Bad Boy Games

بواسطة MeMyselfAndI123

77.1K 2.3K 341

I gritted my teeth as his hands ran up the blonde bimbo's thighs and when he leaned forward to suck on her ne... المزيد

Bad Boy Games
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 40

1.1K 42 1
بواسطة MeMyselfAndI123




“Wow.” Winter breathed. Then her expression changed and she looked pissed. “Your dad is a fucking dick. But at least Jacob was there.” I pursed my lips and nodded.

We continued walking down the school hallway with our arms linked between us. Carter is at the hospital with Lizzy. She was feeling a little sick so he stayed home to bring her to the hospital.

I just finished telling Winter about the situation with my dad. I left out the part about Jacob admitting his feelings for me and I still haven’t told her about the kisses. Jacob and I agreed that we’re going to keep our relationship (if that’s what you’d call it) a secret until we know where it’s going to lead us.

I mean come on. He’s Jacob Daniels for Christ’s sake! If someone found out that he likes someone-especially someone like me- and is willing to actually be with them in a relationship kind of way… there would be a massive uproar. Everyone would be talking about it and watching us for weeks. We would almost never get any privacy. And I hate attention so that’s going to be torture if it ever does end up happening.

After Jacob helped me last night he stayed over for a little while and when Mom got home we explained to her what happened. She was freaking out of course and said that she would go to the police station today and ask them about getting a restraining order against my ‘dad’. I hope she gets it all sorted out soon because I don’t ever want to see that bastard again.

I glanced up at the clock and rolled my eyes, dropping my head back. We have to be in class in about six minutes. Winter looked up as well and then sighed, releasing my arm.

“I’ll see you at lunch,” she told me. I waved and sent her a small smile as we parted and went in opposite directions.

I haven’t seen Jacob yet this morning and I don’t know if I really want to. I mean we’re not going to tell anyone about us and we’re not even officially together. Is he going to be hitting on girls? What if he acts like I’m not there? I don’t know what to make of our situation yet but last night gave me a little hope.

I know that after seeing him with Britney and then him telling me that he didn’t care about me… well, I guess I’m trying to say that my heart is fragile. Any little thing could break me down again and I hope Jacob knows that because I’m not going to be able to take seeing him with another girl. There’s just no way.

When I got into the classroom I sighed when I saw some jock sitting in my chair flirting with the girl who sits beside me. He’s definitely not going to move if I ask him to. Shuffling to the back of the room, I found an empty seat and sat down. Resting an elbow on the desk, I plopped my chin into my palm and closed my eyes.

“Are you planning on going back to your desk any time soon Ms. Hanson?” My eyes snapped open and I almost fell out of my chair.

“W-what?” I looked around and then blushed when I realized that most of the class is staring at me. She sighed and I heard a few people snicker.

“Never mind. Just stay there so we can start the lesson.” I ducked my head and blushed even deeper as everyone turned back around to face the front. I heard a low chuckle to my right and looked over to see Jacob sitting there with his lips pressed tightly together, facing the front.

I scowled and then blushed again, dropping my head and glaring at the desk. I stared at the words ‘fuck you’ carved into the top right corner of the wood. Well that’s nice. I’m surprised Mrs. Welsh hasn’t seen it and gone off on everyone.

I can’t believe he’s laughing at me. Asshole. I see nothing funny about the situation.

I crossed my arms over my chest and glared more deeply at the words. Yeah fuck you Jacob. With a thirteen inch purple cactus. (AN: inside joke with some of my friends) Despite my sour mood a small giggle escaped my lips. Shit.

I snapped my head up and looked around briefly to make sure no one heard it. When I confirmed that no one is staring at me I lowered my gaze back to the desk and reached down, unzipped my bag, grabbed my folder and pencil, and started taking notes like the rest of the class.

I was only writing for about ten seconds when I felt a tap on my arm. I ignored it and kept writing. Glancing up at the board, I looked at the next few words and then bent my head over the paper as I wrote. I felt something touch my arm again and this time I glanced up, clenching my jaw.

Jacob sat in his seat smirking at me and I felt my heart stutter in my chest when our eyes met. It took a lot of effort on my part but I managed to glare at him. What is his problem?

‘What?’ I mouthed. His smirk remained in place as he lifted a finger and pointed at my paper. I scrunched my eyebrows, confused, until I looked back up and saw that his smirk had turned into a pout. He jutted out his bottom lip as his blue eyes stared at me sadly. My heart began crashing in my chest and it felt like all of the air was sucked out of my lungs as my eyes widened a little.

My eyes wandered down his face and then focused on those full lips with the black lip ring in the bottom one. I finally managed to stop drooling and looked away, yanking a piece of notebook paper out of my folder and thrusting it in his direction.

He took it and then smiled brightly. The teacher’s voice and all the other noises in the room faded into the background as I gawked at him. Then I felt my own lips curving up into a soft smile. When he looks at me like that there is no way in hell I can resist him. He could probably convince me to murder someone with that smile.

Well… not really. But you get my point of how strongly it affects me.

We continued with the notes for a little while and there were so many that I had to use the front and back of my first paper and then I needed another one. I figured that Jacob would be running out of room soon too so I grabbed him a piece as well to avoid another puppy dog face. I’ll probably pass out from lack of oxygen if he does that again.

Just as I was about to turn and hand him the paper I saw him open his folder and take out a fresh sheet. My jaw popped open as I turned my entire head to glare at him accusingly. He must have noticed me staring because he looked over and smirked when he saw my expression, shrugging his shoulders.

‘Must have forgot.’ He mouthed at me and then shrugged again.

Yeah. ‘Forgot.’

I clenched my jaw and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath before facing the board once again. He may have admitted his feelings for me- my stomach fluttered and my heart sped up just from the thought- but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t still annoy the crap out of me. And I know that no matter what happens with us he has always and will always find it amusing to push my buttons and piss me off.

That’s just the way Jacob is and- no matter how much he makes me want to pull out my own hair- I know that I wouldn’t change a thing about him.

When the last bell rang I slung my bag over my shoulder and left the locker room. I was looking down and reading the paper for a stupid project that my English teacher gave us. She said that we can be partners with anyone in our grade so I already know that I’m going to be working alone on it. Winter  offered to be my partner even though she and Carter know that I prefer to be by myself on projects like this.

There’s really not a reason for it. That’s just always how I’ve been.

Speaking of Winter, she said that her mom was going to pick her up today since she had a day off of work.

The hall slowly emptied and got quieter as I neared my locker. Suddenly the paper was yanked out of my hand and my head shot up only to see a mess of silky black hair, a black leather jacket, ripped grey skinny jeans with a black belt, and combat boots.


My mouth started to water a little as I stared at him. A low chuckle brought me out of my trance and I blushed bright red when I realized that he saw me staring.

“I wasn’t checking you out! Why would you say that?” I laughed nervously and kept my eyes on my locker as I moved forward to get one of my books out of it. I avoided eye contact and when I heard him laugh again I scowled into my locker as I basically hid in it.

I really wish a black hole would open up in the floor right now and swallow me.

“I didn’t say that sweetheart. Even though it’s obvious that you were.” I tensed when I felt him come up behind me. I watched as his hand appeared, stretching over my right shoulder and closing the locker. He left it there and shortly after he placed his other hand on the lockers as well.

I whirled around and gasped, pressing myself back against the cool metal when I saw how close he is. His blue eyes twinkled with amusement at my reaction to him. Jerk.

Great. So now I’m trapped against my locker with a bad boy in front of me and smirking like he just won the lottery. His right hand came over and he began twirling a lock of my hair around his long, slender fingers. I stayed locked in his gaze and he moved a little closer.

I remembered our agreement to keep our little ‘thing’ a secret and placed my hands on his chest to push him away.

“Jacob get off. Someone is going to see…” He shook his head and smirked even more.

“No one is here Lyla.” I glanced around and realized with a sigh of relief that he’s right. “Oh and by the way, don’t worry. I don’t blame you for checking me out. I mean I am incredibly sexy.” His words were like a cold bucket of water to the face. I shook my head a little but then stopped when I realized just how close he is.

“There’s the arrogant jerk I’m used to.” I rolled my eyes but then smiled a small smile, leaning forward and pecking his cheek. He raised an eyebrow and then shook his head.

“Nuh uh. If you’re gonna kiss me then I want the full deal.” I bit my lip and smirked a little bit, hooking my fingers through the loops on his jeans and pulling him closer so our chests are pressing together.

Then, keeping one hand where it was and reaching up to grip my fingers in his hair with the other, I crashed our lips together. We moved in perfect sync, bodies and lips molded together as we kissed. When we pulled back we were both breathing hard.

Jacob leaned forward and pressed our foreheads together as we stared into each other’s eyes.

His smirk turned seductive. “I like this side of you Lyla. You should be forward like this more often.” I felt a little blush creep onto my cheeks and dropped my gaze to the floor. My fingers slipped out of the loops on his jeans and my hands fell to my sides.

We stayed pressed together for a little while longer. Then Jacob stole yet another kiss before leaning back and taking his hands away. I stayed glued to the lockers as I waited for my heart to calm down. My stomach is fluttering and it feels like my heart is about to crash right out of my chest.

“Where’s my paper?” I asked when I noticed that it’s not in his hand anymore. He glanced up at me and smirked a bit, pulling the now-folded paper out of his back pocket and holding it out to me.

“You mean this?” I rolled my eyes a little and moved forward to take it.

“No. The other paper that you took from me. It must be up your ass.” I retorted sarcastically.

Before I could reach it though he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me flush against him. My hands moved to his chest and my knees buckled as a gasp escaped my lips. His face is less than an inch from me now, his eyes holding me prisoner. I felt my knees start to tremble.

“What was that? I think I detected a hint of sarcasm there Lyla.” He chuckled lowly and his breath blew into my face.

“C-can I… Can I have my paper back?” I swallowed nervously when I felt his nose run along the skin of my neck.

“What’s the magic word?” He sang. He placed a gentle kiss on the place where my shoulder and neck meet and I shivered. He smiled.

“It’s my paper. I don’t… have to say the damn magic word f-for you to give it back.” I managed to keep my voice from shaking too much. He laughed lightly.

“You’re so stubborn Lyla…” I was about to nod but then stopped when I heard what he said next. “It’s actually pretty cute.” My cheeks burned bright red. Jacob lifted his face from my neck and laughed again when he saw my cheeks. Then he reached up and pinched them gently. I swatted his hand away and he chuckled.

He finally handed me the paper and I tucked it into the pocket of my jeans. Then I turned away from him and opened my locker yet again since he closed it before I got my book. I grabbed it quickly and closed the locker, striding away from him before he messes with me even more.

He slung a heavy arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side. I inhaled the smell of his cologne and almost sighed. I really love that smell.

“So when are we gonna start on that project, partner?” I stopped walking and looked up at him with a confused look.

“What do you mean ‘partner’? I don’t recall ever agreeing to work with you of all people. You’d probably burn it just to amuse yourself and make us both fail. So no thanks.” I kept walking but of course he caught up with me and put his arm right back where it was before.

“Well too bad for you cause you don’t have a choice.” I rolled my eyes but otherwise ignored him. If I don’t say anything to him he usually stops talking after a while.

“Lyla.” I didn’t reply.

“Lyyyla.” I didn’t even glance his way.

“Lyla!” I was about to flip him off but ended up squeaking in shock when he grabbed me around the waist and slung me over his shoulder. I stared at the floor with my hands braced on his back for about three seconds before my mind processed the situation.

“Jacob put me down! Now!” I punched his back but it seemed to have no effect on him whatsoever. He chuckled to himself and just kept walking, keeping his hand firmly on my legs to keep me from falling on my face. At least he cares enough to make sure I don’t end up with a broken nose… Maybe. Or he’s just waiting till we get on the steps so I’ll break some other bones too.

Jacob wouldn’t be that mean would he?

“Are you done ignoring me then?” I ground my teeth together and scowled at the tiled floor below us as he walked. I was silent for a little while and then eventually huffed out an answer.

“Whatever.” I grumbled. “Now put me down before you drop me.” Suddenly everything around me became a blur and then I found myself staring up at Jacob’s smirking face as he kept walking- now holding me bridal style.

“What the hell?!” I screamed at him. “You asshole! What if you dropped me? You could have killed me and then what? You’d be in jail all because you thought it would be funny to fling me around like a giant rag doll!” I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest, glaring up at the ceiling and refusing to look at him.

“Are you finished?” I didn’t answer him and I saw him smile in amusement. “I wouldn’t drop you Lyla. And you’re not giant- you’re tiny.” I scoffed and kept staring at the ceiling. If he’s going to throw me around and then expect me to just forgive him then he’s got another thing coming.

Call me immature all you want but he’s not going to get away with cornering me, basically forcing me to be his partner on a project, throwing me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, and then tossing me around like that.

“The silent treatment? Really? How old are you again?” I raised my chin defiantly but still didn’t look at him. He shook his head and laughed quietly. He was silent for the rest of the time as he carried me outside into the light drizzle which is slowly getting heavier and louder. As soon as my feet touched the wet pavement I was walking in the opposite direction.

Giving him the silent treatment also means that I’m not going to ride on his motorcycle with him. Plus I’m going to lock my window so he can’t come into my room once I get home. I heard the loud roar of the bike and he drove up beside me.

I heard him calling my name over the noise and telling me to get on but I dug around in my bag for my iPod and then played the music on full blast. The rain pelted down on me but I pulled the hood over my hair and face, keeping my head down. God dammit. Now I’m going to get a cold.

I didn’t look back even once but I know that he was following me the whole time I walked. In all honesty it made my stomach flutter because it shows that he cares. Or maybe he’s just doing it to annoy me more. I’m still not going to talk to him yet. Maybe tomorrow if he doesn’t keep up his crap.

When I finally got to my house I jogged up to the porch and unlocked the door, stepping inside and locking it again. Then I took off my shoes and went upstairs to my room. I went straight over to my window and locked it, closing the curtains as well. Yes I’m being childish but whatever.

I took a quick shower and then changed into a pair of sweats and a black tank top, going back downstairs to start on dinner.

I bent down to put the lasagna in the oven and then went over to clean up the mess I made on the counter. Stacking the bowls and putting them into the sink, I ran some warm water and then put dish soup into it as well.

I heard the front door open and close and glanced at the clock. Huh. Mom is a little early today. I shrugged it off and started humming to myself. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist and I jumped nearly a foot in the air, a soapy hand coming out of the water to cover my chest where my heart almost jumped out of it.

Whirling around, I came face-to-face with…


:o  Dun dun duuuuuuuuuun!!!

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