His Mafia Bride (Completed)

By TanaRw

336K 9.3K 436

I love his arms around me. They make me feel safe and loved. That is, until I see what he does with his han... More



5.2K 169 16
By TanaRw

Terra takes me to an empty room and tosses me a bag hidden behind a fallen desk. "Dress quick, there is goons all over the place. I'll keep a look out and send a message to everyone I found you." She then leaves me to get changed into some dry clothes.

Changing, I feel dryer and the shivering has gone away thanks to the warm jacket. There are weapons in the bag. Slipping a knife into one of my boots, I sling the bag over my shoulder, gun in hand, quietly I slip out of the room.

Terra glances over shoulder at me and shakes her head once, so we get moving. "Not to sound mean, but have you been gaining weight?"

"No, why?"

She shrugs her shoulders. "You just look like you have."

"It's probably just stress about everything going on." She raises a brow at me. "What, it's a thing, ask your nerd of a cousin."

She chuckles a little. "Yeah, he is a nerd, that's for sure."

We hear yelling, making us freeze in place; the voices get loader. We quickly go for cover, peeking out to see five people come down the hallway armed to the teeth with weapons. Terra and I share a look, an understanding that we take them out before they know any better.

"I can't believe someone has crossed us!" a woman with strawberry blond hair screams.

"Shut up, will you? They could hear us," a man with no hair says.

The three other people share looks with one another. Terra and I take aim and pull the triggers so fast, their bodies fall before they even have a chance to protect themselves. "Do you worry, that we might be psycho's?" Terra asks, as we go to the bodies and take their weapons and throw them in the bag and then get going, because no doubt the others heard.

Glancing at her, she shrugs her shoulders. "In some cases, yes. In this case, not so much."

She shakes her head. "I'll agree with that," she stops, holding her hand out stopping me. We listen, we hear more yelling but it's faint and some other sound. We listen, if possible, even harder. "Sounds like a jet?" Terra shakes her head looking like she is second guessing herself. "No, smaller. Helicopter?"

We see the flash of light up the hallway and then something small and round rolls a handful feet away from us. Grabbing Terra, we dive behind a wall, as a grenade blows up. "Okay, now who the hell are we dealing with now?" The cough comes and my body hurts from the near blast and hitting the ground so hard.

Terra phone starts to play a freaky evil witch laugh. "I'll let you guess who that is," she gets up on to her feet, holding her hand out to me.

"I want to say it's your mother ring tone, but I know better than that; because her ring tone is off key woman singing."

Terra grins at me. "I love how you know, which person has which ring tone. But anyways, that was my Aunt, that is them outside."

Maggie face crosses my mind. "Oh crap,"


Grabbing her hand, we bolt into a run down the broken hallway.

Ally Past:

I was getting bored at this party and, there isn't a lot I can do here, other than lean against a wall like a wall flower and there is no one I can really talk to, without them looking their noses down at me. This plan was a wash.

Walking away from the ballroom, I walk into the grand entries. My eyes wonder to the family pictures, my eye's land on Logan my heart pulls at the thought of him for some reason. Shaking my head, I look away from the pictures and look to the grand staircase, that lead to who knows where.

My feet move before I know what I'm doing and before I truly know what I'm doing, I've gone up the stairs and gone to the left set stairs. My heart pounds so hard, I can feel it vibrate my body.

A man walks out of a set of doors, he holds a book in his hands. He looks up at me, his face blank, but I see the gun slightly hidden by his suite jacket. "I'm sorry, but guests aren't allowed up here." he tells me.

"Then you should really have it taped off, so no one would come up here."

He shakes his head. "You have a point. Now what can I do for you?"

Shaking my head, my feet start to hurt worse than before. Heals are so not my thing.

The man looks at my face and slightly lets out an annoyed breath. "Come with me," he turns and starts to walk down the hallway.

"Where to?" I ask him, slowly following him, like a nimrod ready to get killed by the ax murder.

"You'll see," he tells me, not looking back to me.

I can't take the pain anymore, so I stop for a few seconds to take off the shoes and follow him, a bit quicker this time. "What's your name anyways?"

The man chuckles, stopping at a door, pulls out some keys and finds the one he want's, unlocks the door and moves his arm for me to follow him and I do. "The name Leo, I'm a personal bodyguard to Logan Phantom, the young man I seen you sneak off to, to go dance with." He closes the door behind us.

"And you didn't stop us, because?"

He cracks a smile at me, turning the lights on into a big closet filled with women, men, children, young adults' clothes, jewelry, excusers, and shoes of all sizes of women, men, children, and pre-teens. "You are of no threat to anyone here, if you were, we would have already taken you out."

"We?" looking back at him, I stand in the middle of the closet.

He shakes his head, walking forward going to the shoes standing in front of the women's. "Yes, we. Logan can take care of himself fine, but you can never be too careful," I see him grab a set of shoes and turn around holding up some women ballerina flats. "These should do better for your feet."

"Thanks, but no thanks; I don't think Mrs. Phantom will be okay if someone else wears her shoes."

He cracks a smile. "Don't worry, she is actually a nice lady."

We hear a blood curling scream, that sends a chill threw my body. Leo drops the shoes, rushes past me and pulling out his gun. Me like the ideate I can sometimes be, follow after him. We fly threw the hall that we had come from, go up the other stairs.

Leo slides to a stop in front of a door partly open. He holds his arm out to stop me to get any closer. "Stay there, don't move." He instructs.

A woman screams in pain, as another walks out of the room with blood streaming from one of her hands. Her talon nails gripping something. "Get that trash out of my house." Mrs. Phantom words are like venom of a snake. She glances at me and smiles at me gently, like she isn't holding something bloody. "I hope you are enjoying yourself darling," she then leaves.

Leo pulls out his phone and when he is busy calling someone, I look in the room and feel sick to my stomach. Maggie is laying on the ground pasted out in pain, as blood slides from where her eye had once been.

Ally Present:

We burst out of the building and it's like a standoff you see in old western movies. Maggie and her goons on one side and Mrs. Phantom, Mr. Phantom, Leo, and a handful of other guards stand on the other side. But where was Logan?

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