I'll Wait Forever

By twisted_transistor

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Frank has always been an outcast. At school, at home, even just walking down the street. He's a nobody- and h... More

Chapter one...
Chapter two...
Chapter 3...
Chapter 4...
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6...
Chapter 7...
Chapter 8...
Chapta 9 y'all.
Chapter 10. Ily all.
Chapter 11...
-21 guns/pilots-


311 19 11
By twisted_transistor

I stayed the night next to that rock, the same as I had my second night here. Only this time, a 'friendly' stranger didn't find me and offer to protect me from the 'bears'. That was okay. I just bundled myself up and let sleep overtake me. I could finally rest easy.

I awoke suddenly, forgetting for a brief moment where I was. It came back to me soon enough though, and as the morning sun blazed above my head I decided it was time to head back to Miss Nora's and let Emma know that I had not, in fact, vanished into thin air.

I checked the time as I slipped inside, ignoring Ronnie as he shoved past me to catch the bus that was already outside. I didn't mind that I'd miss the bus, it wasn't too far a walk. And besides, it doesn't matter if I'm late or not anyway. Nothing could ruin my mood today anyway.

I saw Emma start to come downstairs, her eyes widening as she caught sight of me. I gave her a sheepish smile and a small wave. She was not amused.

"Frank! Where have you been?!" She whisper-yelled as she made her way to me.

"I'm sorry, there were a couple of things I needed to do and then I decided to hang out at one of the places for awhile. I lost track of time and fell asleep. I'll be at school though, don't worry." I pulled her into a hug and tried to pass her to head upstairs, but she held my arm.

"Frank you're freezing cold. How long have you been outside? You're going to get sick..."

"Just for a little while. I don't care if I get sick anyway. I've gotta go get ready for school now so I'm not too late." She nodded and begrudgingly released my arm, so I trotted upstairs to shower and throw on some fresher clothes.

After I got ready, I grabbed my backpack and smiled as I stepped back outside. School had already started, but that was okay. I'd probably get there near the beginning of second period, which was still plenty of time to see all of my friends. I felt the chilly wind blowing around me, and I loved every second of it. I don't think I've ever really taken the time to appreciate the energy and life that the wind brings with it.

Finally, the school came into view. I picked up my pace to a small jog and was soon inside getting my late pass and then standing in front of my classroom pulling the door open. The teacher waved me in and told me to have a seat after he gave me the note packet we'd be working on today. My eyes ran up and down the packet, and for once, I actually decided to do my work in class. Surprisingly, it made the day go by much faster, and before I knew it, the bell rang signaling my lunch period. I caught myself smiling as I met up with Brendon and Ryan. I walked with them to our table, trying to tune out the weird story Ryan was telling me about his obsession with cheese whiz.

Suddenly Pete and Patrick appeared.  They walked together towards our table, and as they approached I noticed that their hands just so happened to be interlocked. They both sat down nonchalantly, as though no one at the table had just seen them together. Brendon was the first to speak, "well..?"

"Well what?" Patrick asked as the blush crept up his cheeks.

"You know what..." Ryan giggled. "So are you guys like, official now?" Patrick and Pete glanced at each other and then back to us before Pete nodded happily. "Yay congrats you guys!" Ryan cried as he engulfed both of them in a hug.

"Yeah congrats guys," Brendon smiled, "now just make sure you stay away from cheese wiz..."

"Oh shut up Brenny, you know you liked it," Ryan playfully nudged Brendon before they both began talking about cheese wiz again. I smiled, a real smile, as I took everything in; my friends were pretty fucking great.

As the final bell rang, I made sure to meet up with my friends once more. I walked with them to the busses and then said my goodbyes before beginning my walk back to the orphanage. The weather was gorgeous here, how had I never noticed that before?

My train of thought was interrupted by a voice behind me, "Frank! Wait up!" I turned and saw none other than Pete. He finally reached me, and his heavy breathing from running was quite obvious, "fuck I'm out of shape... Can I walk with you though? I feel like we haven't really talked in a while."

"Sure, I'd really like that. By the way, I'm really happy for you and Patty cakes."

"Thanks Iero," Pete blushed, "I'm really happy for us too. But I'm not walking with you to talk about me and my amazing boyfriend, even though he's fucking amazing as hell; I'm here to talk about you. You've been so quiet lately, and we don't talk as much as we used to. I just want to make sure you're alright. I've been worried about you." Pete bumped into my shoulder as we walked, and I knew if I tried to lie he'd see right through it.

"Honestly, I've been having a hard time lately. After stuff happened with Gerard, my life kind of lost its direction. But I'm doing better now; I've thought about a lot of things, and I'm finally focused on myself. It took some time, a lot of time, but I've come to terms with everything that has happened since I've been here. I know where I need to be now, and there's nothing and no one holding me back. Right now is the best I've felt in a long time, so you don't need to worry. I'm okay, trust me." I flashed him a smile; it meant a lot to me that he even cared enough to ask how I was.

I could tell he was wary about my answer, but he didn't pry further. We just walked in silence back to the orphanage, occasionally catching each others glances and giggling like back when we were younger. Finally, we stepped up to the front door, and I hugged Pete, "Bye, thanks for everything. I know I don't say that enough. But thanks Pete."

"Of course, and thank you too. You're the best friend I've ever had." He pulled away and smiled at me, "I'll see you later, Iero!" He laughed as he jogged away.

I only waved; I watched Pete run until he had disappeared down the street and towards his house. I sighed once more before heading inside and up to my room.

Once there, I locked my door behind me. I didn't need Emma bursting in unannounced right now. I grabbed some paper from my book bag and I began to write, and I didn't stop.

I wrote for what seemed like hours. I fixed every detail I could, and I wrote everything I needed to. I wrote everything that had been clogging up my mind for weeks. And once it was down on paper right in front of me, I felt the weight of everything lifting off of my shoulders.

I felt free.

For the first time in my entire life, I felt completely, and utterly free. I was completely and utterly free.

As I started cleaning up my desk, I heard my doorknob jiggle. Fuck. Emma was home. "Hey, Iero, open up."

"Hold on!" I called as I started frantically shoving my papers into the bottom drawer of my desk. Just as I finished, Emma pushed the door open, bobby pin in hand, "does a door lock mean nothing to you?"

"Not when it comes to my best friends. It's merely an obstacle that I choose to overcome," she laughed and plopped down on my bed, "so what have you been up to today? I haven't heard from you much lately."

"Just homework since I've been back from school. It's all I've really had time for..." I trailed off, hoping she'd buy my lie.

"Yeah, 'cause you're always the one to diligently do you're homework when you're supposed to. Cmon, really what have you been up to? I'm just curious. You haven't talked to me about anything in like a month, so seeing you smiling is kind of making me suspicious." She laughed and punched my arm.

"I guess I've just been happier today. I've dealt with some emotions, and thought about some stuff, and that's about it. I just feel better today."

"Well good, I'm glad you're feeling better. Thanks for actually talking to me somewhat willingly today, too. I think today is the start of a good run for you Frankie boy, I can feel it!" She smiled at me and laid back on my bed, and I laid back and joined her. "Whatever has been eating you up, I'm glad you're past it now. I hated seeing you so upset. There's always better days ahead, just remember that for the next time you feel so down."

"Are there always better days ahead?" I questioned.



I emptied my backpack and threw some random clothes inside, not even looking to see what they were. After that, I crept to the bathroom and grabbed my tooth brush and tooth paste and brought them to my backpack as well. I froze as I heard stirring from the next room, but then I remembered Emma is just a lively sleep talker.

Finally, I reopened my bottom drawer and took out my project from earlier that evening. I sorted everything out, and put one envelope in my backpack, and left the other envelope on my bed. After that, I grabbed my guitar and my backpack and snuck down the orphanage stairs once more.

Thankfully no one heard me, and I was able to disappear into the woods without a trace.

I smiled again. I was tired, but now I was happy, and I was free.


Hey guys!! Long time no see!! Sorry!!

I promise this book will get finished at some point no matter what. It's just taken me like four years to get there lmao

Anyway.... If you happen to read this, thank you so much. I appreciate every single person that reads this, especially those of you who have been waiting on this book to update for a long time.

I know I always try and update more frequently and then it doesn't happen, but, I will never abandon my stories. That, I can promise you. I'm really going to try and have this completed in the next couple of weeks, so be on the look out for new chapters.

Ill stop rambling now, but thank you guys so much!! I love you all!!

Merci pour le venin...

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