-Counting Stars- An AoT/SnK F...

By iiPoundii

339 55 1

'Just because you feel you are weak doesn't mean that you are - it's a thought that passes everyone's minds... More

Counting Stars.1
A faraway dream. -2.
The soldier's labour. 3
Loving Friendships.4
Unspoken Chants. ~5
A dim light amid death. ~6
Despairing Memories. ~7
Encounter Mankind ~8
A shocking truth...-9
Brother? -10.
Burning smoke -11.
The plan. -12
Downfalls of the plan. -13
Court ~14
The reunion - good or bad? 16.
Levi and the test. 17
Zachary and the intro to the expedition. 18
The expedition. Part 1. Ep19
The expedition Part 2 Ep 20
The expedition part 3 ep 21
The expedition part 4 ep 22
A sad loss but hopeful sacrifice. 23
Annie. 24
The end. 25
Thank you!!!!!

The scouts recruitment. 15

8 3 0
By iiPoundii

All of us cadets stood inside the hall in wall sina, after being asked to take off our gears for inspection. People after people were being asked who they were and where they last used their gear, as someone had killed sonny and bean. They were two titans captured by Hanji, who's the insane scientist in the scouting legion.

"My name is sasha braus!" Sasha called when they came to ask about her gear.

"And when was the last time you used you gear?" The inspector asked, writing her answer on a paper that laid upon her chorkboard. "Six days ago, after the cleaning operation. "

"She checks out."
"You there." The other one said to christa.

"I'm Christa Lenz from the 42nd squad!"
"We'll check your gear"

"I can't believe you are going to be punished for killing a Titan. 2, to be exact." Connie started. "Whoever killed those Titans must of hated them."

"Yeah. Pretty random though how they'd just randomly go and kill perfectly innocent Titans. Hanji San was so close to finding wether Titans have a soft side or not." I said, shrugging.

"Yeah. I think so too. There must be some sort of reason for the person to kill them." Armin agreed.

Annie waved a blonde lock behind her ear. "Whoever that person is, it will be a large difficulty to find"

"And mankind will have to suffer from a little inspection like this."

Connor sighed. "I'm such an idiot. Before I saw a Titan, i was thinking about joining the survey corps. Now I'm not so sure. It's the day of when we are choosing too."

"I've already made my decision." I started, making Connie crane his head towards my direction.

"Scouts, right?" Connie asked.

"Yeah." I smiled and looked at him. "For three reasons. 1- I wanna return to Eren, 2- it will fulfil one of my reasons for being a soldier which is the reason why Titans exist and 3- To see Erwin. Well, my father anyway."

"Wow. My reason was to just.... Save humanity I suppose. I had strong desires to being a scout but now I think I'm too afraid."

"You shouldn't be afraid of something like this." I began. "You can't let an inspection destroy that desire because a soldier is basically some sort of murderer. If you have a chance to save mankind, than in my opinion, you should take it. But that's your choice." I smiled at him and he smirked

"I suppose you're right." Connie looked at me sternly. "How did you feel about....you know....."

I looked at him. "What?"

Armin clicked on. "Marco." He turned me to the side so he can look in my eyes. "Eliza?"

My eyes were looking downwards "I'm not sure."


The fire was blazing, the Sparks floating around the gathering shoulders round the dead burning bodies. Jean was kneeling down in front of us, looking at some bones.

"I don't even know which bones are yours, Marco." Jean murmured to himself, sighing. He was still about the upset of his death that we found after the battle.

"Jean..." I said , stepping forwards.

"Maybe that maniac was right." He said, gripping the bones as he clenched them in his hands. He looked to the side as if he can see him right there and then.

"Jean." I repeating , standing beside him so he looked up at me. "There's...no need to be upset." I started, smiling as tears filled our eyes. "Marco died of a good cause. It was a sacrifice that would be known in history. His last breath was in joy, and because he died happily he will smile in heaven. My mother always told me that those good people are living amongst the night sky as a star, so maybe one day, after all this is over, we can find him in the sky." I said as a tear dripped down his cheeks. I looked up. "Perhaps he's that star. The biggest, glowing shine." I pointed at the biggest star that seemed to shine upon Jean.

"Yeah, you're right." He stood up and wrapped his arms wound me, making me startle. "Thank you, Eliza. I promise that we would watch the stars at night and even though it's sounds crazy - we may even talk to him sometimes."

I wrapped my arms round his waist too. "Good." Then I grabbed him by the shoulders. "Have you made your dedication?"

He turned to look at everyone else. "I'm joining the scouting legion!!"

Everyone gasped.

End of flashback~

"Still can't believe Jean actually joined the scouts, though." I said. "His dreams were precisely to join the military police."

"Yeah." Armin agreed. "Perhaps he thought that there would be no point to do so if Marco wasn't there with him."

Annie swirled her eyes to the side so she can look at me. "You would though if your best friend died."

That sent a shiver down my spine and my legs so wobbly "Yeah I suppose."

"Who is your best friend, anyway?" Connie asked.

I shrugged. "I'd say Mikasa."

"Yeah, you two are together a lot." Connie said, smiling a bit.

Why did Annie look at me specifically?

Us soldiers were gathered together in the dark, with only torches lighting up on the side of the stage in which Erwin was standing on with his hands cupped behind his back. "I'm Erwin smith , the commander of the the survey corps. Today you'll decide where you enlist. And to be blunt, I'm here to recruit soldiers for the Survery Corps. I'm sure the latest Titan attack has made you fear the Titans and recognise the limits to your strength. However through that battle, mankind has made unprecedented progress in its struggle . The key was Eren Jaeger. His willingness to risk his life for mankind signifies his unquestionable allegiance to us. Furthermore,not only did he allow us to stop the Titans, He also provided a way for us a way to unveil the Titans mystery!" Everyone gasped, shocked at the very words. "In the basement of his home in Shiganshina District, is the secret of the Titans, Unknown even to him. If we could just reach that basement, we might find a clue that might aid us in overthrowing the Titans century rule. We aim to reach that basement in Shiganshina district. But to that end the recapture is crucial. In other words our plan hasn't changed. " Two scout soldiers unraveled a map. "But now that trosts gate is unusable, we'll have to go around from the karanese district on the east. The military route we spent four years to prepare has been rendered useless. During those forty years we have lost sixty percent of our men. Those of you who will join us will participate in an expedition a month from now in which the predicted mortality rate is thirty percent. Most of you will like die in four years." He said, clenching his fist cause sometimes he hated to be so honest. However, if you manage to survive you'll be an elite shoulder that can overcome all odds. If you are still willing to endanger your lives with us, remain here. Please ask yourselves, are you capable of offering your lives for mankind?! That is all. Anyone who chooses to enlist elsewhere, you may leave. " he finally finished.

Soldiers began to turn and leave , decreasing population. I stood firm, but somehow my head turned and looked at the people who were leaving. A part of me wanted to go, but most of me wanted to stay. I looked over at the others who too seemed uncertain.

No. I must stay. No matter what.

"Could you die giving the order to?" Erwin said.

"We don't want to die!"

"I see. I like your expressions. Now then, I accept all of you that remain as survey corps soldiers!" Erwin shouted. "This will be a true salute!"

We all saluted one by one.

I can do this. I know I can. I have to.

'Living is different to surviving. They both serve different causes, one ruled with freedom and the other ordered by rules."


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