Conflicting Attractions // h.s


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In which a woman meets an arrogant, attractive, smart asshole that she wants nothing to do with but he wants... Еще

1\\Latte Mishaps
2\\Cold Waffles
3\\Bailed On
4\\Fatherly Arguments
5\\Mishandled Situations
6\\"Date with Destiny"
7\\Suddenly Sassy
8\\Lunch Date With Bee
9 [PART ONE]\\Unexpected Visitor
9 [PART TWO]\\Day Off
10\\The Date
11\\Morning Jitters
12\\Breaking The Rules
13\\Irritating Vibrations
15\\Party Scene
16\\Drunken Words, Sober Thoughts
17\\Sisterly Advice
18\\Girly Chats
19\\New Roommate
20\\Tempting Fate
21\\Too Close For Comfort
22\\Carpark Realisations
23\\Three's A Crowd
24\\Night In With Niall and The Girls
25\\Rooftop Gestures
27\\Holmes Chapel
28\\Newly Introductions
29\\Shed Talks
30\\Day Out with Harry
31\\Benchtop Envelopes
32\\Guilt and Regret
33\\A Gig and Work
34\\Anger and Clubs
35\\Lunch Date and Surprise Visitors
36\\Questions and Answers
37\\Butter Knives and One PM
38\\Tension and Forgiveness
40\\Flowers and Filthy Looks
41\\Ice Skating
42\\Christmas Shopping
Fanfiction Awards 2018!!
44\\Hen's Night.
45\\Bee's Wedding Day
46\\Waiting Room
47\\Christmas Day
49 [PART ONE]\\Hints
49 [PART TWO]\\Get Together
50\\Midnight Confessions
51\\Cutting Ties
52\\Catch up With Niall
54\\ Work Shenanigans*
57\\Picture Frame
59\\Heart to Heart
60\\True Colors
61\\Date Night*
62\\Bacon and Eggs

39\\Wedding Dresses and Chinese

1.9K 70 10


It was around eleven before Brooke picked me up to go wedding dress shopping with her. She was dressed up like a true bride, the cute loose clothing so she can try on the dress easy, along with some short heel shoes so she can used to walking around in them for the wedding. I think its super cute how she's dressed like this, whilst I'm all dressed up to go out on a night on the town.

We arrived at the bridal place that Brooke had picked to get her dress from and it honestly makes me so warm inside. Maybe one day, that will be me. Maybe one day, our roles will be reversed. Instead of shopping for her, we'll be shopping for me and my fiancé. Who am I kidding, I won't be getting one of those anytime soon.

The little bell above the door twinkled when we walked in, causing the woman who helped with the dress fitting to clap her hands in excitement. Brooke wasn't so excited but deep down, I knew she will be soon. Once she picks out her dress, she'll be sold on this wedding. I think she's also nervous because of how close the wedding is.

It's in a week and a half.

So she told me.

She's been freaking out about it since she found out. They could've left it until next year, but they want to get married as soon as possible. They don't want to waste any more time since they love each other so much and I think that's so cute. The love that they share with each other is something that I'm jealous of.

"Good morning ladies," The woman asked gently, her name tag vibrant with her name, Marie. We both nodded our heads with a smile on our faces. "Now, who's the bride-to-be and who's the maid of honor?"

"I'm the bride-to-be, I'm Brooke," she announced whilst I smiled at Marie. She seemed like a lovely lady, with short black hair, green eyes and a face you could never forget. It was so perfect, the jawline was so sharp and her smile was breath-taking. I'm pretty sure both of us are jealous of how perfect her face seemed to be. She was probably in her late twenties, I would guess. "And this is my maid of honor, Phoebe."

Marie squealed which gave both of us a fright, not expecting her to do that. I looked at Brooke and she returned the look which made us both smile gently. "I was maid of honor at my sister's wedding, have you got the hen's night planned? It took me so long to get it all planned but it all turned out great. My sister enjoyed it so much."

"I don't have anything planned if I'm honest, but I do have a few things in mind for her hen's night. I can't wait until she can have it."

Marie nodded walking over to her desk to grab her measuring tape, ready to measure us both for the fitting. Brooke was nervous right now and you could tell. She was slowly biting her nails, only to not bite any but also, she kept giving me glances, like she wanted it to be over already. She really does want to marry Louis, but I think she's scared he might leave her at the altar.

Not that he would.

I hope.

She started to measure Brooke for the dress fitting whilst I watched. Marie was so gentle with measuring and writing down the measurements. I was admiring the store, it was filled with so many beautiful white, peach, purple and pink colored dresses. There were categories; lace, short, long and pattern along the wall lines. It was quite a petite store, not many people probably came in here but Brooke chose it.

"Right, so I have your measurements, doll. Now I want you to choose your style of dress, lace, pattern, short or long," Marie told her as Brooke looked at me. I smiled gently, eyeing up the lace dress for her. She caught on to what I was looking at as she nodded gently. "Have you chosen it?"

"I have," Brooke confirmed, standing still and watching Marie's face light up. "I want a long, lace wedding dress, don't you think, Pheebs?"

Marie turned to face me, waiting for my answer. I think Brooke would look a million dollars in lace and I hope that she picks lace for the bridesmaid's dresses too. It would make the wedding look beautiful. Of course, it's up to Brooke to how the wedding turns out. "I love lace so I think lace should be the dress theme."

Brooke nodded along with me, walking over and giving me a hug. "If you think lace should be the dresses, then I think so too. I want you to be as involved as you can possibly be, same goes for Marilee who I'm sad couldn't come today but I just know she would agree with us."

I hugged her back, tightly. She didn't have to involve me as much and I think that's one of the reasons why I love her so much. We've been friends for what feels like forever and I couldn't ask for a better friend if I'm honest. "I love you, Brooke, so much, I'm so glad we're friends."

"I love you too, Pheebs," she said, giving my cheek a kiss as I smiled. She's more like a sister to me than anything and I think that's all I need. "Now let's get those bridesmaids dresses ordered!"


We finished at the dress shop at around one in the afternoon. Brooke was exhausted but decided that we hit the mall for some Chinese from the food court. We ended up getting a white lace wedding dress along with peachy, lacy bridesmaid's dresses. Brooke ended up choosing it all, along with my approval of course. But she's happy with her choices.

I was waiting at the table for Brooke to grab the Chinese food from the food court, watching everyone around me rushing to get to the stores since Christmas is only a few weeks away. I still don't know what I'm going to get anyone, I'm shit at buying presents for people; I usually get it wrong or buy something they already have.

I'd have to think long and hard about what to get everyone. This year, I have three extra people to buy for. I usually buy for Brooke, Leon, Marilee, and Kaylee. This year, I have to add Niall, Harry, and Alexis. Not that I mind, I love buying Christmas presents for my closest friends and family, oh and Harry this year. Even though I don't know what to get everyone, I usually just wing it mostly.

I sighed, my cheek leaning on my palm whilst watching the world pass by. It was nearing Christmas break, so much school kids would be coming in here to hang out and to buy presents for their friends and family. I remember when I was at school, I used to be scared to even miss a class, let alone miss the entire school day to hang with my friends at the mall.

The memories of school slowly faded and more current feelings arose. I couldn't stop thinking about Harry, the way he looked and was almost beaten to death only almost twenty-four hours ago. What was the reasoning behind him being beaten to a pulp? Was there any reasoning behind it or was it just coincidental?

I should've asked last night, but I was more focused on knowing some more about him and a few other people. Call me nosy, but I wanted to know more about Ellie and Zayn than anyone. I want to be let into his life so I can adapt it into mine, I want to be able to help if he's ever feeling sad about anything in his life.

I want him to be able to come to me to let me comfort him.

I just want him to be mine.

Brooke put down our lunch on the table with a smile on her face. I smiled back at her as she handed me my chopsticks and I broke them in half perfectly as did Brooke. She started eating hers in silence, watching whoever was in the mall at the same time as us, whilst Harry was still embedded in my mind.

"So, Pheebs," she finally broke the silence after a few minutes. I was scared, to say the least, what was she going to say or ask? I gulped gently as I looked in her direction. "This "thing" with Harry tomorrow, is it a date?"

I shrugged with honesty. I wasn't sure if it was or if Harry just wanted to take me out ice skating because it was something fun to do. I wanted it to be a date more than anything but we'd have to see what the day holds. "Um, I'm not sure. Maybe it could be but he didn't say it was going to be so I'm just going with the flow at the moment."

Brooke nodded whilst swallowing a bit of her lunch. She grabbed a napkin and dabbed (aye) her mouth to catch any leftovers around her mouth. "I think you two will be together by Christmas, if not then, New Years, definitely," she told me. "You two are made for each other, I'm so glad you spilled latte on him that day."

"Listen, Bee, we've only known each other not even a few months and you think we're meant to be together? How long were you and Louis friends before you guys started dating?"

"A month and a half," Brooke said with a smirk on her face. I stayed quiet. I thought it would've been at least six months they were friends before they got together. "We'd known each other longer, but if you're looking at the friend's sense, then yeah, a month and a half before the goofball asked me to be his girlfriend."

I nodded, finishing my mouthful of Chinese before I could answer. "See, that's where the relationship might not work. You and Louis knew each other a lot longer before you guys started dating whereas Harry and I have no past history what's-so-ever."

"But that doesn't mean anything," Brooke explained whilst looking at me with a smile. "That just keeps the relationship more interesting, Pheebs. Imagine if you knew everything there was to know about him. You nor Harry would open up since you both know everything about each other. Whereas with this relationship you guys are blossoming into, you'll have years ahead of you to find out everything about each other and I think that's romantic."

"It is pretty romantic, but I'm still not sure. The ice skating could be just a friendly thing, I'm not getting my hopes up for it to be anything more," I admitted, which was true. I didn't want to go telling myself that it's a date when it could simply be a friendly outing. Who knows, he might even invite Brooke and Louis along with Marilee and Josh along for all I know.

Who knows?

"Yeah, I understand but I also want my favorite ship to sail," she said calmly whilst I let out a choking noise followed by coughing which caused her to laugh loudly, not even trying to help me breathe. I started to breathe heavily before I stopped coughing and resumed my normal breaths. "Well, that was a sight."

"Thanks for helping," I sarcastically said.

"Anytime honey, you know that."

I scoffed whilst rolling my eyes at her comeback. She didn't help when I was coughing, the least she could've done was pat me on the back and helped me breathe, but nope. I continued to slowly eat my Chinese, careful not to choke again since I knew Brooke was no help what's-so-ever.

She looked at me, almost like she was waiting for me to speak. "Are you waiting for me to answer what you said before?" She nodded with a smirk, watching me with curious eyes. "I don't know what you want me to say, I don't know what's going to happen."

"But you want to get together with him, yeah?"

I stayed quiet, deciding whether or not to tell her, but if I do, she'll tell Louis and that's how Harry finds out most things. I couldn't risk it, not yet. "Like I said before," I started, finishing off my mouthful, "I don't know what it's going to be. As far as I know, it's just us ice skating, I presume. He hasn't really said much else about it, so I'm just going to wait for tomorrow."

"Weren't you meant to hang out with Kaylee sometime this week?" Brooke asked as I had totally forgotten. I gasped, grabbing my phone from my pocket before seeing a text, waiting for me to open it. It was from Kaylee, speak of the devil. I read through it as Brooke continued to finish her food until she leaned back, with her hands on her stomach, sighing happily from the Chinese.

"Ah, Kaylee can't make it for Thursday, so she had to cancel. I'll have to text her and make it another day. Darn, I was really looking forward to catching up with her," I sighed, before texting back a "that's okay, Kaylee" before putting my phone back in my pocket and finishing off my Chinese. "Anyway, what are you doing tomorrow, got anything planned?"

Brooke nodded before clearing her throat. "Yeah, I'm probably just going to meet with my wedding planner and figure out a couple of things that we need to sort, but other than that, my day is free. I think the rest of the day I'm going to tell the love of my life to take the afternoon off and spend it with me at home with some wine and steak."

I giggled at the last part. That does sound relaxing. I envy couples with relaxing love lives, for the most part, I envy Brooke and Louis because their relationship is just the cutest I have ever seen. "Sounds heavenly."

"It most certainly is, trust me. Louis gives good cuddles."

"You two are too bloody cute, Brooke," I complimented her which she giggled and blew me a kiss in return, before mouthing "thank you" to which I blew her a kiss back. We laughed for a little bit longer, before we got up from the table, taking our rubbish to the bin by the end of the food court, to which we linked arms and started walking out of the mall. I enjoyed moments like this with Brooke, especially since I'm her maid of honor and I have to get this hens party right.

"You know," Brooke started and I knew what was going to follow, yet it was music to my ears. "You and Harry are too bloody cute too."

Whoop, there it is.


Hello my lovelies, happy new year! I love you all so much, I'm grateful for all that you've done for me in 2017 and I can't thank you enough!

Our New Years was wild, I'm surprised I don't have a hangover but overall, had a great time!

I hope you all enjoyed this, I love you all so much.

with love and wontons,
emma xoxoxo

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