Sasha Banks' Twin Sister

By JazzyVenecia46

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Tanya Banks aka Vivian Varnado is the twin sister of Sasha Banks aka Mercedes Varnado. These two sisters were... More

Tanya Banks
Chapter 1: The Return of Tanya Banks
Chapter 2: Team Tanya V.S. Team Summer
Chapter 3: Battle of The Sexes
Chapter 5: Messing With The Lunatic
Chapter 6: Commentary
Chapter 7: Mixed Tag-Team Match
Chapter 8: I Thought He Was Different
Chapter 9: A New Opportunity
Chapter 10: Night At The Club
Chapter 11: More Teamwork
Chapter 12: New Raw Women's Champion
Chapter 13: Photoshoot Day
Chapter 14: First Match As Grand Slam Champion
Chapter 15: Mercedes Finds Out The Truth
Chapter 16: Suspicions
Chapter 17: Old Videos
Chapter 18: The Beach W/ Colby & Joelle
Chapter 19: Three-On-One Handicap Match
Chapter 20: Vivian Finds Out The Truth
Chapter 21: Everything's Okay Now
Chapter 22: A New Me
Chapter 23: Iron-Man Match
Chapter 24: Recovery *Mini Chapter*
Chapter 25: "I'm Already Cleared, Bitches."
Chapter 26: The Banks Sisters V.S. Paige and Alicia Fox
Chapter 27: Anger The Hounds, You Get The Teeth
Chapter 28: Anniversary
Chapter 29: Is This Really Happening?
Chapter 30: 10-Woman Tag-Team Main Event
Chapter 31: Triple Date
Chapter 32: Wedding
Chapter 33: Honeymoon
Chapter 34: The Next Morning
Chapter 35: The Power Couple Of WWE
Chapter 36: A Shocking Reveal
Chapter 37: I'll Be There To Help You. I Promise.
Chapter 38: Saved
Chapter 39: You're In My Veins
Author's Note
Chapter 40: Gender Reveal & Baby Shower
Chapter 41: Girl's Day Out + Drama
Chapter 42: Serving Justice For Tanya
Chapter 43: Home Sweet Home And Baby Gifts
Chapter 44: Emily Ashley Good
Chapter 45: The New Mom Life
Chapter 46: Saving The Besties
Chapter 47: #1 Contender Battle Royal
Chapter 48: Instagram Post
Chapter 49: Family Is Forever
Chapter 50: Best Friends, Better Enemies
Chapter 51: Sometimes, Blood Just Isn't Thicker Than Water
Chapter 52: Confronting Sasha
Chapter 53: Sasha Banks & Kevin Owens V.S. Tanya & Roman Reigns
Chapter 54: Late Night Comfort
Chapter 55: The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend
Chapter 56: Royal Rumble
Chapter 57: Paige & Tanya V.S. Eva and Sasha
Chapter 58: Instagram Post 2
Chapter 59: 10-Person Tag-Team Match
Chapter 60: Kidnapped
Chapter 61: Kidnappers Revealed
Chapter 62: Emotional Revelations
Chapter 63: Husband To The Rescue
Chapter 64: Reunion
Chapter 65: A Happy Family
Chapter 66: A New Feud, A Dream Match
Chapter 67: Tanya Reigns & Dean Ambrose V.S Marina Shafir & Rodrick Strong
Chapter 68: Instagram Post 3
Chapter 69: Valentine's Day
Chapter 70: Problems With Baron Corbin
Chapter 71: Tanya Ambrose V.S. Mia Yim
Chapter 72: Baron Corbin V.S. Dean Ambrose
Chapter 73: Instagram Post 4
Chapter 74: Tanya, Bayley, & Seth V.S. Baron, Ronda, and Jessamyn
Chapter 75: First Words + Backstage Drama
Chapter 76: Fun At The Beach
Chapter 77: Wrestlemania Training
Chapter 78: Hall Of Fame
Chapter 79: Wrestlemania Part 1
Chapter 80: Wrestlemania Part 2
Chapter 81: Instagram Post 5
Chapter 82: The Shield V.S. The Undisputed Era & Marina Shafir
Chapter 83: Emily's Birthday
Chapter 84: Instagram Post 6
Chapter 85: Elijah Benjamin Good
Chapter 86: Instagram Post 7
Chapter 87: Elimination Chamber
Chapter 88: Instagram Post 8
Chapter 89: The Unstable Royalty V.S. Fire N' Desire
Chapter 90: Epilouge

Chapter 4: Babysitting Joelle

8.2K 131 3
By JazzyVenecia46

Vivian's P.O.V.

I was on my way to Joe and Galina's house to babysit Joelle. They were going to go out on a date, and they needed someone to watch her. I happily volunteered because I love that little girl so much. She even sees me as her aunt, since I am Joe's best friend. In fact, I'm close to not only him and Joelle, but also Galina, Dwayne, Trinity, Jimmy, and Jey. The twin's father is pretty cool too.

Galina and I are really good friends. I met her and Joelle when Joe and I were backstage after a match and we hit it off pretty well. She's so sweet and supportive and has told me if I ever wanted to talk, she'd be there for me.

I finally got to their house and turned off my car before getting out. I walked to the door and knocked. The door opened, reveling Galina dressed in a beautiful red dress with her hair straightened. "Hi, Viv!" she greeted. "Hi!" I greeted as I gave her a hug and she gestured for me to come in. I walked inside and I was greeted with Joe and Joelle on the couch. He was wearing a fancy suit with his hair tied back.

"Hi, Viv." he told me. "Hi, Joe." I said as he stood up and hugged me. After we pulled away, I looked at Joelle, who was coloring in her coloring book. "Hey, Jojo." I greeted her. She looked up and stopped what she was doing as her eyes lit up. "Aunt Viv!" she chirped as she wrapped her arms around my neck and I smiled. I hugged her back. Soon, she released me as I looked at her parents.

"We'll be back around 10:45. Make sure she's in bed by 9:30. She always takes a bath before bed. There's pasta in the oven right now. It should be ready in 15 minutes." Galina told me. I smiled and nodded as they said bye to Joelle before leaving. I sat on the couch before looking at Jojo. "So, what are you coloring?" I asked her. "A blue birdie. I want to show it to Mommy and Daddy." she explained. I nodded before I wrapped an arm around her as she continued drawing. I turned on the T.V and found Cinderella on, so I decided to put it on.

Soon, I heard a ding and I went to go check to see if the pasta was ready. I saw that it was, so I used mittens and got the pasta out and set it to where the table was. "Jojo. You hungry?" I asked her. "Yes, Auntie Viv." she replied. She came over and showed me the drawing she made. "It's cute. I'll put it here, okay?" I asked her as I put the drawing on the fridge. She smiled and nodded before she sat down on her chair.

I served her some pasta and put some on my plate as well. I got some orange juice and poured some for me and her. After that, I joined her at the table and we began eating. "So, Jojo. How's your Mommy doing?" I asked her. "She's good." she replied as she took a bite out of her pasta. As we were eating, Joelle looked at me.

"Aunt Viv?" she asked. "Yes?" I asked her. "I want to see you win the title." she explained. "Don't sorry, Sweetie. I will one day. I promise." I told her as I sipped the orange juice. "You and Daddy were awesome in that match." she told me. I smiled. "Thank you, Jojo." I told her as I kissed her head. We continued eating until we were finished. I put the leftovers in the fridge and washed the dishes before Joelle and I were in the living room.

"Aunt Viv?" she asked. "Yeah?" I replied. "Can we go to the park?" she asked. I smiled and nodded. "Sure." I said. I got my keys and picked her up in my arms as we got to my car. I buckled her in before getting into the driver's seat. The park was about 15 minutes from where we were. I started the car and drove off. We sang a couple karaoke Disney songs to pass time in the car on our way over there.

We got to the park and I got Joelle out and we walked hand-in-hand as we saw parents playing with their children and having fun. Joelle ran to the kiddie swings and got on. I smiled and slowly began to push her until she was fully swinging. Her laughter made me smile even more as I laughed along with her. "You having fun, babygirl?" I asked her. "Yes!" she replied with a bright smile.

I pushed ber until she wanted to get off. After that, we got to the slide. "Go, Sweetie. I'll be waiting." I told her. She got inside and I went to the bottom of the slide as she reached it. I extended my arms out and she slid into my arms. "Gotcha, Cupcake!" I told her as we both laughed as I spinned her a little. I set her down before we ended up at a duck pond. I got a small loaf of bread from a nearby stand and handed some to Joelle.

She laughed with excitement and jumped up and down as the ducks and ducklings ate the crumbs we fed them. We spent about an hour at the park having fun before it was about 8:30. I got her and we went back to the car. We drove back to the house and she was a little tired. I guess from all the running and playing.

She ended up yawning. "Tired, babygirl?" I asked. She nodded as I picked her up and took her to her room to get her pajamas. I took her to the bathroom and ended up setting a warm bath for her. When she was in, she was having fun with the bubbles and even splashed me a little. When she was done, I dried her off and put her pajamas on her.

I took her to her room and tucked her underneath her covers. I kissed her forehead and was about to leave until she grabbed my arm. "Stay?" she asked. I smiled and nodded before she scooped and I lay on the bed with her. I wrapped an arm around her small frame and stroked her hair until she fell asleep. I felt myself yawn and before I knew it, I was out as well, next to Joelle.

The next morning, I was surprised to find myself still with Joelle. That's when Joe came in and told me that he and Galina saw how their daughter and I were cuddled, so, they didn't feel the need to disturb me. They let me stay the night. I thanked them and joined them for breakfast before I had to go. I couldn't wait to babysit Joelle again.

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