Falling For A Berry (Error x...

By ArtyBone

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When Blue told Error that the reason Error had been doing this because he was lonely. Error took the opportun... More

{Chapter One} (Blue Pov.)
{Chapter Two} (Blue Pov.)
{Chapter Three} (Error Pov.)
{Chapter Four} (Error Pov.)
{Chapter Five} (Ink Pov.)
{Chapter six} (Ink Pov.)
{Chapter Seven} (Dream Pov.)
{Chapter Eight} (Dream Pov.)
{Chapter Nine} (Blue Pov.)
{Chapter Ten}
{Chapter Eleven} (Blue Pov.)
{Chapter Twelve}
{Chapter Thirteen}
{Chapter Fourteen}
{Chapter Fifteen}
{Chapter Sixteen}
{Chapter Seventeen}
{Chapter Eighteen}
{Chapter Nineteen}
{Chapter Twenty}
{Chapter Twenty One}
{Chapter Twenty Two}
{Chapter Twenty Three}
{Chapter Twenty Four} (Fell Pov.)
{Chapter Twenty Five} (Fell Pov.)
{Chapter Twenty Seven}
{Chapter Twenty Eight}
{Chapter Twenty Nine}
{Chapter Thirty}
{Chapter Thirty One}
{Chapter Thirty Two}
{Chapter Thirty Three}
{Chapter Thirty Four}
{Chapter Thirty Five}
{Chapter Thirty Six}
{Chapter Thirty Seven}
{Chapter Thirty Eight}
{Chapter Thirty Nine}
{Chapter Forthy}
{Chapter Forthy One}
{Chapter Forthy Two}
{Chapter Forthy Three}
{Chapter Forthy Four}
{Chapter Forthy Five}
{Chapter Forthy Six}
{Chapter Forthy Seven}
{Chapter Forthy Eight}
{Chapter Forthy Nine}
{Chapter Fifty}
{Chapter Fifty One}
{Chapter Fifty Two}
{Chapter Fifty Three}
{Chapter Fifty Four}
{Chapter Fifty Five}
{Chapter Fifty Six}
{Chapter Fifty Seven}
{Chapter Fifty Eight}
{Chapter Fifty Nine}
{Chapter Sixty}
{Chapter Sixty-One}
{Chapter Sixty-Two}
{ Chapter Sixty-Three }
{ Chapter Sixty-Four }
{ Chapter Sixty-Five }
{ Chapter Sixty-Six }
{Chapter Sixty-Seven}
{Chapter Sixty-Eight}
{Chapter Sixty-Nine}
{Chapter Seventy}
{Chapter Seventy-One}
{ Chapter Seventy-Two }
{ Chapter Seventy-Three }
{ Chapter Seventy-Four }
{ Chapter Seventy-Five }
{ Chapter Seventy-Six }
{Chapter Seventy-Seven}
{ Chapter Seventy-Eight }
~ Author's Note ~

{Chapter Twenty Six}

574 21 11
By ArtyBone

Team Name - [Unknown]

Blue Code Name - Reverse

Fell Code Name - Dark

Sci Code Name - Lab

• Edge/Fell Pap
• Alternative Human
• Fresh
• Frisk
• Core Frisk
• [Unknown]

Chosen Victim {second one} - Fresh

Blue: 17¾

Error: 18

Ink: 18½

Fell: 19

Frisk: 14

Edge: 17¾

Stretch: 19⅔

Sci: 18

Outer: 17

Fresh: 16

[Other Characters will be added here IF they are in the story]

Error speaks In italics cuz I'm lazy.

Enjoy the story Chapter.

Fell laid on the bed for some minutes, hours possibly before getting up and leaving the room. Walking downstairs he saw Blue talking to Error, ignoring them he walked to the kitchen to see a plate of tacos ready for him. There was a small note card besides it, Fell decided to read it.

You're probably hungry right, Felly? Anyways I preheated the tacos since they were getting cold. Also please try and make up with Error, if you see me talking to Error it's probably because I want to get Error to love me more or it could be I'm trying to fix the problem between you two. Anyways that's all so hope you enjoy your food!


Fell place the note down as he ate the tacos that were on his plate. After that he cleaned the plate and decided it was best to leave. He walked out of the kitchen and looked at the two before leaving the household.

Teleporting back to his Au, draining almost all his energy he walked to his home. Ignoring all the hate that the monsters threw at him. Walking to the step of his home he opened the door, entering to an empty house. No one here, and no one there.

Fell closed the door behind him, locking it. He went to his bedroom to lay down in bed, or was it for something else?


Blue finished talking to Error as he went up to his room. Opening the door he was about to call Fell to come but when he saw no one in his room. This made Blue freak out a bit, as he walked downstairs and into the kitchen only to find two notes.

One of the notes was his while the other one was Fell's. Picking the note up he read it.

Dear Blue,
I will not take responsibility to take care of you. It seems that there's already someone and you don't need me. If you wonder where I've gone to, I went back home. I just need a break so forgive me. Also please don't get involved with the situation Error and I had. That's what I have to do, it's what I have to fix. Not you. That's all I want to say so sorry if I scared you a bit when I left but this might be for the greater good for us.

- The one and only, Cherry.

Blue reread the note two more times before signing softly.

"He used the nickname I gave him three years ago..." Blue mumbled to himself before thinking what Fell was planning. It took a while before Blue rushed to Error.

"Hey Error! Mind taking me to Fell's place? I ne- left something there and Fell forgot I had left something there." Blue lied as Error looked at him.

"What did you left?" He asked.

"I left a pair of gloves there and I really need them because I only have two pairs of gloves!" Blue replied continuing with his lie.

"Fine I'll take you to Fell's place. Though please be careful he has an-"

"Thanks Error!" Blue cut him off.

Error sigh as he opened a portal for Blue to enter, Blue gladly enter the portal. Though before Error could enter Blue stopped him.

"Fell doesn't want to see you yet. Though I'll help you guys to get along after I get my.. gloves." Blue spoke as Error nod, closing to portal after seeing Blue far away. Error sigh as he looked at the house and decided to watch TV.

Blue ran towards Fell's place, wanting to make sure that Fell wasn't doing anything stupid. Blue knew Fell well, he knew what could cause Fell to harm himself or worst.

Trying to open the front door, didn't work out it was lock. Blue bit his lips(?) As he looked around to where he could enter. He walked behind the house, and went through the puzzles that Edge had place for any Intruders. Blue managed to get through with a scratch or two, as he looked at the backyard. Finding a tree that was losing it's nutritions, Blue decided to climb on the tree. Once on top of a branch he crawled close to the roof of the building.

He decided to jump.

Landing on the roof he carefully moved his way down, placing his leg gently on a flat slab. Carefully he moved himself down till he tried to get in through Edge's room. Managing to open the window, Blue almost lost his balance but manage to keep his balance. Entering the window, he landed on the floor, closing the window he walked out of the room and went to Fell's room.

Trying to open the door but failing. Fell had locked the door, Blue ran downstairs to look through the kitchen cabinets only to see a note on the table.

Dear idiotic Brother,
I'm out as you know so just in case if you left your key to your room, I have a spare one laying about in my room.

Have a stupid miserable day, stupid piece of crap that I love.

- The terrible Papyrus.

Blue sigh as he place the note down and ran back upstairs to Edge room, looking over the room he found the spare key. He went back to Fell's door and unlocked it.

"FELL WHAT IN ASGORE ARE YOU TRYING TO DO." Blue yelled grabbing the attention of Fell, who freaked out.

"I-its not what it looks l-like." Fell shuddered out as he backed against the wall.

"Why?.." Blue asked before continuing, "Why must you break the promise?"


"Fell...how many times will you do this?"


"How many times will you make us suffer?"


"If you're really are my partner in crime, drop the knife and let me aid you."


"You know that I hate seeing the knife in your hand. So please, drop it. I could help you with your problems, even if I'm the problem..." Blue spoke as Fell still stayed silent.

Fell soon later spoke up, "Is..Error here?.." he asked.

"No, I made sure he wouldn't come. Now Fell, drop the knife." Blue said.

Fell sigh as he dropped it. Blue walked close to him, his Blue eyes looking at the cuts Fell had done to himself.

Grabbing Fell hand gently, "...Is this because of you seeing Error with me? Or is it because you're tired of all the pain? Or is it both...?" He spoke as he examine the cuts before letting his hand go.

"...I..I don't wanna say.." Fell answered which Blue nodded.

"Alright, by any chance you have an aid kit? " Blue asked.

"Mhm..I have one here." Fell spoke as he pulled out the aid kit from under the bed.

"Good. Now Fell sit down and let me tend your cuts." Blue said as he open the aid kit, and started patching Fell up with the bandages.

After that Blue started to lecture Fell on why he shouldn't be cutting himself. Blue hugged Fell as he let Fell rest his head down on his shoulder.

"Sorry Blue, for being a stupid head....."

"It's fine, and you're not a stupid head."

".... Blue..I have a question..."


"...how did you open my door?"

"Your brother had the key for you room."

"...how did you know that?"

"There was a note in the kitchen that said that there was a key in Edgy room."

"Oh...was it just in case I left my keys?"


Fell sigh as he hugged Blue more, Blue nuzzle Fell before pulling away from the hug. "Fell are you going to come back? To my place I mean.." Blue asked.

"... but..what about Error?"

"I'll make sure you two get along."

".... Alright."

"So you're coming back!?"

"Guess I have no choice. Besides I rather be there then here." Fell said as Blue smile.

With that Blue called Error to open a portal, and once that was done Fell lift Blue up like a princess and walked through the portal.

Blue giggle lightly as he boop Fell whom blushed. Error just looked at the two and felt jealous, he didn't want to see Blue with Fell. He just hated that.

Error will make sure to keep Fell away from Blue. He will make sure they don't get too close as is. Besides Blue loves him right?


A/N: uhm...I have no words on how this story is being constantly changing. Anyways what do you think will happen?

Also stay tuned for more of this book!

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