Kamen Rider AOE (Kamen Rider...

By Paranilla

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(Edited Chapter 16. Anything after that is not edited yet) Kara Amor is chasing down her lost love when she... More

-Chapter 1
-Chapter 2
-Chapter 3
-Chapter 4
-Chapter 5
-Chapter 6
-Chapter 7
-Chapter 8
-Chapter 9
-Chapter 10
-Chapter 11
-Chapter 12
-Chapter 13
-Chapter 14
-Chapter 15
-Chapter 16
-Chapter 17
-Chapter 18
-Chapter 19
-Chapter 20
-Chapter 21
-Chapter 22
-Chapter 23
-Chapter 24
-Chapter 25
-Chapter 26
-Chapter 27
-Chapter 28
-Chapter 29
-Chapter 30
-Chapter 31
-Chapter 32
-Chapter 33
-Chapter 34
-Chapter 35
-Chapter 36
-Chapter 37
-Chapter 38
-Chapter 39
-Chapter 40
-Chapter 41
-Chapter 42
-Chapter 43
-Chapter 44
-Chapter 45
-Chapter 46
-Chapter 47
-Chapter 48
-Chapter 50
-Chapter 51
Chapter 52
-Chapter 53
-Chapter 54
-Chapter 55
-Chapter 56
-Chapter 57
-Chapter 58
-Chapter 59
-Chapter 60
-Chapter 61
-Chapter 62
-Chapter 63
-Chapter 64
-Chapter 65
-Chapter 66
-Chapter 67
-Chapter 68
-Chapter 69
-Chapter 70
-Chapter 71
-Chapter 72
-Chapter 73
-Chapter 74
-Chapter 75
-Chapter 76
-Chapter 77
-Chapter 78
-Chapter 79
-Chapter 80

-Chapter 49

165 5 1
By Paranilla

-Chapter 49: The Truth about Parad

"Snap out of it, Intern!" Hiiro shouts, rushing towards Emu/Parad.

He gets shoved back and Emu/Parad shoves his hand into his coat pocket. He pulls out the Knockout Fighter and Perfect Puzzle Dual Gear Gashat. He turns it, selecting Knockout Fighter.

"Why is he using Para-DX's Gashat?" Taiga asks in confusion. I think I know what is going on but I can't mention it. I'm so sorry!

"Transform," Emu/Parad says, transforming into his Knockout Fighter form.

I pull out my Gashat and transform, rushing towards him with the others, Hiiro and Taiga. He punches Hiiro and Taiga back and he grabs me, shoving me backwards. That was probably the gentlest thing someone has done to me in battle recently.

"Duck, Kara," Emu/Parad says and I duck down onto the ground as his hand glows with fire. He punches the air, sending a fireball at Hiiro and Taiga. It hits them and they fall over to the ground. "I guess I'll stop being a doctor now."

He turns away and jumps up, disappearing. I push myself off the ground and look behind me at the others. They seem like they're in shock right now. I'm glad I'm transformed still because if I wasn't, I probably wouldn't be shocked looking.

"We need to get back to the CR to talk," Miyuki says, ordering us around. "Kara, are you alright?"

I nod my head. "Yeah, I'm alright. Thank you for asking."

She's right. We need to get back to the CR. Now.


"Omigod! It is a pipupepopanic!" Poppy screams, slamming her hands onto the table.

"Why did M transform into Para-DX?" Nico shouts, smacking her hands against the table too. She also knocked Poppy over a bit.

Poppy recovers and shoves her over. "There is no way that Emu would quit being a doctor," she says.

Nico moves besides her as they both lean forward, staring at me, Hiiro, and Taiga. "There has to be an explanation for all of this!" They both shout at us.

"There is one explanation," Taiga says, looking down.

I nod my head a bit. "Yeah, there is one explanation for this," I say, agreeing with Taiga.

"Parad is obsessed with the Intern," Hiiro states. "And no matter how many times we tried operating on him, there was no Bugster that appeared before us. If that is the case..."

"Parad is the Bugster born from Emu, right?" Poppy asks and I turn away, closing my eyes. "Kara..."

"You knew about this didn't you?" Taiga asks me. "How can you withhold that kind of information from us? You knew that he could do something."

I turn back and face them. "How could I have known he would take over Emu's body like that, huh? I knew about where he came from but I didn't know too much about it like this. I didn't know Bugsters could just take over randomly and be all like 'Hey, I'm inside your body', Taiga!" I exclaim. "I love Parad but I'm not going to defend him this time. He is going too far."

"I still don't get it," Nico says.

"Wait, remember what Kuroto said?" Poppy asks. "He planted the Bugster virus on Emu. Sixteen years ago, he did that, remember? So, after ten years it grew into Parad."

"So, the guy who beat me at that tournament six years ago wasn't Emu?" Nico asks, sounding upset. She should be upset. She blamed Emu and treated him horribly.

"It was Parad who took over his body and called himself the Genius Gamer M," Taiga states. "After that, Kuroto manipulated Zaizen Michihiko into removing him from Emu's body."

"So, the reason he wanted to be a doctor suddenly was?" Poppy asks.

"When Parad was separated from him, Emu returned to his original personality. He became soft spoken again," Hiiro explains, answering Poppy's question.

"If we defeat Parad, we will cure the Intern of his game disease," Taiga says, looking away.

"We can't go and do that!" I shout. "I love him but I refuse to lose him like that."

"We have to," Taiga tells me. "If we don't, Emu could die and this game will never end. We need it to end."

"Do it yourselves then. I refuse to kill the man of my dreams," I mutter out, pouting.

Taiga scoffs. "Miyuki, Nico, let's go."



"So much for having fun," Parad says. "The pests are here and so is my ex-girlfriend." Well, at least I'm not considered a pest to him.

"Are you Parad?" Hiiro asks.

"Hiiro, that is an obvious question," I tell him. "That is obviously him! I love and adore Parad and so I know what he sounds like the moment I hear him."

"You guys..." Emu tries getting off the ground. Remind me to hold him later and try to make him feel better about every single thing.

"M, Mighty Brothers XX is two persons in one," Parad states. "Right now we both share our genes and our memories." That is so what I wanted to know, Parad.

"I didn't want to know that much, Parad!" I shout and he looks over his shoulder, letting out a bit of a laugh. "I'm not joking by the way! I'm serious! I didn't want to know that!"

He turns his attention back to Emu. "Remember why you're still alive right now."

"I should have died back then."

"You should have but you didn't," Parad states.

"So...that is how it is," Taiga says.

"You took over the Intern and released his stress?" Hiiro asks and I look down. Well, I certainly remember that day very well.

"You see, M, I gave your life a continue," Parad tells Emu, stepping towards him. How lovely that he did that. He could have just let Emu die in order to get his complete form.

"No..." Emu shakes his head.

"My puzzle decides if you live or die," he replies. He twirls a bit and I roll my eyes. I don't get how I fell in love with such a childish man. "You don't have control over your own fate." He turns back to Emu.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Emu exclaims. Well, he didn't say that too loudly but it is loud enough for the rest of us to hear!

Parad chuckles. "Does that strike a chord? How about you show me that you can control your own fate then? If you don't beat me, M, you won't ever cure your game disease. Fight me, now."

"Fine, I will fight you!" Emu replies.

"You two, stop!" I shout. "You don't have to fight each other! This is pointless right now. We should be doing something else instead of this. We don't have time to do stupid things."

"Hey, Kara, can you shut up?" Parad asks me. "I promise I'll chat with you later after I deal with this and give you what you deserve."

"What I deserve? What do you mean by that?"

"Yeah, what do you mean by that?" Hiiro asks. Hiiro sounds defensive.

"Shut up and you'll find out," Parad orders, ignoring Hiiro's comment. Poor Hiiro isn't getting an answer. Poor me too! I'm not even getting an answer either.

"Ha-ha!" Parad laughs. I can't get over his cute laugh. I love it.

They two rush off, fighting with each other. I think they are hitting each other and are pretty much equals in this battle. I can't really tell. I need to get closer despite how dangerous it might be.

I move forward, stepping away from Hiiro. I don't have the time to stand back and wait to see the results of the battle. I need to see what is going on right now, right at this moment.

I stumble a bit as Emu puts in his Gashat into his weapon, holding it out towards Parad. When did Parad get onto the ground? Is he going to kill my true love now?

"Ah!" Parad screams as he gets hit.

"Parad!" I shout, rushing to his side as he falls to the ground. I place my hands on his arms, looking him over. I hope he isn't badly injured.

"Intern!" Hiiro shouts, probably rushing to Emu's side.

"Parad, are you alright?" I ask and he looks at me, lifting his head up a bit. "Parad, answer me. Please! I love you and I don't want anything happening to you."

"Ex-aid is the winner, Para-DX," Taiga states and I look behind my shoulder.

"Get away from my body!" Emu tells Parad.

Parad laughs and he looks away from me. "Destiny is like a puzzle isn't it?" He looks back at me and he removes my hands from him. "Kara, step away to the side or you will get hurt."

"Are you looking out for me?" What is he up to?

"Do as I say, okay?"

I nod my head and move over to the side, standing next to a rock. I'm just going to do as he says. I don't want to get into any trouble.

"Why are you so happy?" Nico asks. "You lost."

"Me? I lost?" Parad chuckles. "Don't joke around with me." He gets off the ground and looks ahead at the others. He turns his head to me, staring at me. "Stay back until this is over."

I nod my head. "Alright."

"Why are you taking orders from him?" Nico asks me.

"I'm not going to question my ex!" I answer.

"Because of M's reprogramming ability, he has implanted his DNA on me. That DNA is Human DNA, which is going to allow me to be able to use this to level myself up," Parad announces, not looking at me. "I am going to be using this Gamer Driver that Humans are allowed to use. And it is only for Humans."

Parad holds up a Gamer Driver, which must have been Kuroto's. I forgot that Parad would have that since Kuroto left behind after becoming Dangerous Zombie. Also, after he died he left things behind. Parad probably took a few of those things that I couldn't get my own hands on. Kuroto did leave behind a will for me but I didn't get around to handling everything yet.

"Why do you have that?" Hiiro asks in confusion.

"That must have belonged to Genm," Taiga answers.

"I am really excited now," Parad states, holding up his Gashat as he places the Driver on his waist. It attaches itself and he shoves his Dual Gashat in. He pulls the lever and transforms. "Two games combined, Knockout Fighter and Perfect Puzzle...the name is, Perfect Knockout! Kamen Rider Para-DX Level Ninety-nine."

"Level Ninety-nine? Are you kidding me right now?" Nico asks, staring at Parad in shock.

Parad laughs as he steps forward, heading towards Emu and the others. His laugh is so infectious. It makes me want to laugh. Too bad this isn't the right moment to laugh.

"Take Ex-Aid and go hide, Nico. Miyuki, stay back," Taiga orders. He is so bossy sometimes, I swear!

Nico lifts one of Emu's arms around her and goes off with him. Hiiro and Taiga transform, which isn't a good idea. At least, I don't think it is a good idea.

They rush at Parad, trying to hit and Parad blocks them both. He is so strong now! He is on a way higher level than them!

Taiga shoots at Parad and Parad lifts his arm up, making a puzzle piece like shield appear. Wo-ah! That is so cool! How did he do that?

Parad holds out his arm and pulls out a weapon that kind of looks like a hammer and gun type thing with a blade. I wonder what that thing even is. I'm going to have to ask him about it later.

"If it is long range that you want, I'll let you have it," Parad says, turning the weapon to the gun side of it. He holds out it and presses something on it, probably a button. He fires it at Taiga, hitting him.

Taiga gets hit three times and stumbles back a bit, gasping. He must be in so much pain right now! Parad isn't messing around with this fight!

He pulls out his Gashat and puts it into the weapon, loading up his critical hit. He holds up his free hand and waves it, making some energy items come to him. He selects two of them and holds out his weapon. I am seeing a lot of Parad right now and I'm not going to complain about it!

Taiga pulls his lever, activating his critical strike. Is he going to try and defend himself from Parad? That is so not going to work.

Taiga fires his attack, which doesn't even hurt Parad. Parad then fires his off, hitting Taiga and sending him back flying. Ouch! That had to hurt!

"Taiga!" Miyuki and Nico shout, both of them rushing over to Taiga. Taiga isn't transformed anymore, which is a good thing because it means that he isn't going to get a game over now.

"Stop it!" Emu shouts. "Ah!"

Hiiro steps over to the Dual Gashat that he shares with Taiga and picks it up, turning it to his side. He activates it and puts it in his driver, transforming into Taddle Fantasy. Parad shoots at him but it gets blocked by the little shield like thing that goes around Hiiro. I guess like a cloak of some sort?

Hiiro rushes towards Parad as the cloak gets on him and Parad dodges, both of them moving back towards me. I move over to the side, dodging Parad's body. I don't want to get crushed at all by them!

"It is time for a short range fight!" Parad says, turning his gun back into a weapon for short range battling. He smacks Hiiro and Hiiro stumbles back away from him. "Are you alright, Kara? I didn't hurt you or anything, right?"

"I'm fine just make sure not to hit me with anything. I don't plan on dying yet!" I answer.

Parad smacks Hiiro again and Hiiro smacks him, not affecting him. Hiiro goes around a rock and Parad jumps over it, bringing his weapon down on Hiiro. Dang, this is one fast fight!

Parad presses a button on his weapon about seven times and moves towards Hiiro, crashing his weapon into Hiiro's sword. Then he hits him on the shoulder, causing smoke to arise from the hits. Hiiro goes rolling away from Parad and Parad pulls out his Gashat.

"I can't have fun like this," he states. He waves his hand and picks a few times as he loads up his critical strike.

"Stop it..." Emu...

Hiiro pulls his lever, activating his finisher. They are going to get messed up! Parad is just way too strong for them and he is way too strong for me right now!

Hiiro slashes the air, making an X. It flies towards Parad but Parad slashes through it, moving really fast. He strikes Hiiro, sending Hiiro to the ground.


"Stop it!" Emu screams, pulling out his Gashat and getting off the ground. He shoves it into his driver and transforms.

Parad laughs as Emu loads up for his critical strike. Parad puts his Gashat back into his Driver and pulls the lever, activating his. This is going to be bad.

Emu holds out his leg, aiming for Parad. Parad jumps up, holding out his leg too. They connect and an explosion happens. I move forward, rushing over to where Parad just was.

"Parad!" I shout.

Emu comes flying down, hitting the ground. Ouch! That has got to hurt!

Parad lands next to me and ends his transformation. He turns his head to me and smiles warmly at me. Okay, so he wasn't hurt in that! That is a good thing.

Parad turns his attention back to Emu and moves forward. "Now we're on the same level, M. The one who will decide your fate is me."

"Just leave him!"

Hiiro and Taiga rush to Emu's side and help him up. Are they going to leave now? I hope they are able to make it out safely.

"M is mine," Parad states. He turns to me and winks. "So are you."

"Uh...thanks?" I am so lost right now.

His eyes turn red and he turns his attention back to Emu. He turns into his dust like form and goes into Emu's body. He has taken over again!

Hiiro and Taiga stop moving as Emu/Parad stops. He turns to Taiga and punches him hard and kicks Hiiro away. He smiles, looking crazy.

"Parad!" Nico shouts as Parad's face turns more serious. "I will beat you up!"

Emu/Parad laughs. "Sure, it has been six years. Let's play again some other time," he says, turning away and walking off. There goes my lover boy in some other boy's body!

How are we going to get Emu back?

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