Kamen Rider AOE (Kamen Rider...

By Paranilla

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(Edited Chapter 16. Anything after that is not edited yet) Kara Amor is chasing down her lost love when she... More

-Chapter 1
-Chapter 2
-Chapter 3
-Chapter 4
-Chapter 5
-Chapter 6
-Chapter 7
-Chapter 8
-Chapter 9
-Chapter 10
-Chapter 11
-Chapter 12
-Chapter 13
-Chapter 14
-Chapter 15
-Chapter 16
-Chapter 17
-Chapter 18
-Chapter 19
-Chapter 20
-Chapter 21
-Chapter 22
-Chapter 23
-Chapter 24
-Chapter 25
-Chapter 26
-Chapter 27
-Chapter 28
-Chapter 29
-Chapter 30
-Chapter 31
-Chapter 32
-Chapter 33
-Chapter 34
-Chapter 35
-Chapter 36
-Chapter 37
-Chapter 38
-Chapter 39
-Chapter 40
-Chapter 41
-Chapter 42
-Chapter 43
-Chapter 44
-Chapter 45
-Chapter 46
-Chapter 47
-Chapter 48
-Chapter 49
-Chapter 50
-Chapter 51
Chapter 52
-Chapter 53
-Chapter 54
-Chapter 55
-Chapter 56
-Chapter 57
-Chapter 58
-Chapter 59
-Chapter 61
-Chapter 62
-Chapter 63
-Chapter 64
-Chapter 65
-Chapter 66
-Chapter 67
-Chapter 68
-Chapter 69
-Chapter 70
-Chapter 71
-Chapter 72
-Chapter 73
-Chapter 74
-Chapter 75
-Chapter 76
-Chapter 77
-Chapter 78
-Chapter 79
-Chapter 80

-Chapter 60

124 2 1
By Paranilla

-Chapter 60: Jobs Suck

"You asked him to kill Parad? I get that Kiriya walked out on you last night but that doesn't mean you have to take away Parad's life! I'll kill the Intern!" I shout. I'll do anything to keep the love of my life safe. I'll figure out how to save his data and bring him back once I get rid of the Intern.

"Someone has to stop Hyper Muteki," Masamune says. "You should be able to overpower the other riders easily with the reward you got. If you beat Hyper Muteki, you'll gain other rewards. To inspire you, I'll show you something." He reaches into a bag and pulls out his driver, which is similar to the Bugvisor. "Here."

I reach out and take it from him, looking down at it. There is a woman in here! Isn't that...that's Saki! He has Saki hostage!

"You are holding her hostage? Masamune, what in the world?"

"If your ex-lover fails to do his mission, I'll be deleting her data. You should be happy about this, Kara. You don't like her."

"But that doesn't mean I want her dead right now! Also, that doesn't mean I'm okay with her being held against her will."

"You will deal with it."

"I am going to deal with it because I have a mission to do. If anyone is going to end Parad's life, I will do it. I will not let Hiiro kill him." Masamune isn't going to change his mind on this. It is either Emu or Parad and Parad is just going to die either way.

"You're willing to kill your own true love in order to prevent Hiiro from killing him? Aren't you romantic?" I hate it when he uses sarcasm.

"I'll handle them all. You can trust me."

"Oh, I do. I believe you when you say you will delete your true love from this world to prevent someone else from doing it."

I swallow hard. "Masamune, I'll handle everything for you. You need to focus on the game."

"I will." He looks so serious right now and it scares me yet thrills me at the same time.


"Kara, what are you doing here?" Miyuki asks as I step forward. I have a new outfit from Masamune and it is a black suit with an undershirt that is white. He wants me to look like a typical employee but I believe he has some sort of kink for me being in uniform.

"I have decided to return to the CR. I can't wait to share the information I got from Masamune with you all," I say, forcing a smile onto my face. "Hiiro, I can't let you take on him anymore. Give up on the fight and go before I make you go. He is mine to get rid of."

"Are you seriously coming back to us?" Emu asks me, stopping what he is doing.

I nod my head and hold out my hands. "I am excited to be back! I am sorry that I didn't tell you guys that I was just pretending to be working for Masamune. I only went there for some information."

Miyuki smiles happily. "Mom, I am happy that you're back!"

"I know." I move a few steps forward. "Come and give me a hug, Miyuki."

"Don't go and hug her," Taiga orders. "I doubt that she has changed."

I look over at Taiga and tilt my head a bit, narrowing my eyes. "You're doubting me? Why would you do that when I've been so good to you all? I didn't want you guys ruining my plan so I had to leave the way I did. If I wouldn't have done that, Masamune would have doubted me. He would have killed me!"

"Kara, what are you doing?" Parad stands up, exiting his transformation.

"Parad, you didn't know did you? I'm sorry but I lied about working for Masamune to the CR. I abandoned them and I'm truly sorry for doing that!" I need them to let down their guard a bit more.


Taiga moves into my path, staring me straight in the eyes with his Kamen Rider form's big eyes. "I don't trust you, Mrs. Dan."

"But I'm truly sorry!" I exclaim. "Let us fight together now."

"Alright, let's fight together," Emu says. He is the easiest person here to trick. He'll believe anything people tell him without losing an ounce of trust in them. Unless they're a proven liar like Kiriya Kujo.

"Alright, I'm ready for this." I reach into my suit's pocket and pull out my Gashat. I unbutton my suit jacket a bit, revealing my Gamer Driver. "Let us have fun together."

"That Gashat! That isn't her level fifty!" Nico shouts and I click the side of it, activating it. I place it into my driver and pull the lever, transforming.

"Kamen Rider AOE...level ninety-nine," I state. "I'm going to maximum output for this battle." I hold out my hand and a weapon appears and I grab it.

"I told you that she wasn't trustworthy! She definitely got that Gashat from Dan Masamune!" Taiga shouts, rushing towards me.

I move out of the way and smack him on the back of the head with the weapon, sending him to the ground. I turn, facing Emu. Emu looks at me in shock and he activates his critical strike. I pull the lever on my driver and hold out my weapon, pointing it at him. I fire it off as he jumps into the air and points his leg down to kick me.

BOOM! Emu goes flying back and I look down, looking him over. He looks like he'll be alright. He'll just be in a bit of pain and nothing more.

"Miyuki, back down. Nico, you too!" Taiga shouts and I turn to him. "She's too strong for us."

"I have access to all the combat data for your Gashats," I state. "Masamune made this just for me to use and I will keep on using it to ensure order of this game. Did you guys really think I would be on your side? Emu, you're too naïve. How could you just instantly trust me?"

"Kara...why are you doing this?" Emu asks me.

"Why? Why not?"

"Parad is gone," Hiiro says.

"Hiiro, let's go for now. We'll regroup and hand them later. For now, I will let you guys off but if you do something that I don't like I will enforce the rules. I don't care who you are, you will follow each and every rule Masamune has in place. That is how Kamen Rider Chronicle should be played."

"Kara, please don't!" Miyuki cries out, trying to plead with me. I can't stop this. I have to keep Parad safe for now. I'm not losing the man I truly love.

"Miyuki, I'm sorry but you never knew me. I never liked you."

"Kara..." She falls to her knees. "How can you say that?"

"Because it is the truth. Now, I'm going."


"When did you join?" Hiiro asks me, grabbing my wrist.

I turn to him, staring him in the eyes. "When did I join what?"

"Don't play dumb, Kara! Answer my question!"

"Aren't you being forceful, Hiiro?" I look away, forcing a smirk onto my face. "I joined because I have always wanted to work with Genm Corporation under Masamune. Now that I have joined, my wish has come true. I will do whatever he wants because he is going to be the greatest God in the world."

"This isn't like you. What is going on with you?"

"You never knew me truly, Hiiro. I was told to trick you and I did that. I even tricked them. Do you think I really wanted to work for Foundation X? No, my true goal was coming here. Foundation X opened the doors for me to achieve my dream. I'm grateful for that."

Hiiro grabs my shoulders and I look at him. "Please don't say things like that. I know that isn't what happened with you. Sure, you worked for Foundation X but that wasn't what you truly wanted. You found what you truly wanted when you came here to Japan. I opened the door for you, Kara."

"Hiiro, shouldn't you be doing what Masamune wants instead of making up crap to say to me? Where are you getting all this stuff from? Your ass?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Calm down," Masamune says, stepping into view. "Do you two need some tea? Tea will relax you and allow you to think about things much more clearly."

"Masamune, I would love some tea," I reply, moving over to him. I don't want to be near Hiiro any longer because he's going to try and get under my skin. Then he'll figure out what I'm actually up to. He'll figure out that I'm trying to protect Parad.

Masamune looks me in the eyes and then he looks over at Hiiro. "Taddle Legacy, please go and take a rest. You seem to be stressed out and you being stressed out will just keep us from accomplishing our goals here at Genm Corporation."

"I rather stay here and talk with Kara. Why is she working for you? Why did she change her mind all of the sudden?" Hiiro asks.

"That is between me and AOE, Taddle Legacy. What we have talked about isn't for you to know. I can assure you that she made her own choice in this matter. I did not force her to join this company and as you can see, she's happy with her decision and I will reward her for doing her job."

"How did she do her job? She allowed them to live."

"She wasn't ordered to discontinue anyone but Parad. However, she can take her time on the mission if she wants to. As long as she is able to handle Hyper Muteki, we're good."

"You want her to stop the Intern? Won't that kill Parad? Aren't you against killing him, Kara?"

"Like I said Hiiro, you never truly knew me." I look at Hiiro.

Hiiro looks down. "..."

"Go and rest," Masamune orders. "Now."

Hiiro nods his head. "I will do that," he says, not arguing with Masamune. He seems to be scared of Masamune currently and I assume that is because of Saki's data being with him.

Hiiro turns away and rushes off in the other direction, leaving me alone with Masamune. I wonder where he is going off to. Maybe he has a room here too.

"I see that he is bothering you about our alliance."

"He tends to get involved in my business a lot. It is the same for me, Masamune. We all know I love to get involved in everyone's business," I reply, looking at him. He looks really satisfied with life right now. Is that even possible for him to be satisfied with life? Maybe since he's in control currently, he's satisfied with life.

"You're always involved in everyone's business but that is what makes you a great employee. I can see why they hired you at Foundation X. They would need someone who can get involved in almost anything with ease. I hate to admit this but you're really good at what you do. Your acting skills are impressive. I felt like you actually hated the CR."

"That is one of the many skills I picked up when I was younger. I would get into trouble here and there," I tell him, being honest. "Anyways, let's not bring up my past. It'll just be boring compared to what you have done. Your acting skills are really something. I can swear I almost feel that you care about me."

Masamune laughs. "I do care for you, Kara. You're going to be good for business. I know you won't do anything against me."

"And how do you know that? I'm not trustworthy," I ask, looking at him curiously. How can someone possibly trust me with anything? With my history, I'm just unreliable and sketchy.

"You may be not so worthy of trust but you are skilled and one can't deny that. I am going to make use of your skill and I hope you won't do anything that you will regret. I will punish you severely if you do. I don't need to remind you of anything do I?"

I shake my head. "No."


After the last time, I don't want to have that kind of pain ever again. It wasn't like it wasn't good stuff but it was just really, really painful. I had to keep in all the tears when it was going on because of it. I did give my absolute consent though so no one can twist it into anything else. I wanted to have him punish me even though I didn't want that much pain.

"So, how do you like the uniform? Do you wish to wear something else?"

"If you could arrange a few more outfits that are suitable to wear for work, it'll be nice. I'm actually enjoying the new style. It helps me feel evil."

"Didn't your Foundation X uniform make you feel evil?"

"It made me feel like I was in a futuristic movie," I answer, laughing a bit. "It is one unique uniform and I would be down to wearing it again."

"They have a unique sense of style that won't be tolerated here. We are to dress for success here at Genm Corporation," he replies. "We don't dress to be in a futuristic movie as extras." Man, he really hates Foundation X.

I nod my head. "And I understand that."

"Good, Kara. How about some tea now?"

"Do we have to go and get tea now?"

"Yes, we have to talk about how you're doing so far on the job. Think of it as your progress report," he tells me, answering my question.

"Fair enough."

Time to see how I'm doing here at work.

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