Senior Squad

By DarkWolf13

2.9K 401 677

After being saddled with the responsibility of planning the school's events, five teens navigate their way th... More

Part I| "Where Did We Go Wrong?"
1| "It's Just Another Day."
2| "We Just Have to Try."
3| "I'm Sorry That Happened."
4| "I Just Need To Feel Normal."
5| "I'd Rather Be Pregnant."
6| "I'm a Whole New Girl."
7| "I'm The Odd One Out."
9| "I Have Friends."
10| "Oh Look, Brownie Points For You."
11| "They are Always With Me."
12| "I Bet That Stung."
13| "That's Not The Only Thing I Felt."
14| "I Can Lift Boxes."
15| "She's Like The Sister I Never Had."
Part II| "Once We Were Blind, Now We See All."
16| "I Need Someone Right Now."
17| "I'm a Pacifist."
18| "Let's Be Real Here."
19| "I'm Not Good With Apologies."
20| "I'd Take Him Over You Any Day."
21| "I'm A Person Too."
22| "I Wanted You To Come Home."
23| "I Had No Regrets."
24| "She Knows You Loved Her."
25| "It Affects Us."
26| "Those Sources Are Bullsh*t."
27| "I Will Bury You."
28| "You Were There For Me."
29| "Don't Make Things Harder For Yourself."
30| "I'm Full Of Surprises."
Part III| "Are We Enough?"
31| "The Dreamboat Has Arrived."
32| "Maybe He's Somewhere."
33| "This Is Not How I Pictured Things."
34| "He Just Has That Effect."
35| "I'm Still Your Son."
36| "I've Missed You Too."
37| "At Least They Acknowledge You."
38| "Mistakes Aren't Just Mistakes Anymore."
39| "This Is A Death Sentence."
40| "You Can't Do Anything With Almost."
41| "This Is Our Crazy Mess."
42| "That's What Justice is For."
43| "The Beacons of Cheerful Procrastination."

8| "You Want Some Scotch with That?"

101 12 21
By DarkWolf13


Oh fuck me, I held my head tight as the sound of rain pelted against my window. The noise wasn't as big of a problem compared to this fucking headache I had from attempting to learn the electric guitar. It sucked. Big time. I couldn't figure out how to work this bitch and now my neighbors hated me, my head was pounding, and I was alone. Hell, I'd rather have Roland around to torment me than being stuck here by myself with all my dark thoughts. Yeah, I'm a real fuck-up sometimes.

As ten o'clock rolled around, I rolled out of bed and finally committed to something. I threw on some blue shorts, a grey hoodie, and my sneakers for running before heading outside and taking a nice, long run. I didn't care how wet it was or how my favorite MP3 finally bit the dust in a puddle of water, I would keep running. It was the least I could do to keep myself occupied.

After reaching two miles just over fifteen minutes, I stopped at the nearest gas station. My legs were on fire as I hunched over, heaving and breathing for awhile. Sweat trickled down my face and continued until I wiped it off before heading inside where I saw a friendly and familiar face.

"Morning." I waved to him and he waved back.

"Good morning, Johnny."

"What's up?"

"Just the usual." Kalu shrugged. "It's been a slow day."

"Yeah." I nodded and came closer to the front desk. "But wait. I thought you were off at Princeton or something. Didn't you leave last week?"

"Unfortunately not." Kalu responded in a dejected tone.

I looked around for a moment before coming forward again. "What happened?"

"So apparently, I was getting all these offers and special accommodations for, you know..." Kalu gestured with his left hand in a spiral.

"I feel you."

"About that, I found out just how shady these weasels were. Some weren't even equipped to help with physical afflictions like mine. They only said that so I'd come and get treated like a god."

"Oh that's the worst." I couldn't help but shake my head. "They might as well call you a one-armed bandit to your face."

Kalu snorted and covered his mouth before he used that same hand to shake his pointer finger. "Ah, you're a funny one. To be honest, I'd rather have that too. At least spare me the indignity."

"Did they all do that?"

"No, but they also felt the need to bend like a pretzel for me because I have such a brilliant mind. I decided to keep working here."

"You sure that's what you want?" I asked. "I'm sure there's other places that are worth your time."

"Nah, it's fine." Kalu humbly accepted. "I'll admit the customer ignorance can be a bit frustrating, though I'm able to do my job efficiently and put my mind to use every once in awhile."

"Well that's nice."

"It really is. Now, would you like to buy something?" Kalu asked in a friendly tone.

"Sure, just give me a minute."

I totally forgot, I was starving and thirsty as fuck. Maybe I should some of that blue Gatorade or Mountain Dew. No, the Gatorade. Sometimes I get jittery when I drink that shit. Plus it sorta screws with my mind after I take my meds. It's such a pain but I could live without that extra oomph.

While I scanned through the drinks, I saw this hot chick slowly walking up and down the aisles. At first, I planned to ignore her but then she got closer and closer. She licked her lips and made a few moaning noises. I didn't get hard, though I did feel a little tingle inside and an urge. Before I realized it, my legs were moving and my mouth was open. My seduction game was on.

"Hey girl, what's shakin'?" I asked with a smile.

"T-t-the world..." She slowly turned to me and I gasped.

"Whoa." I stepped back when I saw her face. She had a cut on her pale face, a bruises on her arms, and her eyes were bloodshot.

"Am I home?" she tried touching my face but I slid to the right. "Daddy, is t-that you?"

Oh god...I felt my heart racing faster "Kalu!"

"What's the matter?"

"We have a problem."

"We?" I heard Kalu's footsteps grow louder until they reached a screeching halt. "Good lord."

"I know." I told him without looking back.


She smiled and turned to him. "I finally took care of him...Aren't you proud?"

"Kalu..." I murmured without looking back. "What's the plan?"

"I'll get my manager."

He scurried away while Heather held her head and wobbled in place. I put my arms out which felt really awkward considering I just tried flirting with her before. Oh how the times have changed.

"H-hey, are you alright?"

"I believe so." Heather's slurred delivery only made me step closer as her eyes blinked until she groaned and fell into my arms.

"It's okay. I got you."

"Everyone's had me." Heather murmured with her last breath.


She didn't respond and I looked around before lightly shaking her. "Heather?"

Still no response.

"Heather, please wake up." I commanded while stroking her hair though she was still out cold.

Oh shit! I closed my eyes and felt myself trembling hard inside. How the hell did I get here? How?

More sweat dripped off my face as I could feel the redness eat away at my skin. I turned my head and shouted. "Kalu, call 911!"

"What happened?"

I put two fingers on her neck to make sure this was really happening and told Kalu, "There's a pulse... but she's not-she's n-not breathing."

"I'm on it." Kalu responded while I looked down at Heather.

"Damn it," I whispered in denial that she was possibly dead? I don't know. I couldn't tell. God, why couldn't I stay home on a rainy day like a normal guy? At least then, the only possible deaths I'd deal with would be on my screen. Except this wasn't another video game, this was reality. My reality.

Within the next fifteen minutes, I saw red, flashing lights stream through the windows and the distant siren blaring amplified tremendously. I almost forgot to breathe as I looked up.

My hearing must've been gone since all the things they were saying seemed to escape me. All I could see was Kalu inaudibly explaining the situation, Heather lifted onto a gurney and taken out by the paramedics, cops talking amongst themselves. I stood alone with my body so rigid and numb. This all felt way too familiar. With a single blink, I was seeing him again. That was the last memory we had before coming here and starting fresh. Mom, Dad, Roland, and I would move forward like he didn't even matter. They still haven't realized that I still miss him. Well, Roland does, except he'll never live down what I said.

As the memories from Seattle began to engulf my mind, I shook my head and blinked again. I didn't see him anymore and was able to breathe once more. One of the officers pulled me aside. For a second, I didn't recognize him until facing him and seeing that mustache. Before I could speak, he told me. "You saved her life."

"Oh, I wouldn't say that."

"Actually, you did." He reassured me in a warmer tone. "You see, if you hadn't noticed something was wrong when you did, she could've suffered for hours and would've died."

"Wow." I remarked.

"Yes." Officer Novak nodded. "And with what you just went through, I bet you're exhausted."

"You're right about that." I chuckled.

"Well I suggest you lay low for awhile. It's not easy being in situations like this but you son, you handled it better than most people would. You should be proud."

"Thanks, Officer."

"No problem." He patted me on the back with a smile. "You know, I was worried the other day because you weren't so sure on your answer but now, I can really see a good future in your life."

"Oh." I nodded, faintly remembering Wednesday's ordeal and how that left a bad taste in my mouth.

Officer Novak's walkie-talkie went off and he spoke into it before he said, "Alright. I have to get back to the station. You have a good rest of the day."

"You too." I replied while watching him and his people make their way out and drive off. I stepped out of the gas station and sighed. I then found myself walking down to the sidewalk. I stood there for the longest time until I sat myself down on the curb.

What a morning, I shook my head and stared at the wet street. Rain drizzled around, though I didn't care. It actually felt refreshing since it's been such a busy morning.

I felt the wind blow through my hair and continued staring forward until my phone buzzed. I pulled it out to see a reminder. Fuck, I totally forgot. We had a meeting today in an hour. I let out a long, extended groan while my hands slid down my face. Today was not the day for planning events. I just wanted to shower, lay around, maybe finish that essay that's due Tuesday, and decompress. Unfortunately, this wasn't gonna happen.

Right as I was about to text the group, a message from Logan popped up.

"Hey bro, so you know that chick I was with yesterday?"

"Yeah. What about her?" I texted him back.

"She ditched me."


"Ya. Like one and done. So fucked up."

"Imma be at your place at 12. Hope that's cool."

Dude, I don't have time for this, I clutched onto my phone and growled a little. I was really tempted to tell him no. On the other hand, he's my best friend. Even though he had a track record of not being around for me half of the time, I was there for him almost all the time and he was always grateful. I just hoped he'd be understanding especially with the position I was in. I took a moment to really think what I wanted to say before responding to his text.

"Listen. I got shit to do. Real shit. Wanna meet at 3?"

"What kind of shit?"

"Does it matter?"


"Ugh," I grumbled to myself and sent one last text.

"Logan, I'm meeting with that group at 12. If I don't, my life is gonna get a whole lot shittier. Do you understand?"


Logan's texted seemed ominous and minutes later, I was proven right.

"Nevermind, I'll just go to Bruce's place. Thanks for the help, bro."

Aw shit, I closed my eyes after reading his message. It didn't take a genius to figure out that was pure sarcasm, passive-aggressive shade. My fingers tensed up on my phone as the urge to fix this mounted inside. My knee bounced rapidly until I stood up and walked away. I couldn't help but feel upset by what Logan said, but it was already done. Now I had to just accept it, go home, and make the best of this shitty day.

* * * * *

"Oh come on!" I tried starting my car up. This better not be falling apart, it's a brand new car that I paid for myself.

Eventually, I got out to open the hood which had smoke coming out. I coughed as the wind blew it away. Once the smoke was gone, I saw the problem.

"Fuck!" I snapped my finger and turned away. It must've been dead since yesterday or something–Oh! Not to mention, was just at the fucking gas station too. There was place nearby that fixes that shit.

I kicked the tire repeatedly and cursed under my breath until I heard a friendly voice.

"Hey Johnny."

I turned around to see a girl with black hair and a purple streak. I swore I've seen her somewhere.

"Yo." I slickly replied with a nod while I stopped kicking the tire. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to apologize."


"Missing the game." She revealed as she put her hand to herself. "I'm Kim, by the way."

"I feel like I should know you, but I don't."

"I don't blame you." Kim chuckled. "They assigned me as your personal cheerleader and I had Elise fill in."

"Elise?" The name stuck out like a blue tuxedo. "You know her?"

"Well, we met yesterday. She's really awesome."

"I know." I smiled.

"Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I'll be back cheering for you in the next game."

"Cool." I nodded.

She gave a crooked smile before turning away to her car–Wait! Wait one second.

"Uh, Kim?" I called out.

She stopped and halfway turned. "Yeah?"

"So this is gonna sound awkward, but do you have any jumper cables?"

Kim faced me again and said, "Yeah, except I've never used them before."

"Well I have."

"I bet you need some help, don't you?"

"Uh-huh." I profusely nodded while she giggled.

"I'm happy to help."

Kim pulled her car over and gave me the cables once she came out. I plugged one into hers and the other into mine. It took a few minutes though it worked like a charm. I started my car again and it ran.

"Score!" I exclaimed as Kim came by.

"You got it to work?" she asked with a smile on her face.

"Yeah." I nodded. "Thanks for the help."

"Oh, it was nothing." Kim waved off as she took the cables out and put them back into her car. She turned to me after I stood closer to her. "I'll see you Monday?"

"Sure." I agreed. "See you Monday."

She backed up as I put my car in reverse. I waved to her and she did the same before I left the driveway. I've gotta hand it to her, she's real humble and cute. Not even in the anime kind of way, more like... bunnies. No, that's how I'd describe Lyle being the beta male he is. Actually, she reminds me of flowers. Tulips, daisies, and whatnot. She's got that scent too.

The thoughts of Kim still lingered on my mind as I parked outside the meeting place. Once I got out, I put my baseball cap on, my hood up, and went inside. To my surprise, Aria and Lyle were an easy find.

"How long have you guys been here?" I asked as they sat across from each other in a booth.

"Thirty minutes." Aria answered.

"What, are you guys on a date?" I teased Lyle while scooting next to him. He didn't say a word as I nudged him in the stomach. "I thought you didn't dig the chicks."

"I don't." Lyle quietly responded.

"What's his deal?"

"He's had a rough morning." Aria answered.

"Uh, so have I."

Lyle snorted when I said that, propelling me to ask him. "Something funny over there?"

"Maybe." Lyle shrugged before he faced me. "I don't know what your morning was like, but were you in the ghetto this morning?"

"Nope, but I did save a life."

"In real life or just Call of Duty?"

"Real life." I beamed, rubbing it right in his face. "Oh, and don't be hatin' on that game. It's fucking awesome."

Lyle put his finger up and opened his mouth though stopped and folded his arms. He hated me, but he loved me too like many other people in my life.

With Lyle going all Gandhi on me and awkward silence filling the air, I realized something was missing.

"Hey, where's Elise at?" I asked.

Aria shrugged. "I figured she'd be here first since she's a stickler on time."

It must've been a coincidence, though right when Aria answered, Elise walked right in. Or should I say hobbled?

Elise hobbled inside with sunglasses, sweats, and a lavender hoodie. She held her head and sat herself down with us. Her deep groaning sounded incredibly painful. Despite this turn of events, I asked the first thing that came to mind. "Are you wasted?"

"Nope. Just tired." She smacked her lips a little and let her left elbow hold her head up while resting the other arm. Her voice was a bit raspy though a bit hot too. "I was up till about three, maybe four? I don't know."

"But you're okay?"

"Uh-huh." Elise answered.

I leaned in to sniff for some booze though Aria swatted at me. She then let out a sigh of relief and put her hands together. I could feel the enthusiasm burning through her body. "So where should we–"

"Stop." Elise softly clutched Aria's wrist. "Can-can you lower your voice? It sounds like an alarm sliding down rainbows."

Lyle snorted again and I let out a chuckle myself as Aria shook her head and started again in a quieter tone. "As I was saying, what do we do? We've got today and tomorrow to decide."

"For Homecoming?" I asked.


I looked around and nobody threw in any ideas. I had some... though they could've been done before in past years. I shook my head and shrugged. "Yeah, I don't know how the hell we're gonna make it happen because last year's was so lit up."

"The blackout, neon, and Hot in Here?" Aria asked.

"Bingo." I snapped my finger. "Plus, that class was so... connected. Ours isn't. You get what I mean?"

"I sure do." Elise chimed in. "I don't even know the names of half of our class, let alone care to know them in the first place. Everyone hangs with their own group whether they be nerds, cheerleaders, black, white, Hispanic–"

"Hey!" Aria scolded.

"I'm generalizing here." Elise told her with a stern tone as she sat up and let out a sigh. "The point is, we can't figure out what to do unless we bring our class together."

"How would we do that?" Aria asked.

"We could use Facebook." Lyle suggested much to my surprise.

"Since when do you use Facebook?" I scoffed.

"Oh, I never do." Lyle responded. "Except for when I'm searching up those precious animal groups and what I can do to save them."


Lyle made annoyed groaning noise before he continued. "I found out that the key to getting everyone together was through a Facebook group or a Snapchat."

"I feel like the latter would be very irritating," Aria said.

"Yeah, no shit." I followed up. "Who wants to hear a ding at four in the mourning 'cause some dumbass thought they were ordering pizza?"

"Mmm... that sounds really good right now." Elise's stomach gurgled loudly prompting Lyle to slide as far away as he could in the booth. Elise then hiccuped and moaned a little.

"It sounds more like a bottle of vodka." Lyle remarked.

Elise faced him with her stony eyes. "Don't you have fish to watch?"

"As a matter of fact, I don't." Lyle responded. "Also they're not that exciting."

"Neither is this," Elise said before burying her head in her arms again.

All this circling around made me laugh to the point I shook my head. "Dude, we sure as hell aren't gonna be ready by Monday."

"I second that." Lyle agreed.

"Me three." Elise followed up.

"Not to mention, I've got shit to do." I chuckled. "It ain't gettin' done here."

"Yeah, my dad will kill me if I can't–"

"Alright, enough!" Aria shouted and slammed her hands down on the table. A vein had popped on her forehead and to be honest, I was a bit scared myself.

Aria kept breathing and staring us down until she spoke up. "You know what, I'm not ready either, but at least I'm making the best of a real shitty situation."

"We're trying." I told her.

"Well try harder." She shouted back before she began waving that finger of hers around. "And I know you've all got issues too."

She pointed to me. "You got guy issues."

She pointed to Lyle. "You got daddy issues."

She didn't even point to Elise. "And she's just a mess."

"Fuck you." Elise groaned while her head was buried in her arms.

Aria ignored her and carried on. "Look, we have a job to do and–"

"None of us wanted this," I said.

"Of course we didn't, yet we still got stuck with this." Aria responded, exuding all that sarcasm our way. "Seriously, you guys need to get over your shit right now."

"You guys need to get over your shit right now." Elise mocked in a smarmy voice.

Aria turned her head fast. "Really immature."

"Yeah, just like your voice."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you can't be taken serious because you sound like a princess even when you're pissed." I cut in.

"Uh, was she asking you, Captain Obvious?" Elise sneered. That was... unexpected.

"Someone's crabby today." I remarked.

"Yeah, I'm not in the mood. I'd rather be home with some ramen."

"You want some scotch with that?"

"Oh fuck off." Elise raised her head. Even through the shades, I could tell she had the death stare on. "Why are you even here? Nobody likes you."

"I'm part of the team whether you like it or not."

"Some team. Normack seriously could've chosen anyone over you."

"What's your problem?" The words fell out of my mouth. Usually, Elise was my favorite of these three except now she was getting on my nerves too.

"I don't have a problem." Elise insisted. "I thought you guys would have better ideas than I would but nope. Honestly, I'd be sleeping."

"You can easily do that," Lyle said.

"So it's settled then?" Elise's ears perked up. "We can leave?"

"If you want."

"Perfect." Elise got up and left.

I growled inside while seeing both Lyle and Aria glaring at me.


"Go after her." Lyle demanded.

"But I–"

"Just do it." Aria chimed in.

"Fine." I reluctantly agreed before getting up and opening the door. I heard a low, rumbling sound and saw the sky grow darker, though it did nothing to deter me.

"Elise!" I shouted, yet she kept walking.


She still didn't slow down or respond. God, one day I was gonna stop chasing her. Though today was not that day. With the rain pouring down harder, I put up my hood and ran. "Can you please wait?"

"Nope," Elise said.

"Please, talk to me."

"Johnny, I don't want to talk right now."

"But I do!" Those words flew right out of me, louder than expected.

She suddenly froze and I did too. Elise turned around with her arms folded. She took off her sunglasses and stared me down. Her eyes were stone cold when she finally spoke up. "Why does it matter?"

"Normally, I wouldn't give a fuck except now... it's interfering with my life."

"Wow. Narcissism. Always gotta make it about you, it's like a fucking disease." She scoffed.

"Well maybe if you weren't so goddamn cold, this wouldn't be an issue."

"Is this about last night?" Elise asked with a slightly higher pitch in her voice. "I was fine, okay? I went back with Zeppelin, we indulged a little, end of story."

"No, that's not all."

"What more, do you want me to say?"

"I just need to know that you're alright." I pleaded with her. "Are you alright?"

"I am."

"I don't believe you."

"Of course not." Elise turned her head and snickered. "You'd never believe that I'm perfectly fine."

"Because you're not fine."

"How would you know?"

"I have a feeling." I told her.

"Feelings don't equal facts, Johnny."

"I know, but that still doesn't mean I'm not worried about you 'cause I am."

"Don't be." Elise shook her head. "Look, I'm already under a lot of pressure to come home. Between that, this planning shit, and my parents worrying like you, I'm drowning."

"I understand. Now if you think this behavior here won't worry them, well then you need to wake the fuck up."

"Oh please." Elise rolled her eyes. "They already worry because of how I feel about my brother. The last thing I need is for my parents to think I'm this damaged drunk girl too."

"Hey, you wouldn't be the first to disappoint them."

I heard the wind howl while Elise gasped. It didn't occur to me what I had really said until seeing her eyes twitch and her jaw hang down. Oh god no. She took that as a jaded comment against her brother. Damn it, why did I say that?

"Fuck. I didn't mean it like that."

"Wow..." Elise's eyes remained still as her tone grew more firm and dry. "I knew you were an asshole but that's just low."

"Elise, I–"

"No!" She shouted and shook her head. "I told you something about me yesterday that I barely tell anyone and you threw that in my face. How dare you."

"I never meant–"

"How fucking dare you!" She shoved me hard. "Go away!"

"Listen, I'm so–"

"Please." She begged. The rain drenched her hair which was nearly as wet as her face. "I hate you so much right now. I really do."

"I'm sorry."

"I know." Elise sniffled and nodded. She backed away and closed her eyes tight before facing me again. "Just do me a favor and stay the hell away. I don't want to talk to you, I don't care about you, and after today, we're done. Actually, no. These are my terms. You are just another guy I'm in a group with and I'm another girl you work with and that's all it is. It's not that much to ask. Can you do that for me? Please?"

It was hard to look her in the eyes and see her pain. I wanted to fix it though from the looks of it, this couldn't be fixed, at least not overnight. I reached out to touch her face, but she resisted. At that point, I accepted our new dynamic and said, "Yeah. I can do that."

"Thank you." She whispered in a broken voice before she turned around and left.

I watched her go as the rain continued falling down. She disappeared in the midst of the storm while I stood there shaking my head.

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