Kamen Rider AOE (Kamen Rider...

By Paranilla

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(Edited Chapter 16. Anything after that is not edited yet) Kara Amor is chasing down her lost love when she... More

-Chapter 1
-Chapter 2
-Chapter 3
-Chapter 4
-Chapter 5
-Chapter 6
-Chapter 7
-Chapter 8
-Chapter 9
-Chapter 10
-Chapter 11
-Chapter 12
-Chapter 13
-Chapter 14
-Chapter 15
-Chapter 16
-Chapter 17
-Chapter 18
-Chapter 19
-Chapter 20
-Chapter 21
-Chapter 22
-Chapter 23
-Chapter 24
-Chapter 25
-Chapter 26
-Chapter 27
-Chapter 28
-Chapter 29
-Chapter 30
-Chapter 31
-Chapter 32
-Chapter 33
-Chapter 34
-Chapter 35
-Chapter 36
-Chapter 37
-Chapter 38
-Chapter 39
-Chapter 40
-Chapter 41
-Chapter 42
-Chapter 43
-Chapter 44
-Chapter 45
-Chapter 46
-Chapter 47
-Chapter 48
-Chapter 49
-Chapter 51
Chapter 52
-Chapter 53
-Chapter 54
-Chapter 55
-Chapter 56
-Chapter 57
-Chapter 58
-Chapter 59
-Chapter 60
-Chapter 61
-Chapter 62
-Chapter 63
-Chapter 64
-Chapter 65
-Chapter 66
-Chapter 67
-Chapter 68
-Chapter 69
-Chapter 70
-Chapter 71
-Chapter 72
-Chapter 73
-Chapter 74
-Chapter 75
-Chapter 76
-Chapter 77
-Chapter 78
-Chapter 79
-Chapter 80

-Chapter 50

163 4 2
By Paranilla

-Chapter 50: The Shocking Arrival!

I place all my files down at the Nurse's desk, sighing heavily. After the other day, Hiiro has had me working outside the CR. Apparently, my love for Parad has been distracting me. How am I supposed to not get distracted by my love for Parad? He is the dreamiest man I have ever seen!

"What has you working back up here? I heard you were transferred," Yuno asks me.

"I was transferred but I am eligible to work at any part of the hospital according to the Director and his spoiled son, Hiiro," I answer. "So, I'm working up here with you all. I have already been yelled at by a doctor who didn't care for my opinion on something. He's wrong you know? He shouldn't have sent that person home."

"You know you shouldn't speak like that to a doctor. I know Hiiro tolerates your comments but the others won't," Yuno tells me. "Oh, where did Miyuki vanish off to?"

"She's working at another hospital according to Hiiro. I saw her the other day with her boyfriend," I answer, sighing heavily.

"I heard that you got married. Is that true?"

"Oh, yeah," I answer, nodding. "I did. He died not too long after the wedding though."

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss," she says, frowning. "I didn't know about that."

"It is fine, don't worry about it," I reply. "You don't have to feel too bad about bringing it up. I am used to questions about my late husband. Everyone usually asks me about him."

"How did he die?"

"He was murdered."

"Oh, that is terrible!"

I nod my head and look over at the window. I'm used to him being dead now and I have come to accept that Parad killed him. I can't let Parad off the hook though. I do have to punish him and me breaking up with him isn't enough punishment.

"Did they catch the person?"


"Do you know who did it?"

"I have a feeling that I do."

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Hello? Kara needs to report to her regular unit that she transferred to? She needs to be there right now? Oh, okay," Yuno says into the phone. "I'll send her there now." She hangs up. "Hiiro is telling you to head to where you typically are assigned."

I look at Yuno and nods. "Alright."

I wonder what is up.


I step into the CR, looking at the ground. I sigh heavily. I am going to have to apologize to all of them for being all over Parad. It is just I can't afford to lose him after losing Kuroto. If I lose another person I love, I'll freak out. I will lose it.

"You have finally arrived, Kara!" Poppy shouts and I look up, staring at her and the others. I unconsciously made it to this area of the CR. How nice!

My eyes land on a familiar looking outline. That suit...that hair...is that? No way! He's...He's dead!

I step back, stumbling a bit. "K-Kuroto?"

He looks over at me, his eyes looking me over. "Kara!" He stands up and he rushes over to me, hooking his arms around me. "I was so terrible to you before I died. I am so glad we can finally start having time together again. It is so great to see you!"

Tears fill my eyes and I bring my arms up, wrapping them around his waist. "Kuroto...I missed you...I freaked out when you died. I...I have the Bugster Virus."

"I know that you have. That is how you were able to transform without the surgery. I saw your file from Foundation X and they had that they infected you with a strand of the virus. I don't know how they got ahold of it but they did. You weren't aware of it were you?" Kuroto pulls back and looks down in my eyes.

I look at him, shaking my head. "No, I didn't know that I had the virus until I was taken over by the Bugster in my body. Don't worry, she's resting right now. She's actually pretty lazy."

Kuroto brings his hands to my face and wipes away my tears. "You're too pretty to cry, Kara," he tells me and he bends over a bit.

"Excuse us, we're not done talking yet," Taiga says, clearing his throat. "So, how is this even possible? How is Kuroto standing before us?"

"Well...I brought him back by going into the game I found at the Genm building I saw in my memories. Well, my host's memories," Poppy explains. "I went into it and saw him. Then I gave him the Gamer Driver and popped the game in, which made him like that."

I get on my tippy toes and press my lips against Kuroto's lips gently, closing my eyes. I don't care how he was able to come back. All that matters is that I now have my husband back.

He kisses me back gently, moving his hands to my waist. He is still a really good kisser. Gosh, I missed kissing him so much! Not that kissing Parad is bad or anything, it is just we're enemies now and kissing the enemy is bad. I'm still going to do it though.

"Are you two done having your moment?" Hiiro asks, sounding annoyed. He is so jealous of me and Kuroto!

Kuroto pulls away from me and I open my eyes. "Yeah, we're done kissing. Kara, we'll have to do more of that later but after we have a talk about how things are going to be from now on," Kuroto tells me and he turns away from me. I look over at the others and shrug.

"How can she stand kissing him?" Nico asks, holding onto Taiga's arm. "He is so creepy!"

"Anyways, back to what I was saying," Poppy says. "He's revived now...but as a Bugster."

"You should explain yourself, Kuroto!" Taiga moves towards him and Kuroto holds up a hand.

"Don't order me around!" He shouts and he shoves Taiga back. "I beat a game over! I am truly a God!"

Poppy holds out her transformation device and absorbs him in and I laugh. That is what he gets for going on and on about being a God. He deserves that because he ain't a God.

"Don't get cocky!" Poppy shakes a finger at the screen of her device, staring at Kuroto.

"Well, I'm going to get myself some coffee. Poppy, take good care of my husband," I say, turning around. I am going to let him enjoy his punishment. I smirk.


I look into Poppy's game cabinet, staring at the arcade game screen as Kuroto pulls some stuff out. Is he moving into her space? How sweet of him not to take over my home!

"Hey, stop redecorating my room on your own! This is my place!" Poppy whines, getting closer to the screen and putting her hands on her face dramatically.

I turn my head a bit and look Emu in the eyes. "I guess this is how our days are going to start off here now, huh?" I look back at the screen.

"Kuroto, I have questions for you," Taiga says. "Come on out!"

Kuroto gets closer to the screen, his eyes taking it over. I turn away and move towards one of the other monitors in the CR, seeing his face on it. I have to get used to him doing that. That is one of the many abilities of the Bugsters since they're pretty much just data. Living, breathing data.

"I have discarded the name Dan Kuroto," he tells us. "From now on you should call me...Neo Dan Kuroto!"

"I'm just going to call you by your first name," I state, crossing my arms. "I don't have time for this crap. I'm going to get me another cup of delicious Americano coffee."

"Honey, that is fine. Anyways, I'm going to be using this place as my office from now on," Kuroto states, popping out from the gaming cabinet.

Hiiro rushes at him and I hold up my hand as Kuroto vanishes, making Hiiro bump into me. I fall to the ground and look up. Kuroto!

"Being a Bugster is really convenient," Kuroto says.

"You had your wife knocked over," Emu tells him and Kuroto turns to me, looking horrified.

"I'm fine," I state, getting off the ground. "Hiiro, watch what you're doing. Kuroto, watch it when you teleport out of the way. I swear, I'll take Poppy's device and put you in it for the rest of your Bugster life!"

"Why you?" Taiga grabs Kuroto and Poppy shoves him away.

"Stop it! Guys, please stop!" She pleads.

"Are you really Kuroto?" Nico asks. "Miyuki is going to be surprised when she sees this."

"Why are you still alive?" Emu asks.

Kuroto moves away from Poppy and I follow him. "I am the Game Master," he states. "You didn't think I had a plan, did you? You know what? I doubt you thought I had a plan for when I would get a game over. I thought about what I should do if I was to get a game over. So, I made a really good plan and it worked out."

Kuroto turns away from Emu and goes by me, taking a seat at the table. I turn to him, looking him over. My husband looks so hot right now and I should stop thinking about that when we're having such a serious conversation with him.

"Why did you revive him, Poppy?" Taiga asks.

"I wanted to save Emu from Parad," Poppy answers.

"Taiga, quit bothering her. She had the right to do this. It saved Emu, didn't it? Besides, Kuroto is going to be useful to us from now on," I state. I just hope he can agree to work with us here at the CR.

"Kuroto, you have to apologize to everyone!" Poppy exclaims, rushing over to Kuroto and helping him out of the chair.

Kuroto lifts a hand to his face. "I don't think I've done anything worth apologizing over," he says, acting innocent. I swear, I am going to slap him silly!

"People died because of you!" Poppy shouts at him.

"Kiriya died because of you!" I exclaim, grabbing my necklace and holding onto it tightly. "Don't you feel bad about killing Kiriya?"

"Their data isn't really lost so it isn't a big deal you two," Kuroto tells us, looking us over.

"Huh? What do you mean by data?" Nico asks as the phone starts ringing.

"Yes, Cyber Rescue Center," Emu's voice says. He must have got the phone. I would do that but I'm too busy checking out my husband and wishing Kiriya would just come back to life right now. I miss my strange bike friend. "Yes, understood." He hangs up the phone. "A Bugster appeared. Let's go."

"Sorry, I have an operation to perform," Hiiro announces.

"Huh? Since when?" I ask Hiiro.

"Since earlier. I don't need to tell you everything, Kara," Hiiro snaps, turning away from me and leaving the room. I follow him out.

"Hiiro, stop!" I shout.

"Don't follow me!"

"I want to follow you, Hiiro! Let me be the shoulder you cry on for once! You just learned that Saki's data probably isn't gone, right?"

"Shut up! That isn't what this is about." He stops and turns around, facing me. "Why do you always meddle in everyone's business? Don't you know how to keep your nose out of these things? Why don't you go and screw your two Bugster lovers and leave me alone? We have nothing to do with each other!"

My eyes burn. "How can you say that to me? Sure, I'm not totally upfront about myself but that doesn't mean you can tell me to screw the two people I love. I loved you at one point and I still love you but it isn't as strong as it used to be. Why are you being so terrible to me right now?"

"Why don't you go and leave back to Foundation X?" Hiiro asks me, glaring at me.

Tears fall down my face and I look down. "Because I don't want to live that life anymore! I want to live my life here and be a Nurse! That is why I came to find you. I wanted to be the person at your side! I still want to be at your side even if it is just assisting you in the hospital as your Nurse!"

"I don't want that! Go home!"

"I have nothing back home to go to!" I shout, looking at his face. He turns away a bit, clenching his fists. "Don't you understand me? I left everything to be with you when I came here. I may have found something else to stay here for but that doesn't mean you have to be like this with me. It is unfair."

"You tricked me and you get to act like I'm being unfair right now? You approached me just to get the Gashats."

"We went over this already. I stopped that plan. I haven't even talked with them yet," I tell him. "I don't even know what the Foundation is doing right now. They're up to no good and I'm not a part of that anymore. I'm just here living my life now."

"You don't get to decide when you get to be a part of my life. You lost that right when you revealed your true character," Hiiro tells me.

"Hiiro, you don't mean any of this! You're just angry at me because you finally realized I wasn't worth dating because you can get Saki back! That is it, right? I'm not important anymore because you may have a shot of reviving Saki!"


"I'm going now!" I turn away from him and step forward, tears going down my cheeks. This isn't what I wanted at all.

(Later on)

Kuroto holds out a trophy to Emu. It is a Gashat shaped trophy that is given out as a reward for clearing levels in Kamen Rider Chronicle. He is giving Emu it for freeing Poppy from her brainwashing.

"Wait, this is the DoReMiFa trophy!" Emu exclaims, looking at the thing he got from Kuroto.

"Doctor Hanaya, you can have this," Kuroto says, holding out a Gashat for him. "Now you and Hiiro can access your level fifty forms. Now, for you Doctor Kagami...I'll answer your question. Saki's data is out there and it is in Graphite's game."

"Just so we're clear, Kuroto," Nico says, moving towards Kuroto. Kuroto pulls out a lollipop and she takes it and turns away. "Don't think you're going to be forgiven just like that."

"And for my lovely wife, I have something special," Kuroto says, moving over to me like a normal person does. He kisses my forehead gently. "My love."

"The gift you just gave me isn't all that worth it. I'm going to need more," I state, winking at him. It is hard acting this happy because of Hiiro shattering my heart.

"You all should be thankful! This is a gift from God!"

Poppy blows a whistle. "You deserve a penalty!" She holds up a card and her transformation device.

Kuroto rushes away and hides behind a stuffed animal. I roll my eyes. How embarrassing.

Now, how are we going to finish this game?

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