Forget Me Not

By prettyeuphxric

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A Fantasy That Will Blow Your Minds . Includes Werewolves & more creatures. BOOK 1 More

Forget Me Not (A rejection werewolf novel Coming SPRING BREAK)
Forget Me Not: Intro
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 2.5
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Taming The Naughty
Chapter 8
Cast Info | ♥
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
T o M y S u p p o r t e r s
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Private chapters and such info*
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
On Leave
On Hold!?
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 19.5
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Kat's Picture
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
On hold
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
About the Twins
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
To clear up confusion if any (Mid Book TEA)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Private INFO
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Meet your author 📝 edited
Meet Leah
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 44

69 3 0
By prettyeuphxric

Katalina's POV


I walked down the corridor behind Lucas. I hated him but I was only here for one thing and that was for Leah. That was my little girl and I would do anything for her.

I hope everyone back in the forgotten lands was out. I knew they would make it out. I was the thing that clouded everything there. The closer I got away from the lands the lighter I felt. The more at ease I felt and everyone else probably felt the same way.

I was soulless and going into the forgotten lands was probably not the best idea. I could've been stuck there like Leah was. I feel like Lucas had plans for me because he would have already killed me if he wanted to, yet he didn't.

He's done enough and I hated that I lost so many people because of him.

"Maids clean all of this up now and bring the girl," Lucas ordered, and the women started scurrying all over to follow orders.

I waited and saw a little girl with two braids walk out in a dress. She looked like she just had gotten up from a nap. I really loved the sight of her she was beautifully made.

"Hi sweetheart." I said as she slowly looked up at me. She looked with confusion and then her eyes lit up.

"Mommy." She started running toward me with excitement dropping her teddy bear in the process.

"Stop!" Lucas ordered and she stopped abruptly before she got to me. My face dropped and my heart dropped.

"Lucas! What the fuck!?" I yelled causing the maids to jump in fear, Leah had tears in her eyes and I wanted to pick her up and hold her.

I was going to defy the fuck out of him. I did not know why I could not touch her. And I will find out why because no one told Katalina what to do. I am the alpha female no one ordered the alpha around and I didn't care if it was the devil himself.

"You two can see each other, talk, interact but no touching of any sort, what part in NO TOUCHING didn't you fucking understand Katalina? Are you defying me?" His voice grew louder and stern. With each booming word furniture shook and the maids were rushing around to make sure nothing fell and broke.

"Lucas who are you talking to in that manner? I am the alpha female fuck you and fuck your dumb ass orders!" I yelled back grabbing Leah.

As soon as I grabbed her the whole place started to shake. My heart started beating fast and we both collapsed onto the floor.

All I remember was darkness, I remember never letting go of my only child. I couldn't lose her again. This was the only way for me to keep her.

*In the darkness*

I saw Leah sitting under a tree. She looked peaceful. Beautiful as ever and most of all, innocent.

She looked at me and smiled.

"Mommy we can finally be together." She said with excitement.

I did not know what she meant by this. I looked around, the place was beautiful. I wasn't quite sure where we were and what was happening but I loved the feeling of being with my daughter all over again.

It was an experience that I was robbed of as a mother and I wish I could take it all back.

"Mommy who is that?" Leah pointed into the distance and a woman was in the far distance wearing a dark blue cloak. The hood was up so I couldn't quite see her face

"Stay here my love I'll go take a quick look," I told her. I was just as curious and had to investigate.

I started running further away from the tree but each time I got further I looked back making sure Leah was still there. If this was a threat I didn't want Leah hurt.

I caught up to the woman and faced her. "Show yourself" I demanded.

She lifted the cloak's hood off of her head and I stood there.

I couldn't believe what I was experiencing or looking at.

I was-

Staring at myself.

"I am the form of your lost soul, it isn't lost anymore it was obtained by very good people." She stated.

"You are soulless and you need your soul in order to live with your daughter in reality. If you do not obtain your soul you will be forgotten forever and left in this world living a fantasy until you turn to ash. Try to remember your friends they will help you before you are forgotten."

And with that she disappeared.

I looked back at the tree and Leah also disappeared.

I started running back to the tree when I tripped on a rock and hit my head.


I'm back guyssss 

What will happen to Katalina is she trapped?

Where is Leah?

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