clyde [2]

By Jinisprettierthanyou

59.6K 3.1K 8.2K

sequel to fiendish heart when Kook wakes up in his parent's house, he realises everything is about to change... More

1 。the lost boy
2 。new life
3 。listless
4 。lycaon
5 。grow up
6 。innocence wanted
7 。caught in an affair
8 。reciprocal hearts
9 。birthday cake
11 。family reunited
12 。touch
13 。tell no one
14 。bruises
15 。trauma
16 。lazy day
17 。lost without you
18 。train to home
19 。palace of broken dreams
20 。something's off
21 。midnight fire
22 。scarlet, midnight, gold
23 。milosc
24 。faith and fear
25 。make me forget
26 。crazy fucking love
27 。the consequences of us
28 。new discovery
29 。time we met
30 。more like us
31 。time to say goodbye
32 。dream i dreamt
33 。healing
34 。a place to call home
35 。lived for, die for
36 。everything ... and more
final 。worth the fight

10 。runaway delinquents

2.1K 108 296
By Jinisprettierthanyou

chapter 10 -
runaway delinquents ★彡

"the goose bumps start to raise the minute that my left hand meets your waist"

☆*:.。. o♢o .。.:*☆

The two boys stood in the archway of the dim lounge room, heads bowed and hands tucked in front of their bodies. Occasionally their hands that rested in between their bodies would fall away and they could touch their fingers together gently. Never did the act last longer than ten seconds before they would move back and stay utterly silent. Why was this behaviour so necessary? Because Sohyun stood in front of them, hands placed on her hips with her heel repetitiously hitting the ground impatiently. She was waiting for either of them to say something that would explain what she had come home to. Neither could find the courage to even speak, too disconcerted by the woman's harsh gaze.

„Well? It won't explain itself!" Taehyung cursed beneath his breath, not loud enough for his boyfriend's mother to hear but enough for Kook to realise just how freaked out he was. The boy's eyes flickered up to the male whose chin was still tucked to chest, tapping his fingers nervously against his jeans. „You two are so immature, doing that in the kitchen?! On my bench? And what an absolute mess you made of the place! Jungkook you are twenty years old! You are acting like a chil -"

„I am sorry." He cut in, his teeth clenched as he swallowed down the emotions rising in his chest. „But I never got to live a childhood, and I never had anyone to tell me how to be an adult. So stop lecturing me." Sohyun opened her mouth to say something, but was met with the harsh glare of her now grown son who had his nose scrunched up in a slight scowl.

„I ... okay." Was all she could say, unsure of whether her son needed comfort in this moment, but his pissed off frown indicated perhaps not. „I understand this is new for you, being back home brings a whole array of challenges. But I think it's time I set ground rules for you, Jungkook. It is something we never sat down and spoke about. This isn't your forest, and that means listening to your father and my rules. Firstly, I don't want any sexual behaviour in this house. I don't mind what you both did when you weren't here -"

„I have never had sex." Kook whispered, looking up through glossy eyes as he could hear the disappointment in his mother's tone. He didn't want her to be angry, to see her look at him in distaste was heart wrenching. Taehyung felt it as he brought his hand to the smaller's interlocking their fingers and squeezing his palm for comfort. „and I don't want to." The firm yet upset tone eased Sohyun as she softened her gaze and smiled weakly at the sudden change in her son's mood.

„I'm not mad." She assured, all too familiar with the sound of hurt in Jungkook's voice; his pitch fell to an airy whisper and his words were elongated. „I just ... you were gone for so long. There was so much I missed as a mother. These things should have been taught to you years ago. This will take getting used to. Work with me, please?" Her son nodded eventually, swinging his arm so that his and Taehyung's rocked back and forth, his lip curling at the small motion that was enough to break the tension. „Can I celebrate your return? Like a welcome home party? It will be small, we won't invite anyone who we don't trust to keep you two safe."

„You want to throw me a party?" Asked Kook, sounding unsure.

„Of course! My darling boy," she spoke, stepping forward to tracing her palms over Kook's cheeks before leaning in to kiss his forehead. "You were so incredibly missed. So many birthdays we never got to spoil you on, so many milestones that were lost. I cannot bring that back, but I can tell you all the things I wished to have say." Sohyun  murmured against his hair, leaning into her son's embrace when he allowed her to. Without hesitating this time she wrapped him up in warmth, his height noticeably taller than when she had first seen him.

He held her with a gingerness that felt so fragile, burying his nose into her shoulder and breathing in the strong scent of jasmine that enveloped her. The smell was soothing, hisuscles relaxing and eyes fluttering closed to feel the safety being held by her brought. They stayed like that for several minutes, only drawing back when Kook felt tears seeping into his hair.

"Mama please do not cry," he croaked, holding her hand and squeezing.

"I missed you so much baby," she sniffled, tracing every one of his sharp features with the pad of her thumb. "You're so grown up and I just... I can't help but think about how much I have missed." Kook shook his head softly, pulling away only to get up on his tip toes and kiss her temple - the same way Taehyung would comfort him when he was sad.

"I would have killed you." He repeated the same explanation he had given in the hospital, a bitter truth that was still so hard for Sohyun to acknowledge.

"Baby you wouldn't have, please, I know you. You are so sweet and kind, and I saw that in you every day. I just... I know you had that thing, the one that told you to do bad things. I loved you no matter what –"

"Stop saying that!" Snarled Kook suddenly, tearing away and stumbling until Taehyung caught him and steadied his balance. "That is not true! You would hate me if you knew what I have done! I would have murdered you!"


"No! Shut the fuck up! Do not ever make me believe that. You are a liar and you know nothing about me!" The harsh words made Sohyun flinch, and before Taehyung could hold his boyfriend still, Kook had torn away and stormed off down the hall, the sound of the back door slamming shut the only sound that filled the silence.

„Can I ... talk to you?" Spoke Taehyung once Sohyun's breathing had settled into something still sharp but much less intense. Her eyes were alight with a turmoil of shame and frustration, unable to fully break through to her son and prove that he deserved her love.

„I'm sorry." Sohyun murmured, sinking to the floor and curling her knees to her chest. She looked utterly defeated, eyes drooping with the weight of her emotions. „He just ... I'm not used to this anymore."

„I know. He's been gone for over a decade, don't beat yourself up. Kook is really sensitive right now, and I think that it will take some time to get him used to other's compassion and authority. Where he lived no one ever dared to go against him, they were afraid of him. Here, he has you and his father, even I have fought against his need for control. When you say those things to him... he feels himself losing control of his emotions, and Kook doesn't do well with emotions." Even though it was obscured by the walls that built the home, Kook's cries rang distinctly through the halls. The sound of a sensitive boy trying to deal with the confusion of his new environment.

„What should I do to make it easier for him?" The cries were unsettling her and she couldn't think properly, torn apart by the frailty of her son's emotions. All she wanted was to hold him close and repeat every longing piece of love she had kept piled away. When he came back there was this hope that things would feel better, that the grief would ease its prison around her heart. None of that had happened. It felt like she was just losing her son all over again. It didn't feel right. This wasn't how things should be with her son.

„For now ... trust yourself. You know more about him than anyone, no matter how long you were apart."

。〜 ‥ 。。。‥ 〜。

Taehyung stood amongst the inky shadows of the dark room, the moonlight seeping through the cracked curtains creating geometric patterns of dark and light. The boy slept with his curtains drawn away so that he felt like he was still sleeping beneath the stars. He was homesick. No matter how much he would deny it, the forest was his home and the structure of his parent's household was not. That was why, Taehyung wanted to take him back. Take Kook back to the place where he grew up and found his feet. Tonight was the night he would reunite the lost boy with his true family.

The floorboards beneath the carpet creaked beneath the tentative movements of the heavy boy, for he was never gifted with a catlike grace. More so a bull in a china shop as he tripped on an unforeseen stuffed toy on the floor, falling to his knees and face planting into the side of the bed where the frightened boy jolted in his sleep. The next moment he was awake, weary eyes staring deliberately at the ceiling to avoid swooning over the ruggedly styled attire of his boyfriend.

„Why the hell are you in here?!" Hissed Kook, tongue between his teeth to seethe the noise and keep his parents in slumber. There room not far from his own. With their forbidden acts they would be punished no doubt. Taehyung was banished to the lounge when Shiwoo had heard about their fiasco in the kitchen, it was childish and it made the blonde male infuriated. But with his name already written down as a criminal and with Shiwoo not taking his word sincerely, nothing could be done.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, pushing away the blankets keeping the boy warm to reveal his bare torso. Embarrassed, Kook slid his hand over his chest, flushed cheeks glowing in the dark. "Kook, you turned twenty, two weeks ago. You can't seriously be worried about getting in trouble with your parents."

„Uh, have you met my father?"

"Besides, don't you want to go see Seokjin again? When I left with you, none of them knew what happened, he'll be worried sick about you. Let's go back for a night, we can speak to Jimin and hopefully make a plan on what to do. Plus, I want to show you my favourite place to go when I am feeling like nothing is going right." Kook's heart was still in overdrive, but it wasn't from fear of getting in trouble from his parents. It was the rush of excitement to hear that he was going home.

„Can I ... brush my teeth first?"

„You'd better, I can't kiss you otherwise." Taehyung added, sifting through the boy's closet for a jumper and some socks. When he found a suitable outfit he turned around to find Kook leaning against his bedside table with nothing but a pair of ivory coloured boxers. A lump formed in his throat as he almost choked on his breath, now it was his turn to get flustered as the behaviour was quickly noted by the smaller.

„Cat got your tongue?" Kook cooed, stepping forward, pushing the older against the wall, a slight thud being heard as the two stiffened, breath held by their lips as for a moment there was movement in the room across from them. Then silence. They released their anxieties and Kook giggled as he left a ginger kiss on Taehyung's cheek. „You are drooling." Then he was gone, leaving Taehyung to wipe at his saliva that had formed along the corners of his parted lips.

„Fucking tease."

。〜 ‥ 。。。‥ 〜。

Under the icy patches of dark weeping trees it was a playful sort of challenge to focus a certain place without the eyes drifting to another. For there was no given detail to lay their focus upon. Nothing to solely focus on till their eyes glazed over and the atmosphere fell heavy with whatever either desired.

Such a situation created an uneven silence that left the surrounding sounds consisting of fauna alive with the midnight rush and emphatic shouting of partygoers in the late night to rule prominence. Even with the looming dangers of those who sauntered by with drunken friends growing close, neither of the two boys who glided hand in hand found any reason nor wish to leave such a crazy place. The home of Gwacheon, or the outskirts so to speak. It was Taehyung's home for three years, a place that was all too familiar to his illustrious gaze.

„This place is beautiful at night!" Murmured Kook in an admirable wonder, his eyes gilded with the bright luminescence of the city lights. „You cannot see the stars as well from down here, but the lights over there seem like their own set of stars."

„That's the city. It's where everyone ends up at some point in their life. My parents insisted I lived in the heart of it, but I couldn't find any comfort in their apartments. So here is where I came." Kook grinned, the empty pavements below an enticing new place to let free his caged need to run away. Wiggling his fingers into a looser position he streamed ahead, black boots slamming down onto the concrete as he turned to see the shocked expression of the boy being dragged behind.

„Catch up Taehyungie!" Clad in pale denim fitted jeans and a dusty pink hoodie, the boy looked like a ball of pastel, glowing with happiness as he dragged his boyfriend down the streets, singing and teasing the older who smirked at the false sense Kook was getting. Just as the boy started to get confident and slow down a bit to give an 'advantage' Taehyung shot forward, jolting Kook into him as they fell off the path and rolled down the side of a small grassy hill.

„Hmm, cheeky baby." Said Taehyung, holding the tender boy, cupping his cheeks with large tanned palms, rubbing his nose with the tip of his thumb. Kook's skin was unbelievably smooth, it felt like fine porcelain and the complexion of ivory adorned him with purity.

„Tae ... what happened to your parents?" Taehyung's unfocused eyes tore away from the curious gaze of his boyfriend the second he registered the curious words that slipped Kook's lips after the mention of the two people that had given his him life. Kook's weight pressed down on the other's stomach so he straddled Taehyung's hips amd kept him still on the grassy hill. Taehyung glanced briefly up at the road, hearing distant calls of young adults.

„We should keep moving." Distractedly, Taehyung brought his hands up to Kook's waist, lifting him and himself at the same time. The boy stood with his eyebrows knitted together, noting the cold stare in his boyfriend's once fond gaze.

Oh no I've made him mad. Kook thought, biting his lip nervously as the detached male carried his hand impassively.

„I just wanted to -" he sealed his lips the moment Taehyung's deep chocolate eyes shot to his, his pupils dilated with fear. He was afraid to talk about it.

„I think we are almost there." The blonde's obtuse behaviour was pissing Kook off as he begrudgingly followed from behind, kicking up gravel into his shoes. The acts were childish, but it was his way of convincing Taehyung to speak. It meant that he would be yelled at, except a scream was better than silence when it came to his partner. There was this instinctual thing that Taehyung did whenever he got upset, and that was to shut himself off from everyone around him. Definitely something the two of them had in common... Hypocritically it frustrated Kook beyond reasonable thinking.

Why won't you yell? He begged inwardly, kicking hard so that the stones struck the back of his thighs. Nothing. They walked on in silence. It was sending Kook insane as he audibly whined, thinking of only one thing to do as he brought a hand to his throat, tightening it around the skin and cutting off his airways as he stopped. His eyes stayed clamped shut as a gasp was heard distantly from the reciprocal boy. „What the hell are you doing?!" He choked, swivelling on his heel and storming up to the boy, tearing his hands away and holding onto his wrists dangerously tight.

„Please." He whispered, numb fingers running up his boyfriend's arms, lowering his head and inhaling slowly. „What did they do to you?"

„Why do you want to know so bad?" Kook reached up the moment his wrists were freed, trying to touch the caramel skin, but just like the earlier days he was mindlessly pushed away. Taehyung reached a point in his mental affliction where he couldn't deal with physical contact, it was the brink of a full breakdown that scared Kook.

This is my fault.

„Because I care about you. I love you." Merely the whisper brought Taehyung to a standstill, glass eyes revealing everything as Kook removed his hand from his lover's, standing in front of him. Together they stood separated; yet connected.

„I love you ..."

„Too?" Kook finished when the other did not, unsure of the statement. Taehyung smiled shallowly, shaking his head gently as he spoke hoarsely,

„No, I just love you. The words are not a reaction to yours, they are my sincere thoughts. Too holds no relevance in my statement because I love you."

„You will make me cry if you say things like that." Taehyung elicited a pitched squeal from the starry eyed boy, pushing his ice cold hand beneath the soft pink material of his hoodie as he brought the other up to support his thigh, tipping him back as he shrieked in panic. The firm hand clutching his waist tightened to steady his movements and they froze; Kook supported in his lover's safe hold as ardent eyes studied him.

„My mother calls me a sinner." He whispered, thumb swirling around Kook's hipbone sweetly, lips tight in painful remembrance. „She says I have no place in this world because I love a boy. This you will not understand, because your parents are willing to accept you as anyone. But I was born to be one person, not another. Because I never grew up to become my parents pride of a son, they shunned me. When I was sixteen I told them this, and for the next two years they sent me to these sessions that had been specifically designed to 'fix my kind'. This country hates us Kook, they think we aren't human." Kook frowned, tilting his head to one side and lifting a hand to adjust his position, still balancing on one foot as his body was held by another.

„Do you still see them?"

„Yes. I have to. They pay my rent, my bills. Everything. Because I am incapable of it myself. So every year I return to my hometown and spend two days there. I dread those days more than my own death, because all they ever do is pound me with the horrible taunts of my failures." Finally he was lifted from the sore position, feet planted safely on the ground, though it was noted that the hand on his waist never left.

„Why is it so unnatural to love a boy? My mother loves my father."

„That's different, Kook. It's not just loving a boy, it's what we have. Two boys, loving each other." Nothing made sense to the naive younger, his cheeks tight in thought as he bit lightly down on his tongue.

„You need a new dad. Oh! I will be your dad!" Taehyung choked as he swallowed forcefully, the implications of the innocently spoken words invading his mind unwillingly

„Fuck Kook, that's kinky."

„What?" Kook scrunched up his nose, staring over his boyfriend's shoulder as he repeated the phrase in his mind, unsure of what exactly he had said. The older said nothing more for awhile, only continuing along the path with a smug smirk.

„Nevermind. Just... Dad has a different meaning in romantic relationships."

"Like what?"

"It's a term of ownership... like... like you once used master when we first met. It's like that but only really used in a sexual context."

"So if you dominate someone they call you dad?" Taehyung sucked in a hesitant breath, eyes glazing over at the myriad of thoughts swirling through his mind.

"Not... dad, Daddy." Kook's nose scrunched up, the expression so sweetly disgusted that it had Taehyung giggling. "Exactly my thoughts."

"Why do people use it?" Queried Kook, linking his palm over the others so that he could snuggle up into the side of his boyfriend and continue to be guided down the empty path.

"Some people like it, for me it just makes me picture an uptight asshole with a cigarette addiction. So... not really the right term to be used in moments of heat."

"Noted," mumbled Kook, looking up into the shining eyes of his boyfriend looking down upon him with a fondness so sickeningly sweet it was enough to melt Kook's stomach. With the halo of the street lights above his overgrown blonde hair, Taehyung looked utterly angelic in his vision, caramel skin glowing with that soft warmth. "I think I will just have to call you Angel instead." He uttered aloud, still unable to tear his eyes away. That paralysed awe only deepened when he watched Taehyung's eyes crinkle up in flustered shyness, nose scrunching whilst leaning in to kiss Kook's cherry lips.

"I think that sounds perfect."

。〜 ‥ 。。。‥ 〜。

There was something so wonderful about finding art in a place as dull and dark as the streets that skirted the city. Here in the dim slumber of an industrial road could a small café shop be found. Decorated with pansies that grew in purple and yellow; they lined the entrance like a chain. Rustic lightbulbs hung from the ceiling like poor chandeliers, in itself could royalty be found. The cosy coffeehouse was extinguished and lifeless, yet the two who stood in front of it were alight with adventure and curiosity.

„When does it open?" Asked Kook, pressing his face to the shop window as he practically drooled over the delectable appearance of the mudcake on display. There were different varieties of baked goods that stretched from soft macarons of every pastel colour to rich melted chocolate wrapped in a buttery pastry.

„Not for awhile c'mon, we're sneaking in." Kook's mischievous eyes lit up with thrill, his chest swelling with the excitement of something he hadn't done in so long. He was a delinquent at heart and there was no hiding it, he found satisfaction in making up his own rules and going against others. It was just his instincts and it felt right.

Taehyung interlocked their hands as he dragged them down the side alley, pushing passed cardboard stacks and dumpster bins. Once they successfully avoided all of the rubbish, Taehyung pulled Kook even closer, stopping outside the emergency exit that flickered above them. „Climb up on my shoulders, there is a loose tile on the roof that enables you to get in." Kook nodded, twisting around and heaving himself up onto the support railing. Loosening his grip on Taehyung's shoulder he tucked his arm around the rails and pulled his weight onto the roof, pulling his hoodie further over his head to hide his face as he searched for the loose tile. Not a moment later Taehyung had joined him, looking far too skilled in the task.

„How many times have you done this?"

„Eh, about ten times. I've never been caught though."

。〜 。。。‥ 〜。

„You are much more wicked than I would ever have thought Tae." Admitted Kook in a moment of appreciation for his boyfriend who was replacing the ceiling panels to hide their illegal entrance.

„You really underestimate my desire to not do what I'm told." Taehyung remarked with a playful bite to his words, sending an impudently delighted smirk toward his just as delinquent partner. Taking ahold of the small tables, he began clearing a space on the floor and pushing out a small blanket he kept hidden in the storage cupboard. It was the perfect place to sit and stare out at the city skyline. The scenery soothing to sore and worried eyes. „By the way, this is a date. In case you weren't sure. So that means at some point you have to kiss me."

„Mm, how about I ditch you for the yummy food, looks so yummy."

„I see how it is ... ditching me already?" Taehyung feigned sadness through a dramatised pout, chuckling softly afterwards whilst he moved to prepare some tea and bring it to their makeshift picnic. Then he collected a slice of the mudcake that Kook had been eyeing off. An inward smile was felt on Kook's mind as he pushed his chin up to rest it on his boyfriend's shoulder, occasionally swirling a metal teaspoon through his drink.

„Mm I think you spoil me too much." He murmured, staring at the city with sparkling eyes. The midnight hue was a perfect reflection of it and his beauty was enchanting. How could one person hold so much beauty?

„A prince like you deserves to be spoilt." Kook flushed, the blush growing up his neck and cheeks as he pulled his hood down, trying to hide it from the one who suppressed a further giggle. Though he should have learnt that that didn't work the last time and he ended up laughing hysterically at his adorable boyfriend; high off the serene and romantic atmosphere.

„Princes are proper ... 'm not proper or perfect."

„You're perfect enough."

„That is not how it works Tae -" he tried to scold but was abruptly cut of by the swift movements of the tanned male. His hands finding their way to the back of the smaller's knees and ankles as he pushed his body back. His movements are smooth and clean, a sweet smile planted on his lips as he trapped Kook beneath him.

Gently, like he was caring for a delicate rose, Taehyung brought his fingers to caress his lover's cheeks, before dropping his head and pressing his lips sweetly to the younger's parted own.

„It's not so hard to accept the fact that you're royalty baby, just let me have my fun with it." Kook scowled, purposefully biting down on Taehyung's lip as he tried to kiss him once more, the older yelped out in surprise, pulling away and reflecting the expression of annoyance.

„Let me up, my drink is going to get cold then you will have to make me another one." The moment Taehyung released him, his skinny body was wriggling free of the arm tucked around his waist and he had shot across the room. Now he stood on top of one of the tables, poking his tongue out as he stood tall and proud. „Fool."

„Oh you're a cheeky boy." Taehyung murmured, keeping an evil grin planted safely on his lips as he rose from the blanket. Ever so slowly he stepped forward. Just once. Not twice. But once. No more, no less. That in itself had Kook's grin faltering to something that looked like discouraged realisation.

„Tae ... what are you -" the older rushed forward, diving at Kook and bringing him tumbling off the table as a loud scream erupted from his throat. They both crashed to the floor, Taehyung breaking the fall safely with his knees as they rolled onto their sides. Kook was practically hyperventilating as his blown pupils stared back at Taehyung, amazed.

„How's that for a fool?" The sound of creaking made the two stiffen in alarm, the rustic globes above them flickering to life as the coffeehouse was illuminated to reveal the teal colour of the walls and the raw wooden table tops. But the two sat stilled in the centre of the shop, staring up at the girl who stood at the entrance; wide eyes flitting between the two in alarm. They were caught. Then the girl yelled rather dramatically, dropping her bag and storming forward,

„You two are everywhere, what the fuck are you doing in my shop?!"

。〜 ‥ 。。。‥ 〜。

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