I tried to protest. Her big doe like eyes fluttering with an innocent charm.

"Tiger, you go, I'm sitting there." I allowed as I gestured at the bench on the other corner.

"Please take care of her." I spoke to the care taker who nodded smiling in assurance.

"Be back soon." I called to her bouncing figure that flew away with Shizuka and the care taker behind on their tail.

So where should I head? I wondered as my eyes getting tired under the glow of sun.

Dear god! That adventure would always be in my memory. And these tired exhausting eyes would be another string.

Being Tiger alone, I wanted to stay close but also wanted her have her time with friends. Around them, she was feeling more enthusiastic.

The ringing of my Material Baby grabbed my attention.

The screen flashed the name of Miss. Mahriy—ah.

With a sweet confusing smile I accepted the call.

"Hellu Sweetie!" her squealing tone greeted from the other side.


"Hey Miss. Mahriya." I answered.

"It's Mahriyah dear. Come on say, Mahr—ri—yah. Come on." Her words coming in installments.

Network issue!

My sanity banged its sane mind to the adjacent bone before glaring at my vocal cords.

"Mah—ri—yaah." I pronounced consciously.

My feet taking turns out of the park searching better network.

"Not good but better." She muttered; her voice a little disheartened.

I sighed audibly staring at the bag of sweets in my hand.

"Oh yes! Before, I forget. Do you need anything, I'll get it before coming at Mr. Revin's." she asked; the enthusiasm returned in the words.

"No, Jerry has already ordered everything, I guess. But I'll let you know."

"Sure. I was asking because the party shouldn't suffer any absence you know." She answered earning a plain silence from me.

"Yes, of course! I'll let you know." I kept my steps firm while continuing to talk to her.

Wandering around the place nearby.

The nature was showcasing its charm in the beautiful glory around me. The walk proved to a delightful surreal experience.

"Okay then. I must go and get ready. See you soon." She squealed in sheer joy.

Get ready? But the party is in evening, why she is getting ready in morning? The thought crossed my mind but I opted to splash kerosene over it.

"Yeah, sure." We hang up as dragged my body to unknown directions.

The road was empty so was the mind residing in me.

The path was familiar as the park cum play ground Tiger opted to distribute the sweets was at a distance of few minutes from the motel.

On a few minute walk, a familiar fencing came into view which I could recognize in my comatose state.

Dear lord! Do all my paths have to come and meet at one destination!

The park!

I sighed heavily as I sweep my gaze around the white old fence. The view inside was hindered by the thick blanket of fog spread over the place.

Frowning wasn't an option as this phenomenon was quite familiar to me.

Ah! That's why! The ground and park are sharing the same boundaries. I noticed gingerly.

I wonder why the park is completely vacant all the time when this play ground seems in use frequently.

My legs needed a break from the exercise of ten minute wandering during the call and this internal greed to drink the beauty of this park and have leisure time are something lures me to drag my sanity to the pit of charcoal.

When the desire to satisfy the greed went prominent, I chose to put the weight of chocolate bags over my shoulder and saunter toward the direction of Park.

The fog was present like the shadow but allowing me to enter through the unclear path.

The fog was absent throughout the path, in the play ground, even in the morning? Then why specifically, this place is bathing in abundant fog.

My sanity was questioning but none of the other parts had the specific answerable answer.

Shrugging off the queries, I made my way inside, the sweet carrying bag bouncing on my shoulder with each step I took.

The view was unclear due to the thick curtains of fog so I was unable to make out if someone was already there or not.

What if no one is there?

Then you can take in the view in complete peace.

What if someone is there already?

Then you shouldn't worry of being lost alone. My mind quipped solution on both the sides of coin.

Throwing the preposterous reasoning to the middle of concrete road, I chose head ahead.

The breeze surrounding me went to a decreased level of temperature as I felt the change around me.

Wrapping one arm around my torso, I placed one hand over the old metal rusted gate in front of me.

The cold metal felt freezing to my already cold arms before I did a vain attempt to push it.

I huffed at the stubborn ancient metal gate.

Efforts found the space in space when zero results were received but strangely, the door opened on its own.

Does it have some remote control? I wondered looking around the fog.

But no answer or logic met me.


Utterly preposterous!


No idea!

The conversation between logics and subconscious were short lived as the sword of sharp fear and anxiety was hanging over my sane cells.

It's not the first time I'm facing this, these doors have some system to work on their own!

Ghosts?! My absurd subconscious and its logics, leave me worried sometimes.

Sensors! Yes! Sensors! There logics spoke something sane.

Shoving my gibberish thoughts in recycling cells, and believing in technological development of the place; I made my way inside, sauntering leisurely in the depth of fog.

The interesting fact was the temperature that started to decrease further causing me to take the hold of bag on my shoulder to my chest and wrap my arms around my torso.

Damn this coat!

Why I had to forget it the wrong time!

The park as far as my eyes could witness through the fog was empty. Silence was ruling the wind along with cold, only the distinct sound of water from the creek nearby making faint yet continuous clattering sound.

The beauty is insatiable here!

I heaved a sigh taking small steady steps in moist grass.

But it didn't rain last night. The question rose in my mind looking at the wet soil sticking on the sole of my shoes.

Then how the grass and soil is moist?

The considerate fog had the courtesy to make a path for me to find my respective bench.

Strange fog!

I huffed before my obviousness stuck behind my throat.

A small but noticeable figure caught my attention lurking through the blankets of impenetrable.

My heart nearly jumped out of mouth if it wasn't for the front eight teeth guarding my mouth that saved my precious stupid organ from eating the grass.

With cautious and startled eyes, I fixed my eyes over the figure that was still unclear. It wasn't easy to stand straight without running over hills in fear, however, my heart wasn't holding the emotion called fear but it was filled with something different.

There, now it's official! That organ is out of order, get a replacement!

My sane muscles weren't incorrect either.

Soon, the hindrance started to fade, allowing me to see through, the figure that was hiding until now, came into bright light of day.

When familiarity greeted in that face, the cold frozen blood of my veins initialed to flow in system.

Finally the trembling muscles found a stable stance allowing my heart to drop back in safe custody of rib cage.

Oh dear!

The same old Girl!

The same face hiding under the curtains of tendrils sailing over the beauty of purity. Simple yet elegant attire, thin clothes wrapped around her fragile frame, allowing the cold to sweep through her body.

 The same wind making me shiver profusely, freezing my bloodstreams under their terror but to her, I noticed they held no effect whatsoever.

The assessment brought frown of bewilderment to me as I continued to study her stone like figure. Her face hidden in her tendril but what I could peep, her features mirroring the figure.

Stoical stone!

Why this longing and gloominess always surrounds her?

I mused as my heart wrenched allowing the thought to enter while another sense of comfort greeted me accepting her presence need me.

Her presence is strangely calming but her sight seems gloomy.

"Oh! Hey!" I called; my voice resonated in the open area of park colliding to my ears in waves.

The girl heard me. Her beautiful big orbs moved, registering my presence near her.

With quick steps I made my way to her, a new sense of relief washed over me being aware of the fact that I'm not alone.

Yes, you can give explanations to Jerry and Mr. Majesty, if they let you open your stupid mouth. The comment was passed by my stupid logical muscles which I dutifully ignored while focusing only on the dull distressed girl.

Mr. Valentine!

My heart skipped a beat at his mention and I glared at my stupid heart which blanched but blushed.

Mr. Valentine!

Stop messing with my heart!

Is he?

"Hey!" I spoke with a smile once I reached her.

I sat beside; taking a proper consideration of her personal space. But even after my cautious watchful steps, I felt her squint and shift to the other side.

I have to reconsider the stinking matter!

"We met again." My lips curved into a broader smile.

"We had to." Her answer forced me to frown in deep confusion.

Her eyes were transfixed only over the sketchbook in her hands that she clutched tightly in her arms.

Ignoring the greeting remark, I continued to make conversation.

"How are you doing?"

My eyes watched her unexpectedly hoping to receive any response but she sat like a statue.

Silence prevailed between us before she sighed softly.

Her sigh is even adorable. She looks so fragile; she beats Tiger in this department. Mind wondered staring at her soft features.

The quietness broke with chimes spreading in air, the source was my Material baby that rang; notifying me about the new message I received.

Network's working here! Great!

With cold freezing hand, I pull out the device to check the incoming message activating the sleeping screen.

It was from my dear brother.


I opened the message without further delay. My smile breaking bounds at my brother's mention.

The screen displayed a message consisting of one line.


Is everything all right? Do you need me?

— P


The message brought a faint twitch over my cheeks. The worry and care my brother has for me, it's something one can't express but feel deeply.

Sometimes I really wonder if Jerry and Prince are lost siblings.

I mean they share almost same habit of worrying over me and small things. My subconscious mused.

Well, it's not small things. It's you whose involvement can bring tsunami in small things. My snarky conscience dared to throw bucket of insult at me.

Well it wasn't wrong completely.


I sighed coming out of my thought process.

A distinct pair of big doe eyes was staring at me with great intensity. From my peripheral vision, I could notice her eyes and gaze at my twitching smiling face.

When I met our gaze, she feigned inscrutableness.

But—but those eyes exposed everything.

They held the sparks of curiosity which I succeeded to read and perceive.

Quietness grew between us before I whispered looking at the home screen where the smirking face of my life line was flaunting in all its glory.

"It was my brother."

A slight but sharp change could be noticed in her demeanor as I spoke.

Her eyes and face turned slightly at my direction like gaining interest in my words.

Taking a soft breath, I continued, gazing the face on the screen.

"He is always like this. All protective, shielding and worried when it comes for me. Even now, when we are away, in different continents, he is still the same. He is always ready to come and aid me even for small problems.

"He treats me like a baby even when I'm elder sibling. He plays the older brother, always being the responsible one." I chuckled softly at my brother's etiquette.

The atmosphere around me was taking a trip to Arctic as the coldness seems to break bounds.

"All my problems have only one solution, my Prince." My smile broadened as my heart swelled with love and adoration for my brother.

My further words and adoration stance halted abruptly when my company snapped abruptly.

My smile faded as I took her impassive yet screaming features into consideration.

Although only soft furrow lines could be caught, I could witness the turmoil in the eyes that was fighting with her calmness.

What happened so suddenly?

Did I say something wrong? I could only ask myself.

But I didn't say anything inappropriate.

With hooded eyes, I accessed her face with a will to find the reason of her sudden demeanor change but nothing came to reach.

All she helped me with was averting her eyes back to her sketch book, glaring at the scenery on the cover.

Ah! Such a lovely scenery!

She draws really well.

But why she is glaring at the enthralling picture?

When sanity face palmed itself before shooting those balderdash thoughts from imaginary rifle.

The faint dot of realization made its presence known.

She might be uncomfortable!

I bit my lips unconsciously searching deeper in my comprehension.

Of course! Her pain and agony of being alone.

Perhaps I unconsciously scratched her old wounds.

How could I be so stupid? I chided myself as my mind bowed head in guilty.

"The climate is so lovely today, right? I love winters, the cold breeze and fog, like Christmas is round the corner." I spoke looking ahead; my eyes not being able to meet hers after my inappropriate invasion.

"I love it here, don't you?" I stated looking toward the desolated park.

Hearing no response from her which I expected, I fought the uneasiness that was building in me and turned to face her.

There a soft sad smile was flaunting on her adorable face.

I sat flabbergasted at her response.

Her eyes were hollow, holding nothing but an unnamed burden, her smile mournful but calm like appreciating my efforts to reduce her pain and this sulking awkwardness in between.

Hollow yet calm!

Pained but warm!

At that moment, I wanted nothing but to provide her peace, fill her with happiness and calm, to remove this storm of darkness around her and bring joy of life to her.

Her words from last meet are still crystal clear to me.

Her anger on happiness and her pain that has taken a root in her fragile mourning heart.

She is fighting happiness for pain thinking this agony can be someone's fate.

In reality, we often consider ourselves undeserving to reach the precious elements of life and when we realize, time and the precious both leave us.

I was unaware of the cause of her pain, this agony that someone gifted her but now I desire to present her the colors of life, so that she can complete the sketch, bringing colors to life.

I want to take away this longing of hers, that emptiness her soul is cradling inside her.

Unintentionally, my hand rose, sailing in the waves of air, desiring to touch and caress her cheek. Pure affection and adoration swelled in my heart witnessing the dull hollowness of her beautiful soft face.

She looks so fragile, almost breakable.

How can god hurt her? How can anyone hurt her?

The question invaded my sanity as I fought with conscience.

Stay in your limits! It was my sanity which took the command on time.

For a moment I tempted over the thought but discarded the idea whilst withdrawing away my hanging hand from air.

All the way her eyes were transfixed on me and my bemusing actions. Her gaze holding different flood of emotions that were passing over her orbs but settled as on longing again.

I smiled at her softly but in return received her stone stoic stare at me.

A sulking awkwardness spread around us before she averted her eyes ahead to capture the scenery. Her initiative diminished the overwhelming heavy stillness settled between us.

I sighed softly admiring her soft features; her soft wavy tendrils swaying with the soft breeze swirling around blessing her innocence to life.

Moments passed as my heart trying to feed itself with her adorable presence and she continued to meander her gaze around the dense vegetation area. The trees swerving their leaves creating soft rattling noise, entertaining us in this quietness.

I was trying to pay attention toward the random pattern in which the branches were dancing diverting my concentration until a firm yet soft voice broke my stance, snatching my attention.

"What are you?" her croaked out voice came.

My brows furrows as confusion ruled my conscious cells.

My mind send cells to brain that was working hard to think hard over the croaked out words.

Was it my delusion or I heard incorrect?

Or incomplete?

I wondered silently with crumbled brow muscles.


What are you?

Oh! It might be she wanted to ask 'What are you doing?' but ate 'Doing' during speaking. My subconscious spoke after a long time.

Seems like it has awaken after a long nap.

I laughed inwardly at her cuteness.

But what was I doing?

Right, she must be asking about the time I was hanging my hand in air.

Thinking of a good response in mind, I thought to go simple but decided otherwise and went with truth.

"You're really cute. Adorable." I couldn't help but cradle adoration in my voice and eyes. However I knew she needed this.

She needed this assurance to her warm but hollow eyes.

However I never expected her to react at my words in such a manner.

She visibly blanched at my words like my words hit her with a severe force.

She gave a foreign expression to me which I failed to grasp, as it was momentarily. But then in a moment's shadow; she averted her eyes from me, as if afraid to open up her heart in front of me.

Why such restlessness?

Why can't she let her sadness leave her?

Why this gloominess is ruling her?

I shook my head at a foreign wave of sadness washed over me. But I didn't have the time to react.

Suddenly all forgotten; when a strong gust of strong wind hit me with severe intensity. It nearly propelled me to the other side which was away from her. The force was unnatural, leaving in haze. I unconsciously clutched the edge of bench to face the effect.

Blinking, I tried to hold reality wiping off the daze it left me with.

Removing the waves of my black stubborn hair that were hindering my view by gracing my hair, I wandered my blinking eyes briskly to the surroundings; trying to find the source of this strong aggressive wind but all my sense went on hibernation when my nostrils felt a strange but strong scent.

Strong! Sweet! Enchanting! Musk!

The enthralling scent was musk that was ruing the surroundings invaded my nose; leaving all other senses haywire. Sanity tried to take command but the essence in the air had its own charm leaving me in pure beguilement.

This is strange!

Strangely enchanting!

This reminds me of—

Absolute bemusement shot through me as I surfaced the storm of realization.

The enchanting scent!

Same but different!

Familiar but new!

But the question is how?

I framed the question but the essence was overpowering, it was drawing me toward a different dimension leaving me flabbergasted at the power it hold.

What exactly it is?

Only bliss greeted me in this scent not allowing me to think rationally but entrapping me in its spell.

"I need to go." A soft sharp declaration penetrated my flabbergasted stance. It took me a minute to blink back before processing her words.

She stood up briskly, her sketch book tightly clutched in her arms; close to her chest.

A wave of disappointment washed over me as I watched her taking her leave.

In a corner of my heart, her sadness made a hollow swell, the sight of her in agony leaves me to pain.

I leaned back over the bench rest in utter resignation; feeling exhausted all of a sudden.

"You can keep the sketch if you like." Her soft whisper again pierced my reverie shoving my resignation to battle field.


Confusion reigned for almost seven seconds before I realized what she was talking about.



"Which Sketch?" I asked drawing my brows closer; scowling deeply.

She took her time before her face left the greed to look ahead and graced me with her focused gaze.

"The one you have with you since that Morning." She spoke firmly; her voice a melody dipped in honey but for me they were the arrow of astonishment that went straight to my heart.

With those striking words, it didn't take my working cells to join the dots in the most obvious way.

It means she is talking about that sketch I found in the park, under this same bench.

But once the confusion faded, I came to reach the meaning of her puzzling word.

That sketch?

The other morning I found a sketch under the bench during my morning ride of adventure; the page had no identity of the artist apart from the design; to be honest my small working brain facing an insufficient amount of creativity to understand the depth of his creation.

However, it was indeed attractive, a treat to the eyes of beholder.

I had this task of finding the owner, but my own adventures and consequences kept me occupied and the sketch out of my sight.

"I didn't mean to keep it. It was under this bench, I picked it up to keep—" I tried to explain frantically.

I didn't want to be presented as a thief in front of someone I share the same enthralling view.

The beauty lost its importance in my eyes and only adrenaline rushing through my bloodstreams.

However, my words of explanation die down when she spoke silencing me completely.

"It's fine. Keep it. I don't need it 'Now'." She spoke though her lips; her words firm and crisp like ice-balls in winter.

Not at all suiting her fragile and soft features.

Her eyes wavered; casting down her lips murmured something almost incoherent.

"Perhaps 'Later'."

Her words distinct but clear to my depreciating ears.

She said with monotony lacing her words.

Whereas I sat utterly baffled and flabbergasted at her incoherent announcement.

Well, wait a minute!

"But how do you know it was 'Me'. I mean it's with me." I asked furrowing my brow and straightening my crumbled mind.

She took a moment. Silence grew thick between us, thicker than the fog around us.

For once I thought, she'll grace me with quite impassiveness but her announcement threw me to the valley of wonderstruck bemusement.

Shock stole my ability to speak for a few seconds. I gape at her while she continued to stare ahead before speaking.

"Because no one comes here, apart from You."


December 15, 2017

For the man; you taught me the real lessons of strength and life.

The power that lies in one's self.

Aaj main yahan hoon toh aapki un seekho ki wajah se. Aapne hi mujhe sikhaya ki insaan ko khud me hi yakeen karna chaiye, khud par bharso karna chaiye aur aaj aapki issi seekh ke karan main Someone's Forever ko yahan tak paucha payi. It was only your teaching and lessons learnt that I was again able to believe myself and my work.

Thank You Dadu!



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