The Wrong Direction Ended up...

By RachTommoForever

250K 3.5K 567

Harry Styles was just another first year moving sluggishly through university, until he meets second year Lou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 10

11.1K 145 25
By RachTommoForever

Hey guys im so sorry its taken forver to find time to actually write it! and its not even an exciting chapter! another filler but next one should be better and up in hopefully a day or two :) thanks loveliessssss <3

Chapter 10

I woke up shivering. It was so cold! Had I left the window in my room open or something? I rubbed my eyes sleepily and looked around. I was in a park? Oh wait, yesterday was my date with Lou! The most perfect date in the history of the world!

I was still sat in his lap, his strong arms wrapped around me, protecting me from everything… except the cold. I snuggled further into his chest, sighing contentedly, breathing in his heavenly scent, enjoying the proximity of our bodies.

At that moment, his eyelids fluttered open and as his eyes met mine, a breathtakingly gorgeous smile broke out on his face, and his arms tightened around me ‘Morning Gorgeous’ holy FUCK his morning voice was sexy. Suddenly, he chuckled at me ‘I just said that out loud, didn’t I?’ please say no, please say no… ‘Yup!’ he giggled, popping the P at the end. Great.

Oh well, it doesn’t really matter anymore, cause he loves me. I struggled to fight back a hysterical giggle from falling from my lips. Louis loves me! ‘Yes I do babe. Forever and Always’ his eyes were filled with love and I couldn’t believe he was mine ‘I need to stop talking my thoughts now’ I could feel the blush rising to my cheeks, though I have no idea why.

‘No you don’t. It makes me happy, plus you look adorable when you’re embarrassed’ I could feel my cheeks getting hotter but I continued to stare deep into his eyes ‘I will do anything to make you happy Boo’. Just as our lips were about to meet, the incredibly annoying sound of my cell phone rang out from my pocket, interrupting us ‘Fuck you’ I muttered at my phone, but Louis replied, enthusiastically ‘sure, why not? I know you want to’ I looked at him, trying to disguise the longing that I’m positive was showing on my face.

He must have caught on to my pathetic act and chuckled at me ‘Come on babe, let’s get back. I didn’t really expect to fall asleep and we have classes today’ well poo. I’d completely forgotten we had school today. I pouted, attempting to do some adorable puppy dog eyes but pretty much failing miserably.

‘Don’t do that to me Haz. Come on, we actually have to go’ he stood up, extending his hand towards me which I took graciously. He pulled me up and I flung myself into his arms, refusing to get more than 2 cm away from him.

We walked slowly back to his car, my arms wrapped around his waist, my head resting on his chest, with his arms around my shoulders. I snaked one of my arms up his back and with that hand, I began to massage his scalp gently. I heard his heart beat speed up and an incredibly quiet moan rumble in his chest. I smiled to myself, proud that I had that effect on him.

As we reached his car, again he opened the door for me and I slid in, clicked my seatbelt, rested my head against the head rest and closed my eyes when his hand slipped into mine. He turned the radio on and began to sing along to the sound of ‘Lego House’ by Ed Sheeran. I realised that I had never heard him sing before.

I opened my eyes slightly, peeking through my eyelashes at him. He was sitting there, signing his heart out, a massive smile spread across his face. And he sounded incredible. His voice seemed to soak up every bit of air, making it hard for me to breathe. His voice was so pure, so angelic, so full of passion. He sounded so intense as he sang, but so light hearted. So sensitive, so vulnerable. The sound just filled my soul and I couldn’t get enough of it.

I’m out of touch,I’m out of love, I’ll pick you up when you’re getting down, and out of all these things I’ve done, I think I love you better now.

I’m out of sight, I’m out of mind, I’ll do it all for you in time, and out of all these things I’ve done, I think I love you better now.

Don’t hold me down, I think my braces are breaking, and that’s more than I can take.

And it’s dark in a cold December, but I’ve got you to keep me warm. And if you’re broken, I will mend ya, and keep ya sheltered from the storm that’s raging on.

I’m out of touch, I’m out of love, I’ll pick you up when you’re getting down, and out of all these things I’ve done, I think I love you better now.

I’m out of sight, I’m out of mind, I’ll do it all for you in time, and out of all these things I’ve done, I think I love you better now.

I’m out of touch, I’m out of love, I’ll pick you up when you’re getting down, and out of all these things I’ve done, I will love you better now.

As the song ended, I realised I had opened my eyes fully now and was staring at him, open mouthed. He glanced sideways at me and saw I was staring ‘Was I really that bad?’ he blushed and focused his attention back on the road. ‘N-no, Lou. You are fucking amazing!!!!!! I didn’t know you were that good!!! Oh my god! I have the worlds most talented boyfriend! You have such a phenomenal voice! Holy shit! I’m in shock!’ he blushed harder and giggled quietly ‘Babe, I’m not that good. Stop gushing.’ He sounded so insecure and it was driving me insane that he didn’t realise how freaking perfect he is.

Before I could argue with him, and tell him how amazing he is, the car stopped and he climbed out of the car, walked around the front and opened my door for me. I stepped out, taking his hand in mine, and we walked towards my dormitory building.

The campus was empty, except for the odd person hurriedly scurrying here or there, everyone must be in the first lecture of the day. Vaguely grateful for the emptiness, I turned to Lou ‘Louis, thank you so much for the best date anyone’s ever had. It was perfect. Just like you’ I looked him straight in the eyes, enunciating every word so he understands how deeply I believe this.

He blushed the most adorable shade of crimson, his blue eyes shining with pride ‘I love you so, so much Harry. God, I love saying that! But nowhere near as much as I love you’ this time, it was my turn to blush ‘There aren’t even words to describe how much I love you Lou. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I wish I could scream it to the entire world, how much I love you’ as I finished, Lou was simply gazing at me with complete adoration.

‘Bye Lou’ I kissed him on the lips quickly, and walked through the doors to my dorm building. I raced to the window to watch him walk off, but instead I saw him still standing there, eyes locked on the doors I walked out. It looked like he was debating whether or not to follow me. In the end, he decided against it, turning to walk away but not before whispering ‘I love you so much more than you’ll ever understand. Bye Haz.’

I stood at the window, sniffing like a little girl, holding back tears. What did I do to deserve him? I turned from the window and up to my room.  As I entered my room, I was surprised to find Zayn sitting on the bed, looking at me expectantly ‘How was your date with Lover boy?’ I just snorted and rolled my eyes at him ‘Louis was a perfect gentleman.’ At this, Zayn snorted, but I ignored him, wanting to tell him about our dazzling first date.

Thankfully, Zayn caught up on my enthusiasm ‘So.. where’d he take you?’ I launched into the story of our date, not leaving out any details, except for the details of our kisses. That, he doesn’t need to know. To say I was pleased when Zayn ‘Awwwwww’ed and hugged me when I told him Lou told me he loved me, would be an understatement. I was really glad Zayn was supporting me through this. At the beginning, I don’t know what I would’ve done without Zayn to rant to.

Suddenly, Zayn’s head snapped up from the bed and turned to look at me ‘I just had THE best idea ever!’ I raised an eyebrow at him, curious at what he was talking about ‘So my new girl, Sneha, is having a party tonight! You should come!! And bring lover boy!’ I suddenly felt butterflies erupt in my stomach, I don’t even know why.

I pushed these feelings aside, it must just be excitement ‘okay, yeah! It should be fun!’ I explained, mainly to myself ‘So tell me about your new girl!’ he launched into a detailed description of the girl, virtually pouring his heart out to me. From what I listened to, her name was Sneha, she was a second year but new this semester, she had just moved from Australia and she was apparently gorgeous.

From the way he was talking about her, I could tell he was falling for her, fast. He looked extremely happy, and that actually warmed my heart. I was unconditionally happy for the boy sitting across from me and prayed he would never get hurt. Snapping me out of my own thoughts, I remembered our plans for the day ‘SHIT! Dude, we have to get to our lessons!’

The look of fake alarm that flashed across his face sent me into a fit of hysterical laughter. Chuckling alongside me, Zayn straightened his clothes (goodness that boy can be vain sometimes), grabbed his bag and walked out the door shouting at me over his shoulder ‘See ya later mate! Don’t forget to tell lover boy!’ I glared at his back until he had gone out of sight and turned to grab my stuff and exit the room.

I checked my schedule and saw that I had an hour sitting in a room being barked at by none other than Ms Hearne. Massive trust I thought to myself. As I approached the room, I could hear her annoying voice ringing from about 20 metres away.

Ever since the whole Louis Incident a few weeks ago, I couldn’t help but not trust her. There is just something about the way she looks at me, like she’s just waiting for the perfect opportunity to just, I don’t know, kill me in my sleep or something. She hates me, it’s official.

I entered the hall and took my seat, I could feel her eyes boring in my back. Completely ignoring her, I sat down and began to absentmindedly stare out the window. She continued with her rant and was interrupted by someone knocking feverishly banging on the door. My head snapped up and I could feel the world’s biggest smile plant itself on my face.

It was Louis.

God, I love this boy so much. Ms Hearne groaned and walked slowly to the door, annoyance very clear on her face. As she turned the knob, she sighed and turned to Louis ‘Tomlinson. What do you want this time?’ Louis simply grinned, causing my heart to flutter inside my chest ‘Well thank you so much for the kind reception’ most of the class giggle quietly ‘but I actually come with a purpose today’ Ms Hearne rolled her eyes at him ‘and what would that be Lou?’ her calling him Lou sparked an anger inside of me

‘well..’ he suddenly went all shy and dropped his gaze to the floor bashfully, but obviously over-exaggerating ‘I missed my little first years. They’re so adorable’ Most of the girls ‘awwwwww’ed when he said he missed us but he looked me directly in the eyes as he said the last part, causing me to blush.

I heard the girls behind me whispering excitedly about him ‘Oh wow. He’s fit!’ ‘yeah but I heard someone saying he was gay!’ ‘really?! Does he have a.. you know… boyfriend?’ ‘Apparently he’s with…’ she must’ve stopped to gesture towards me, I suddenly felt self-conscious ‘Seriously?!?!’ she yell whispered ‘that’s just what someone told me. But he can’t be gay! He’s too fit!’ ‘Which one?’ ‘Both’ one of the girls replied, and both started giggling. I focused my attention back to Louis and Ms Hearne ‘Louis, you really should get back to your lesson.’ I pulled out my phone and sent him a text

Zayn’s new girlfriends party tonite :) feel like partying? Oh, and the girls behind me are talking about us! They think you’re fit. I tend to agree. xx –Haz

I looked up from my phone to hear his beep and him pull it out of his pocket, right in front of Ms Hearne, pulling a giggle from the rest of the class. As he read the text, a large smile spread across his face. He turned towards me and shot a wink at the girls behind him. They giggled like mad and scream whisper to each other again but I couldn’t be bothered to listen. Louis turned back to his phone and his thumb started moving rapidly across the keypad. I felt my phone vibrate in my hand.

Sounds fun :) well you don’t have to worry about them, they’re not exactly my type. I didn’t even realise they were there, I could only see you xx – Lou

I heard another round of giggles behind me and I turned my head slightly to see them both slightly leaning towards me, eyes, not so subtly, trying to read the messages. I shrugged it off, butterflies bouncing around inside my stomach.

I was actually immensely please that some people know about me and Lou being together, seriously.  ‘That is not a valid reason Tomlinson. Please, just leave’ there was a hint of pain in her voice and I’m certain it was because of Lou’s hinting towards me and it was obvious we were texting each other, and both grinning like mad. Lou obviously caught on as well

‘Okay, sorry for the interruption’ he did a quick, over dramatic, bow and exited the room, leaving me in awe of him. He is so confident, so sure about himself. Ms Hearne shot me a glare but continued on for the second time in about 10 minutes.

After sitting there in extreme boredness for an hour, we were finally dismissed and I realised that was the last lesson of the day. I excitedly ran to my dorm, jumped in the shower and washed my hair quickly. I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked into my bedroom, to find clothes to wear tonight.

After about 45 minutes of pulling out clothing items and tossing them to the side, I finally decided on a simple, white V neck shirt with tan chinos and a navy blue blazer pulled over the top and simple red converse on my feet. I flicked my head to the side and ran my hands through my wild hair a few times before I was satisfied that I looked presentable.

At that moment I heard a knock at the door. I ran down the hall to the front door and swung it wide open as quickly and as forcefully as I could. I just couldn’t wait any longer to see Lou. He stood leaning against the doorframe, and he looked amazing. He was wearing bright red skinny jeans, a blue and white striped shirt with black suspenders and white TOMs. Fuck he making this impossible for me to not just pounce on him and take him right here and now.

‘You look… incredible!’ he gaped at me ‘I could say the same about you, sexy’. We both chuckled and walked out the door and to his car, hand in hand. 

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