Disguised Beauty {Pure Illusi...

By ZuzuHiddles

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Death, destruction and desolation. That is all that is left in the palace of Asgard for Sigyn; the once trait... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Author's Note

Chapter 1

3.5K 127 52
By ZuzuHiddles

A/N: HI GUYS <3 I didn't do a author's note last chapter, just because... ANYWAYS, we're going to title the next several chapters "Theoric can just suck it" because he's in them A LOT and since we know he's a dirty-rotten liar... yeah we don't like him, but we want Sigyn to be happy and she is with him?? Whatever. But don't worry, Loki will pop up soon but you all will have to be patient! Just to inform you, this book gets dark, fast. I will obviously put trigger warnings as needed.

This novel picks up about five months after the Epilogue. It seems to start out slow.. but didn't you guys learn the last time that I'm like a roller coaster that slowly takes you towards your favorite things and JUST when you're in reach, I rip them away and send you hurtling downwards into a giant pool of feels????? 

Obviously not because here you are preparing to read Book 2. Haha! Now, time to begin our journey... as always, enjoy! 


“How does it look?”

Sigyn twirled in place, her elegant white dress swaying back and forth around her body. The sleeves slid off her shoulders slightly as the top crisscrossed over her chest with a designed fabric bringing it snug about her waist. Just below that, about mid-thigh, the dress cascading off her body in ruffles flowing every which way. 

Véar, who had been silently gazing at her, let a smile spread across her face. 

“It should be a wonder that Theoric will be able to keep his hands off of you during the ceremony!” 

The two laughed and let it fill the room, not caring who they disturbed, even if it were the entire palace. The two had grown closer over the past few months, with Eir retiring; Véar had become head healer while Sigyn took on her Véar’s former role. With the wedding but a month away, Sigyn had felt slightly overwhelmed as of late with all the preparations that still needed to be carried out. 

The blonde sighed, gazing at her beautiful figure in the mirror. It was strange to think that only eight months ago that she had been locked away in an Asgardian prison. It seemed so long ago that she traded in sleeping curled up on the floor of the cell for sleeping in the large chair by the fire. 

Originally, she had thought she had conquered her fear of sleeping in Loki’s bed as she had done it numerous times while he slept in the chair. But after his death, she couldn’t bring herself to lie in his bed, not without him watching over her. She told herself it would be better when she and Theoric were at last wed and would share one room. Loki’s room would be locked up until a later use, a chilling reminder that though they all boasted to be immortal, they truly weren’t. 

“I must attend to a few duties around the palace, my brother wishes for you to be at the Bifrost within the hour, Hogun has injured his shoulder once more and needs attention. Will you be able to tend to him on your own?” Véar reminding both of them that they had duties to fulfill and that day could not be filled with daydreams and dress up; no matter how much more appealing it was.

“Yes of course, I will see you for dinner?”

Véar nodded with a smile and dipped her head in respect as she took her leave. 

“I think the dress is quite beautiful on you my Lady.”

It was then that Sigyn was reminded that she was not alone in the chambers. Eméra, her chambermaid, came behind the blonde and began to untie the dress and undo the pins that would seamstress would fix later. The chambermaid came shortly after she accepted Theoric’s proposal. At first, she had refused the idea of a chambermaid simply because she was not of nobility, not to mention she found the idea of someone waiting on her hand and foot a bit unsettling. Of course it also didn’t go unnoticed that she used to be Loki’s chambermaid, been though she had only been a young girl at the time. Nevertheless, the two had grown close, not as close as she and Véar but fairly close. The girl had soft brunette hair in an intricate braided updo with a small headband. Her eyes were a shimmering brown, much darker than one might imagine but the suited her well.

“Thank you Lady Eméra, for everything.” Sigyn said, turning even though the girl’s nibble fingers were still untying the dress. Snatching the girl’s fingers, the two smiled at each other.

“It is not required for you to refer to me as a Lady. I am not of any nobility to be referred to as such.” Eméra turned Sigyn around again so she could finish removing the dress.

Handing her another dress, a long violet one that had bits of gold weaved into the shear fabric that fell over her arms, the chamber maiden began to help Sigyn put this dress on. Sigyn's blond curls shook like a rippling stream at the words of her friend. 

“Oh my dear Eméra, you are worth so much more than you think! You are one of my dearest friends and no title will ever define you as such to me, so do not let it define you.” 

The maiden smiled again, handing Sigyn a necklace Theoric had given her and of course, her engagement band.

“Thank you my Lady. I shall take these to the seamstress and see you later tonight?” 

Sigyn merely nodded as an answer and bid goodbye to her friend and was once again alone in her chambers.

Her fingers slid over the books, touching each spine as the afternoon light streamed in behind her from the balcony. Each book she had seen the spines countless times, though she had only read a few. Her fingers felt the magic that seemed to lie within the spines; no doubt from Loki’s touch.

A soft and sad smile graced her lips for she quite missed the mischievous man clad in green. It wasn’t that she missed his voice or anything of that nature, she honestly missed his silent presence where they could go hours without talking and not have an awkward silence. This something Theoric never seemed to master, not that she loved him any less, she just missed it.

“Find anything interesting my darling?” Theoric’s voice murmured quietly as his strong arms wrapped around her torso, his chin resting on her shoulder.

“Mmm perhaps. I thought you were off with Volstagg and Hogun and were due back in an hour’s time?” 

Turning in his arms, she worked her eyes up from his armored chest to his scruffy chin to the scar that ran over his left eye and then at last, his crystal clear blue eyes. Blinking a few times, she stared again at his eyes something was off… weren’t they normally hazel? But Theoric’s words drew her away from pondering this thought anymore. 

“I was, but I had a meeting last minute and could not attend. I thought I might accompany you to the Bifrost to meet Volstagg and Hogun.” 

Sigyn smiled, giving her warrior a small peck on the lips, grinning when she pulled away as he snagged another kiss from her. His lips held hers captive for what was longer than he probably should have, but it didn’t seem to matter as neither one wished to stop. A rumbling sound outside the balcony reminded both of them that Hogun and Volstagg would be here any minute, causing them to reluctantly pull apart.

“Why must our time always be cut short?” Theoric mumbled, their foreheads pressed together.

“In due time, we shall have more than enough time my love.” Their smiles mirroring each other; the truth to her words being their only thoughts for several minutes. 

“Come, let us allow you to attend to your duties, we would not want anyone to think poorly of you, if that were even possible.”

Sigyn rolled her eyes and let Theoric pull her through the hallways down towards the Bifrost.


 It hadn’t taken long to mend Hogun’s shoulder, just a few bandages and some medicine to alleviate the pain. 

“Thank you my Lady.” The warrior said before following Volstagg down the rainbow bridge to the castle. Sigyn dipped her head and turned back to Heimdall, the gatekeeper of Asgard.

Often, she and Véar would come down and listen to him tell countless stories about the other realms. If it were up to her, she would stay there every day just to hear about places other than Asgard. 

“Anything interesting to share today Heimdall?” The blonde’s bubbly voice piped up, as it was just now her; Theoric had followed Hogun and Volstagg to speak with the King.

The timeless gatekeeper hands never moved from the hilt of his blade nor did his helmet ever move when they spoke but she knew he was listening. His gold eyes blinked a few times, she knew he was looking for something new to share, something that she would be utterly spellbound by even if it were just his words to describe it to her.

“The shimmering light is being encased by darkness far beyond the reaches of Asgard and it is coming.”

Sigyn eyebrows scrunched together, confused by Heimdall's words Normally, he would tell her of beasts and creatures that were being born or discovered. Or sometimes even what Thor’s friends on Midgard were doing. They were a funny bunch, but Thor seemed happy; it was far too painful for him to remain at home without being reminded of all that he had lost.

“But do not fret my Lady, light darkness is just the absence of light.”

The maiden smiled a bit her hand slipping over the dark man’s large fingers, giving them a squeeze.

“You are always so hopeful my Lord. I appreciate our friendship, truly I do. Thank you for all the kindness you have shown to me, for everything.” 

The God now looked down upon the girl’s face, a smile just as wide gracing his lips. He gave her a firm head nod, his eyes focusing on her. She couldn’t explain it when he looked at her; it wasn’t like when he looked at Theoric, or Odin, no he looked through them. He looked at her and through her all at the same time. She couldn't explain it but it was different way than anyone else in the kingdom. 

“It is of no trouble Lady Sigyn, you are delight to have in this kingdom. Your presence and friendship of my sister is most welcomed. Thank you for your friendship.” 

Her smile only grew at the remarks of the God. Oh how she wished sometimes that Theoric could convey the same words to her, but he had never had a gift for that. Looking up at Heimdall, she was glad to count him as a true friend. It wasn’t that she had so little of friends, but many had come along when she had accepted Theoric’s proposal, many of which she knew were doing it because of her position on the council.

But then again, nobody wanted to be her friend when she was watching over Loki; he had driven almost everyone away from her. That had always seemed to be a problem of his, driving people away. She believed in part to be intentional so to hide the ones that already avoided him. Her mind always flickered back to him for some reason, whenever she thought of Theoric, she had hoped that aver all these months that it would fade. Frowning slightly at the thought because part of her wanted to forget, and part of her wished to always remember.

“Something troubles you my Lady?” A single brow from just under his helmet rose in a way that conveyed that he seemed to know what was troubling the blonde. But if he did, he did not vocalize this same thought.

“It is nothing good Heimdall, thank you once again. I shall see you soon.”

“Of course Lady Sigyn. Good day.”

Sigyn smiled, dipping her head in respect before heading down the rainbow bridge towards the palace.


 The way that the rainbow bridge shimmered with each step never ceased to amaze her. It was something that Theoric never understood, but Véar did. The two would often skip down the bridge like school girls and let the prism of light bounce off in ever direction. Continuing to watch her feet, she hadn’t realized how far she had walked until it hit cobblestone.

To the left, led a road to the villages. It was off the direct road to the palace and seldom traveled as many of the people in the village never left Asgard. Biting her lower lip, she decided to take a visit; it wasn’t often that she got to venture anywhere else about the kingdom.

The village was small. Of course, she had been here several times but always with Theoric so she was never really looking at the village. The thatch huts, the wells, the clothes hung out to dry; everything reminded her of home. The market place was still bustling, she could see it up ahead as it was only midday and they still had at least another four hours of sunlight. The sound of two voices to her right caught her attention as their antics sounded familiar.

“I wanna play!” The little girl argued, chasing her brother out the front door. She must have been about eight or nine and he eleven. He held a small sword and shield and she a long stick and a makeshift shield out of a pan lid. 

“No, you’re too little Amilia.” The boy said before he took off in the opposite direction of her, leaving her behind. 

The little girl sat down next to the wall of her house, fiddling with the hem of her tunic. She had soft red hair that was braided down her back. Her eyes were brown and freckles lit up her cheeks like fireflies did in the night sky. A few pieces of her braid fell out and over her face, to which she blew a puff of air in an attempt to get them out of her eyes. 

“Your brother won’t let you play with him will he?” Sigyn’s voice caught the girl’s attention causing her to look up at the woman clad in the beautiful violet dress. “May I sit with you?”

The girl nodded, sliding over a little so she could sit down next to her. The young girl’s knees drew up to her chest, playing with her fingers a bit before letting her chin rest on her knees.

“He never lets me play with him. He says it’s not a place for a girl. My name’s Amilia, what’s yours?” 

Sigyn smiled, the girl reminded her of herself at a young age. Actually, the siblings reminded her of herself and Sango. Though she was younger, she often would try to tag along with him, but usually she was not allowed to play with them because she was a girl. She would always have to play “the girl in distress” something she grew to hate more and more each day. Eventually, he had let her play, though he later regretted it. She became much better at fighting on her own by practicing movements so much that her muscles knew what to do before her mind did. Granted it wasn’t entirely proper technique, but it was enough to hold her own in the play fights she and his friends had.  

“My name’s Sigyn. And don’t worry; my brother never let me play either. But I think it’s just because he was afraid that I would be better than him. I’m sure you are an excellent fighter.”

The girl’s eyes went big nodding vigorously and words tumbled out of her mouth in recognition. 

“You’re the Lady Sigyn?! You are the one that is to be wed to the Lord Theoric! He is quite handsome; you are lucky to be pledged to him. Please tell me, what is Lady Sif like? Is she as good of a warrior as they say?? What of the Warriors Three? Do you know any of their stories?” The girl had turned so that she was facing Sigyn, sitting on her knees with her beg brown eyes begging for answers.

“The Lady Sif surpasses all stories of battles she has fought in. She is not to be trifled with. As for your other question-“

“Yes dear one, she is to be wed, though I disagree. I believe I am lucky to have her.” 

Theoric’s voice answered for Sigyn, his tall and muscular frame smaller now that he was only wearing his royal armor rather than the one clad in silver he had been wearing earlier.

“I’ve come to ask if you would join me for dinner this evening?” Theoric had extended his hand towards Sigyn, whose smile only grew as she took his offer to stand 

“Thank you Lady Sigyn, for speaking with me if not for a little bit. You will come back and tell me stories of the warriors?” Amilia had stood by now and was gazing upwards at the fair haired maiden. 

“Yes of course Amilia. But when I return, I hope to see a fierce warrior. Can you promise me this?”

“I will! Thank you again Lady Sigyn, it was a pleasure to meet you.” The girl looked at Theoric before putting her hand up so he could not see her words “And he is more handsome than I imagined, he can come back too if he liked.”

Sigyn laughed lightly and nodded, waving goodbye to Amilia with Theoric as the sky turned colors with the impending sun to set in a matter of hours. 

“So, what do you have in mind my handsome warrior?” Her arm looped through his bicep, letting him lead the way, far from the palace and away from the town.

“How do you feel about going on a little bit of an adventure this evening?”

Sigyn shot an eyebrow up at him, intertwining her fingers with his as he pulled her along down the cobble path.

“It’s always an adventure when I’m with you.” Her voice whispered, giving him a slight peck on the cheek as they continued their stroll down the walkway. 

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