Moments - A Harry Styles Fanf...

By HeyThereHaz

44.1K 362 18

Lettie is just a normal girl who's living in London. That is until she meets the worldwide famous Harry Style... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 11

1.4K 12 0
By HeyThereHaz

I didn't talk to Harry for about a month and it was honestly killing me. I checked my phone every morning in hope that he'd text like nothing had happened, like before. Bit he never did, this was down to me to sort out and I think I knew how.

My dad had told me that the boys where getting the train to Paris in a couple of weeks and were staying there over Valentine's day, of all days! I asked him to take me down to the station where Harry and I first met and he agreed rather reluctantly. He knew me and Harry had argued and was worried whether he should have even told me they were going as he's meant to keep information like that confidential. It was okay when me and Harry where friends, but now?

The couple of weeks passed and soon enough it was the morning I was going to the station. I scraped my hair back into a bun and put on a tiny bit of make up. I looked in the mirror and pulled over a jumper, sighing heavily thinking how this day could either go really wrong or perfectly. I grabbed my bag just as my dad called and walked downstairs to meet him.

When we got there my dad told me Harry was already inside the little waiting room, I peaked through the door and could see him sat on the little sofa, our seat, holding his phone and looking down at the ground rather glumly. It hurt me to see him looking that way, it was such a cliche but it was now or never.

I pushed open the door and he didn't even look up. I walked over quietly and sat down beside him. He looked up then and registered my face.

"I'm sorry to interrupt" I said softly "but the guy from White Eskimo hasn't been picking up his phone." He just looked at me and shook his head, I was going to have to try harder if I wanted him back.

"Harry, I really am sorry and you deserve an explanation. I was going to give Katie a second chance, everyone deserves one...but she blew it and...and that's when I realised how special you are to me Harry. I know it shouldn't have had to come to this for me to realise but i'm hear now aren't I?"

My voice was beginning to break and I could feel my eyes welling up with tears. He still didn't say anything but he leaned over and brushed his hand down the side of my cheek, I reached my hand up to his and he suddenly pulled me into a hug. I squeezed my eyes shut and pressed my head into his shoulder. I never wanted to let go.

He pulled away after a while and whispered "It's okay Lettie, I'm sorry, I just didn't want to hear that you'd chosen Katie, I didn't want to get hurt so I blocked you out."

I sat with my head leaned against his chest as he stroked my hair on the little sofa in the station until it was time for him to go.

"I'll see you soon" he said as he walked out of the door holding my hand for as long as possible until he had to let go.

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