Someone's Forever

By NeelamMenghani

594K 27.9K 6.3K

*Long Listed for Wattys 2018* E-Awards 2017 Winner *Best Hooked Story * *COMPLETED* Life, love, hate and b... More

Someone's Forever
1. Goodbye Normal, Hello Miracle
2. Let The Mystery Begins
3. Past, Present and Future
4. A Vow to Protect
5. Questions, Confusions and Amusements
6. Test of Patience
7. Deal that sealed Our Destiny
8. Consequences of Negligence
9. A Night of Dilemma
10. Faith and Myth
11. Enlightening Darkness
12. Breeze of Change
13. His Pain, His Relief
14. Old Pain, New Wounds
15. Shock One After the Other
16. Morning Mayhem
17. Stepping in the Arena
18. Calling out the Soul
19. Chaotic Afternoon
20. Just a Glimpse
21. An Evening Maze
22. A Little Further
23. A Spark in the Dark
24. And He Found Her
25. Conflicting Deception
26. Do Not Speak
27. Ancient Legends
28. Arrival of the Grey Sky
29. Closer to Appraisal
30. Meeting Mr. Mycroft
31. To Save the King
32. Check'Mate'
33. Defiance in Acceptance
34. Losing Her Chance
35. A Call from 'Treasure of Heart'
36. A Walk Unexpected
37. A Meet to Remember
38. Curve of Guidance
39. Conceptual Claws
40. Instinctive Step
41. Healing Wound
42. Webbing Deep
43. Reiterating History
44. Turned Table
45. Expectations Unexpected
46. You are Not Alone
47. Assurance from Guardian
48. Reaching the Surface
49. 'V' for A V
50. Lost and Found
51. 'Queen of Hearts'
52. Marvelous Majestic Meet
53. Old Rust but Gold
55. Two Purposes, One Arrow
56. Apart from You
57. Mystery and Miracle
58. A Celebration so Special
59. Hide and Steal
60. You and Us
61. The Night Falls
62. Trust is Essential
63. Tussle to Throne
64. A Word with Divergent
The Slave
65. Your Answer awaits You
66. Privilege of Acceptance
67. Two Names in One Breath
68. Fire: A Lethal Game
69. Peace and Storm
70. Sweat in Smirk
71. The Mate Bond
72. Shield Defends, Sword Attacks
73. Heard Unsaid
74. Rational Rage
75. BitterSweet Sky
76. Defeated Victory
77. Knows More than Told
78. Desperate Diversion
79. Fragile Trust
80. Gust of Rush
81. Howling Heart, Quiet Eyes
82. Damsel in Despair
83.1 Dark of Light: Alicia
83.2 The Rising Dawn: Alicia
83.3 Balance of Nature: Alicia
84.1 The Preface of Pain
84.2 This Finally Concludes
85.1 Sparks & Pains
85.2 Is Pain an end?
86.1 Always Behind of You
86.2 Behind the Maze
87.1 Sealed Secret
87.2 A Fate Sealed
88. The Rise of New Dawn
89. Closer and Far Away
Whispers of Forever
Someone's Forever
Sacrifices of Sapphire

54. The Will of Time

5.8K 256 141
By NeelamMenghani


Deepawali ki hardik shubhkamnayeen!

Aapke upar Maa ki krpa sadeev bani rahe!

May every aspect of your life become
as luminous and exciting as
the lights flickering
on the lamps in the festival of lights.

Wishing you all a very happy and prosperous Diwali.

Stay safe, healthy happy and Blessed!

Happy Special Diwali Forever Saturday!

Happy Festive Weekend Guys!


PrinceMenghani on this Bhai Dooj, I wish you all the love and success in Life. Love you bro.

Jerry_Deshmukh Welcome to the Mysterious Journey of Someone's Forever Jerry. I hope you enjoy this ride. God bless you Bhai! My wishes and love for your success!


"The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes."

— Arthur Conan Doyle, The Hound of the Baskervilles


In the last chapter of Someone's Forever

[Old Rust but Gold]

Niera's POV

"Quantity time, what's that?" I whispered to Jerry who was staring at his reflection in his black shining shoes in resignation.

"Quality time." He whispered back; not averting his gaze from his reflection.


Quality not quantity!

English could be confusing sometimes!

"No quantity, dear Cleopatra. I believe in Quantity and quality both when it comes to my work. You see I'm the finance head, my job requires the foolproof strategy and dedication toward work and everyone here knows that's only me who can handle that crucial task." He explained raising the collar of his shirt.

"I have a lot of work burden to handle; the whole responsibility of this empire is on my young shoulders. Quite a heavy work load you know. But you see someone has to work to keep the business and kingdom at place. Otherwise Majesty would sentence subjects for every silly mistake he would see and know.

"But no, I keep that from happening and save the employees. I can be strict at times but you don't worry, I would always keep you on my eyelashes. My beauty queen Cleopatra. My mate." He spoke driving different expression and thought his speech but only one caught my attention and that was pure pain in head.

My auditory nerves were screaming in pain murmuring some dialogues of old movie to shut him up but much to their dismay, he kept going.

"That—tha—t's really wonderful! You're a gem for A V Inc." I praised halting his incessant babble before my nerves could explode.

"How do you know?" Mr. Banerjee exclaimed in sheer joy.

Apparently, happy receiving the compliment from me.

"Anyone could guess." I murmured as my eyes lowered to hide the truth brimming in my eyes.

"That's true. My legendary features and the shrewd aura can capture anyone's heart and mind but my heart and this whole me belongs to my mate. My Cleopatra." He gushed and my eyes widened.

My heart dropped in the pit of my kidneys, my lungs shrunk in terror and my eyes were jumping out in mayhem.

What?! Who?! Me?!


"Aww! Don't blush baby, it has time, don't be so impulsive we'll take our time in the progress of our relationship." He stated blushing in his shade of crimson while I went red in embarrassment and in the absence of an activity called breathing.

"Excuse me?!" I somehow screeched in utter shock.

Did he just forget the fact that he is of my father's age or probably five ten years older than him?!

"Never mind we'll discuss this later in privacy." He giggled before throwing a glare at Jerry's direction.

I followed his gaze only to find Jerry's pale face, his mouth was disgusted into a scowl, like he had tasted something bad and his broad figure told me he is ready to faint in any moment.

"Now come on let's have Tea, you can also have biscuits, I'll get you sugar free ones. Come." He advanced forward only pushing me to take a step back.

Think duffer think!

"I have work and Mr. Majesty wants me to finish it as soon as possible. So I really can't. I don't want him to punish me you know." I made the preposterous reason which could put stupid to shame but somehow it worked which I gauged as the change in his facial expression.

"Oh! You're right. He is a strict cold man." He shook his head, or should I say bobbled.

I disagree! But I won't voice it out hearing so much from you.

"Forget it, let's go. I might help you with your work."

Dear lord!

"No!" Jerry and I squealed simultaneously.

The sheet of paper in my hand fell from my hand but I was too shocked to pay a bending effort to retrieve the sailing paper in the air.

"Um! Actually—I—I was in a mid of some discussion. I apologize may be next time." I provided as Mr. Banerjee bend to get it for me, perhaps.

"What discussing Baby, I might help you, come into my cabin."

NO Way!

"Ah! Cake! I love cake, you like cake Darling?" Mr. Banerjee threw another bomb reading the content of that paper.

Face palms! It's Tiger's birthday's preparation list. I'm so dead.


"Oh! Okay." He drifted reading the further content; I steal a glance at Jerry only to witness him holding his face in his hand, his knuckles pressing his eye lids inside their sockets.

What is he doing?

Putting eyes back in their sockets, moron, keep some sanity awake!

"Is your birthday coming, Cleopatra? You are celebrating?" Mr. Banerjee's squeal of joy jolted me to reality.

I blinked before shaking my head negative earnestly.

"No. Not mine."


I was unsure whether to spill or not so I kept my mouth shut, letting Jerry to decide.

"No, Tiara's. Niera is helping me in preparations." Jerry provided.

"Niera? Who is Niera?" he asked flabbergasted.

I mentally face palmed myself and so did Jerry.

"Niera!" Jerry gestured toward me, indicating that I'm the one which brought a look of realization to him.

"Oh! So your name is Niera not Cleopatra."

I never said my name is Cleopatra?

Who is spreading such rumors?

"Never was my name Cleopatra Mr. Banerjee." I announced scowling deepest.

"No baby you're my Cleopatra. Now I know why people never knew about you. I was asking with the name I call you, they used to give me weird responses, how cute is that? Isn't it?" he corrected me with his incorrect information while grinning deeper that the depth of Indian Ocean.

Cute or stupid? You need to brain storm.

I flashed my teeth at his statement.

"But you don't worry, I'll spread the message. Now they'll call you the Cleopatra of Banerjee."

Absolute horror gripped me hearing his statement; it snatched the floor beneath me leaving my hang upon the thread of perturbation. I stumbled upon my own feet ready to collapse on the chair beside me.



"I said no! My name is Niera and I like it that way. Please I like to be called that way." I rushed before this man could throw me to another level of heart disease.

Why he can't just vanish in thin air and leave me alone?

Because he is a man not some fireball! My stupid retorting senses retorted in utter annoyance.

"You are hurting your mate, Baby, but anything for you, you want to keep it secret then secret it is. We'll make an announcement when you're ready. After all you don't want to get jealous glares from the co-workers winning the 'Hunk of the Inc.'" he smirked; rubbing his collar in pure admiration.

I shot him a look in complete disbelief.

Hunk of the Inc.



I ran my gaze to his figure before setting my eyes back on his grinning smirking face.


They'll laugh!

On me. I provided to my conscious self.

"Anyways, you're helping him for his n—"

"Daughter's Birthday." Jerry offered in hast.

"Yes! How beautiful, Baby. I'll help you. I don't want you to get tired with all the planning. Shall I massage your head? You must be stressed. Come-on let me."

Is he a human version of fevicol adhesive?

Why can't he just leave me alone?

Now, I accept the company of Mr. McCoy was better.

"No—No! I have to work and I'll be fine."

"Okay if you insist but don't be shy. Just call me whenever you need me." He smiled winking while I gulp in fear.

"Number?" he asked sailing his hands through his coat fabric.

"I'll call you." I croaked accepting his visiting card.

Dear earth, please swallow me; I don't want to survive on earth.

"Revin," he stated looking at Jerry with a plain expression and spoke.

"My Baby will come along with me. Make sure, you get the best. You need anything to shop for, Baby?" he asked fluttering his eye lashes.

Yes, freedom from your presence.

"Nah!" I squeal very un-lady like.

"Do call me okay. I'll be waiting."

He made an attempt to turn while we attempted to release our stuck breath but the attempt failed.

He turned to break his face in his humorous delighted smile.

This man would rule the world if try his hand in comedy.

The world agrees with you Baby!

"Do call, okay?"

I nodded my head in random directions as normal nodding he seem unable to understand.

He waved before finally heading out of my cabin.

Complete quietness and stillness ruled the atmosphere for the next seven minutes before finally Jerry broke into fits of laughter and I followed in desperation.

We rolled on our feet before sprawling over the couch. Our head falling on the head board as the impression of comedy was fogging our senses.

"Man, this man—"

"I know. I'm sorry about that."

"Why you are sorry," I straightened asking.

"I should be who must apologize. You got two guests from what I perceive for Tiger's party. I still wonder how authoritatively he invited himself along with me." My chuckle escaped at the reminisce.

"Well that's the power of authority and his title. But no worries, we can handle him. Besides, only one guest increased with him."


"You're not a guest." He said with sheer seriousness and my smile flattened.

"You're family now." He broke smiling sincerely.

I sat perplexed shaking my head.

"Thank you, dear friend." Accepting the honor, I grinned.

The knock on the door interrupted.

Our amusement ride ended as I straightened and allowed the person on the door to enter.

The door opened holding another dreadful shock of the day. The same man from the morning appeared from the other side of the door.

The intimating personality could be taken as he is a part of security team.

Jerry shot from his seat to greet the guest while I followed.

"Sir Gerard wishes to meet Miss. William." The man in suit growled, a hard expression marring his facial features.

I frowned before noticing Jerry's soft nod.

Both the man looked into each other's eyes like communicating through their orbs leaving me utterly baffled.

Of course! The skills of A V Inc.

"Niera you go, I'll finish my pending work." Jerry announced not breaking the impassive face stare from the Man in Suit.

"This way, Miss." The bulky Man in suit took a step back announcing the growl not letting me to accept the offer.

Do you have a choice?

I guess no.

Then Go!

Jerry provided me an assuring nod while I saw and accepted before falling in step with the growling messenger.

The heels made sound but my mind was blank, only one question ruling the conscience,

What it could be?



How surprising a day could be?

Morning coffee was served with the emotional ride of my new found closed ones. The ride to the destination was accompanied with a charming Doctor who was discussing about his life with me, leaving me all amazed with the depth of love he hold for his life and one unexpected was meeting the man of puzzle and mystery himself which wasn't just that but another surprise was having a breakfast treat in his intense company.

Not to forget the wound you receive in return as the reward of your clumsiness. My not so invited yet persistent to speak conscience stated spoiling my thoughtful mood.

Throwing a deadpan look over the mood, I kept a calm demeanor keeping the pace of my strides confident.

"This way, Ma'am." The deep voice almost growl from my side which caused me squeal almost.

I turned to find the same giant man from morning was staring at me with his crimson shot dark circled eyes. I gulped before nodding shakily.

Dark skin, sophisticated-ly dressed in formals but carrying a terrifying aura around him which could make anyone palpitate and drench in sweat, with his presence.

Today is marked to be the day of my encounter to him; in morning, my heart drained in the depth of stomach when he stopped me to reach Mr. Valentine like I was a potential Kidnapper who would have kidnapped their precious Majesty for ransom.

I heaved a sigh when Mr. Majesty intervene allowing me in but my day was just started and the surprises too.

So here I'm in the company of the man who is sautéing me from his heated hard eyes.

One must be asking how?

Then it's quite simple, he barged into my cabin opening the door in such a manner which rattles the frames on wall, also loosen the sockets of my chrome glass door.

I was feeling pity for the poor door before he somewhat ordered me to follow him; the reason he provided was being summoned by the 'Authority'. I gulped losing the capabilities to use my vocal cords under his flint gaze.

When asked, he told me or should I phrase it as almost 'growled' at me stating he is the security head for Sir Gerard and Mr. Valentine in the building.

Please pay attention to the 'In this building'.

I scowled at his choice of words before my expressions were ironed under his sautéing gaze.

"You'll meet the Authority there." He continued; breaking my past trance reminding me the direction and point of my gaze.

I blinked before staring at him in utter petrifaction.

Sweet cheeks, I guess what he meant by his words was you should get in and leave him alone in peace. My mind whispered suggestively.

I guess it was right.

"Thank you Mr.—"

"Darien Tungsten." He provided to my tied tongue.

I pushed my lips to stretch in a smile before they fell flat witnessing his "Wolfram"*1 stance.

"Thank you Mr. Tungsten." I thank him only to receive his flat curt nod before he advanced a step further and knocked on the giant door closed in front of us.

We heard a faint 'Come in' in response.

"Please Precede, Ma'am." He said again and turned to leave, I stood rooted to witness his Military strides falling over an invisible line on the floor.

Now, I'm sure he is an Army man.

His facial features are proclaiming the same.

I doubt it is Mr. Valentine clan effect. My stupid sense that always wonders about Mr. Valentine added.

I closed my eyes in exasperation before turning to glare at the new door in front of me.

Damn how many conference rooms are there in this precise building? Every day they push me in new gargantuan room and I have to familiarize with new route back to my cabin.

Well it isn't their fault that you are suffering from a disorder called Route Forgetfulness which is quite uncommon in common people of your age. My subconscious had to insult me at this moment.

God what have I done to get such highly uncommon subconscious!

I took long breaths before pushing the door open.

The door opened with my firm push revealing the enthralling view of another sophisticated office.

I stood mesmerized with the calm aura the space emitted even before I entered.

That's eccentric!

"Niera, come in Child!" Sir Gerard's familiar voice reached my ears gaining my attention toward the direction of a crowd consists of two men. I entered training my gaze on them gauging their expressions.

They were the smiling in invitation Sir Gerard and stone-ic Mr. Theodore who seemed unfazed by my presence.

"Morning Sir Gerard." I greeted him who returned the greeting with his mature genuine smile before my eyes drifted to the third head of the furnished cabin, "Mr. Theodore, Morning." I tried my level best to keep my polished smile on face but the efforts went in vain as the faint argument reminisce crossed the pool of mind.

It seems like he too remember as he honored me with a curt nod which I almost missed in eye blinking process.

"How are you dear?" I returned my attention back to the old man who was now making his way toward the setting arrangement; the plush sofa setting with the glass table in middle holding the ancient sculpted vase of metal.

"I'm fine Sir, how are you?" I asked flashing my curved lips to him.

"Good getting old." He answered taking his seat and gesturing me to take one as Mr. Theodore followed his trail.

No, you look great as new.

"Shall we start the discussion?" Mr. Theodore leaped blocking our further pleasantries.

I pursed my lips in a thin line before straightening myself to brace his professional stone phase.

"Yes Theodore." Sir Gerard permitted.

Now what is left to discuss? I mused while striding further toward the sitting arrangement.

"But—" my steps faltered hearing the word coming out from Sir Gerard.

"I'll talk to her." he completed the statement after waiting approximately for eight seconds.

The mist of confusion crawled through my mind while my eyes noticed a look of disappoint flashed upon Mr. Theodore.

They both stared at each other the following moment; the non verbal conversation lasted for a complete minute before Mr. Theodore's eyes hardened and he threw a glance at me before storming out of the cabin.

I stood rooted utterly astound at the event took place in front of my eyes.

The cabin door closed with a shut; rattling the frame with the impact his departure created.

"Have a seat Niera." Sir Gerard spoke breaking the trance of my bewildered state.

I blinked before turning to face him with confusion written all over my face.

When no answer met me in his face, I nodded softly before complying.

Complete silence ruled around with me sweating with anticipation and Sir Gerard monitoring my demeanor in complete calmness.


"McCoy told me he saw you in the restricted area of the Archives, is that true?" he spoke cutting my initiating speech.

The words processed, my mind went blank in quietness.

Well not exactly in the restricted area, I was on the last stair when he arrived. I reasoned in mind but sanity threw the kerosene of glare at my reasoning burning it with the blazing fire of anger, shutting me up completely.

Oh dear, he actually complained against me? This man! My mind growled in pure annoyance and vexation dripping in my tone.

I lowered my head; unknown what to say.

"May I ask why? If you're about to say that you had this doubt that you can find a clue there then think again child because." He leaned forward a little before continuing,

"By one look we can say, it's not a place where you tab the present." He stated in a different intense tone.

"It was something holding the threads of past." I whispered; the blissful sight of the heaven was enthralling to reminisce in the corner of my mind.

"Yes!" he agreed instinctively.

I raised my head to look into his mature wisdom gleaming eyes only to witness a wave of memories drifting him away from reality to a trance of reminisce.

"A corner of History; precious in every term, that's why restrictions are enforced; now you tell me what enticed you to reach there." He murmured softly his voice enquiring as his fingers intertwined placed over his knees; his tone intense and deep.

I sighed leaning at the back rest as a sudden wave of exhaustion washed over me.

"Would you believe if I speak my mind?" I asked with hopeful skeptical eyes.

My eyes met his skeptical analyzing ones.

The shrewd orbs were investigating the hints of truth in my eyes.

"I would believe whatever you say child. But you would speak the truth and nothing else." He sighed like resigned with the layers of mystery he is holding inside him.


"The truth of your perspective; not the reflection of your thoughts." He explained looking straight into my eyes.

His eyes told me that he wants to know the genuine truth behind my step.

I held my breath before releasing it in a rush.

I was in dilemma what and where it would take me; whether I will be accepted with my perception or I'll become a face of humor.

This emotion called fear was overpowering me but the fire and thirst to know the answer was dominating me to such an extent that I lost the grip of the claw of fear.

I braced myself; sparing a glance at the Man of Wisdom and Time in front of me.

I stood up; taking a turn toward the elegant brown wooden table on a corner; another beautiful Vase of ancient sculpture was adorning on the top.

Exhaling I spoke; revealing my reason.

The truth, to be precise!

"I wanted to know something. Something which I—" I tried to explain but words seems like not coming in a sensible manner.

Niera calm down!

Just breathe! My mind advised as sweat of distress spread over my forehead like a thin blanket.

"Someone said to me to believe what I want to believe and I wanted to believe his words. That's why." I stated; turning to face him again.

When I tried to gauge the response behind his impassive mask; all I found was wonder hinting through his eyes yet unsatisfied and this curiosity to know further in detail.

"Interesting, and who gave you this piece of advice, if I may ask?" he asked and from the look in his face; I knew this Curiosity was ruling his features.

Anyone would be!

How you are following something wrapped in the fiction of logics? Anyone would question.

"Mr. Valentine." I revealed; whispering his name.

The next moment came with the breeze of silence; not smooth and calm but anticipating.

I stood waiting while Sir Gerard honored me with his quietness.

"Majesty?!" Sir Gerard broke the silence through his loud quizzical announcement. His face displayed the colors of wonder and surprise.

However, his response wasn't a shock as I was anticipating something similar.

"Yes." I nodded biting my lips.

The design of the carpet beneath me seemed to become the interesting sight to watch right now.

Silence ruled before I chose to raise my head.

My face crumbled into confusion when there was a mixed emotion on Sir Gerard's face.

Amazement, perplexities and a faint smile.

"What could make you contradict the faith and believe of your mind and the in-acceptance of reality?" he asked coming out of his trance of surprise.

I sighed squinting my eyes at his choice of words before glancing at the bandage wrapped on my finger.

I raked my thumb over the bandage material before meeting his eyes.

"Everything." I answered keeping my honestly.

My eyes felt him changing his demeanor before he chose to honor me with a soft smile; a smile dripping in the syrup of mystery and answers I craved to find.

That all knowing smile!

He however concealed his smile before his brows rose. I took it as he wanted me to speak the reason and explain the meaning of my words.

Turning toward the Vase with great interest, I initiated.

"Everything around me is different. I find it difficult to see and find reason for every event happening around me. From the first day, the things aren't normal here. I can feel it; perhaps I don't have a solid reason to justify my perspective but then I can't even deny it."

"I am afraid to lose myself in this and that's why I wanted to know and find answers; not from the saccharin coated false talk of nothingness but the truth displayed in front of my eye."

I turned feeling a sense of lightness washed over me as the weight of my confusing mystery was now opening up.

The look Sir Gerard honored me with was something one took as astonished.

Something I expected was pure preposterous. But here he has this look which resembled nothing but astound.

He is amazed to hear me not laughing at my silly face and speech?

Why would it be? My mind asked as I tilted my face to gauge his eyes but found only mirth dangling in them.

However, he didn't left me wondering over the imaginative hills to search answers but he rose from his respective seat before tucking his right palm inside the pocket of his trouser.

His old mature frame was commanding through the wind of aura; defeating the rule of stillness through his mere presence.

Flashing his famous smile, he spoke. A mist of mystery was awaiting there for me to wonder and get lost.

"Things and events happen on their accord, Child. We perceive them as unusual but it's the defect of our mindset that is narrow to hold the broader and lucid view of events. We think they are not possible or unnatural to fact but in reality, they happen through nature's demand."

 He stated cradling the depth of oceans in his words which were drowning me to the bottom of bafflement.

I stood processing his philosophic intellect scratching out the blood from my scalp.

See, now that's exactly is the reason why my curiosity has to perform the unintentional adventures of Mowgli in the coat of Sherlock Holmes and break the bones of rules because whenever I tried to ask politely directly, all I received were mystified webs of answers or tied sealed tongues locked in the basements of throat.

What a poor curious annoyed and confused soul will do in such circumstances? My rational tissues asked in utter vexation.

I kept asking the same in mind but words seems to quit after his puzzling statement.

"I don't understand." I sighed revealing.

My mind was frustrated to the core not getting the answer and this risk I took revealing the shadow of my worry was taking my worry to another level.

"I understand." He stated in understanding which was above my level of understanding.

"So, you found your answers there?" he threw another question not answering or explaining his previous ones.

Well I wanted to but that place took away my concentration leaving me in a new world of bliss, I could always imagine.

"The floor indeed is bliss in every sense possible. One could meet Past in the arms of Present stealing glimpse of Future." He agreed; his words poetic wrapped into another intellectual philosophy.

The hair of my nape rose in attention; a new wave of adrenaline was rushing through me on the wheels of excitement learning something new as I turned completely toward his direction; surrendering my complete attention.

"Honor of Aeon.*2" He whispered looking lost in a trance.

Honor of Aeon?


"Honor of Era?" I whispered a loud; bewilderment brimming in my tone.

My words seem to drag him out of his reverie as he merely nodded his head not uttering a syllable.

"Yes, that's what it is pronounced." He stated looking at the space.

"And now you know why the restrictions are bound to reach there." He said tilting his head toward my direction.

I nodded lowering my guilty gaze.

Indeed, the floor has the treasure of literature of history.

A treasure of era and I agree why they don't what people to gain interest in the shreds of precious past.

"So you still are empty hand." He stated breaking my connection from the place. I snapped my gaze at him; furrowing my brows.

Sanity was quick at realization as his statement made sense in the next three seconds.

I nodded again, unknown how to phrase it.

"Perhaps I could help." He said revealing his wisdom brimming eyes holding a certain amount of mirth and amusement in them. His lips tucked upward genuinely while my mind fused at the statement.

He'll answer me?

But how am I going to dig out the meaning behind his mysterious riddling revelations? My mind shrieked in horror.

My shrieking conscience was distracted when I heard chuckling.

I turned to find the source and found Sir Gerard was enjoying his chuckle while I furrowed my forehead.

"My apologies Dear, if I take my words too far from the world of understanding. Before you, no one ever tried to put this in my knowledge." He stated through his chuckle while I mentally face palmed myself.

I said that loud!

I love this phrase. I missed it so much! My subconscious mumbled earning a kick from sanity.

My bit my lip embarrassed while he took his luxurious time to enjoy the humor present in atmosphere which I by default felt absent.

Why would they? They respect you and the title or perhaps fear this title.

"And you don't?" he asked raising his brow.

I frowned before shaking my head at dawned realization of my babbling mouth.

"Why should I Sir? Neither I did something wrong nor I'm wrong and above that, I'm not a part of this Kingdom; neither bound to the traditions and rules implemented on people here. This natural submission and fear for the title, I don't feel it." I stated sincerely; speaking my heart but deep down I felt unease at declaration.

Come again! You haven't done anything wrong?

From top floor to the toe of foot, you're wrong; absolutely wrong.

The Notorious rule breaker William! My mind seethed shooting pillows of metal at my face.

His demeanor transformed from calm to stiff as he straightened to acuteness and spoke in a commanding tone.

"That's how I would define the narrowness of your perception child." He whispered in his dense commanding tone.

"Huh?" I blinked in confusion.

"I'm glad you aren't afraid of us. You shouldn't." he declared turning on his foot facing the door of in built balcony of his cabin that was open for us to take a view of nature through.

"Perhaps I could help you if you can share how and why you feel different here." He announced the next breath changing the flow of wind and conversation through his words.

I blinked and braced myself as I sailed to the depth of past surrounding through the mist of mystery.

Let's begin Niera! A voice came and I followed meekly unknown and unaware to consequences.

I glanced at the metal art piece adorned on the table beside me before taking a step ahead toward the center of the cabin hall.

The vast luxury of the room was eccentric yet the loneliness was far away from my shadows.

"Sir I remember what happened that night." I announced lowering my gaze; breaking the ice of suspense.

Suddenly the wind of anticipation turned into the thick mist of stillness.

I fought the urge to explain which night I was explaining about but then a part of my mind knew there wasn't any need for the intelligent smart mind and indeed that part was accurate when I received his response.

"Oh!" was his response.

But the changing color of his face reflected something completely opposite.

"If you won't mind dear, can you share what happened?" he sounds genuinely concerned as his face held the horizontal lines on his forehead as he turned tearing away his gaze from the ethereal beauty.

Shall I tell him?

Would it be right? I questioned to sanity.



Two contradict opinions rose in my mind left me in dilemma.

I looked at the concerned frowning face of Sir Gerard before following his gaze at the open beauty of the Woods honoring us with a breathtaking view.

I heaved a sigh before nodding my head, completely aware of the fact that he can read my expression and answer.

I crossed my arms over my chest before speaking.

"I remember what happened that night; almost everything." I spoke more to myself than to him.

"The vague visions that until now were unclear are now crystal clear to me." I enunciated further looking at him.

"Does it make any difference?" he asked twisting the arm of atmosphere to inquiring as I sensed his monitoring gaze transfixed upon me.

"However yes." I raised my gaze to meet his in sheer confidence gleaming in me.

"It creates difference to me. It brings the difference to my perception about—"

"About?" he asked when my tongue failed to speak out.



"About this place, to be precise." I answered releasing my breath.

He sighed in resignation but his eyes glowed in a different shade of life.

Not receiving any answer or comment over the topic; I chose to continue and received his nod affirmative.

"That day; it was so much. I was overwhelmed."

"Why you left the motel when we discreetly warned you?" he asked honoring me his increased degree of attention.

"I'm sorry Sir Gerard. But it was so much to take in; first the misplacement of those documents, then the deal and when I communicated Mr. Wilson, his disappointment in me. It was so much to cope with and I needed a breather." I explained with a frustrated breath.

"So I—I left, I wanted to take a walk to clear my mind." I averted my gaze toward the greenery of forest; the enthralling view enticed me to leap out and break the shackles of reality.

"I can understand child." He said diverting my concentration; he stood softly looking at me under his warm gaze.

"Mr. Albert tried to stop me with his reasoning." I stated holding his gaze of assurance.

"He did; he didn't allow me but then Mrs. Martha—" I halted reminiscing the shot of her misbehavior but today is not the right time to put this in front of stoplight but rather; it is the day to find some answers.

"Did she behave—" seems like Sir Gerard read me like an open book.

But before he could read further; I jumped to save the old care taker.

"No, she didn't." I shook my head for effect.

I remember everything but I can't let them come into this because of me.

"Child I want to know exactly what happened." Sir Gerard stated in his authoritative tone.

I raised my gaze to him; his eyes were soft but his face didn't waver from his strict demeanor.

"It's nothing much Sir. Mr. Albert tried to remind me the rules but then Mrs. Martha came and they initiated their Husband wife quarrel to be precise. So I left. I wanted sometime alone and the inviting night and twilight put force on the desire." I smoothed; stating the polished facts of the precise night.

And the facts of marital life. My subconscious commented from somewhere behind.

"So I left. Taking a walk on the road. Straight path to straight my mind and calm my panic. It was all going great and I chose to come back. But then suddenly, it was all started." I mumbled; my voice turning to mere whisper.

The flashes of that night crossed my mind; crystals of sweat coating my forehead as I fought out of that bile of anxiety rising in me remembering that night.

"Howls! The howls of wild wolves resonated in the quietness of night penetrating the serene peace of darkness. Petrifaction was all I felt as they became louder, coming closer to my way leading me to the opposite direction which was the prohibited Woods." I announced lowering my gaze with the burden of my actions that caused so much trouble to all.

To the majestic creature!

It was him who met and saved me!

"I guess I got what I deserved for disregarding the incessant warnings." I sighed taking a step toward the balcony door; desiring to take a broader view.

"I would call it, it was supposed to happen." He stated with depth in voice.

I turned to find him impassive; deep in thoughts yet active as air.

"Every step you take, it either takes you to your destiny or a step closer to it. Perhaps, it was supposed to happen." He enunciated further looking at me. The wisdom was sparkling on his mature face.

"I agree." I announced looking at wide breathtaking view of nature through the balcony beside us.

I turned looking toward the deep dense woods; a green curtain was shielding the earth reflecting the joy of life in its purest form.

"Perhaps, because I was suppose to experience the humanity of wilds." I whispered drinking the evergreen beauty.

The image of that wild creature who saved, entertained me crossed my mind spreading a smile on my lips.

I tilted my head restraining my lips to broaden further.

"This place is a mystery Sir. When I expected humanity from humans, I found they all are selfish." My eyes lowered in disappointment recalling the day when I felt alone and lonely in the crowd of humans I used to call my circle.

"But that night; I experienced; that the wild creatures whom we called ruthless, cold; they have more care and humanity in them." I concluded as I smiled wholeheartedly.

Sir Gerard allowed himself to look surprised at my statement.

Looking at me intently he honored me with his amused surprised stare.

"When I was detached and disheartened, I left to stay alone. I was walking over the road beside Woods clearing. When I decided to head back; I heard some howls. Scared, I started running to the opposite direction which was of woods." I repeated before raking my thumb of my bandage again.

"There I saw nothing just the ancient trees hiding me away from the twilight of the night. I was running in random directions unknown to reach where. All I wanted to hide away from the Howls that were much to my fear, getting closer with each petrified step I took." I sighed; a soft shudder escaped me as I recalled the distraught run inside the forest.

"There I saw something which I can never forget in my life. Something imprinted my memory in its presence." I crossed my arms again; regaining the fact of lifetime.

"Irony is; I however was unknown to that memory until last night." I smiled escaping the clutches of that vague glimpse.

"The brown Fireballs came to rescue a lost girl. Terrified, I lost hope and accepted the fact that the howling creatures are going to come and find me anytime. But I used to hear this from Mom, when hope loses, Miracle happens. That's exactly, I experienced. When I lose hope, my Miracle was coming to me. Saving me, entertaining me, returning me back to safe arms of hope." I mumbled staring at the old mature tree standing proud and honored in the middle; shielding others under its large branches.

Others are secured under it. It is saving them from threat under the old branches.

The changes in Sir Gerard were admissible. His brows which were until now shot up in query now they settled back before his eyes sparked into another layer of a known glimpse.

He took a deep breath as he nodded; his intelligent eyes holding so much in them.

It amazed me there was no huge outburst from him; he was calm serene and composed even listening to me like...

My jaws dropped on the floor as mind concocted the blunt assumption.

He is completely aware of what I met. What I experienced there in the woods.

The wave of awareness washed over; removing the traces of my puzzlement leaving just a fresh sense of realization.

He knows!

He is completely aware about the Majestic Creature!

He knew and that's why he wanted to know my experience.

Everyone was aware and that was the reason of their worry, they wanted to know how much I knew and how much was in my memory.

Things now make sense!

Dear Lord!

I lost the power to speak as weight of realization was overwhelming over my shoulders.

I stood openly gaping at his shrewd face; his intelligent eyes gleaming in knowledge.

Words weren't needed for him to know what was running in my mind and there this small nod from him sealed the fact.

"You knew about it. You all knew what happened to me that night and that creature that saved me?" I asked in a mere whisper unable to acquire the energy to speak out loudly.

In response to my anticipating awaiting eyes, Sir Gerard just nodded. Attesting my doubt with his response.

"Yes child we knew. The reason why you left was unknown to us but I had this suspicion which with your words confirmed." He stated; opening his mouth after a long period.

No, I—That we'll discuss later but why? My mind froze to comprehend a proper query to ask.

"Why we kept this from for this long?" he stated my query raising his old brow.

There was so much in them yet so much hidden. I stood awestruck at the experience these eyes embraced within them.

I merely nodded instinctively.

If they all knew why they kept me in darkness for all these days?

Why not revealing me the events of that night but let me wander in the scarps of memory? The questions and accusations were being raised, scratching the dust of nothingness.

"Child. Remember woods are called Wild for a reason." He initiated slowly.

"Hiding the truth from you was intentional but our intentions were harmless and pure. We wanted to protect you." He announced his intentions which for me were hollow.

"From what?" I asked in sheer bemusement.

Frown lines marred my forehead as I considered his words.

"That broader prospect of life which is now ruling your mind as a mystery." He answered again rolling the dice of his puzzles.

I sighed before 'Please state in my level of understanding' displayed in my quizzical face.

Sir Gerard heaved a breath before he advanced toward the balcony area keeping his gaze at the majestic view of nature. Until now we both were standing at the door now I was left behind.

The urge and curiosity beckoned me to follow the suit.

I followed the steps and chose to stand beside him.

The soft fragrant-ic breeze kissing my bare skin; allowing me to refreshing in the scent of enchantment yet my mind rolling on the ground of bafflement.

"Some secrets are best to keep hidden Niera. Hidden truth is sometimes a bliss rather than an open revelation which holds the power to ruin the present." He stated in his shrewd maze words.

All I could felt was crumbling of my facial muscles and soft wailing of my brain cells.

Why would a secret ruin any one's life?

About a wild creature?


"You wanted to keep me and people away from the woods because you didn't want people to know about the Majestic Creature?" I asked incredulously.

"Majestic Creature?" my words stuck in my mouth as Sir Gerard's quizzical query resonated in the quite serene moment.

I bit my lip looking at his curious amused gaze.

You and your smart mouth! My sanity seethed.

"Um!—" I felt at loss of words but the explanations had to be given.

"Yes! It was majestic in nature and royalty was brimming through its features. So, I named him Majestic Creature." I spoke flushed in embarrassment.

Sir Gerard allowed himself to chuckle before I flushed further, sinking in embarrassment.

Moron Niera!

"Indeed. A befitting title for a majestic royal." He announced in agreement.

I couldn't agree more.

The thick in tension wind now was replacing with lightness before Sir Gerard chose to penetrate it with his next set of words.

"Child!" he gained my attention.

I turned to gave him my undivided attention before he spoke to continue.

"Shall I ask; how you remembered the event?" his gaze was inquiring; flooding with the syrup of curiosity.

I wasn't perplexed by his query.

Smiling I voiced my answer, "Last night."

Though, my words send him to the streets of bemusement.

He seems perplexed by my revelation.

Who won't be when you'll talk in Pluto-nic language?

Before he could question, I leaped to my explanation.

The night was an amazing enthralling experience one could ever live in a life time.

I smiled allowing myself to drown in reminisce while my mouth was tasked to speaking in revelation.

"Last night; I again saw the Majestic Creature." I revealed; my words gained attention of my company to another level.

I felt the interest and curiosity was hiking in him which he was well trained to keep inside.

"Last night, I was with Tig—Tiara and Miss. Dovin. It was late, I was waiting for Jerry when in the darkness I felt some shuffling; when followed through the window, I saw the fireballs lightening the darkness.

"There when things got clearer, a lucid image of a beautiful creature honored me with its presence. Pure beauty in the wings of command, an aura of domination, demanding submission, creating a spell which force the beholder to leave the strings of reality and submit to its beautiful aura of supreme power."

"I stood mesmerized by the beauty and it too was enthralled to see me like it knew, it remembered me. We both knew each other, a connection I felt so did that creature." I shook my head at my own preposterous thoughts.

"I know I must be looking like an absurd—"

"I believe you Dear. The creature could never forget you. You have your face imprinted on his sou—eyes." He cut me off calmly.

My eyes shot up to steal a glance at his warm ones.

"Wolves have a brilliant memory trait. They could familiarize someone with their impeccable heightened senses. That's why the wolves that were following you were able to trace you that night."

"And they all left once the Majestic Creature growled." I whispered hearing his explanation.

"The pack submits to Alpha. In front of you was Alpha King, the one who was protecting you." He provided with a smile. His eyes gleaming in a genuine spark of proud.

Alpha King?

Yes, Alpha King!

"Alpha King? Mr. Majes—Valentine's title?" I asked again as words stared to pick up in my slow mind.

"Yes. Alpha King." He nodded affirmative.


"Remember what we discussed about the titles and history."

I nodded before speaking the core of that discussion.

"Honors and titles are earned through struggles and suffering; birth and blood contribute only names in history." I stated unsure whether I speak correct or not.

"The title which your Majestic Creature is honored with is being earned by him. He is the Alpha." He affirmative; bowing at the statement.

I gaped at his bow before my eyes squinted at his actions.

"Why did I bow when we bow at Majesty's mention?" He asked as a smile tugged on his lips.

And Princess A V's mention.

"You have researched about our Princess." He mentioned and my eyes widened.


"But found nothing."

"The title Alpha, you bow to the title and the royal blood." I stated in inquiry.

"Yes, but here my submission is to the person holding the title. The majestic creature of night, ruling the twilight." He muttered in explanation.

All could do was admire his shrewd poetic talent.


But why a human would submit to a wolf?

"You got the memory back last night after meeting Alpha." He rather stated; drawing back the neck of conversation back on track.

He never asked but his assumptions fall on accurate place.

I nodded repeating the word, Alpha in mind.


"Yes," I averted my gaze back at the natural green curtains in front of us. The refreshing wind causing them to dance in the rhythm of nature.

A sense of belonging again ruled my heart as I stood in the arms of nature.

"I saw something which reminded me something. It was something like a movie reeling. Nothing was clear, my mind split to hold reality in front of me and clutch the ground when sceneries were attacking me. One by one; frame by frame things and images got clearer. Vague broken images finally fell on place before my body went uncooperative and I fell in the valley of darkness." I sighed closing my eyes in exhaustion.


My eyes snapped open when the same husky deep voice made an appearance.

My heart leaped in an eccentric excitement which I seem quite familiar nowadays.

"Interesting." I heard Sir Gerard speaking which brought me back to present.


I gave him my best skeptical look as he continued to sailing in his own ocean of thoughts.

The cold air fall to another degree as I felt goose bumps rising on my skin; I rubbed my arms to provide some warmth but my stupid mind had to behave absurd as the warm embrace and feel from last crossed my conscience.

"I was unable to understand why you put restrictions to such enchanting place." I initiated looking at the golden glass railing on the balcony. My head lowered as I spoke not finding the strength to meet his eyes.

Also losing the desire to avert my mind from the incident of last night and precisely the other significant night.

"But now I know and understand everything you did and put has a reason. A reason which is completely genuine and justified in every aspect." I raised my gaze only to find him looking at me intently.

"Now I understand why, why you restricted the people." I spoke my heart and wit with utmost sincerity.

"Why child?" he prompted.

It was clear he wanted me to utter the reason which I held in my memory and the meet with the majestic wolf from last night.

Why would he?

Perhaps he wants to see the depth of understanding I hold for this matter.

I looked to another direction as the sparkling A V was smirking through the metal shine.

"You wanted to protect the creature. The creature of night; the mystery that should be left unknown to the world in order to keep it safe." I concluded holding wonder and amazement for the creature I met last night and that night and the smile which was the gift from that kind creature.

I turned to look at Sir Gerard only to find him smiling at me with his mirth brimming eyes.

His eyes were dancing in the spark of life as he was concealing his smile to grace his mature lips.

"What happened, Sir Gerard?" I asked assessing his face; trying to know the reason of his amusement when I expected him to be annoyed at the revelation of that majestic creature.

"How human can protect the nature when the nature itself is our nurturer? The one providing life and prosperity, holding us in the embrace of life, how can we protect it when it is our shield?" he stated smiling in his all knowing smile.

My confusion wrapped in bafflement increased tenfold hearing his philosophical puzzle.

Perhaps my expressions were displayed on my face as he took a step further toward me; allowing the smile to grace his lips.

"You said we wanted to save the creature. In reality, it's the creature that is protecting the woods and us." he stated snatching away the remaining calmness of peace in me.

Absolute stillness ruled my body as I processed his words.

"The Alpha is protecting..." I repeated his words in my voice still unwilling to process them.

Sir Gerard monitored my features as they sharpened with my whisper announcement.

"The King has his responsibility my child. To protect his Kingdom, he stands with." He enunciated with a sparkling gleam of pride in his eyes.

That's amazing!

That's overwhelming!

I agreed to both the compliments while my mind reeling in the reminisce of that creature; trying to web the links through information.

"This place is indeed is a mystery." I said mystified.

"One couldn't agree more." He responded; mirth and amusement were increasing the color of his mature face.

"What is this creature, the Alpha?" I asked frowning yet my heart leaped with curiosity attack.

"Why it is—how it is the protector of this place, the woods. And why it is so important and precious to you, this place?" I asked; phrasing my questions straight and direct in front of him.

Why you have the paintings in Archives of those wolves?

He sighed like exhausted all of a sudden.

At least consider the fact of his age!

And you already know the reason why asking again and again. My subconscious seethed but my sanity disagreed.

This is eccentric!

"The paintings in the Archives." He again stated not answering; the indication were clearing heading to a correct direction.

I met his gaze that wasn't quizzical but calm as the ocean in peace while mine sailing in a sea of thunder.

That's why I was afraid to ask answers from him.

One) I drew out blood from scalp digging out meanings.

Two) I am still confused.

Three) The explanations I received brought me to different set of curiosity.

I wish I could ask the Majestic Creature about his importance.

"So the painting in the Archives and the Majestic Creature—"

"—Are the same, the painting of the Alpha King." He smiled nodding.

That I surmised!

However, I found a different mirth dangling in his eyes as he spoke.

Why I have got this feeling that I am still not able to understanding and see the whole perspective?

Perhaps because you're over thinking!

Or because you really can't. There is something you need to understand in these linking facts. My sanity mused thoughtful.

Something is there in front of me yet Hidden.

I too followed bobbling my head softly at his disclosure.

"They are beautiful. The creator is really talented." I complimented; gauging his face for some changes and I catch them.

His face which until now was smiling lost some shades of color as it went vaguely impassive.

"Indeed she is." He spoke in such a deep intense tone; I lost the comprehension power at the severity.


"Too much knowledge at once. Sometimes, we must stop to perceive and satisfy in what we have received." He interrupted; the authority rolling off his features.

It was a clear indication to stop my interrogative argument.

My conscience concealed smile hearing his words.

I heaved a sigh of disappointment not satisfied.

"Sometimes later become never." I spoke looking down.

A lesson well learnt from past!

I felt Sir Gerard's assessing gaze digging holes in my head before I offered him a smile which for me was forced.

"Not here Niera, you'll get answers, we'll make sure of that. Every question of yours will receive answer. But—My dear with Time." He spoke holding genuine warmth in his dark mature eyes


"Sometimes you must leave the revelation to the will of Time." He announced with a severe intensity guarding his tone.

Answers will be served with Time!


October 21, 2017

*1 Wolf-ram – Tungsten or its ore, especially as a commercial commodity*

*2 Aeon - an indefinite and very long period of time. Used as 'Era' in the chapter.*

"Her Miracle, His Miracle."

Oh dear, it was one hell of a revelation sensational chapter. Diwali dhamaka is visible in this dhamekedaar Chapter.

I must say, my girl is Smart!

But Sir Gerard, Bow Downs to the 'Man of Wisdom Time and Honor'

She remember everything happened 'That Night', interesting, isn't it?

So, how do you like the definition of that Majestic creature, Sir Gerard provide to Niera's amazed mind.

Was it worth presentable for our Royal Wolf?

What do you think?

What about the explanations provided to her?

How Niera will take it?

Will she be satisfied or will her curious mind dig out more logics?

Leaving you to brainstorm; while I take some much needed rest.

Once again have a great Diwali. Stay safe, stay prosperous!

Hope you enjoyed the Chapter. Would love to hear from you.

Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share. It'll be highly appreciated.

Thank You,


"The Chapters onward are set PRIVATE."

Apologies for the inconvenience. If you're facing problem in reading them, please contact me.

Thank you.  

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