My Heart Beats Only For You |...

Door Ramzz005

424K 22.7K 2K

Claimed #1 ranking and also #1 in hotlist many times. MY HEART BEATS ONLY FOR YOU MY... Meer

1 | "Nightmare"
2 | "Cop"
3 | "Second chance?"
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Author's note
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Author's Note
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65( revised)
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Bonus Chapter
Caution:Don't ignore
Covers 2

Chapter 38

4.7K 258 20
Door Ramzz005

I'm really happie today.... this book is in #5 in chicklit.. this is all because of you all.. I'm really grateful to you all..

Thanks for all your support... pls do encourage me.. and continue this..

Dedicated to all my readers...

Arjun pov:

"Varun..I'm coming.", I said and disconnected the call. With in few minutes I was in my office along with my team..

" is the right time to catch him..We should raid his house. We can get the details of drug supplier's.", Varun said looking at me.

"Are you sure? What if we don't find drugs in his house? ",I asked him.

"I heard their phone call. Minister's PA was talking to the supplier. But the interesting thing is he was talking to a foreigner.", He said shocking me.

"What? Foreigner? This means the supplier is from foreign..."

"Did you track his number?",I asked him.

"No...Arjun. I tried calling to that number but it was switched off.", He said.

"Can I hear the conversation?", I asked him.

"Sure..", he said and I put my headphones.


PA: Hello... when will you supply caffeine? We had already transferred the money.. then what your problem. Sir(minister) wants to know whether you are willing to send or not.

Foreigner: Hello Manoj. Everything needs sometime. You will definitely get it my tomorrow. We are doing this from past five years you too also know that. So Be patient and contact my assistant. Talk to him. I'll call you when you get the stock.

I took my headphones.... how is that guy?

"Varun.. you did a good job. But I'm sure that he is not a foreigner He must be an Indian..His accent  says that..", I said.

"May be you are right?But how can we get his details? ",He asked him.

"Let's catch Manoj. We should take him to our custody.", I said.

"It may create problem.. he is Minister's PA.", Varun said.

"But we should do this..soon we should get that minister into the custody.. I want to catch that mysterious person. He can't escape from me.", I said and got up from my chair.

We went to Manoj's house. I knocked the door and a lady opened the door. She might be his wife. I thought

"Who are you ? Why did you came in this midnight?",She asked me.

"I looked at my was 2:00Am. Mam where is your Husband?",I asked her.

"Who are you?", She asked us .

"We are cops.. ",Varun said showing the ID proof.

"Husband? He went to Singapore last night. Now please go..", she said closing the door.

Varun caught her wrist and we entered inside.

"Where is your husband?",I shouted.

She started crying.. "Mam why are you crying now? I asked you a simple question.. tell me the answer.",I said controlling my anger.

"He got a call at 1:00 Am and he immediately left the place", She said wiping her tears.

"You said that he went to Singapore right.. why did you lied?", I asked her. 

"I'm afraid..", she said.

"Do you know where did he went?", I asked her.

"Noo sir... I really don't know.",She said.

"Ok Now do what I say? Take your phone and call to your husband.. tell me that you are in danger",I said.

"What? How can I do this? He will get tensed"

"You should do this for sure. Do you know how dangerous he is? I want him to be here in 20 minutes. So call him now?", I ordered her.

She took her phone.. and dailled his number.

"Manoj... please save me... I'm in danger..", she started to act..

"Manoj... please help me... they will kill me...", she said crying and disconnected the call.

"Thanks a lot",I said.

"Sir what is his mistake?",She asked me.

"He is involved in a crime along with the minister."

"Sir, He is not that dangerous.. minister is the one who is playing games with my husband..please leave Manoj..", she begged me crying.

"Don't worry... if Manoj didn't do any wrong.. he will be safe..", I said assuring her.

I heard a car sound... "Varun take your position.. ",I said and I took my revolver and kept it on her forehead..

"Don't worry.... it's just an act.", I said to her.

Manoj entered into the hall running and he was shocked to see his wife in danger.

"Don't move.", I shouted at him. Varun pointed his gun to Manoj..

"Arjun...", Manoj said seeing me.

"Where did you went in this midnight?", I asked moving towards him.

I took the handcuffs from my pocket and tied his hand.

"I need to intrrogate you.. come with me..", I said and dragged him out of the house.

Soon I was in my Office with Manoj under my custody.

"Manoj.. How is the deal? Did it went well?",I asked him.

"Deal? What are you talking about?",He asked stammering.

'Don't lie... I know everything about what you are doing? Why are you supplying drugs?Tell me who else were involved in this?", I shouted at him.

"I don't know anything was all done by minister...",he said.

"From when are you doing this business? ",I asked him. 

"From past five years.",he said shocking me.

"Five years? Do you know how many people get addicted to these drugs?"

"Many students Manoj.. they don't know can you do this?they are the future of India.. how can you spoil our country's future? What about their parents?", I shouted and slapped him.

"Do you know Deeraj?", I asked him controlling my anger.

"He is our customer.. we used to supply caffeine.",He said.

"You killed him.. He died because of your drugs.. I'm not going to leave you Manoj. You will regret for all your mistakes. I'm not going to leave the minister too.."

"I'm a puppet in his hands. I should do whatever he says.",Manoj said with tears in his eyes.

"Who is that Forgiener?",I asked him.

"He is our supplier",He said.

"What is his name and where he lives?" I asked him.

"I really don't know sir.. I even don't know his name.. only minister knows about him.. Minister talks to him regularly. they will have monthly meetings in Dubai.", He said.

"Don't worry... your sir will be there to give company to you.. He can't escape from me.. ",I said and left the place.

I asked Varun to get the details of that Minister. I want to kill him.. being a government servant how can he kill students with drugs. I won't leave him . I won't leave that mysterious person. He'll face me soon. I was in my thoughts and I heard Varun's voice.

Adithya pov:

I looked at the clock it was 5:00Am. I didn't sleep last night. I tried to sleep but My Deeksha was flashing in my mind.

From the past five months. I was addicted to work. just to forget her.I tried a lot but failed. I was purely dependent on her. I succeeded in my career but not in my love. She is the light in my life but I lost her now.

I took my phone and dailed to my PA. I asked him to get the details of Deeksha. I want to know where she is living. I want to know where she is working. I'll apologize her. She will accept me after all I'm her life.

I got up from my bed and did my morning chores. I went to the closet and took my formals. I got ready with in few minutes. I saw my reflection in mirror.My eyes fell on the Rolex was gifted by Deeksha on our first  valentines day. I thought of celebrating every occasion with her.. but my fate had decided  something which I didn't like.

Soon I was in my office. There are lot of files on my table. I should study them. But my mind was fully disturbed.. I want to see her badly..

"Did you find Deeksha's details? "I asked my PA.

"Good Morning sir.. I got her Address sir", he said and gave me the address note.

"Thanks.. you did a good job.", I said and took my car keys.

I ignited the engine and started driving the car to that address. I parked my car and got down. I opened the gate and went inside.

My heart started beating fast. Will she give me second chance? Will she forgets the past and accepts me? With this fear I knocked the door.

I knocked it again.. this time a girl opened the door.

"Whom do you want?",She asked me.

"Dee...ksha.", I said gaining some confidence.

Deeksha pov:

I don't know why.. I'm feeling different from today morning. The day I saw Adi at the Mall.. took me back to my moments with Adi..

I loved him a lot.. I thought he was my heart and soul but he cheated me.. Adi told that he won't leave my hand till his last breath.. but he left me all alone giving me a lot of pain.

I was busy in kitchen and I heard the door knock.. I asked my friend Diya to open the door. I cleaned my hands and went to the hall.

I was shocked to see Adi.. at the entrance of the door. My heart started to race. A silent tear escaped from my eyes.

Immediately I rushed towards the door and closed it shut.. I don't want to see him.. he injected a lot of pain in my heart. I felt on my knees and started crying with the hands on my face.

Ananya pov:

I slowly opened my eyes. I didn't find Arjun. I got up from the bed and searched the entire room. I didn't find him.

I opened my door and went downstairs. I searched for him but he was nowhere.

Where did he went? I went back to my room and I saw a small note on the mirror. I went and took the note.

Hey Angel...
Good Morning..Don't worry about me. I'll come soon..
Take care..

A smile came on my face after reading the message. Now I'm relaxed. I went to washroom and took a shower quick shower. I wore my black shirt and ankle length jeans. Today I don't have any appointments. So I'm free. I can take rest and I can spend time with Arjun.

I looked at the clock it was 10:00Am. Where is Arjun? When did he went? I dailled his number but it was switched off.

Stupid Arjun. I thought and switched on the TV.

Arjun pov:

I'm studying the files and I heard Varun's voice.

"Arjun... what is the time now?", He asked me.

'10Am.",I said still looking at the file.

"Arjun from past 8 hours you are continuously working. You are looking so tired.. go and take rest. Even I'm going. Anjalii will take care of Manoj. Let's go home. ";He said closing my file.

I nodded my head and left to home. I opened the door and Ananya rushed towards me with a smile.

I was stunned to see her in black. She wore a black short shirt which was perfectly fitted to her body and ankle length jeans. Her hair was tied into a high pony. Her smile can make my tiredness vanish. I was in my thoughts and I heard her voice.

"You look so tired.", she said and took me towards the sofa.

"Go and get fresh up..I'll bring you coffee.",she said and went to the kitchen.

I went to my room and did my morning chores. I wore my shorts and went downstairs.
I saw her preparing coffee in coffee maker. I sat on the sofa and started watching her. With in few minutes she stood in front of me with the coffee cup in her hands.

"Arjun.. tell me what do you want to eat? I'll order for a restaurant." She said.

"Where is our maid?",I asked her.

"She is on leave.. tell me what do you want to eat, I'll order",she said with a smile.

"I want you to prepare food",I said shocking her.

"What? I didn't hear you ",she said with a confused look.

"I want you to cook food ",I said again.

"Are you crazy? How can I cook? I'm not going to cook just tell me what you wanted to eat ",I'll order.

"Noo baby.. did you forget our bet you should follow my rules for one week. Today is the last day and you should do whatever I say", I said smirking.

"You know naa that I don't know cooking.. then how can you give this task. Please Arjun..I hate cooking.please give me some other task ",She pleaded me.

"Hey...stop acting. Go and start your work..I'm starving here ",I said and went to my room.

Ananya pov:

He asked me to cook food. But I don't know anything about cooking. He is so cruel. I hate you Arjun.

I went to the kitchen.. I don't know even what to cook.  What should I do now? God help me naa.. please get me out of this problem. With in few minutes an idea struck to my mind.

I took my phone and dailled to Naina.

"Naina... Are you free?",I asked her as soon as she lifted the call.

"Yes of course I'm free Andy.. what happened? Why are you so tensed?", She asked me.

I told her everything and she started laughing making me to loose my temper.

"Ok bye I thought that you will help me. I'll call Janvi", I said and about to disconnect the call.

"Hey Andy....Sorry.. please don't cut the call. I'll help you ",she said making me smile.

"Naina..I even don't know what to cook? Tell me the easiest receipe",I said.

"Andy...listen let's prepare briyani and Ghazar Halwa ",She said.

"Briyani? Are you out of your mind? I don't know anything about it ",I said.

"Just relax.. it's very easy to prepare it. First cut all the vegetables. Then I'll tell how to make it.", she said.

I cut all the vegetables and she started telling me about the receipe. I'll definitely kill Arjun. He'll definitely regret for troubling me.

Arjun pov:

I went to my room ordering her to prepare food.

I sat on the thinking about her. She might be scolding me but it's not an issue for me. She should learn cooking.. that is my goal.

If I'm there with her I'll definitely cook for my Angel  but when I'm not there with her she should be in a position to cook for herself. More over I don't want her to prefer outside food.

After sometime I went downstairs to see what she was doing. She was with headphones in her ears and preparing  something. She might be talking to Naina.

She was struggling with the dishes.I was staring at her and she dropped the boiling
milk vessel on her left hand.

Oh shit..I rushed towards her and took her hand. I saw tears at the corner of her eyes. Immediately I took her towards the sink and kept her hand under water.

"Are you mad? Why are so irresponsible? Where are your eyes?Can't you catch it properly?
Look at your hand see how red it is", I shouted at her.

I took her to the hall and did first aid.

"I'm fine now", she said and jerked my hand and went to the kitchen. She took a juice glass and went upstairs.

What happened to her? Is she angry with me for shouting. I followed her and she was in the balcony starring outside with the juice glass in her hand.

Immediately I rushed towards her and hugged her.

Ananya pov:

I dropped the hot vessel on my hand. Arjun shouted at me. It's  all happened because of him. How can he shout like that? I'm totally scared seeing him.

I went upstairs to avoid him. I was standing near the window with the juice glass in my other hand.

I felt his hands on my waist and he hugged me from behind. I was shocked with his sudden actions. How can he change suddenly? He just shouted at me and now he is hugging me.

He pulled me close towards him. He kept his head on my shoulder making me to gasp.

"I'm sorry...",he whispered in my ears.

"What did you say?", I asked turning towards him.

"It's all my fault yaar.. it's my mistake to ask you to cook. I thought of making you learn cooking but it failed", he said with a sad look.

He took my injured hand and started observing it. "I'm really sorry..", he said again.

"Why did you shouted at me?", I asked him looking straight into his eyes.

"Ananya.. I was enable to control myself. I was angry with myself not with you",He said pulling me close.

"Is it paining?", He asked me and I nodded my head .

"It is also paining me here ",He said keeping his hand on his heart.

I was shocked after listening his words. I looked straight into his eyes trying to read.

"Arjun... my hand was burned right then why it pains you", I asked him.

"Because I l...", he stopped.

I know what he wants to say but why did he stopped. I was in my thoughts and I heard his voice.

"Ananya..yesterday I wanted to say you something but you stopped me. do you remember that.", He asked me and I nodded in yes.

"Be ready.. I'll take you to some place tonight and you can find it", He said and I nodded in yes.

"Do you want to try this? This is so tasty ",I said offering the juice glass.

"Let me try..", he said and his lips are on mine.. I was still in a utter shock.

"Yaa... it tastes good.. I like it..", he said smirking.

How is the Chapter? I hope you Enjoyed it..

Will they both share their pasts?

Will Deeksha accepts Aditya?

Do you guys what to know Their past??

Please do vote and comment your views..

Stay tuned I'll update soon..
Happie Reading
With Love..😍😚

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