An amateur zombie film

By PterodactylTamer

4.8K 107 65

What happens when a music producer decides to combine Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj for a duet//cover of Mich... More

Authors note
Scene 1 - the scene where they come up with the WORST idea ever
Scene 2 - Chilling in Death's apartment
Scene 3 - the scene where the zombies actually make an appearance.
Scene 4 - the news reporter makes an appearance!
Scene 5 - the main characters are FINALLY introduced!
Scene 6 & 7 - the zombies can't take the 'music,' Laurie fights off the fans!
Scene 8 and 9 - Pancakes and plans
Scene 10 - the dance number scene
Scene 11 - Video Journal Mash up scene
Scene 12 - zombie battle
Scene 13 - The, oh, I don't have an interesting title to put up here scene.
Scene does anyone really care what number we're up to? Ok, so it's number 14
Scene 15 - the end of Laura
Scene 17 - Patrick delivers a speech.
Scene 18 - Mister Maths Teacher
Scene 20 - the scene where zombies and fan-girls fight
Scene 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26 - elevators
Scene 27 and 28. I got nothing of interest to put here.
Scene 29 - Lamingtons and Noses
Scene 30 - Patrick's a girl?!?!
Scene 31 - Carter the Cyborg
Scene 32 - The Reunion-eth
Scene 33, 34, 35
Scene 36 - the FINAL scene


110 2 2
By PterodactylTamer

Group are walking cheerfully along, whistling, when suddenly, they turn a corner to see zombies.

Mel: We’re outnumbered...

Jack: Run?

Jamie: Run.

Carter: Hey, we could take these guys on.

Patrick: Don’t be an idiot.

Zombie 1 (yes, the little one again. I had to use the promise of more lines to bribe her to do something for me. Don’t judge me, ok?): People! Get them!

Jamie: Oh boy. Run!!!

All of the group turn and run away, screaming, whilst the zombies chase after them.

Jack: In there! (points to a building, before running inside)

Jamie: It’s a honey store!

Mel: I love honey!

Patrick: Grab some honey!

Carter: I really don’t think now is the time Patrick!

Patrick: (turning around to face Carter) There’s always time for food.

Jamie: Watch out! Someone’s spilt honey all over the floor!

Jack: (tripping, falls into the honey) I’m drowning!

Jamie: In honey?

Jack: arghh gargle blarg

Mel: What did he say?

Carter: I think he said go on without him, there’s a tonne of zombies right behind you.

Patrick: Zombies!!! (runs off, screaming like a little girl)

Shopkeeper:Hey! That’s me honey you hooligans be stealing!

Jamie: You’re worrying about thieves?! We’re in the middle of a zombie apocalypse woman!

Jack: gurgle argh blah

Shopkeeper: Go on! Git! Git outta here!

Jamie, Mel and Carter follow Patrick out of the back exit, leaving Jack alone, drowning in honey

Shopkeeper: darn hooligans.

Zombies shamble in, attacking Jack, the Shopkeeper, and honey.


Dedicated to AurelieBonhoffen for giving me the idea of someone drowning in honey or some other gooey liquid :D I had to change it from a factory to a shop though, since we have no factories where I live that would let us film a zombie scene...

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